One shot:

It wasn't always that the gang of teens had got to together with the two twins. Even though the teens drank beer and liquor around them, the twins tried to get involved whenever they saw the opportunity. This evening the teens were all drunk, including Wendy, and all were running out of games to play.

"Ugh! What are we gonna do?!"Robbie spat out rubbing his drunken eyes.

"We've already played all the games we could think of." Thomson said.

"So?" Lee asked.

"H-hey! Let's asked Doctor Fun times! Maybe he can think of a game!" Nate asked hiccuping and turning around on the couch to look at the small boy who was quietly observing everyone from the crate near the garage door.

"Nah he's just a kid, he'll probably wanna play hide' n seek ." Robbie said groaning.

"I think we-hic- should give him a chance right Tambry?" Wendy said.

"Whatever." she said and continued her drunken texting.

"Hey doctor fun times!" Nat shouted.

Standing up Dipper made his way to the crew. "Yes?"

"Do you-hic-you have a game we haven't played yet?" Lee asked.

At the mention of a game, the brunettes eyes narrowed and glinted mischievously.

"Of course," he turned to Thomson, "Where's your kitchen?"

Thomson raised an eyebrow, " Two door down the hall and to the left."

"Thank you!"

The boy left them.

"Well that was stupid, he's probably eating something." Robbie said grumply.

The door to the garage opened and Dipper walked in, a large cooking knife in his right hand. The teens a bit shocked sat up and sobered almost immediately.

"Woah kid! What are you doing?!" Lee asked, scared.

"Oh calm down you not wit!" Dipper snapped, eyebrows furrowing in disgust.

"Hey Dipper are you feeling okay?" Wendy asked, he wasn't acting like himself.

"Oh I'm fine, but that doesn't matter, you won't remember this by the morn."

He walked over and sat in front of the low wooden coffee table and placed his hand upon it. He opened his fingers wide, making sure that they were spread perfectly and placed the sharp tip of the blade on the table, by his thumb.

"I wanna play a game, the knife game."

"Knife game?" Robbie asked.

"Here, let me explain the rules-

There's an old tradition a game we all can play it starts by getting liquored up and sharpening your blade

You take a shot of whiskey and grab your knife and pray and spread your fingers and this is what you say~"

The boy began to to stab the empty spaces in between his finger, tapping the knife to the beat of his singing.

"Oh I have all my fingers the knife goes chop chop chop and if I miss the spaces between my finger the blood will soon come out

But all the same I play the game cause that's what it's all about

No you can't use a pencil you can't use a pen the only way to is with a knife when danger is your friend

Some may call it stupid some may call it dumb

But all the same we play the game because it's so damn fun

Oh I have all my fingers and the knife goes chop chop chop and if I miss the spaces between my fingers the blood will soon come out

Because that's what it's all about~"

He began to stab faster, the teens nerves on end frightened that he'll stab himself. But judging by the happy look on his face, he enjoyed the looks, eyes not even focusing on his hand but on Robbie's face, a dark glint to it.

"Oh chop chop chop chop chop chop I'm picking up the speed and if you hit one of your fingers your hand will start to bleed~"

He stopped and twirled the knife around so that the hilt was facing Robbie.

"Your turn."