Authors note: This is the final chapter. Once again thanks to all those who have reviewed, favorited, and followed this story and me…it was greatly appreciated. I am also glad of the support of this pairing for when I started out it wasn't much…now it has flourished quite grandly and the show hasn't even finished its first season. I first began with the pairing of Cat and Kara…wow how time flies. Anyway hopefully this ending is fitting enough for all those who have come so far…or to those who just recently became hooked. Here we go.

CH.17: Written in these pages

Kara stirred awake as she lay in a hospital bed…her eyes looking around the room till they settle on a caped figure sitting in her window. "Hey…what are you doing here?"

"I came to see how my cousin is doing…suffice to say you are looking well rested for having survived an explosion set up by Non," Kal-El notes with a teasing smile.

"Yeah well…if you count myself lucky by being thrown down a flight of stairs and the last thing I saw was a red cape…yes very lucky. And thank you." Kara tried to sit up but realized the pain was still too bad to fight off.

"There is no rush to get up…you will heal on your own time. I am sorry I've been away…things in Metropolis haven't exactly been smooth sailing of late. We are family Kara…and I promise I won't be out of the picture again." He sits there a bit and she wonders what he is thinking. What goes on while he is taking care of Metropolis so far away. He had dealt with the loss of Krytpon for so long…all by himself here on Earth. He was just a babe by the time he was sent away.

"You should get going…I imagine Lois won't be happy to see you gone too long." Kara had known about Clark and Lois for a bit and she was glad for them. Knowing an alien like her cousin and a reporter human like Lois were together gave her hope she would…oh wait…she already had. Wait…where was Alex?

"Yes…I imagine you are right. You take care of yourself now…no taking on too big of threats till I show next time alright?" He gave her a lopsided grin, his eyes twinkling before he flies off leaving her there.

"Hello…anyone awake in here?" Alfred walked into the room and Kara smiled seeing the kind elderly man as he was followed by a handsome looking man wearing a business suit.

"Alfred…so glad to see you again. And who is your friend?" Kara saw the man was quite serious and regal, unlike her cousin there seemed a lot more tenseness in his presence.

"My name is Bruce Wayne…I am sure Alfred mentioned me while he attended Ben's funeral. I am also to hear about your other father, he was a good honorable man. I heard about your situation and thought I would help pay the bills for your visit…I imagine your line of work doesn't get paid a whole lot…whatever it is you do."

Kara raised a brow curious what he meant by that. The DEO was an organization few knew about…so when it came time to cash checks or anything it was usually government like handling. As Supergirl…she did it out of the kindness of her heart…as it was heroes did not live luxuriously. She wondered how much Bruce knew about her…and why the facial structure reminded her of someone she just met, but no, they couldn't be the same person.

"Thank you Bruce for your compassion and generosity…will you be staying in National City?" She looks at him but he seems to looking out the window.

"Hmm…oh I am afraid Alfred and I have business back in Gotham. Here is my card though…if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call me personally. Alfred…time to go." Bruce swept out of the room with Alfred bidding his farewell before following after him.

"What a strange brooding man…if we ever meet again I will be sure to give him some lessons in smiling." Kara settled her head against her pillow and let out a strained breath. In time yes she would heal but the wound she was most concerned about was her heart. What had happened during the fight between Alex and Batman? Had he killed her or was she off questioning what to do now. Having powers was a huge responsibility and Alex didn't have any other life to return to…not like she could go back to the DEO after what she had done without being branded a traitor or worse.

Of course she wasn't in her right mind…brought from the brink of death or death itself to serve Non in his twisted ways to not only make Alex, Alexandria but also to have her turn on the one she loved and kill her. If not for Batman she didn't know how long she would have lasted. Hearing a flutter in the window she thought Clark had returned but instead she saw Alex. The woman looked exhausted and morally strained as she avoided eye contact with one leg over the windowsill.

"Alex!" Kara was glad to see her but her significant other kept quiet. It bothered her that after all the time they were together she would not have anything to say. "C'mon babe this isn't like you…it wasn't like you had a choice-."

"I am leaving Kara." The words shook her core…Kara found tears slipping down as she tried to find the words to match her feelings.

"What, no, you can't leave…we'll figure something out. Non used you to get to me…even in the end he was intent on taking me down even if it meant ending his own life. Don't you see now you can be free of his control and be the hero National City deserves-."

"I hurt you baby…it was like I was just a passenger in my own body watching as my hands damaged you…and I could do nothing to stop it. The words…they were mine but they were also not mine, if that makes any sense. I thought I was helping people…I thought I was doing good like you do on a weekly basis. However…in the end it wasn't really me. It is time I start fresh somewhere else…maybe somewhere no one knows me or what I do…like Gotham or somewhere else."

Kara was breaking down…she was too fragile right now to handle all this. Her love was leaving her…no…she refused to give up so easily. There had to be a way to get her to stay…to realize that she was needed here. Gripping her sheets as her knuckles turn white she then remembered something…something that her Aunt Astra had told her just before she died. She would have to make it sell otherwise Alex would be out that window and she would not be able to follow her.

"Well…if you are to leave me hospitalized and bedridden the least you can do is give me one last kiss goodbye. I mean…I would get up but…I'm just so weak." She saw Alex crack a smile and roll her eyes before making her way over to the bed.

"Alright…one kiss and I am gone ok?" Alex makes sure that the message gets through, which it does as she nods her blond head.

"Sure, one kiss, I am ready when you are." Kara waits and as Alex leans over she presses her lips against hers and she melts. It had been so long since they last shared a kiss. The last time they had spoken it was in regards to their relationship and how the role of Supergirl prevented such things as hand holding or public displays of affection. Placing a hand behind Alex's head she enjoys the soft feel of her long hair.

Opening her mouth she begins to draw in the essence that was inside of Alex…the parts of her that were foreign and alien. Astra had told her that the stuff used on Alex were that of her own body…and seeing how Astra was her aunt it only made sense that it would resonate with her body as she was Kryptonian born. It was a longshot again as her own power had been stripped of her when the Kryptonite had hit her full on. Apparently there was a kiss that could erase one's memories…though it was dangerous and unfair to the individual…something she never thought to do.

When the kiss ended she laid back and saw Alex stagger a bit barely holding herself upright. There was a look of confusion on her face and as she tries to fly she just jumps and lands with a thud. "W-What just happened…why am I unable to fly?"

Kara wore a guilty look and slowly slides the covers off her body and moves to the window. Her wounds were healing, albeit slowly, her clothing kind of felt like there was a draft behind her but she didn't pay it any attention as she could feel her strength returning. "I took your power away Alex…I made it so the Kryptonian stuff inside you was properly placed within myself. Seeing how I am Kryptonian born naturally when we kissed it allowed me to transfer that part of you inside of me. While your body would be able to keep it inside of you for sometime…seeing how it has never been done before there is no guarantee the stability of it all…just a theory."

"Y-You had no right…that power belonged to me…I was going to-." Kara drew her to her and ran a hand through that soft hair of Alex's.

"It will take some adjusting to…but…it is for the best Alex. Having this much responsibility, that much pressure…you deserve a normal life. I have lived the normal life and I can tell you…it just isn't for me. Supergirl is my calling…and…you are my future." Kara feels her pull back and she stares into Alex's confused eyes.

"What do you mean I am your future?" Alex had every right to be confused and Kara would bend down if she could…but…right now a promise is what she could make.

"I, Kara Daniels, hereby promise to be faithful and loving to you, my partner for life and all that is beautiful on this Earth…for long as I shall live. Everything that I am…is yours…and no matter what peril may threaten or compromise…nothing will tear me from your side. We are a team, you and I, we have suffered much but together we will see the sun rise again and again…for long as both shall breathe. Someday I wish to make you my wife, my lovely bride to be…but till then I am making this vow to make things right…and that is starting right now."

Kara linked her hand with Alex's and gazed deeply into her dark eyes. Alex was starting to cry and she reached up to capture her tear. "It almost sounds like those were your wedding vows."

"Thanks…I'll try to remember them for that day. You know Hank will accept you back in the DEO…now that I am officially retiring and putting my life as Supergirl into full swing." Kara held onto Alex with her hands behind her back while Alex linked her fingers along her neck.

"Oh yeah…well…if you are doing that there is one person you will need to talk to." Alex wore a teasing smile and Kara sighed. The two shared this moment of solace before embracing. They kissed like they never had kissed before. Their love bound them there in that moment and while Kara was not exactly looking forward to begging for forgiveness from Cat Grant of all people…she realized that in order to keep this life she lived she needed that secret identity as Kara Daniels in order to be who she was, who she would always be, Supergirl.


Authors note: And there we have it. I believe I said all I needed to above but as we fade to black keep on shipping people, while this pairing may never happen on the show, as it would involve Kara's identity being revealed and all and that she and Alex aren't blood related, at least in here in this site it is continued to be supported. If there are any other yuri opportunities in Supergirl let me know and I will attempt to tackle it to the best of my ability.