This is the final chapter. Thank you for reading.

"... Cause the first time in forever,

I finally understand,
For the first time in forever,
We can fix this hand in hand..."
For the First Time in Forever - Frozen.

Chapter Seven: Changes.

The turkeys were roasting, the vegetables were boiling and Esme's signature gravy bubbled away on the stove. Esme and her husband had shared their presents to one another and were now getting ready for the family to arrive. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she thought about their added guest; they couldn't remember the last family meal Edward came to, let alone one for the holidays. Of course there was the worry that an argument could break out and the whole day would be ruined, but Esme hoped she had raised her children to be more respectful.

"I hope we have enough food for twelve people." Carlisle joked - no matter whether Esme was cooking for two or twelve, she always seemed to make far too much food and Carlisle found himself eating leftovers for days to come afterwards. "Really love, two turkeys?" And they weren't just turkey crowns, no, they were the full bird.

"There will be some big eaters, and I'd have rather made too much than two little. Plus I'm sure Charlie would take some home with him - give Sue the night off from cooking."

"That reminds me," Carlisle left his wife to continue with her masterpiece and found a chair to sit on instead, "you told Edward that they were coming, right? Because I've told Bella, but the last thing we need is for him to flee the house before the meal even starts."

"Yes he knows they'll be here and he seemed to take it very well. I don't know Carlisle, but something seems different with him - like he's finally seen the light and realized what he has to do."

"I knew he'd come back. We just had to give him the space and patience to do so."

With the new relief in their heart and mind, the couple changed into their smarter outfits, finished setting up the table and popped open the champagne in time for their first guests to arrive. Their daughter, Alice, her husband Jasper, and their two children, Riley and Daxton, were the first to arrive, followed swiftly by their son, Emmett, his wife Rosalie. It was clear from the way Emmett rolled his eyes and laughed humorlessly that he didn't believe Edward would turn up. The two had such a strong friendship, but that (along with their belief) had long disappeared. Even Bella turned up before him, along with her father, Charlie, and his wife, Sue.

Fifteen minutes past their agreed time, there was still no sign. "I told you," Emmett huffed out with frustration, "I don't know we'd even think he has changed."

"Emmett," Rosalie shushed down her husband with the swat of a hand, "Edward's known for being late; there's no need to jump to conclusions just yet." Not even five minutes had passed before the group all turned their heads to the crunching of stones as a car came to a halt outside the house.

Esme was up off her seat faster than anyone had ever seen. Edward wandered into the house with his arms around his emotional mother. It was rather daunting for him to walk into a room where everyone was looking at him. Carlisle rose to greet his son, and save his wife from an emotional break down.

"I'm sorry for being late," Edward apologized, "it took me longer than I thought to clear the driveway."

"It's okay, son; you're here now and that's the main thing."

"I'm surprised that car still works, when was the last time you used it to go anywhere?" Emmett couldn't help but add his remark all while ignoring the rolling of eyes from the people around him.

Breaking up a probable argument between her two sons sent Esme back twenty-odd years, part of her enjoyed the sibling rivalry. It reminded her of how things used to be before everything was flipped upside down. "Now now, boys; this is not the day for negative talk. Emmett, I'll put you in charge of organizing all the presents, and Edward will come and help me in the kitchen."

"What made you change your mind?" Esme asked her son as they set up champagne glasses onto two separate trays.

"I'm not entirely sure myself... a realization, I think, of what could happen or what I'd miss out on, and it all of a sudden became clear that I didn't want that. I know things won't happen over night and there's a long road ahead, but today seemed like a good starting point."

"No-one is expecting miracles, Edward. Let's enjoy today and we'll think of the future tomorrow."

"I'm er... I'm..." Edward scratched away at his forehead in order to find the strength it took for him to say his next few words. "I'm sorry... for, um... everything. I'm, y'know, really sorry."

It may not have sounded too genuine to an outsider, but it took a lot for Edward to admit that he was wrong and needs to apologize. "I know you are, Sweetheart. You wouldn't be here if you weren't." With a comforting hug, Esme fought to keep her emotions at bay and picked one of the two trays of glasses. "We can't hide in here all day - let's go and enjoy our Christmas as a family."


"I'm sitting next to Uncle Edward, 'kay!?" Young Riley hadn't left her Uncle's side since the moment he arrived, and he was okay with that. He forgot how much joy his niece and nephew brought him. "I asked Santa to make you happy for Christmas. And he did it!"

"Thank you, that was very sweet of you to ask for that." Edward helped Riley to climb onto his lap, her new dress (Queen Elsa from Frozen) became caught under her feet which made the move very hard for Riley to do by herself.

"Does Auntie Bella make you happy again?"

"Um..." He peered over at the lady in question who was deep in conversation with her step mother and never noticed her audience. The two hadn't said anything since they arrived. "I hope that she will... but I'm not sure what to do..."

"I think you should do what Kristoff does to Anna!" Edward had no idea what Riley was talking about, however he allowed her to continue and let that bit pass. "Kristoff is her friend and helps Anna get back to Prince Hans because she loves him."

"Right... so I should allow her to go and be with someone else?" Never take advice from a child...

"No! Prince Hans is a bad man and Kristoff is there to look after Anna and then she knows that she loves Kristoff more! You need to help Bella and she'll know that she loves you again!"

"Okay, and what do I help her with?"

"Anything!" Riley shouted, "be her friend again!"

"You sure do know a lot about this, don't you?"

"I watch Frozen a lot."


The meal went without a hitch, presents were happily received and exchanged, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. Even Emmett had refrained from saying anything negatively towards his brother which is an achievement in itself. The children had gotten tired so the adults agreed to sitting down to watch a movie or whatever crap was showing on TV. Edward chose that moment to sneak outside for a cigarette - he had gone all day without one and withdrawals had sunk in.

Edward was only on his second intake when the door opened and Bella came running outside with her jacket and bag in hand. "Are you leaving already?" He asked, surprised.

"I got a call from the hospital. They need me, so I have to go." Bella read Edward's silence the wrong way, which made her eyes roll and a loud huff blow from her lips. "Go ahead and say it."

"Say what...?"

"Running away again. It's what you normally say when I go to work, is it not?"

The cigarette was dropped to the floor, it no longer held the same attraction to him. "That was before, when nothing seemed to matter apart from where the next drink would come from. Things have changed Bella, and I know it's hard for you to understand that, but I want you to see that I'm different."

"Just like that? Years of heartache and misery disappeared overnight? You're not Harry Potter, Edward - you can't just cast a spell over that."

"I know, but I'm willing to try and do what it takes. I'm sorry, Bella, for everything that I did. You didn't deserve that."

"No, I didn't..." She slowly edged away from Edward and further towards her car. "I really have to go, but... I'll send you a message when things quieten down a bit, okay?"

A little bit of hope, that's all you need.


And Bella stuck to her promise - two weeks later she got in contact with Edward, first apologizing for being so busy, then asking if he'd like to meet for a coffee and discuss what he had said on Christmas Day. Their coffee date was awkward and neither knew exactly what to say to the other, but they managed to sort out their ideas which was a major leap in the right direction.

Bella was sorry for running away from Edward as much as she had done. She was sorry that many of their nights were cut short due to work, but he had to see that that was her life - their life - and if he couldn't accept that then nothing would ever work between them.

Edward apologized over and over for the things he had said, for shutting her out when the going got tough, and for the amount that he drank. He confessed that he only drank that much because he knew he would get a reaction out of her. He admitted to missing the good days they had together and the holidays they shared, and promised that he'd do whatever it took to have that back.

Over the passing months they met up more often, once even meeting for lunch which seemed much bigger than meeting for a coffee. Things weren't back to normal, but both believed that in time they would be able to share that relationship once again.

Edward worked on his relationship with Emmett too. When Emmett announced that he and Rosalie would be having their first child towards the end of the year, Edward was the first one he told. Another niece or nephew to spoil and look after was fine by him.

By the following Christmas there was no doubt whether Edward would join or not (he hadn't missed a single family get-together), nor was their any doubt where his relationship with Bella had gone. The two were meeting up one night a week to go on a date of some sort, the plans were never set in stone, so if Bella had to stay at the hospital for whatever reason, they'd happily move it to another day or a later time. They were working together and taking daily life into consideration - something they lacked before.

Their relationship wasn't 'official', and statuses hadn't been changed on Facebook, but anyone who saw the couple knew it wouldn't be long before they had a label. The future looked bright, and as long as worked together, everything was going to be okay.


And there we have it, thank you very much once again for reading and joining me on this little journey. Your final thoughts would be much appreciated.