Nearly a week after their phone call Damon still hasn't gotten a chance to hang out with Bonnie, something that leaves him very frustrated. Which is why he is currently locked in his garage working on his 1965 Mustang tonight instead of his usual Saturday afternoon. Every so often, he can hear Elena's voice as she talks to Caroline. At least someone in the house has a friend that actually hangs out with them. He knows that Bonnie's busy, but he'd been hoping that she would have found the time to hang out with him after their talk. He glares at the engine that he is currently bent over. He can't believe that Bonnie has him feeling like a child that isn't allowed to play with their favorite toy.

Damon stands up straight and starts to reach for a wrench when Elena's conversation suddenly draws his attention. He stiffens when he hears the blonde declines hanging out with her because she and Klaus are going on a double date with Bonnie and a friend of Klaus. That does not make him happy at all. He tells himself it's because the date is friends with Klaus and he obviously can't be trusted. It's not that he doesn't like the idea of her dating anyone. No he's really just looking out for her because she her history with men isn't the best.

Five minutes later, he hears Elena hang up the phone and within seconds the door to the garage is being opened. He watches silently as Elena walks inside, a sultry look on her face.

She smiles the moment her sees her fiancé standing in front of his car. At one point Damon working on his car so often would have irritated her, but now she finds it incredibly sexy that he can be so focused on one thing. "Hey," She smiles as she saunters over to him. "So I was thinking...I know you were planning on working on this car, but why don't you take a break so you can work on me?"

Damon immediately flashes back to another time those words were more or less said to him.

The moment Bonnie walks into the garage, Damon's attention goes from his car to her. He looks at her in question.

"I know this is your time with the car, but why don't you take a break?" Bonnie glances down at his crotch, making it clears just what she wants from him.

Damon grins mischievously and wipes his hands clean with a rag before lifting Bonnie into his arms and speeding them to his bedroom. He drops her onto the bed and she bounces onto the mattress, her long wavy tresses spreading out like a halo. She sits up on her elbows, watching intently as he strips out of his clothes.

Once he's completely naked, he climbs onto the bed and grabs a handful of her hair, pulling her mouth to his. He kisses her over and over, slipping his tongue deep into her mouth. He lets go of her hair to strip her naked before he starts kneading her breasts.

Bonnie moans as he uses one large hand to squeeze her left breast while his fingers tease her right nipple. Gasps spill from her mouth when his fingers move down her body and one of his fingers pushes inside of her wet folds. She sees the cocky grin on his face and part of her wants to roll her eyes, but when he shoves two more inside her body trembles and her hands start to move all over his body.

It's Damon's turn to groan when her right hand cups his balls and her left hand wraps around his shaft. His cock twitches as her hand moves up and down his length. When she lets go of him, he immediately thrusts inside of her, his jaw tightening as he buries himself to the hilt. He pumps into her a few times before shifting onto his knees and maneuvering Bonnie so she's straddling him.

He keeps his place slow and after awhile it becomes clear that the pace is frustrating Bonnie, based on the way she keeps attempting to move against him. He continues his slow pace until her pussy tightens around him and her files back as she prepares for her impending orgasm. He abruptly pulls out, grinning when she glares at him furiously. He's always thought that glare was hot and it's even hotter in the middle of sex.

"What the hell Damon!" Bonnie practically growls as she tries to sink back down on him. However instead of sliding back inside her he lifts her off his lap and drops onto the bed before pushing her face into the mattress. He grabs her ass, rubbing her round globes before slapping the soft skin. She lets out a moan and he spreads her cheeks so he can slip his tongue in her asshole.

"Damon!" She gasps as he licks and swirls his tongue inside her.

He pulls back with a grin, grabs his cock and teases her with the tip before sliding deep inside of her pussy, knowing she's not quite ready for anal yet.

He fucks her hard, marveling in how amazing it is. He's slept with hundreds of women and it's never been so good. How can this tiny witch make him burn so fiercely? He decides not to think about instead focusing on being inside Bonnie. He thrusts so hard and so fast that the sound of their groans and their skin slapping together are the loudest thing in the room.

Damon's hands slide down to her hips to give him leverage as he grows more and savage with his thrusts. A grunt files out of his mouth when Bonnie reaches down and squeezes his balls. The sensation is what causes him to lose that last of his control and starts to pound into her mercilessly. He stiffens as his balls tighten and then he's orgasm rips throughout his entire body.

She moans loudly when he continues to move deeper inside her. As she comes tension rises in his body while her walls grip him tightly. He shudders as his come fills her womb and starts to drip onto her thighs. After what seems like forever, he pulls out and grins down at her, his blues eyes meeting her brown ones. Wait, that's not right. Bonnie's eyes are green.

Damon's eyes widen when instead of a naked Bonnie staring up at him, he sees a naked Elena. Damn that means that the whole time he was thinking about fucking Bonnie he was really fucking Elena. He collapses onto his back, his gaze going to the ceiling as he tries to figure out what this means.

Next to him, a panting Elena says, "I don't know what got into you tonight, but I hope it continues because that is without a doubt the best sex we've ever had."

Damon stares up a ceiling guiltily. The best sex he and Elena have ever had and he was really thinking about Bonnie. Does that mean he really wants to be with Bonnie? No, he tells himself. He was just thrown off hearing that Bonnie is out on a date. Elena is the love of his life and he is happy to finally have someone that knows all of his faults and still wants to be with him. There's no one else in the world that could understand him that way. He ignores the voice inside of him that says that's not exactly true.


Bonnie looks herself over in the mirror, going over how she looks for the tenth time tonight. It's not really needed since her makeup and hair are flawless as well as her dress. She decided on wearing a sleeveless black dress that stops a couple of inches above the knee. It fits her body like a glove, but is still conservative enough for a first date. Of course this isn't her and Stefan's first date, but she figures it would be less suspicious that way. Anticipation fills her as she thinks about Stefan's potential reaction to it. Although he was actually with her when bought the dress a few weeks ago, he hasn't actually seen her in it.

The doorbell rings and Bonnie brow furrows in surprise, wondering who would be knocking on her door on a Friday night. She puts the makeup brush in her hand on the counter and quickly heads downstairs to see who is at the door. She's shocked when she sees her boyfriend standing at the threshold wearing a black sweater and black dress pants. His hair looks amazing, his cologne fills her nostrils and she has to keep from drooling at the way the sweater clings to his chest. Still as good as he looks; she has to wonder why he's at her door instead of on his way to the restaurant. "Stefan, what are you doing here?"

"Stefan?" She prompts when he continues to stare at her silently.

"I- I-I," he struggles to get the words out. All he can focus on is how stunning Bonnie looks in that the dress. He saw it when she bought it a few weeks ago and even imagined how she would look in it, but his mind has nothing on reality. He is so grateful that the woman standing in front of him has chosen to be with him.

"I figured there was no way I'd be able to see you in that dress for the first time without wanting to ravish you. I was right." He gives her another look of wonder. "You look amazing."

"Thank you," Bonnie looks him over once more and adds. "So do you."

When he reaches out and caresses her cheek, Bonnie's eyes close and she feels a shiver go down her spine.

"Bonnie, look at me," Stefan demands softly.

Bonnie slowly opens her eyes and her breath hitches when she sees the desire in his eyes. "We're not going to make it to that blind date on time are we?" She asks as he wraps an arm around her waist.

"No I don't think we are." He replies just before he pins her against the door and takes her mouth in hot kiss. Things grow frantic immediately as their tongues movie together and their hands begin to explore one another's body. A gasp escapes from her mouth as Stefan's hand move up her thigh and under her dress. His fingers search for the fabric of her underwear only to come up with naked skin.

"I thought it would save us some time later." Bonnie explains when his eyes meet hers.

His cock throbs excitedly at the realization that there is no barrier between it and nirvana. He trails his fingers along her wet mound, using two of them to part her pussy lips.

Bonnie sucks in a breath when he pushes his index and middle fingers inside of her. Her sex clenches around them eagerly and she exhales loudly when the heel of his hand grazes her clit. As Stefan continues moving his fingers in and out, her moans and the sucking sound of his fingers sliding into wet heat fill the air. When he pulls them out seconds later she doesn't hide her disappointment.

Her disappointment turns to anticipation once his fly opens and his pants and underwear slide down his legs. His cock points at her, almost as if it's seeking her out. He wraps his hand around it, rubbing his pussy soaked fingers on his cock.

When Bonnie pushes up her dress to make it easier for her to take him and he sees out wet she is, he once again presses their mouths together. He lets out a groan when Bonnie wraps a leg around his waist and wraps her tiny hand around his cock. She briefly strokes her hand up and down his length before she decides to torture him as well as herself by pressing the head of his cock against her clit.

He allows this for a few moments before he grows impatient, pushes her hands aside and aligns his cockhead with her slit. He has only managed to sink two inches inside of her before Bonnie grabs his ass and pushes him the rest of the way.

"Fuck, Bonnie." He growls as she throws her head back against the door and clenches her pussy tightly around his cock. It grips him like a fist, the muscles milking him with each thrust inside of her.

Bonnie cries out in bliss as he drives into her, pounding her walls with his cock. Her moans grow louder and Stefan presses his lips to hers, their mouths moving together hungrily. Bonnie can feel her release creeping up on her especially when his balls brush against her clit with each stroke inside. Seconds later, her muscles clamp down on his cock and she screams as her orgasm rips through her.

The feel of her muscles rippling around him causes him to lose it himself. His balls tighten and his come moves to the head of his cock. Lost in his lust, he grabs her ass and starts to fuck her like it's his last minutes on earth. He pounds inside of her with harsh strokes, his orgasm taking him to heights of pleasure he only ever feels when he's with Bonnie. Growls tear from his throat as he fills her with his semen, his hips moving instinctively against hers.

After they both come down from their highs, Stefan presses his forehead against hers and stares into her eyes before he grips her under her thighs and lifts her up higher. Still buried inside of her, he silently carries her out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom. He drops her on the bed and grits his teeth as he pulls out of her.

She watches silently as he grabs her ankles, lifts her legs high in the air and spreads them as wide as he can get them. Her pussy clenches eagerly as he kneels between her legs and fixes his gaze on her glistening walls.

"I've wanted to do this since this morning." Stefan says with a growl. "The moment I walked into your magic shop it took everything in me not to whisk you away to your office and put my mouth on you." He'd shown up to bring her lunch and naturally she had looked and smelled amazing. His mouth had watered immediately and he's been itching to taste her ever since.

"Why didn't you?" Bonnie frowns at him, clearly disappointed that he hadn't. The day had been kind of stressful and spending some time with him would have made a huge difference.

"You had customers and there is no way I would have been able to stop after one time. And Lucy is out of town with Tyler so I knew she wouldn't be able to cover for you."

"Stefan I─"

Her sentence cuts off as Stefan's tongue trails across her slowly, managing to make every nerve in her body flare up. He licks her again, this time stopping to graze her clit. He tastes more of her and growls when he feels her clench around his tongue.

Bonnie grabs at sheets and lets out a loud moan.

"I love how you taste." He says as his hands move to her thighs. "The very first time I tasted you I was in heaven." He focuses on her clit, wrapping his tongue around the hard nub.

Bonnie's hips move upward to get closer to his mouth. The more he licks the more pleasure hits her inner walls until she once again is pushed over the edge. Stefan continues his ministrations and she quickly drapes her right leg over his shoulder so he can get closer.

Stefan moves closer and grunts when her back arches to accommodate him. He thrusts his tongue in and out of her, fucking her the way he would with his cock. She grips at his hair and grinds her hips into his mouth, moaning each time his tongue slides inside her. He cups her ass so he can get deeper inside of her and is rewarded with a flood of her arousal on his tongue.

Bonnie grabs her covered breasts and screams loudly as he rubs her clit with his tongue. She falls apart seconds later, collapsing onto the bed in a heap. Her eyes watch hungrily as he stands up and pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his muscular torso. His pants are next and her gaze goes to his hard cock.

He smirks slightly before climbing back onto the bed and sinking back inside of her. She moans and he reaches behind her to unzip her dress before pulling it off of her. The bra she's wearing is next and Bonnie feels her pussy clench when he rolls her nipples between his fingers.

"I can't get enough of you." She grabs his wrists and pulls herself up slightly so he can thrust better. Her statement is true; she could have a dozen orgasms and her body would still be clamoring for more. She has never felt this way before and it's not even just the sex. She feels like a part of her is missing whenever they haven't seen each other for a while.

"I'm glad because I can't get enough of you either." He growls out as his hips move against hers.


Caroline glances down at her phone, practically willing it to buzz with a text from Stefan or Bonnie. She and Klaus have been at the restaurant for nearly 25 minutes and neither of them has yet to show up. And so far her texts have gone unanswered.

"Sweetheart, I know you're disappointed, but I think we should try to make the most of it and have a nice dinner. I'm sure they'll show up at some point." He grabs her hand to press a kiss to it and smiles at her. "Okay?"

"Okay." She returns his smile and when he lets go of her hand picks up the menu in front of her.


The large bedroom is quiet as Damon and Elena quietly stare at the ceiling.

"I'm going to get some blood." Damon says as he sits up. "Do you want some?" He glances at Elena as he climbs out of the bed and heads for the door.

"No I'm fine." She shakes her head before grabbing the sheets and covering her body. Normally they do it at least 3 or 4 times, but tonight he wore her out with that one round.

Walking naked to the kitchen, Damon immediately makes a beeline for the fridge and is hit by another memory from his brief time with Bonnie.

Damon walks through the boardinghouse, his large bulge appearing in his jeans as he searches for his girlfriend. He shouldn't have an erection considering he just had sex an hour ago, but here is Damon junior completely alert and ready to find his favorite place to be. It's weird, he's always been a highly sexual guy, but he's learning that when it comes to Bonnie his sexual appetite shoots through the roof.

He grins when he walks into the kitchen and sees her bent over, her ass in the air as she looks in the fridge. He wastes no time heading over to her and grinding his erection into her ass.

"Damon, stop Stefan or Caroline could come in here" Bonnie moans at the feel of him grinding against her.

"Don't care," He shrugs and purposely grinds himself harder against her. "Now that I finally have you I have no problem showing you how much I love and want you." His arms wrap around her waist. "They could see us fucking and I wouldn't care."

"Well I care." She pries his arms off her and stands up straight. "Not really into audiences." She turns around and he sees that she's holding a carton of eggs. "Especially when that audience includes your brother and my best friend."

"Okay so no taking you on the counter or the kitchen table." He playfully rolls his eyes before adopting a seductive gaze. "Then why don't we go upstairs so I can fuck you in private?" He suggests just before pulling her into a kiss.

"We can do that…eventually," She agrees just before she takes a step away from him. "but first I need some rest and I need some food." She waves the eggs in his face.

He winces at his eagerness. Bonnie is so powerful and commanding that sometimes he forgets that she's still a human with a lot less stamina. "Don't worry about it, Bon" He wills his erection down. "I'll make us a couple of omelets and then we can take the night off and hang out." He grabs the eggs from her and quickly pulls out the other ingredients that he'll need. "So speaking of food…." He waits for his girlfriend to meet his gaze. "…I know our history with blood isn't all that pleasant, but I would love to show you how pleasurable it can be. Do you think that might be something we could do?"

"Maybe," Bonnie says though it's clear to Damon from the look in her eyes that that maybe won't be for a long while.

Damon gulps down the blood and closes the fridge as he returns to the present. From the moment he first slid inside her, sex with Bonnie had been addicting. So it only made sense that he wanted it as often as he could have it. They experienced a lot in the short time they were together, but the one thing he wishes he could have experienced is drinking from her. The last time he drank from her, had been when they first met and the circumstances hadn't exactly been all that pleasant, but her taste did stick with him long after that night.

Even now his mouth waters at the thought of tasting Bonnie's blood again. Yet he knows that drinking from her wouldn't have even been a possibility even if they were still together. He couldn't imagine the witch in her ever feeling comfortable enough to allow a vampire to drink from her.

Shaking his head from those thoughts, he heads to his office to focus on what happened with Elena upstairs. In all the years he has been involved with her, he's never once thought of someone else in bed. He won't pretend that he hasn't had fantasies or dreams about other women, but he's never brought it into bed with him. So why did it happen now? Why did he did he think of Bonnie?

It has to be because he hasn't been alone with her in a while. Once he sees her, this will all go away and then he'll be able to get back to normal. He picks up his phone and punches in her number. If he's lucky she'll answer and maybe he can convince her to ditch her date so they can hang out for the night. He doubts very seriously she's having a good time right now.


Stefan pulls out of Bonnie and quickly flips her onto her stomach before spreading her legs with his knees and sliding back inside of her. He sighs happily, loving that this position not only allows him to thrust even deeper inside of her, but also gives him the pleasure of watching her ass jiggle and clench every time he slams inside her. He does this for a few moments before grabbing her breasts and pulling her up so her back is pressed against his chest.

Bonnie's phone rings from across the room, but they are too lost in their sexual haze to hear it. Instead Bonnie moans as she revels in how deep his cock is inside of her. Still despite how amazing it feels, she needs to feel his fangs in her before she can fully go over the edge. She grabs his left hand and pulls it to her mouth before lightly biting into it.

The feel of Bonnie's teeth digging into his hand causes Stefan to rolls his hips in way he know will send them both into earth-shattering orgasms. As he erupts, he sinks his fangs into her neck and groans as her blood fills his mouth and his come fills her womb.

Bonnie moans as she falls into her own orgasmic bliss. She shudders as she feels his come hit her inner walls and mix with her own. Stefan drinks from her for a few more seconds before pulling back and sealing the bite marks with his tongue.


"I can't believe neither of them showed up." Caroline frowns as she and Klaus walk into their living room. After their texts to Stefan and Bonnie went ignored, they agreed to enjoy the evening on their own. Now two and a half hours later, Caroline has to admit that she's still pissed that her friends both bailed on the date.

"What do you think happened?" Klaus asks after taking a seat on the couch

"I'm sure Bonnie's at work, but I have no idea where Stefan is. I think it's time I actually called him." She hadn't called either of them during the date because she'd been in public place and she assumed they would be more likely to respond to her texts, but now that she's actually at home she figures she can be as loud as she wants. "I just hope he answers." She pulls her phone out of her purse and dials his number...


Bonnie snuggles into Stefan's chest as he strokes her back. She sighs as she thinks about what just happened between them. The sex had been as passionate as it always is, but their last round is still sending aftershocks through her body. Instead of going for one of their more ambitious positions they decided to spoon. Stefan had thrust into her from behind as he bit into her shoulder and drank her blood. It was slower and less frenzied than usual, but still extremely pleasurable. If someone had told her she would find having a vampire drink from her a turn on, she would have said they were crazy, but the feel of Stefan's fangs in her deep inside her is so intimate and intoxicating.

Lifting her head from his chest, Bonnie glances at the clock and winces. "We missed the entire date. Caroline is going to kill both of us." Just as the words leave Bonnie's mouth, Stefan's phone starts to ring. It is easy to deduce that it's Caroline on the other end.

"Her ears must have been burning." He jokes before jumping out of bed to grab his phone out of his pants.

Bonnie laughs and immediately rolls on top of him when he climbs back in bed. She then begins pressing kisses down his torso.

His stomach clenches in pleasure just as he answers the phone. "Look, Caroline I-"

"Don't Caroline me!" She snaps angrily. "I want an explanation for why you bailed on the date I set up for you."

"I was on my way, but I kind of got caught up in something." His eyes roll in the back of his head and he lets out a pleasurable groan when Bonnie takes him into her mouth.

Caroline frowns when she hears an unmistakable moan escape from Stefan's lips. "By caught up do you mean somehow found your way into some slutty girl's bed."

"I-" Stefan starts to say, but is distracted by the feel of Bonnie mouth moving up and down on him.

"Stefan?" She prompts annoyed.

"Yeah I did." A half listening Stefan agrees without thinking.

Incredulous, Bonnie stops her ministrations to glare at him before lightly slapping his thigh.

Stefan blinks in surprise, immediately gives her an apologetic smile and gently caresses her hand when he realizes what he accidentally agreed with.

Bonnie rolls her eyes, but once again lowers her mouth to him and continues to work him over. This time Stefan manages to keep from moaning out loud, but it's very difficult considering how good it feels.

"You owe me Stefan, as in you actually dancing at my party. I am not letting you get away with being the wallflower you usually are.

"Okay," Stefan agrees, hoping that means he'll get to spend most of the night dancing with Bonnie. He has no problem dancing with her.

"You're just lucky the date I had for you had to cancel as well. So she doesn't know how big a cad you were tonight."

"I really am sorry about tonight. I really did intend on showing up."

"Apology accepted. Just make sure it doesn't happen again" She says just before hanging up.

Stefan drops the phone onto the bed and watches as Bonnie takes him deeper into her throat. He growls and tugs at her hair to pull her away from his cock.

She starts to scowl at him, but when he grabs her by the waist and shifts her into a sixty nine position, a burst of excitement flows through her. She quickly takes in into her mouth once again, moaning when Stefan lowers her pussy to his face and takes a long lick. She shudders as his mouth flicks at her clit and starts to hum in response.

The vibrations from her mouth cause him to throb against her tongue and his eyes shut when her hands start to squeeze his balls. Her arousal flows into his mouth and he devours it as the same way he normally devours blood.

"Mmmh," Bonnie moans around his cock as her hips instinctively grind against his face.

Stefan is just as worked up, if the way he keeps thrusting his hips upward is any indication. She moves faster and faster until his cock starts to feel like steel in her mouth. He knows he is seconds away from exploding so when his come starts to shoot out of his cock, he grabs her by the ass and stabs his tongue deeper inside of her, easily hitting that spot that always pushes her over the edge.

Bonnie digs her nails into his thighs as her orgasm currents through her body and she swallows his come. She shakes as her arousal flows into his mouth and Stefan continues to lap at her pussy. He continues even after she lets go of his now softened cock.

When her limbs grow tired and she collapses on top of Stefan, he presses a soft kiss to her mound and licks the remnants of her arousal off his lips before gently placing her next to him on the bed. The couple lay next each other contently, finally satiated after a long workout.

The moment is broken when a loud growl breaks the silence. Stefan grins and glances at a slightly embarrassed Bonnie. "Hungry?"

"Yeah," The witch in question sits up, smirking when Stefan's eyes briefly go to her breasts."I haven't eaten since you brought me lunch."

"I can make you something to eat since it's basically my fault that you missed dinner."

"I haven't been to the store so the only things in my fridge right now are your blood bags."

"We'll order in then." He says as he climbs out of bed and slips on his boxers. "Maybe a pizza?"

"Okay," Bonnie agrees before she reaches for the sweater Stefan had been wearing earlier.

"You coming downstairs?" He asks when she makes no move to get out of bed.

"My legs are still kind of wobbly." She explains, frowning when he turns his back to her and kneels down. "Stefan, what are you doing?"

"Hop on my back and I'll carry you." He glances back at her and smiles.

"Stefan I don't …"

"Come on, It's not like we haven't done it before."

"True, but we back then we weren't a couple and you were trying to cheer me up after I unloaded huge baggage all over you." She points out even as she hops onto his back and wraps her arms and legs around him. When Stefan starts to carry her out of the room and down the stairs, neither can stop their minds from traveling to that particular day.

Stefan thanks the bartender for the two bottles of beer and heads for the table he and Bonnie had been sitting at, frowning when he sees that Bonnie is not there. When he looks around the bar and realizes that Bonnie is nowhere to be seen his frown only deepens. He asks one of the waitresses if she's seen her and she points toward the exit. Worried, he hands the bottles to the waitress and rushes outside.

He had intended for the tonight to be fun. She's been such a great friend helping him deal with his breakup with Caroline and he wants to do the same for her. That's why invited her to Washington DC for the weekend so they could hang out without worrying about running into anyone in Mystic Falls. Tonight he invited her to one of his favorite bars in the city, but now he's starting to think that may have been a bad idea. All night he's felt like something was off with Bonnie, but when he tried to bring it up, she would change subject.

He quickly heads outside and spies her sitting on one of the benches just outside of the bar. The winter air is frigid so he can see her breath with every exhale outward. It's clear from her demeanor that she's upset. "Bonnie?" He says as he takes a seat on the bench. "Maybe tonight was bad idea. I just wanted to–"

"No, Stefan… tonight was fun for the most part…I just…I started thinking…" She trails off, unsure how to explain.

"Is this about Damon?" Stefan asks carefully, knowing that she's still trying to deal with not only losing her boyfriend, but a good friend in his brother. He knows firsthand how hard it can be to deal with the person you love being with someone else.

"This isn't about Damon." She denies, adding "At least not tonight." She won't pretend that she's not still mourning the loss of that relationship, but tonight Damon is the last thing on her mind. Instead her mind is on the girl she once considered a sister.

"So what's bothering you?" He slides closer to her until their knees are touching. "You know you can tell me anything and I will keep it between us."

"It's Elena." She looks up at him with tears in her eyes. "It's just so hard…. She was the person I was willing to do anything for. And she won't even speak to me. I …" She starts to sob uncontrollably.

Stefan pulls Bonnie into his arms and strokes her back as she cries into his chest. As he holds her, anger starts to fill him. Elena had not been happy when she found out that Bonnie and Damon had been seeing each other and promptly ended their friendship. As a result, things have been very ugly for months now. It makes him very grateful that he moved out of the boardinghouse a few weeks ago because he was sick of hearing Elena make digs anytime any of the others mention Bonnie's name. Damon has already stopped mentioning her, probably because it only ends in an argument.

The others believe that this is just a stage and have been making a point of encouraging the former friends to work things out. Stefan has stayed out of it for the most part, but now that he knows just how much this is hurting Bonnie there is a part of him that wants to go find his brother and the brunette so he can give him a piece of his mind.

Logically he knows it's not Damon's fault that this is going on. No one could have predicted Elena would return and feel betrayed by their romance to the point of severing her friendship with Bonnie. He knows that, but having Bonnie cry in his arms, (the last time she cried in his arms had been when Sheila was being tortured in the afterlife) makes him feel even more protective of her. All he wants to do is end her pain and from where he's sitting, Damon is a major cause of Bonnie's pain at the moment.

As for Elena, he probably shouldn't be surprised by her behavior, but he is. How could she throw away a decade's long friendship with someone that has shown time and time again that she's willing to sacrifice anything, including her life for her? He just doesn't understand it.

Bonnie doesn't know how long she has been sitting here locked in Stefan's arms, but she knows that she feels a lot better than she had before he came outside. Still she can't help, but feel embarrassed by her display. She pulls back as much as can considering she's still locked in his arms and looks him in the eye. "I'm sorry I can't believe I ruined our night out." She wipes at her tears. "You took me out and here I am crying all over you."

Stefan reaches out to wipe some of her tears, "You have nothing to be sorry about." He holds her tighter in his arms. "How long have you been keeping this to yourself?"

"Since it happened," When Elena first made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with her, Bonnie had tried to make amends, but Elena turned down every attempt. Talking to Damon hadn't been option since she's been trying to get over him and the others seemed uncomfortable by their fallout so she decided to keep her hurt to herself.

"Why" he asks despite having an idea already.

"I didn't want people to have to pick sides so I've kept everything inside." She wipes at her face and pulls away from his embrace, sardonically adding. "Obviously that worked out well."

"You shouldn't have to keep this inside. As far as I'm concerned Elena's the one that has the problem and she should have to deal with the consequences." He decides not to point out how screwed up it is that no one, including himself thought to talk to Bonnie about how she was feeling about this.

"Maybe she's right. Maybe I should have thought about how she might have felt about me and Damon dating. Maybe I should have kept my feelings for him to myself and respected what they had."

"After all you've done for her…for all of us; you shouldn't have to apologize for trying to be happy. Elena was gone and we thought it was for good. It's not like you and Damon got together right after her death so she has no reason to act like you were cheating behind her back."


"No arguing with me on this," He cuts her off. "She had no problem going from my bed to my brother's while we were living in the same house. So she of all people should be more understanding that you can't help who you love. And if she's feeling so betrayed why isn't she upset with Damon too? It's not like you dated him all by yourself, he was a very active participant."

"You're right." Bonnie says after awhile. All this time she's been acting as though she did something wrong while Damon and Elena get to be happy. She frowns when she realizes that Stefan's right Elena has never once been upset with Damon for what happened. In Elena's eyes she's apparently the only one responsible. And now she's not just hurt, she's pissed. "I can't believe I actually let her ruin my night."

"The night doesn't have to end we can get back to having fun." Stefan stands up from the bench and crouches down on the ground before looking back at Bonnie. "Hop on my back."

"What?" She looks at Stefan like he's crazy.

"There are some amazing sights around here, especially in the winter. I'm going to be your ride." He's spent a lot of time throughout the years visiting the different landmarks in the town and he would like to share some of his favorite places with Bonnie.

"Stefan, why are you…"

"I'm going to cheer you up even if it takes me all night."

"And you think a piggyback ride is the way to do that?" She furrows her brow, unconvinced.

"Who hasn't been cheered up by a piggyback ride," he grins. "Besides I know those boots were expensive." He glances at her knee high boots. "So I figured it would be a good way to keep them clean from all the snow." He glances up at her and wiggles his eyebrows. "What do you say?"

Bonnie laughs, but still moves off the bench and climbs onto his back. She squeals when he stands up straight and takes off in a flash of speed. When she gets her bearings she quickly realizes that they are standing in front of a very old building. She listens intently as he explains why the building is his favorite and gives her an impromptu history lesson. His voice is mesmerizing and she finds herself very impressed and a little turned on by his knowledge. The fact that he's doing it while carrying her on his capable back doesn't hurt either.

As Stefan carries her through town, he is unable to ignore the warmth of her breath against his neck, her heart beating against his back and it feels…right. Having her arms around him feels like she's always belonged there.

Stray citizens watch them with varying reactions. Some believe the two are crazy for being out so late in the cold; others are impassive, while many others are charmed by the seemingly happy couple. Neither notices, however because they are too focused on one another to think of anyone else.

That night had been a lot of fun. They spent hours walking around the city, him carrying her on his back. By the time they made it back to their hotel, it had been the next morning. Both smile as Stefan carries her into the living room. He crouches down and waits for Bonnie to take a seat on the couch before standing up straight. "I'm gonna get the menu and order our dinner." He says on the way into the kitchen.

"I need to call Caroline and apologize for not showing up for that date." Bonnie picks up her work cell from the end table since she forgot her regular phone upstairs and dials Caroline's number.


"I don't know why I even bother." Caroline says after her phone calls with Stefan and Bonnie. Bonnie insisted there was reason she was a no show, but Caroline hadn't let her explain instead making her promise it not happen again. Despite her flakiness tonight, she knows that Bonnie hates to break promises so she'll be invested in the next date she has planned. Stefan on the other hand is the real problem.

He's always been a romantic so she doesn't get why he would bail on the date for easy sex. Sex that she knows has to feel empty to him. She glances at her husband who is sitting on the couch drawing in his sketchbook. He was the one to get Stefan to agree to the blind date in the first place. Maybe Klaus can get him to talk to him about these flings he keeps having.

Klaus looks up when he feels Caroline's eyes on him. "What is it, Love?"

"I need you to talk to Stefan. Get him to realize that having one night stands isn't right for him."

"Why are you so focused on making sure Stefan is in a relationship? Are you sure you aren't feeling guilty about the way things ended between you?" This is something he's been wondering since she first suggested setting Stefan up.

His words cause her to think of the night she and Stefan ended their relationship.

"Stefan! Where are you going? Please talk to me." Caroline follows Stefan outside of the Mikaelson mansion. She had just finished talking to Klaus when she saw Stefan quietly walk out of the party.

Stefan turns around, his eyes sad and resigned. "I think we should breakup."

Caroline blinks in shock. She definitely hadn't been expecting him to say that. "What are you talking about? Why would you say that?"

"I can see it in your eyes that you're falling for him. You've been pulling away from me for the last few months. Ever since you two got locked in that vault you've gotten closer."

"Of course we got closer. we spent a week locked in vault with no one to talk to but each other, it was either get closer or kill each other." She points out as she thinks of the incident where a werewolf intent on killing vampires somehow managed to lock them in a vault that for all intents and purposes made them human. They bonded and even had a discussion about their past. By the time Bonnie and Stefan rescued them, she had actually started to like Klaus a little.

Stefan frowns; her explanation would make sense if he hadn't seen the look the two shared after she gave Klaus those antique paintbrushes from the 18th century. Klaus had clearly been enamored and Caroline hadn't been that far off from looking that way though it was a lot more subtle. And it's not the first time he's noticed those looks. "I've been in denial for a while, but after seeing how much time and effort you put into his gift I can no longer pretend."

"The brushes?" Caroline furrows her brow. "Stefan, it was just a present. He likes art and when I saw them in the store, I thought he would like it." She argues. "I buy presents for all of my friends."

Stefan starts to say that gift is nothing like birthday gifts she's gotten for Bonnie and she's her best friend, but when he looks into her eyes it becomes clear to him she hasn't realized the extent of her feelings for Klaus yet. So instead he focuses on the other problems in their relationship. "Even if you haven't figured out that you have feelings for Klaus, you can't honestly say you haven't noticed that things have changed between us." He looks carefully into her eyes.

She nervously looks away, knowing that he's right. Things have changed between them in the last three month. At one point she couldn't go a day with seeing Stefan if she could help it. Now she can go days without talking to him and not even miss him. They've been fighting more and more lately when they used to be able to talk to each other about anything. Still that doesn't mean that she's falling for Klaus. Does it?

"I love you, but I don't want you to be with me if it isn't really what you want." He pauses and looks down at his feet before meeting her eyes again "Despite our romantic relationship, I consider you one of my best friends and I don't want to lose that. So I think we should end this between us before we start resenting each other."

Caroline nods and wipes away the tear that is rolling down her cheek.

"Okay I can admit that there is part of me that feels guilty over what happened." She says after coming out of her flashback. "But he's also one of my best friends and I know he'll never be happy with these meaningless relationships that's he's been having. That's why I'm trying so hard to set him and Bonnie up. I want them to be as happy as I am and I think they'll find that with each other. So I would appreciate it if you went and talked to him." She gives him a pleading look.


Klaus is rarely able to deny his wife anything which is how he ends up standing at the front door of Stefan's home three days after his conversation with her waiting for the vampire to answer the door.

Klaus raises an eyebrow when the door jerks open and Stefan comes into view wearing only his boxers. Traces of dark lipstick decorate his neck and chest and Klaus is unable to stop himself from laughing when he realizes that Stefan's boxers are inside out.

"Klaus, what are you doing here?" A slightly out of breath Stefan asks his unexpected guest.

"You're killing me, Mate." He runs his hand through his hair before continuing. "Caroline is very intent on fixing you up and you are making things very hard. If you aren't at the point of wanting to settle down you should-"

"I am at that point," Stefan quickly interrupts him. The last thing he wants to happen is for Caroline to give up and pick someone else for Bonnie to date. Not that he would let that happen, but still.

"Are you?"

"Stefan? What's taking you so long? You should know that I have no problem starting without you!" A feminine voice yells from inside the house.

Klaus stiffens as he recognizes the voice belonging to a certain witch. For a second he thinks maybe he is just hearing things, but when Bonnie appears behind Stefan wrapped in nothing but a light blue sheet, he realizes that his hearing had been correct. He takes in Bonnie's mussed hair and the smeared lipstick on her lips that coincidentally matches the lipstick decorating Stefan's skin. "Well this is certainly a surprise."

"Klaus!" Bonnie's eyes widen in surprise and she clutches the sheet tighter around her. He had been the last person she expected to be at Stefan's door.

"So how long has this been going on?" Klaus gapes at the nearly naked couple, his gaze stopping on Bonnie's sheet covered frame.

"Nine months." Stefan replies as he wraps an arm across Bonnie's shoulder and pulls her to his side, obviously not appreciating the look in the original's eyes. "We haven't said anything because we wanted to be together without having to worry about everyone else's opinions."

Klaus' brow furrows when he sees the resigned look on their faces. He understands why they wouldn't want to tell Damon or Elena, but his wife would be over the moon."Caroline has been trying to set you two up on a date. You can't really believe that she would be anything other than happy for the two of you."

"Yeah, but we wanted to be together for a while before we had to deal with the pressure of everyone's expectations." Stefan explains.

"Once again I am not seeing the problem."

"Have you met your wife?" Bonnie raises an eyebrow at him. "She would have been planning our wedding from the moment we told her what was going on."

"You have a point." Klaus admits with a small smile. Her meticulous planning is one of the things that he loves about her, but he can see how it could be overwhelming at times.

"And then there's the fact that everyone including you and Caroline thought that we were still hung up on our past relationships. If we had announced that we were together, everyone would have assumed we were doing it for attention." She turns away from Klaus to look at Stefan and the two have a silent conversation before she looks at Klaus again. "The plan had been to tell her and everyone else after the blind date. We just got a little distracted before the date and that's why neither of us showed up."

Stefan jumps in, adding. "But since you know and we don't want to put you in the position of keeping a secret from Caroline, we'll tell her right away."

"I agree that you have to tell Caroline, but may I make a suggestion?" He gaze moves back and forth between them.

"I think you should hold off on telling her few more days. At least until after party."

Bonnie and Stefan share a surprised look. "Why?"

"I have a little surprise getaway planned in the next couple of days and I'd rather she not be distracted by your news while we are away." He already knows that the moment she finds out they're together she won't be able to focus until she knows everything, something that will definitely ruin their dates. He watches they have a brief conversation before turning to face him.

"Okay, we'll wait until after the party." Stefan agrees

"I will see you both on Saturday." He gives them a nod before turning and walking out the door.

"So…where were we?" Bonnie turns to Stefan once the door is closed. Her eyes promise lust, but the moment is ruined by the sound of her stomach growling.

"Apparently, I was getting ready to feed you." He chuckles and moves closer to her. For someone so tiny, you have a big appetite."

"I can't help it if energetic sex with you works up an appetite." Bonnie rolls her eyes sarcastically.

"It wasn't a dig, I like cooking for you and I like knowing that I'm doing a good job at satisfying you." He cups her face. "Why don't I make you my cheese and spinach ravioli?"

"That sounds amazing." She smiles, her stomach growling at the thought of the pasta dish. The first time he made it for her; she had practically had an orgasm because of how delicious it was.

"Good." He pulls her for a brief kiss, looking into her eyes once he pulls back. "While I'm doing that you can relax in the living room and watch some Netflix. "Does that sound like a plan?"

"It does," She grins as she wraps the sheet tighter around her body and heads for the living room.