This feels a bit weird, but good weird! This is a quite different story for me, it's been interesting starting and getting to know how to write and how this is going down in general. Thanks to all the amazing people out there enjoying and sending me fun messages brightening up my day!

This is an alternative universe, with no set era, so have some imagination, hehe.

Characters are all Richelle Meads, plot is all mine, Enjoy!



Absolutely, un fucking believable.

"That's the fourth man this week, this week! I ask you, Oscar, as my most trusted man, you would tell me right?"

I turned towards a man I trusted my life with. One of the first men I took on as I took the throne was Oscar Wilde, we have always been good friends. Yet he has always been very honest with me and never failed to help me with anything. He's been working along side me for years and will for many years more.

Oscar grinned as he was leaning against the door, "Tell you what my king?"

"If my daughter is insane! Somethings ought to be wrong with the child since no man can stand to be around her for longer than half an hour, apart from the two of us?"

Oscar started laughing, "I can assure you that nothing is wrong with Rose, I just believe she has a few more layers some men don't know exist"

I groaned, "She's like an onion" I buried my face in my hand as I leaned against the railing.

Bursting out laughing Oscar came closer, "An onion?" he chuckled.

"Too many layers and she makes people cry" I grumbled before I let a chuckle slip through. Oscars laugh was very intoxicating, he joined in and turned around looking out at the view from the balcony. "I don't know what to do now"

"Cheer up and she's only made one guy cry and we both agree he wouldn't last long" Oscar said walking towards the door taking a tray from a maid that appeared. "Tea?"

"Yes" I said scratching my head, "I know, I know but what else can we do. Weave tried everything. She doesn't like english blokes, they're too snobby apparently. French she doesn't understand and german she just started giggling! How is she suppose to take a throne when she cant even keep a straight face when hearing german?"

Oscar handed me a cup of tea then patted my back, "She is incredibly bright, you know she is. I think she's just giving them all a run for their money, testing who would last"

"I'm not sure anyone will last" I grumbled sipping on my tea.

"You're sounding like your mother" Oscar chuckled. "Haven't we survived worse than this? Wasn't the war much worse? Or when the Chinese emperor went on buying strike?"

"I'm not so sure…"

"Ibrahim" Oscar stood next to me, "She will be fine"

"I know" I sighed, "It's just been so long. I mean wouldn't you expect her to have found someone by now? It's been a year"

"Sometimes love takes time, I didn't see Janine falling instantly as you met?" I could tell Oscar tried holding back laughter. I shot him a glare,

"Stay on subject" I looked down into the garden. She was sitting on the grass cuddling up to her beloved dog. That dog was more loyal than any man I've ever met! She followed her anywhere and was always ready. I studied her, she looked so happy and relaxed. It surprised me, the previous suitor just stormed out less than 10 minutes ago and she acted as if nothings happened!

"It's just strange" I said knowing Oscar was listening, "Every man we find comes in here with such passion and excitement to see her, then what feels like minutes they come storming out acting as if we've thrown them into the snake pit. What is she doing to them?"

"She can be quite sharp sometimes sir" Oscar smiled his eyes falling onto Rose, "She will find someone with time"

I narrowed my eyes as I heard Rose laugh, "We shall see"


I was exhausted. Utterly and completely exhausted. That was guy number four and he was no different. When I agreed to this I was excited, I mean who wouldn't be?

Have men travel from far and wide just to see you? I am a woman after all!

With time I have realised something, looks isn't everything. Yes, I was very superficial accepting this offer. My dear papa told me to be open minded and with time the right man will come along.

It's been one year, that's 365 days, I have met almost 200 different men. I mean, that is a lot of men! One should be a gem shouldn't then?

Imagine meeting so many suitors, in the end, they're all the same? They just have different faces.

They're all beautiful and charming in their own way but they always find a way of insulting me or they don't share the same values as I do.

There are three types of men out there:

Type One: He's gorgeous and handsome and seems great off to start. Then he tells you something strange that he likes to do. Like his Ant Farm is like his best friends, or he enjoys riding cows and cheese is his favourite food. I think the weirdest one was the guy who collects dirt from every city he visits and prefers to avoid soap. I'm a clean girl, I think the look on my face as he said that probably should have told him enough.

Typ Two: Socially awkward. He's very much a gentleman but you have to pull every single word out of his mouth. I can't have that everyday. Imagine seeing you beloved and he sweats and about to faint just thinking about holding your hand? Trust me that has happened…

And Type Three: Incredibly hot but knows it a little too well. Once he opens his mouth sexist comments just erupts out of him. Either that or he's talking about himself, puts me off instantly.

It feels like a hopeless hunt at the moment, I'm sure my father is getting a bit fed up as well. What can I do? If it's not right it's not, I know Oscar's on my side but papa is as stubborn as I am, he won't give up just yet… sadly!

Angel was squirming underneath my arm and I snickered as she cuddled into me. She was the most loyal person I had in my life I think.

My papa gave her to me on my 16th birthday. He felt I needed a companion in life and he was right, she has never left my side since. She was very energetic but fiercely protective. I named her Angled because she looked like one but get on her bad side and she'll rip you to pieces. I smiled, she was the best dog in the world. She's a black and brown rottweiler with flappy little ears and two little brown spots right above her big brown eyes.

She wasn't your typical lady like dog but I think that's why I loved her even more. In all this extravagance and ethics she was what kept me grounded. She kept me safe and I loved her more and more everyday.

My head snapped up as I could hear my fathers and Oscars voices as they came out through the big patio doors. They were heading our way. Angels head snapped up and I scratched her behind her ears leaning back against the tree. I already knew why they were here.

"I know that look" Oscar smiled knowingly as they came closer.

"What happened?" My father sighed sitting down on a bench across from me.

I shrugged as I continued to stroke Angels head as she was lying relaxed next to me. "I'm sure you were saying from the balcony" I said trying to hold back a smirk.

My papa narrowed his eyes at me, "What was wrong with Prince Jessie? He seemed perfectly fine when he arrived and all of a sudden he's cursing like a sailor and storming through the big hall?"

Angels growled softly and I hushed her softly and continued to pat him. I met my fathers gaze, "I think you knew he would be too full of himself, it would never work"

"He did seem to love his looks" Oscar filled in, he was leaning against a tree with a cup in his hand. I already knew he was having tea, nobody is as addicted to tea as he.

I could see my papa shooting him a glare, "How come he stormed out?"

I looked down at Angel and smiled, "He wanted to play with Angel"

I could hear my dad groan and hide his face in his hand while shaking his head. Oscar was snickering to himself.

"That dog will be the death of me" Papa groaned looked at me, "Why didn't you stop her Rosemarie?"

I grimaced as he used my full name and patted Angels head, "She was only playing" I cooed and Angel's tongue was having from the side of her mouth and I snickered. Looking up I could see my dad shooting me a glare.

I rolled my eyes standing up, "It's not the end of the world papa"

"It's the fourth man this month, the sixteenth this month! Will you ever not find a flaw in a man?"

"It's not my fault they can't have a laugh" I said giving my dad a knowing smile. He knew I loved to laugh and wasn't afraid of entertaining a bigger crowd. I needed someone who could hold his own yet not take life too seriously.

Papa sighed met Oscar's gaze, "She'll be the death of me"

Oscar laughed, "She had your genes, I bet you'd be unhappy is she settles for the first man"

"Yeah, yeah" I said waving off his comment.

"You know he's right" I said crossing my arms over my chest, smiling. Papa rolled his eyes, "Please just give the next guy an honest change? Please?"

I sighed, "Fine" I whistled for Angel and I walked up to my father, "May I be excused?" I asked giving him an angelic smile.

"Yes, go" he said smiling while shaking his head. "You know no man can resist that smile!"

He said as I started to leave.

I chuckled walking backwards, "It's the Mazur charm, it's in my blood"

Oscar and Papa laughed as I winked and Angel followed me to my room. I've had enough for today.

Any feedback? Open for all opinions

Lot's of L.O.V.E xx