Hey guys! So, the first, and only, review on the ending of my fanfic said that the ending was shit, 0/10, and my very first reaction was "Ouch." Anyways, I get that I may not have written the characters perfectly, hardly anyone ever can, and I'm sorry that it may not have been a satisfactory ending, but you don't have to be so harsh about it. The reason Naruto went with Kushina is because the Kyubi told him to, and he trusts Kyubi more than he does most, so that was a big factor in his decision. His friends went with him because, and I don't know if I described their bond too well, they were actually true friends, even though they didn't show it. Sasuke goes with Naruto because he doesn't have much reason to stay in Konoha, and if both Sakura and Naruto, his friends, are going to leave Konoha, he doesn't want to be left alone.

Sakura goes not because she wants to rebel against her parents or because she doesn't like Konoha, she left because, let's face it, she is the type of girl who is very dependent on her friends, and Naruto is one of her biggest supporters. Again, sorry if I didn't flesh that out well enough, I'm an ameture I confess, and that obviously means mistakes will be made, whether they be grammar, punctuation problems, or a small bit of plot that isn't written correctly. Anyways, if you could write some reviews up for me, whether it be nice or some constructive criticism, as long as you don't just yell at me I'm fine with it!

I hope you all have a wonderful night!

Chow for Now! Peace:)
