Author's Notes: I do not own the characters but fell in love with this story. It re-ignited my love for writing fan-fic. This is my version of Maxon's and America's wedding night.

This story has been reformatted.

The section formerly known as "Author's Notes" has been archived and is no longer available.

WARNING! Story is suitable for (MA) only! If you do not like this type of story/genre please do not read. Contains sexual situations. You have been WARNED!



At Last

(A Story of Maxon and America's Wedding Night)


I stood in Maxon's room, facing the bed we would share for the first time tonight. A stark sense of nervousness and excitement coursed through my body. This night had been a long time in coming. Since that first meeting not in my wildest of dreams did I see myself standing here. Our relationship had been a road difficult to travel at times and at others, a road with ultimate possibilities. There had been moments of doubts, indecisiveness, assurances, arguments, laughter, jealousy coupled with expressions of unspoken want and then confessions of love. Not to be forgotten in the mix, those secret, intimate moments that took me to surprising highs and at times sank me into a valley of lows; all combined, each carved the path that brought us to this point in time…to tonight; our wedding night.

I had convinced Maxon I didn't want to spend our wedding night any place else. Not on some tropical paradise. I had my paradise here, and it was an island all its own. I couldn't imagine a better place to make love to my husband for the first time but on his own bed; the bed he'd slept on every night; the bed where he'd probably fantasized about me; the bed on which I had certainly fantasized about him plenty of times; the bed where he'd slept with my ring under his pillow.

My eyes scanned the bed. It was perfect. Soft sheets so tightly pulled lined the mattress, fluffed pillows softening the space, beckoning an invitation to come.

It was large and broad, certainly giving us plenty of room to maneuver. The thought of sinking into it, the feel of the cool sheets against my naked skin, the rhythms we would create; a melody of sounds never played prior to tonight. Our bed would fill his room with unheard of tunes and musical crescendos. The simple thought made me shiver.

I looked about the room, this private place that had been his alone. This night it was dimly lit, the soft flames of the flickering candles danced to a phrase of romance and expectation. The light of the moon shone on the bed like a spotlight and it made the room even that much more romantic. A slight draft of the evening air sent a small chill down my bare arms.

My chest rose under my wedding gown in steady, controlled breaths, attempting to stave off not the air itself but the trembling nerves increasing within me. It felt as if all of my senses were heightened to a level I'd never thought possible. The dancing lights, the cool air in the room touching my skin, the click of the lock on the door. My heart raced. There would be no interruptions…not tonight.

Though I faced away from him, I could feel Maxon's eyes on me. My ears perked at the sound of his footsteps approaching. I swallowed and counted. Three, four, five…eight. He stood behind me. I could smell him. The soft scent of his cologne wafted around me. My senses were in complete overdrive and I closed my eyes allowing them to take me along like a leaf, powerless against a streaming river. I attempted to concentrate, putting up a bit of resistance, fighting the urge to grab hold of him.

I let out a slow breath, feeling his hands sliding softly down my arms. The heat of his touch sent small shocks through me. His breath hovered over the length of my neck down to my shoulder where he placed a sensual kiss, his lips lingering there for a moment. There wasn't any need for words. Actions easily translated what was left unspoken. We both knew what we had been waiting for. Now we needn't wait any longer.

I could hear his soft breathing, kisses so skillfully placed on the trail of my neck, up to my ear, his mouth and tongue wrapping around my earlobe, diamond stud and all. Damn, that was hot. I felt my knees weaken and was glad Maxon had wrapped an arm around my waist. His nose tickled the hairline behind my ear as he took in the scent of my hair. He was taking his time with me, perhaps wanting to map the entire experience but at the same time slowly torturing me. I felt feverish, the heat quickly rising in me like lava inside a volcano.

Just when I thought I was set to erupt, Maxon stepped from behind me. He walked around and we stood face to face. I didn't dare look at him at first, fretting I would break down but I could sense the weight of his eyes on me and it ushered me. Raising my eyes I melted into his sensual stare. I noticed his shirt was untucked, the first few buttons undone. He didn't notice my apprehension as he carefully began to slide the diamond studded combs from my hair. My red locks fell loosely unto my shoulders after he'd extracted the third and final one, tossing them to the floor as nothing. His eyes were glued to me, his hands now cupping my face. I could see a fire in his brown eyes, so sexual, it only drew me in further as his lips closed the gap between mine.

"My Queen," he whispered.

Damn him! How did he know what to say at that very moment? My heart leapt at the sound of those words and without a second to recover, his lips softly pressed against mine over and over. My mouth slowly opened to welcome his tongue and I heard myself let out a small moan. He kissed me fully, the statement behind it letting me know how much he wanted me. There wasn't any sign of shyness or uncertainty I sensed in him; definitely not in that kiss. He knew what he wanted and it was his for the taking. His fingers slid into my hair and I was done. There was no fight left in me.

No soon had my fingers gone to find the buttons of his shirt I suddenly lost him, feeling his lips leave mine. I opened my eyes and Maxon had moved behind me again. He was wily for sure. He swept my hair unto my left shoulder and planted a soft kiss behind my right ear as his hands slid across the exposed skin of my back, down to the buttons of my dress.

"Damn buttons," he murmured. That made me chuckle. But my smile quickly disappeared as my senses took over once again, feeling each button come undone. I counted down, four, three, two, one. The bodice of my gown sprang loose and I was so thankful. Maxon's fingers slipped underneath the edge of the material, peeling the garment from my torso, down to my waist. I took over, wiggling my hips to get rid of the rest.

Bending forward I wanted to give him a good look at my firm, rounded bottom draped in white, lacey, cheeky panties and garter belt stretching behind my thighs as I untangled my feet from the pool of material.

"Good Lord," he uttered, his hands gripping my hips. I smiled, knowing he liked what he saw. His hand ran along the length of my naked back and once I was free, Maxon kicked the dress aside to avoid any further interference. I stood, the cool air making me quite aware I was half-naked.

Maxon's opened hand crossed over my shoulder and collarbone to my jaw, leaning my head back to capture my lips again. I met his kiss with full desire as my fingers slid into his hair, letting him know I was so ready. Shivers coursed through me once again as Maxon's hands glided down the sides of my body, one hand slid over the plane of my stomach, joined by the other and slowly, ever so slowly, up my rib cage to cup my breasts in his hands. I unconsciously heaved my chest into his touch, breaking our kiss, a sultry breath escaping me. He kneaded my breasts, and I looked down to see his hands full of me. His touch was like a branding iron, marking me as his and his alone. His fingers ventured to my nipples, teasing them to my heart's content.

"Maxon," I breathed softly, his hands becoming familiar with my two breasts.

I was like a feather blown to and fro in the wind, so helpless and somewhere in the course of that flight, I'd been turned about to face Maxon, his sweltering kisses covered my neck, and I was silenced yet again, gasping once his mouth sucked gently on my left breast as his hand kept itself busy with the right. I looked down to see Maxon's head move over to my right breast giving it as much tender affection as he had done its twin. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed this new feeling. His teeth slightly raked over my nipple, his forefinger and thumb fondling the other. I wasn't sure if this was merely primal male instinct or was there carnal knowledge behind it? I didn't care. Maxon seemed quite educated and definitely not ignorant to the anatomy of a woman.

My hands fell to his broad shoulders as he slowly rose, tickling the area between my breasts with his nose. We shared a most intense stare and just that moment of pause, impelled me to take action of my own. Without hesitation, I began to undo the buttons on his shirt, attempting to preserve my weakened composure. I managed well enough, and once I got a peek at his perfect pecs my hands followed the leadings of my lustful eyes, over the breadth of his chest and shoulders. I pushed the shirt off his shoulders and he shrugged it off, flinging it someplace.

I leaned into Maxon, my nose tickling his jawline as I inhaled him. My hands explored his chest, nipples and rippled abs. Kisses, many of them, followed suit all over the canvas of his bared chest, my tongue twirling in circles about the dark patches around his nipples, sucking them at will, to arouse him further.

As my mouth moved off his chest, my eyes fell to his waist. I tugged on his belt, unbuckling it. It made me hot that he just stood there and allowed me. I undid the button of his pants and finding the zipper, slowly lowered it. It felt very naughty. I bit my bottom lip. I just couldn't wait to see what I had imagined in my own head all of these months.

Maxon kicked off his shoes and pushed his pants down, stepping out of them along with his socks. Once he stood, my eyes drank him. He wore dark boxers, the material fitting snugly about his regal parts, leaving little to the imagination. His body was pure perfection. And it was all mine. Maxon pulled me into him and kissed me again. There wasn't any room between us, our bodies pressed tightly, my breasts on his chest. His hands curved around my bottom, and wanting to feel more of him, I lifted my left leg against his hip. He pulled me closer still, his right hand running the length of my outer thigh grabbing hold of my left cheek. I felt him a little but not enough.

He must've sensed it too, for he broke our kiss and taking my hand he said, "Come." I conceded instantly as he led the way to the bed. Realization hit me like a bolt of lightning! There was no turning back now. Maxon sat on the edge of the bed with me between his legs.

"Damn, you're beautiful," he said, his eyes filling themselves with the contours of my feminine body.

I smiled, feeling proud that I possessed what he liked. He helped himself to my breasts, sucking and kneading them, teasing me madly when his teeth grazed my nipples again. He eased back unto the mattress, sitting there and held out his hand for me to join him. A flash of red colored my cheeks. I slipped off my shoes, hearing them thud unto the floor. My knees sank into the mattress. I felt as if I were entering forbidden territory. I reached Maxon, his opened arms waiting for me to take my place. Straddling his thighs, I was soon met with a wave of kisses and touches all over, my body craving for more. His hands cupped my ass and I moved my hips into his touch.

"You're driving me crazy, America," he breathed, and I loved hearing that.

I had to give a silent thank you to Celeste. How she would've loved to have heard a report of tonight's activities. When I'd returned from my father's funeral to find out that the Elite had been narrowed down to Kriss and me, not only had I been surprised by her support but ever more so by the gift she left in my quarters, strategically placed in the middle of my bed.

It was a medium sized box in black and red gift wrap, a black suede bow binding it together. The card attached read:

To the bitch that bested me out.

Don't say I never did you any favors.



I laughed, thinking at how this unlikely pair had turned into an actual friendship. I undid the bow and removed the top off the box. Red and black paper filling covered the contents underneath. My brain took a moment to process what my eyes were actually seeing. I quickly clamped the top of the box back on, as if there were a million eyes watching me.

"Celeste!" I cried. My heart raced with excitement, disbelief and a swell of other emotions. I felt guilty and convicted all at the same time.

Once I calmed down enough to open the box again, I took out the contents. "Let's Talk About Sex" was the title of the book. I opened to the table of contents and felt the heat on my cheeks. My hands were a little shaky feeling nervous, as if I were reading banned material. But these were things I had been curious about and now they were things I had to know. I flicked through the pages like a child trying to take all a mind could hold before getting caught red-handed. I could hear my heart thumping in my chest seeing what I hadn't expected…illustrations! Some took my breath away! I set the book aside eager to continue and devour its contents.

The following gifts in the box were several issues of magazines. "Cosmo". I had heard of these, but clearly only Threes and Twos would be able to get their hands on them. My mom always called them trash and I had seen only the half of an issue as it peeked out of the handbag of a Two once.

My eyes perused various featured articles:

"6 Things Men Love During sex."

"Orgasm…How to Reach the Ultimate High"

"How to Drive your Man Wild in Bed"

"Teaching Him How to Satisfy You"

"Keeping Sex Alive After Marriage"

"11 Things Men Think When You Ask For More Foreplay"

"4 Ways Going Down on You is Good For His Health"

"8 Reasons He Really Wants to Make You Orgasm"

What a wealth of knowledge I held in my possession! Orgasms and foreplay, the talk of sex alone – definitely subjects I had little or no knowledge of, let alone how to really satisfy Maxon in bed. I had some idea but nary anything of this much value. But Celeste had come to my rescue! My only go-to source might've been my sister, Kenna, and that would be awkward and weird. We never had those sorts of conversations, not even after she started dating. The closest we'd come was our little talk about my feelings for Maxon which was pretty surface. And forget about my mother! The thought alone made me cringe. I held the magazines to my chest, thanking Celeste eternally for saving me from absolute embarrassment.

Maxon's hand slipped between my opened legs and I felt his touch for the first time on the crotch of my overly moistened panty. I felt that jolt of excitement down under and I welcomed him to touch me again. He did. My eyes fell closed and I felt wonderful at the gentle touch of his fingers. I didn't want him to stop but his hand left there all too soon and ran over the top of my thigh, to the belt of the garter holding my stockings. He tugged and wanting to save him frustration, "Allow me," I intervened, unclipping the garter from all sides in a pinch. I unhooked the contraption from my waist and cast it aside on the bed.

He moved us to lay me on my back, my legs spread on either side of his. He sat back on his thighs and lifted my leg, peeling off the white sheer stocking, giving the inside of my ankle a tender kiss. Damn, that was hot. He did the same to the other. The only thing left on me were my panties and his fingers hooked about the waist and peeled them off too. I laid there, bare to him. A moment of admiration soon led him to lay over me, kissing my mouth fully.

"I want to make love to you," he whispered. I shivered. I felt him pressing between my legs, nudging his bulged member against me. I moaned, my hands running the length of his back where my fingers felt his scars and it made me want him even more.

The heat of passion was full blown now and once again I was taken adrift like a twig in the open ocean once Maxon went down on me, his mouth and tongue working on every crevice of my aching womanhood. He was making me aware of parts of myself I didn't know existed! I gripped the pillow on either side of my head. The sensation was indescribable! I voice my pleasure, my hips instinctively moving in time with his probing tongue. He damn well knew what he was doing, as his snaking tongue took me higher and higher. I heard myself let out an audible moan, this one different from the others as my back arched off the mattress. Maxon held my hips tight as his mouth clamped down on me, sucking my button and I felt a crashing wave wash over me. Did I just orgasm? Good God! What a feeling! My legs felt shaky, my entire body trembled. Maxon emerged, laying feathery kisses over my flat stomach and rested his head on my heaving chest.

He had given me so much already, it was time for me to return the favor. I gathered myself knowing I needed but most of all wanted to satisfy my man. I kissed the top of his head, down to his temple, urging him to look up at me and I captured his mouth. My hand slid down his rippled belly, just above the elastic waist of his boxers. I lingered there, wanting to touch him but too scared to do so. Our kiss deepened, and I felt Maxon's hand over mine, placing it directly on his hardened penis. He moaned. I just about crumbled but his encouragement as he squeezed my hand over him, gave me the confidence I needed.

I rubbed along his length and squeezed to gauge at least some of his girth. It was difficult to measure through the material but there was nothing small about him for sure. I flashed back to Marlee at that second, her words coming to mind; this was going to hurt. I shook the troubling thought away quickly, choosing to concentrate on Maxon. I dared to tug at the waistband on the front of his underwear and he got the hint right off, rolling unto his back, as I moved to kneel beside him. It was a glorious sight as his package sprang free from the constraints of his boxers and of course I didn't hesitate to help him strip them off.

I took a slow breath and a moment to admire his beautiful body as I ran soft fingers on the top of his thigh. I had played this moment in my head for days, putting together the directions and intimations of the treasure trove Celeste had left for me along with the bits and pieces I had garnered on my own. Now it was time to put what I had gathered into action.

My opened hand moved over to feel him, up his length and down to his precious orbs. I could see I got a good reaction and I wrapped my hand around him, feeling him fully. I traveled up and down the rigidness of his penis bit by bit. He was nicely circumcised and I had that urge to take him in. I lowered my head, kissing his underside, feeling the warmth of his flesh against my lips. My eyes followed up to the head and opening my mouth, I tasted Maxon for the first time. I moaned as did he. I took him in unhurriedly, my cheeks caving in around his thickness. I was not about to rush this. Each move was slow and deliberate. I wanted to taste every solid inch of him. He felt grand in my mouth, and I sucked with great need for him.

Although I was a novice, Maxon's subtle sounds of pleasure let me know he was enjoying this and I thanked the stars above. Wishing to increase his desire, my hand joined my mouth, moving up and down his lengthy penis. After gaining a good rhythm I sucked harder and a bit faster. I felt Maxon move my hair aside and I glanced over to see him watching me. Damn, that was hot. I felt such a surge of self-confidence. I paused to take a breath but immediately missed the feel and sensation he gave me. I had such a deep hunger for him. I felt special and privileged. After all, I was sucking the King's dick. And not only did I want all of him, he was all mine. My flat tongue slid up and down his rod and soon gently treated his balls to some tender loving of their own. Never had I imagined an act like this could leave me yearning for more and more. Yet it had. I felt possessed. I was losing my mind and continued on, slowing my pace with good suction. Pausing again, I took a second to admire the result I was getting and I saw he was beautifully erect and immediately I returned from where I began, taking him again, with more power and zest. But Maxon stopped me shortly thereafter. I was puzzled at first but noting the look on his face, I knew why. I smiled wickedly.

Once I joined him, I laid sensual kisses on his neck, my hand roaming all over his body. He wrapped his arms around me and placed me on my back. His body hovered over mine and using his knees he pushed my legs apart. My chest heaved, my heart was set ablaze. We looked into each other's eyes. At last, the moment had arrived.

I felt the head of Maxon's penis rub against the entrance of my slick vagina. My eyes fell closed as I bit my lower lip, feeling the first nudge against my entrance. I sucked in a breath, my hands grabbing the back of his arms, bracing myself for what was soon to come. His lips kissed me featherlike and I opened my eyes. I was looking into the eyes of my lover.

"I love you, Maxon," I uttered softly.

"I know."

That simple phrase, so full of meaning, melted me. I lifted my head to kiss him, feeling another push. I groaned in pain, falling back unto the pillow. Relax, I kept reminding myself, just relax and it would go easier. I bit into both my lips, my brow furled when Maxon retracted a little and slowly pushed again; that was the first stroke. He was trying so hard to be gentle and patient. He repeated the gentle strokes several more times as my body adjusted to him and it felt as we were making some progress. But when I looked to see, he was only a quarter of the way in! I had to remind myself to breathe because holding my breath was not making things easy.

A louder cry escaped me, as my hands pushed against Maxon's pelvis, halting his drive. He reassured me I was doing great though I didn't believe him. He waited until I gave him the go-ahead and he proceeded. My back arched off the bed as his next push into me ushered another scream filling the room. I could feel a thin sheet of sweat on my brow, my breathing becoming a bit more labored. I felt as if I were disappointing him by showing such fragility. I wanted to apologize but once again he knew exactly what to say, and it washed away my tension. I knew patience was a virtue and I was thankful Maxon had plenty for the both of us.

Progress, while gradual, was finally made as Maxon's hips began to slowly pull back and forth. I heard him moan, and suddenly our bodies were one, in time and rhythm. I could feel him clearly inside of me, his penis molding me, filling me, stroking the steaming walls of my womanhood. We fit perfectly, as he claimed my virginity with each stroke.

I relaxed my entire body, letting Maxon control the pace of our love making. My arms wrapped around him, his body pressed on mine, our sex joined together. I became aware of the rhythm of the bed, the bounce of the mattress beneath me; the sounds we were making added to the already intense sensual atmosphere. My heart burst at the thought that Maxon had sent 34 others away so he could have this with me. I was his One. I was his Queen. My insides trembled and he gave a groan into my neck, his pace increasing. I wasn't sure if the change was in response to what I had felt in my own body but it propelled him into a different gear.

Maxon raised himself a bit, his movements now smooth and fluid. I looked between us watching him disappear into me repeatedly. It was a lovely sight. I fell back on the mattress, my hands gently holding on to his triceps, feeling his hips diving into mine. Closing my eyes once more, I allowed the ride I was getting take me along, uninhibited. We were making love, sweet, tender love. Maxon's body glistened with sweat from his own labor and it was so damn sexy. His reward was imminent and I wanted to get him there. And wishing to do so, I raised my legs, bent at the knees up to Maxon's hips, giving him fuller access to me. He voiced his delight at the move which in turn increased the tempo of his strokes. The melodious sound he created as his hips slapped into mine were music to my ears. I didn't want to scream but I did as Maxon now plunged into me faster and a bit harder. Our fingers threaded, the mattress springing with a will.

"I love you, America," he whispered, his brown eyes locked with mine.

"I know."

I looked into those beautiful eyes and knew what he felt. It was more than sex, it was what we now had together; what our future had in store. We kissed with abandon, and I felt Maxon's arms wrap around me. He buried his head into my neck as the next few strokes accompanied a series of deep groans that issued from him. The sounds of sex, our voices mixed together as pleasure enveloped us, played a sweet, sweet song. He held me tighter, his penis fully imbedded into me, stimulating the walls of my vagina into another mind blowing orgasm. He responded as I quaked around him, his body stiffening as he climaxed, his seed released inside of me.

As we finally came down from our bliss, our lips met in a tender, loving kiss and I felt tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong, darling? What are these for?" he asked, wiping a tear away with his thumb, a look of concern on his face.

Maxon moved to lay on his side, pulling me into his chest. There were so many raw emotions running their course. I wasn't a girl any longer. I was now a woman. I had just finished making love for the first time and I hoped that I had been somewhat adequate. I thought too of what could've been with Aspen. I had almost given my virginity to another man and was so grateful that I hadn't. I loved Maxon more than I had ever loved anyone and I was to share the rest of my life with him; my husband, my king.

"I'm so happy, that's all," I confessed. "Happy to be here with you. Happy to be your wife. Happy that you chose me," I added meekly. I felt silly for my tears but they were only a reflection of my heart. I was the luckiest woman in all of Illéa.

Maxon smiled and kissed me softly. "And so is my mission in life. To continue to make you as happy as you are tonight."

"I love you, Maxon." I smiled as I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the sensations of my body still reminding me that I was now his lover.

"I love you, Mrs. Schreave."

My soul bathed in his words. They were the exclamation point to my new life. I was America Schreave. I was Queen. I was home.

Reviews are appreciated.

Continue to Epilogue...