Uh right well first of all thank you for reading my RUBISH story. Second I want to apologise about the finish quality of this chapter. I wrote it ages ago and recently found it. To those I said I'd dedicate my first story to, sorry but I want to dedicate one to you that's actually good.

Anyhoo hope you enjoy it


DISCLAIMER; Sadly I own nothing:'(

Chapter 1: new job

Valkyries P.O.V

"Valkyrie?" Asked someone from the other side of the door. I glared at the door and didn't awnser.

"Valkyrie come on! We'll need to talk about this at some point" continued the anonomys person. I finally decided to awnser

"Okay fine! We can talk!" On the other side of the door I heard Skulduggery sigh in relief.

"Thank God! I've been out here for hours!"

He continued, " right so anyway we have a case." He said smugly. I could literally hear the smile in his voice. I sighed and walked over to the door. I unlocked it then sat back on the bed.

"I know Skulduggery you told me like ten times now"

"Really?" He asked frowning.

" yep" I replied popping the 'p'

"Do you know what it's about?" He asked the smugness creeping back into his voice. The scowl I gave him was the awnser he was looking for.

"Right so its a case from the American Sanctuary-" I cut him off before he could continue.

"I thought they didn't like us" I asked frowning

'They don't but seen as though they have no one compared to the magnificent us they humbly asked for our help"

Valkyrie raised an eyebrow"your ego never ceases to amaze me"

"I know" he replied happily. Anyway we're getting off topic. The American Sanctuary humbly asked for the help of the amazing detective and his deadly sidekick -"

"Okay okay! 1; where is this supposedly amazing detective? And 2; I'm your partner not your sidekick"

"Stop interrupting! Anyway they asked for our help because of the new pizza place."

"Which one? The one with the teddy bear?"

"Yes apparently there have been mysterious disappearances ranging from kids to night guards. Because we helped with Viles armour they want us to help here because the animatronics are some kind of suit"

"That's all fine and we'll Skulduggery but how are we going to help exactly?"

"That my dear Valkyrie is what I wanted to tell you... It means that your getting a job...