This is a SasSaku fanfiction enjoy!


Sakura tossed and turned throughout the night trying to find her way back to sleep. She finished her long and extremely difficult mission today, so the last thing she wanted was to be up all night. Between being at the hospital, being the Hokage's apprentice, which was just a fancy word for errand girl, and missions she didn't get very much time for herself. No screw herself! She just wanted time to sleep because the truth was she didn't care about anything while she was sleepless.

So why was Sakura up at 2 am if she was in need of an entire days' worth of rest? She could blame it on her body; the fact that she was always busy might affect her body when she finally decided to slow down. Or she could pin it on her staying up too late and sleeping in way too long during the day. She could even say she had no idea, but that would be a lie.

The reason she was awake was because of Uchiha, Sasuke. To be more accurate, she was awake because of the things said person was doing to a certain woman in the next room over. Sakura didn't know the girls name but why should she? After all she wouldn't be back ever again, like all the other women Sasuke had over, she was nothing more than a one night stand.


Sakura growled loudly who the hell cared if the woman was coming or not? Did Sakura state the fact that if said girl didn't stop screaming she would be coming over to punch her in the face? No of course not. Why? Because it was more entertaining to see the look people wore on their faces when they were in shock.


Sakura yelled out in frustration not that anyone in the house could hear her, "Please stop." She whined as if pleading with Sasuke. She picked up a pillow that laid beside her and smacked it over her face screaming into it and waiting for the moment when Sasuke would finish and she could finally go to sleep.


"He never stopped." A pale Sakura stated, there were big black rings underneath her eyes and her hair was obviously ran through with fingers instead of a brush.

"Poor thing." Tenten stated while pouting she could see how much Sakura was deprived of sleep.

Hinata's faced held concern as her eyebrows knitted in a frown, "Why don't you go to sleep now Sakura-chan?"

Sakura sighed, "I have rounds at the hospital that I can't ignore, but hopefully I can get some rest after my shift is done."

"So." An eager Ino said sliding closer to her bff and longtime rival, "Sasuke has that much stamina? That means the rumors must be true."

Everyone looked at Ino confused, "What rumors?" The eldest kunoichi present asked.

Ino smirk while flinging her hand casually, "That Sasuke is the ultimate lover, and he has a new partner every night that he hand picks out of everyone around him."

"Yea right more like the dumbest girl around him." Sakura said due to her crankiness.

Ino's eyes widen as she balled up her fist in excitement, "So It's true then, Sasuke takes on a new lover every night?"

"Huh?" Sakura wondered why the blonde was interested they both had long gotten over Sasuke since it was clear that he didn't want anything serious with a certain girl. The rumors were definitely true about Sasuke, Sakura had watched him bring home countless girls night after night each one different from the last. The pink haired girl was no fool however, if Ino was asking her to confirm the rumors she knew the girl didn't have any proof and she would not give it to her. Everyone knew that if you told Ino anything the entire village would be buzzing about it in a matter of hours and Sakura couldn't let Sasuke's name be ruined like that.

She cursed herself for allowing Naruto to talk her into signing a five year lease along with himself and Sasuke. Team 7 had agreed that after the separation they faced over the years they should move in together to get re-established. Naruto figured five years would be enough time until they all moved on with their lives in terms of starting their own families, they would never be done with each other.

Alas, Naruto was hardly ever there, he spent most of his time traveling to different countries so that peace would be maintained throughout the world. He also took on a lot of missions since he would no doubt be Hokage one day. So here is Sakura in her current situation of basically being stuck in a home alone with Sasuke and whatever guest he brings in each night.

Sakura looked into her friends eyes all of the girl even sweet Hinata was waiting for the big answer. Sakura laughed playing it as cool as possible, "Of course not Ino, Sasuke is barely with anyone beside Naruto and me."

"Liar!" Ino yelled while suddenly standing up and pointing at Sakura, "I know you're lying Sakura that's why you look like shit, and what about the girl he was with last night?!"

The emerald green eyed girl just yawed trying to dismiss the blonde's word, "I said barely with anyone beside Naruto and me, so yes occasionally he will have a girl over doesn't make him a sex addict." Sakura was lying through her teeth everything she was saying was the opposite of Sasuke.

Ino calmed down visible, "You're right Sakura I was wrong to accuse Sasuke of being that type of person."

"Yea you should know better." Sakura said while crossing her arms.

Ino smiled but in that smile something was hidden, "Yes I'm a little embarrassed, I should have believed the other rumors about Sasuke."

Hinata raised an eyebrow and tilted her head, "What other rumors?"

Ino smile, happy Hinata took the bait, "I hear he is the sweetest guy anyone could ever ask for."

"More like selfish." Sakura mumbled.

Ino heard her pink haired friend but kept on speaking, "I hear that he takes his time and get to know a girl before even thinking of touching her."

Sakura hopped up in disbelief, "You have to be kidding me Sasuke is a total pervert he's even worse than Naruto! Sasuke is always with a new girl and can't keep it in his pants these girls are delusional if they think he wants more than a trip to his bedroom!"

Ino only smiled at the girl in triumph and Sakura suddenly realized what she had done. She could have been an adult and fixed the problem but she was too tired to defend the person who had kept her up all night so she just turned to leave, "I-I have to go my shift is starting."


After a semi-long day at work Sakura picked up takeout in order to save time in hopes that she could snatch up a few hours of sleep before Sasuke came home.

When she walked inside she didn't see Sasuke's shoes at the front door so she knew she was alone and because of that she did a little happy dance. She moved to the kitchen to grab a plate for her food and immediately started to eat putting her plan into action.

A few moments later she heard someone unlock the front door and she froze, "Please be Naruto." She whispered for if it were her blonde teammate she would still be safe to go to sleep. A few years ago she would have beg for it to be Sasuke walking through that door but as fate would have it, that was not the case.

Unfortunately, it was Sasuke he effortlessly took his shoes off and sat them in the same spot he always did. He looked at his pink haired teammate who had been staring at him since he walked in, "What?" He asked with no emotion.

Sakura's eyes traveled around the room, "Oh nothing it's just this is the first time you've been alone coming home in days."

"Hn." Was all he said in response to her, his swept across the table where the food sat, "What are you eating?"

"Take out." Sakura said casually sliding a loose strand out of her face and tucking it behind her ear, "Dig right in, I bought plenty because I know you." Sakura paused and laughed smartly, "Have been working up an appetite."

"What's your problem?" Sasuke asked with a hint of anger in his already angry sounding voice.

If this was the old Sakura she would have brushed this moment off in order to spare her chances with Sasuke but she wasn't that little girl anymore who cried about everything bad that happen to her, "Your friends! They've been keeping me up all night with their screaming. I can't take it any longer! Can't you at least go to their home for a change?"


Sasuke only stared at the girl causing her to shuffle under his gaze, "Plus you ate my cookies, which violates the rules we set when we first moved in together."

Sasuke crossed his arms, "I didn't eat your cookies."

"Then your friends did."

"No they didn't."

"Do you walk them out?"

"They can find their own way out."

"Then how would you know if they went into the kitchen and took my cookies with them?"


"You know I'm right."

Sasuke looked at his teammate with a small smirk planted on his lips, "You want to know what this is really about?"

Sakura looked up at the raven haired boy with confusion in her eyes, she knew what this was about, she was the one who brought it up in the first place. She needed to sleep and much like he was doing now, he kept her up with guest he brought over. Still she played along hoping that he would just give her what she wanted, "What is that?"

"You want to be the one I'm making scream every night."

Sakura yelled out in shock that was not what she wanted, yea sure Sasuke was attractive but she wasn't just going to have sex with him like those other girls. They wanted two different things and growing up had taught Sakura that.

She flushed with red angered by his statement but she was trying to calm down or he would think he was right, "You're delusional. I'm going to get something to drink. Want something?"

"No." He said dismissing the topic like it wasn't serious.

Maybe it wasn't serious to him after all if Sasuke Uchiha had walked up to some random girl and stated that she wanted him to make love to her, she would have went home with him regardless of what she felt for him before that moment.

Sakura turned on the faucet and put her glass underneath it so it could catch the water. As she was making her back into the dining room Sasuke bumped into her causing the glass of water to spill on both of them.

Sasuke quickly slid out of his shirt and flung it into the basket next to the washer.

Sakura couldn't help but blush at the sight of Sasuke's chiseled body, everything about him was perfect.

"Let me help you." Came a deep voice that Sakura registered as Sasuke's.

She was confused about how he could help her, "What-?"

Sakura didn't dare finish her sentence, she didn't need to because Sasuke was already showing her how he was going to help.

He grabbed a few napkins and held them to Sakura's chest. Her cheeks lit up like Rudolph's red nose, "S-Sasuke what are you d-doing?"

"Shut up."

Was the only response he gave as he fondled her breast with his hands. Sakura wanted to swat his hands off of her but she didn't and she just couldn't find the answer as to why.

He leaned down and bit her breast through her shirt and Sakura could only let out a soft moan at the very small but very enticing action Sasuke preformed.

She wrapped her hands around his head urging him not to stop and he didn't lucky for.


Sakura froze at the familiar sound, there were only three people with keys to their house, four if you count Kakashi sensei but he usually never stopped by or just used the window. It was Naruto, and Sakura couldn't let him find them like this or he would be traumatized for life.

"Sasuke." Sakura said barley above a whisper.

She didn't have to say more Sasuke knew her limits and would not push her to go beyond them yet.

"Hey guys I'm home!" Naruto smiled as he walked in and saw his longtime rival siting at the table eating take out, "Where is your shirt and where is Sakura?"

"Right here." She said as she walked out of the laundry room with a new shirt on tossing one to Sasuke, "Spilled water on him."

Naruto didn't give much thought to the situation he only smiled even bigger, "I have to tell you all about my time in the land of Rice Balls!" He yelled out eagerly.

Sakura frowned, "Sorry Naruto but I need to catch up on some sleep." She then looked over at Sasuke and smiled once more, "But Sasuke has awesome stamina I'm sure he can listen to all your traveling stories."

Sasuke looked at the pink haired kunoichi with annoyance in his eyes but she knew he wanted to hear Naruto's story. She smiled as she walked up into her bedroom and laid on top of her mattress which was more comfortable than she remembered.

Sakura didn't know it yet but she would dream that night. About her ex crush, the man she thought she'd never having feelings for again even if those feelings were only sexual desires. She dreamed of the man who always caused her problems. Uchiha, Sasuke.


Tell me what you think, this idea came to me and I hope you enjoy it. Until next time loves!