Mount Justice

October 19, 16:00 EDT

"Sportsmaster and Cheshire" Superman asks. "Crimson Viper told me that they we're at a room where the self-destruct was located" Batman tells him.

"And he knew how to activate it" Flash says. "How could've he and Cheshire knew about secret prison" Aquaman asks.

"Someone told them" Batman says. "Who could've told them about it" Flash asks.

"Whoever it was knew where Juri was located and wanted her dead" Batman tells the speedster.

"It was kind of odd Crimson Viper told you to drop her off in the middle of nowhere" Superman says to Batman. "I didn't think it was odd" Batman tells Superman.

"You think she's gone" Flash asks. No one in the mission answers his question. "So no then" said Flash.

Western Mongolia

October 19, 16:00 ICT

"You're a fool for coming here" Vandal Savage says who is with Sportsmaster, Ra's al Ghul, Klarion, Brain and Monsieur Mallah.

A muscular male individual who is in the shadows just laughs at Savage. "You dare call me a fool" individual asks followed by still laughing at Savage.

"I don't think this is funny" Ra's al Ghul tells individual. "You're right I am a fool, for not killing you yet" the individual says to Ra's.

"Why don't we just kill him already" Klarion asks. "Words from a beaten dog pathetic" the individual responds with an insult to the Lord of Chaos.

"Who are you calling a beaten dog" Klarion shouts as his eyes turn into that demonic black red ready to deliver dark magic to the individual but Savage stops him. "Please you think your magic will stop me" said individual in the who doesn't feel threatened by Klarion.

"What is your purpose for coming here? And how do you know about us" Savage asks the individual.

"Someone within your ranks told me about you and has been communicating with me for months" individual tells Savage while he looks at Sportsmaster.

"I never talked to you period" Sportsmaster shouts at the individual. "Maybe not me but you did talk to one of my associates. He actually talked to you and your daughter" the individual tells Sportsmaster.

"Wait a minute. You're from Shadaloo" Sportsmaster says who realize that the individual was talking about the at Smokey Mountains where Vega was talking to him and Cheshire. "Shadaloo; you mean that criminal organization" Ra's al Ghul asks.

"You told him about us" Savage asks, glaring at Sportsmaster. "Like I said I never told him anything" Sportsmaster tells Savage.

"It was Lex Luthor that told me about this organization that you called The Light" he tells Savage. "How long have you and Luthor been communicating" Ra's asks.

"For days. He even told about the girl you hired to eliminate the Justice League" he tells Ra's.

"Yes well Juri Han has proven to be our ace in the hole against the Justice League but thanks to Sportsmaster that is no longer the case" Savage says.

"That bitch had it coming. She was warned not to hurt Artemis" Sportsmaster says. "Besides he did you a favor" said the individual.

"What are you talking about" Savage asks.

"The only thing Juri Han cares about is taking on the strongest challengers. She has no interest in working for you" the individual tells Savage.

"What are you saying" Sportsmaster asks. "Once she gets bored of the Justice League; she will go after you and anyone else she was associated with" he tells Sportsmaster.

"So she was going to betray us the minute she's with the Justice League? I knew that bitch couldn't be trusted" said Sportsmaster. "You honestly think we wouldn't be aware about Juri's deception" Ra's al Ghul says.

"And beside even if she did; there would be no guarantee for her survival" Savage adds.

"So you were aware of her deception? Impressive" said the individual. "I been aware of Juri since the day I approached her. I knew the kind of person she was" Vandal says.

"But thanks to Sportsmaster and Cheshire who were warned not to go after Juri, disobeying our orders; we will never know of when she will deceive us" Ra's says while he looks at Sportsmaster glaring at him.

"I warned her not to hurt Artemis" Sportsmaster says. Ra's al Ghul doesn't respond to what Sportsmaster said so he just ignores him. "If you're done arguing we should get down to business" the individual says.

"Business? Is that what it's all about" Savage asks. "Luthor and I have been talking about forming partnership. But the problem is I need your approval" the individual tells Savage.

"What makes you thinks we will accept the partnership" Savage asks the individual. "All me to show you" the individual tells Savage. He opens his hand which creates a purple fiery orb. He then throws it at the ceiling which almost caused a cave-in. "Are you crazy? What's wrong you" Klarion shouts at the individual.

"What the hell was that some kind of magic" Sportsmaster asks. "Everything is magic to you" said Klarion.

"That is called Psycho Power" the individual tells Sportsmaster. "Never heard of Psycho Power" said Vandal Savage.

"If you accept; I will teach you everything about Psycho Power. I can even make you more powerful than the Justice League. However, I do want something in return" the individual says.

"Whatever you want, the Light will provide. Just as long as you keep your end of the bargain" Savage tells the individual.

"I guess we are partners. I'll be seeing around Vandal Savage" said the individual who is about to leave. "Just one question before you go. Who are you" Savage asks. The individual stops looking back at Vandal Savage and the others.

"My name is M. Bison" he tells Savage who continues to leave. "Interesting. I hope you are a man of your word Bison" said Savage.

"So go from Juri to this M. Bison. If he does anything stupid; he'll end up like Juri" said Sportsmaster.

"You know Lawrence, there's a lesson in killing people. When you do kill someone, make sure they stay dead" Ra's al Ghul tells Sportsmaster.

Antarctic Ocean

October 19, 16:59 UTC

There's a shadow figure walking on the snow but stops. It's hard to tell who it is due to the blizzard but it soon dies down. As blizzard completely dies down; the figure looks up while something glows into a purple color. It turns to be Juri who survived the destruction of the oil platform. While her left eye glows; Juri starts to laugh now realizing that no one is safe from her wrath.

I am done with this story finally. Now I can go back to other story "We Are the Enforcers" and focus on that story until I am finished with that one.