Hey Peeps! This is the sister story to Mutants in Gotham in whitch Mary, the Sister who loves Batman is transported to the TMNT Universe, if you want to see how to two sisters created their Mutant Avatars then go read Mutants in Gotham.

Mary couldn't believe what had happened to her, she was now naked, alone in a trash strewn alley and now in the body of a five foot eight inch Chameleon.

She had somehow let her TMNT obbsessed Sister Sue talk her into playing this TMNT RPG having their friend Jeremy be the 'Dungeon Master' as the RPG nerds called it.

And now...Somehow she was transformed into the Mutant she had created, she looked at her hands, both hands had TWO thumbs on each side.

Mary knew this wasn't a dream, she knew she really was in the body of the Mutant she created, Mary, lover of all things Goth was a fervent believer in the supernatural she knew that the pentagram did something to transform her and bring her to...Wherever she was now.

"Dragon Face!" She heard a Brooklyn accented voice exclaim "It's another one of those freaks!"

Mary, who from this point on we shall call Emerald, turned her head in slow horror seeing five gangsters, each armed with chains, baseball bats and various other weapons. And each of them had the mark of a Purple Dagon somewhere on their person.

From the few episodes that she had watched with her Sister, Emerald knew that these were the Purple Dragons

"You're going down Lizard!" One of the Purple Dragons "We're gonna chew you up and spit you out!"

Emerald knew she had to escape but how? These thugs were blocking the only exit, then she saw her claws...Climbing Claws...That's it!
She quickly ran to the nearest building and started to climb it but she was a bit too slow and Dragon Face grabbed her by the tail and pulled her down

"Do my eyes decieve or is this freak a Girl?" Dragon Face asked as he looked at her naked form

"We could have some fun with her before we kill her." Sneered one of the Dragons

"Do it with a Lizard?!" Exclaimed the one Female Dragon in the group "You're disgusting!"

At that point the two Dragons were then knocked out by a Bo Staff and Nunchucks, and Emerald knew who had just arrived

"I'm going to count to three." Said Leo holding Katanas akimbo, if all of you aren't gone by the time I reach three..."

"Holy Shell!" Mikey exclaimed "Another Mutant! And...And she's a Girl!"

Emerald instantly became bashful and covered her face with her tail, Despite how many fanfics she had written where she had written many characters fawning over her author avatar, now that she actually had someone going gaga over here, she couldn't handle it.

"Like I said..." Leo said sort of of irritated by Mikey's distraction "You have the count of three to leave...One..."

The Purple Dragons decided at that point to flee, they were not willing to risk taking on the Turtles when there was only five of them and had no firepower.

Mikey came right up to Emerald "Hi there!" He said "What's you're name! Mine's Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey! Are you a Chameleon? That's so cool! Do you have the ability to blend into walls?"

"Mikey!" Donatello shouted "Can't you see she's too stressed to talk? Give her a chance to breathe!"

Emerald realized she must be looking like a quivering pile of jelly to these Turtles so she lowered her tail

"My name is Emerald." She said

"That's a pretty name." Mikey said as he took her hand in his and pulled her up

Emerlad quickly blushed when she realized that the Turtles were struck by her beauty, as a Chameleon her 'blushing' meant she had turned deep crimson from head to toe, she realized her new Chameleon form must be drop dead gorgeous, from what she could see she had an hourglass figure, no...Mammery glands (Admittily the idea of Reptiles producing milk was kind of gross) And for her 'reproductive opening' she had a single cloacha which was tightly closed at the moment.

"Sorry Emerald."Leo said "We didn't mean to gawk...We've never met a Female Mutant of any kind."

"Can we please get somewhere warm?" Asked Emerald "I am freezing!"

"Sure." Leo said "We'll take you to our lair."

They took her to their 'Battle Shell' it was slightly warmer in there

"I know this might not be the best time to ask." Don said as he handed her a cup of hot tea "But how did you become a Mutant?"

"Did you come across a canister of ooze with TCRI on it?" Mikey asked

Emerald felt paralyzed how could she explain that she was a Human who watched them on the TV and had been transformed into a Mutant based on THEIR RPG? She clutched the space between her eyes trying to think and that's when she realized something, she currently had TWO different memory streams, the Memory of the Human Mary, and the Memories of the Chameleon...Emerald the Chameleon who wandered into some glowing ooze and started mutating.

"I...I did come across some glowing ooze." Emerald said "But I don't remember a cannister of any kind."

The Battle Shell started heading for the lair Emerald took a sip of tea

"I feel so tired." Emerald yawned

"Yeah." Mikey said "When you're cold blooded nights like this can really..."

At that point Emerald collapsed into a snoozing heap.

"Shell," Raph said "What is that on her tail?"

There seemed to be a tatoo on her tail, some words of a forgien language

"It's Arabic." Don said "It says the Demon's Head."

The Turtles looked at their newfound compainion "I think there's more to this Mutant then meets the eye." Leo said

OK Guys! Read and reveiw!