A/N: Sorry for the delay on the epilogue, but I got a bit discouraged because of a comment left on my last chapter about how unbelievable Fitz and Mellie are, Olitz forever blah blah blah. Well, if you are an Olitz fan I REALLY suggest you don't read this chapter. Honestly, fanfiction is fiction, doesn't have to be realistic. Get over it and have a lovely day! For my awesome Mellitz fans, enjoy!

Xx Kate

Olivia folded and refolded her napkin in her lap and then pushed her chicken around her plate some more. She nodded absent-mindedly to the balding senator yacking beside her. She forced herself to smile when he drawled her name and held the 'o' so long she thought food would start dropping out of his mouth:"Ms. Pooooope, would you like to hear something hee-larious?" She forced herself to laugh at some political pun he made about Sarah Palin. She folded her napkin again and jabbed at her chicken a couple more times.

Olivia Pope would do anything to avoid eye contact with Fitzgerald Grant who was sitting exactly across from her. This states dinner was about to be the death of her, but she would be damned to let anyone know it. It had been approximately one month since Teddy was born and approximately six months since Fitzgerald had pulled her into their spot by the window in the Oval to tell her he was getting back together with his wife – that they had to be over, he was going to try to fix his family again for the sake of the new baby.

It killed her every time she thought about that conversation, about how she had put on such a strong façade and had told him that she understood. When he had asked if she would continue working for the White House, she had said of course and then she had hugged him. In their embrace, she had tried to blink back the tears.

As bad as that memory was though, watching the first couple now was harder. They looked exhausted, but deliriously happy. They looked how you would expect new parents to look – droopy eyes and dopey grins to match. They kept exchanging knowing glances and Olivia was sure his hand was resting on her thigh under the table.

Mellie noticed Olivia momentarily look up from her meal (that she had hardly touched) to catch a glance at her husband. Instead though, she caught eyes with Mellie and they held each other's gaze for a moment. Mellie was the first to break away. She felt an intense pang of compassion and sorrow for Olivia. Mellie knew all too well the pain that came from being rejected by Fitzgerald Grant and she had always liked Olivia. Mellie had always thought that in another life they could have been great friends. In another life, they could have taken over the world together. But not in this life. Not when they both loved the same man. Mellie felt badly for Olivia, but she had to admit that it felt good to finally have her husband back. Fitz' eyes were finally on her now, not on Olivia. His hand was on her thigh, not on Olivia's.

"You okay, Mel?" Fitz whispered into his wife's ear, ripping her from her thoughts. He moved his hand half way up her skirt and rubbed her leg reassuringly, "I know it's the first time we've been in public…all three of us." He moved his eye-line towards Olivia and then back quickly to his wife.

"I'm just fine," she reassured him, placing her hand on top of his and squeezing, "I'm just thinking about how Teddy's doing."
Fitz smiled, "What a good momma."

Mellie rolled her eyes but smiled back, "I haven't been away from him more than a few hours since he was born," she explained.

"I know. I don't know how you do it. I thought we were going to do the nanny thing like we did with the other two," Fitz admitted, gripping her thigh gently.

"I don't regret my decision to go without a nanny," Mellie said, "Except for at night," she grinned knowingly.

"At night, I regret even having another baby," Fitz confessed, adding a smirk at the end.

Mellie glared playfully, "That's interesting because I'm pretty sure that I'm the one getting up with him, so I don't know what you have to complain about."

"I'm awake when you're awake, Mellie," he grinned, putting on his best cute face.

Mellie snorted too loudly and it caused various glances from around the table, including Olivia's. She ignored everyone and spoke through her teeth, "You're too much, Fitzgerald Grant!"
"What?" He asked innocently, "I don't get what's funny."

"You sleep like a log, Fitz. You barely move in an inch when I get out of bed."

"Not true," he argued.

"How many times do I get up then per night, then?"

"Three," he answered confidently.

"Five. On average," she corrected, grinning with satisfaction.

"Fine then. Tonight, wake me up when he cries, and I'll go to him."

"You will?" Mellie asked, cocking her head in suspicion.

"Yes, Melody, I will. I cross my heart and hope to die," he signed an "x" over his chest and leaned over to kiss Mellie on the cheek.

"Wow, use of my full name and everything," Mellie giggled as Fitz moved his hand higher up her skirt. He hadn't removed his palm from her thigh all night.

"So what do I get out of this deal?" Fitz growled into Mellie's ear.

Mellie removed Fitz' hand from her leg and frowned, "First of all, it hasn't been six weeks. The doctor said six at minimum. And second of all, pay attention to your guests, I don't want people to talk," she scolded. And with a turn of her head, Mellie started talking to the governor to her right.

The night dwindled on and the states dinner finally came to a close. After making his formal farewells to his guests, Fitz decided to spend some time working before heading off to bed. Mellie retired upstairs to check on a sleeping Teddy and head to bed as well. The night had been utterly exhausting.

Fitz was pouring himself a nightcap when the door to the Oval swung open. The woman in the doorway jumped in surprise and fumbled with the pile of paperwork that threatened to slip from her arms.

"I'm sorry, I thought you had gone up with…Mellie…I-I was just coming to set these on your desk," Olivia stumbled, avoiding eye contact and bee lining it across the room. "The proposals for tomorrow," she continued awkwardly, setting the large stack of paper in the center of the desk.

"Olivia…" Fitz started.

"You two look really happy," she said quickly, finally looking up at him.

Fitz grimaced, "Want a drink?"

"No," she said swiftly, "thank you," she added as an afterthought.

Fitz nodded solemnly.

Olivia walked slowly towards the door and then with her hand on the knob she turned back, "How's Teddy? I haven't really asked."

Fitz smiled, "He's amazing, Liv. He's really, really amazing."

Olivia smiled back, but there was sadness in her eyes, "Good." Silence filled the room and Olivia turned the handle of the door and opened it.

"Liv…" Fitz called softly across the room. She stopped, but didn't turn to face him. He didn't have anything else to say and they both knew it.

"Goodnight, Fitz," she said and closed the door behind her.


Mellie and Fitz were both sound asleep when a sudden cry on the monitor stirred them both from their slumbers.

"Oh my god," Mellie moaned drowsily, "How long has it been since I put him down?"

Fitz groaned and glanced up at the clock, "Two hours."

Mellie turned over and pulled the blankets up around her shoulders, "It's your turn, dad."

"I have that meeting in the morning, Mel and besides you have the goods," Fitz yawned, pulling at the blanket Mellie was clutching below her chin.

"Fitz," Mellie whined, "you promised, remember? There's a bottle in the mini fridge that I pumped this morning."

"Ugh fine," Fitz grumbled, admitting defeat, "I'll be back. Get your sleep, princess," he whispered, leaning over to kiss Mellie's forehead. Mellie smiled in triumph and let herself drift slowly back to sleep.

The next thing she knew she was being woken again. This time it wasn't by her baby's cry, but instead by a touch. A large hand was splayed across her stomach and then started making its way up across her chest.

"Fitz," she mumbled, half asleep, "stop that," she batted his hand away.

Mellie felt a sudden weight on her stomach and her eyes fluttered open. She heard a small mewing sound and realized baby Teddy was resting on top of her.
"He wanted the real thing," her husbands voice came from beside her in the dark. She didn't have to see his face to know he was smirking.

Mellie sighed and shifted so that she could maneuver Teddy into her arms.

"Turn on the light," she said. The lamp flickered on and the couple made knowing eye contact.

"You're in big trouble, Fitzgerald Grant," Mellie chided, a sleepy grin plastered on her face.

"I tried, Mel, I really tried," he pouted, "Us Grant men just know what we want when we want it."
Mellie frowned and settled Teddy at her breast, "Well isn't that the truth," she clucked.

Fitz scooted down under the covers and rested his head on the pillow. Looking up at Mellie and his son, he couldn't help but smile, "Mel…" he whispered, letting his eyes close.

Mellie looked down at him and shook her head, "Hmm?" she asked, a soft smile at her lips.

"Love you," he mumbled, tucking his hands under his cheek.

"Love you too, sleeping beauty…"