TITLE: Dark Secrets Behind the Door of Music Room 3
SUMMARY: The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys, & cutest girls use their looks, skills, and influence to gain the favor & learn the secrets of some of the richest men and women in the world. Their abusive parents use their children to advance their own wealth and businesses. The first rule of the Host Club. Don't talk about what goes on behind the doors of Music Room 3!

STORY PAIRINGS: Honey+Mori, Haruhi + Tamaki, Renge+Kyoya, Hikaru + Kaoru

PLEASE NOTE: This story is rated M. According to the FF site, that means it has to be appropriate for ages 16+ WITHOUT explicit content, which includes adult language, themes, and suggestions. This story meets those requirements.


Photo Op

Mitsukuni wasn't waiting in their usual meet up spot. Honey would meet him each week (in secret) on this day so they could spend time together just the two of them. They always met very early so Honey could still make it to breakfast with his family. Which meant he snuck out of the house when it was still dark and then he snuck back about an hour after daybreak. But it was dawn now, and Mitsukuni had failed to show...

Frowning Mori started to head back to his home. He was sure Honey would have a good reason for missing their meeting, but that didn't make him feel any better about it. Other than at school and the Host Club they weren't allowed to see each other, so this was really the only alone time they got. About twenty minutes into his forty minute walk back he spotted Honey walking his direction.


Honey who had been walking with a sucker in his mouth, and Usachan slumped under one arm glanced up. His expression lit up immediately upon seeing him. "Takashi!" he hurried over to him. "How are you feeling? Do your wounds still hurt? Did you make sure to dress them okay?"

"Where have you been?"

Honey blinked. "Oh, that's right, were supposed to meet... I'm sorry. I thought after everything you went through last night that you'd probably want to sleep in... Didn't you get my text?"

"I had to destroy my phone when I got captured so they couldn't get incriminating data off it," Mori answered frowning.

"Oh that's right... I should have realized that. You weren't waiting all this time were you?"


"Sorry Takashi. I'll make it up to you next week. I won't sleep at all the night before we meet so that way we can spend the whole night together. Okay?" He checked his watch. "Oh... but I'm gonna be late for breakfast if I don't hurry. My family will wonder where I went if they notice me gone."

"I'm wondering where you went," Takashi frowned.

"It's no big deal, I'll talk to you later okay."

Mori reached out grabbing his arm to prevent him leaving. "The only things in this immediate direction is the twin's manor and Haroh-san's place. Where were you?"

"What I'm not allowed to see my friends?" he snapped pulling his arm away. "Go home Takashi, you should be resting..."

"I should be saying the same to you," Mori turned away. "You look like you haven't slept all night, and you're wearing the same clothes you were when you dropped me off..."

Honey glanced down at his clothes... He hadn't thought of that.

"It was probably three or four by the time I was dropped off. It should only have taken you ten minutes to get home, fifteen if you went to the twins house... But you wouldn't have done that. You would have had to wake them up and explain the whole situation that late at night, which would have much more of a hassle than it was worth because you could easily have waited until tomorrow to tell them about everything that had gone on."

"And just what are you getting at?" Honey snapped looking angry.

"I'm betting if I called the twins on a payphone right now, they wouldn't yet even know about the incident that happened that last night, and if you had gone there their is no way you wouldn't have told them..."

"Just what do you want me to say?" he barked putting his hands in his pockets, his eyes narrowing. This was usually the look that could silence Mori from saying anything, but... Mori was worried, and he wanted to know.

"The truth. Were you with Haroh-san?"

"And if I was?" Honey glared. Takashi never got mad at him. Ever... Surely he was going to be mad. Ugh! This is why he was trying to do this in secret without the Host Club knowing.

"I just... wanted to make sure you weren't hurt..." Takashi said and he turned around slowly staring at him with a rather concerned expression. "Are you okay?"

Honey blinked, his own expression softened immediately when Takashi had turned around. Honey's face fell, but he forced a smile on it. "Yes, I'm okay."

He isn't, Takashi thought. He could tell just by the look he was giving him. Letting out a sigh he walked over and placed his hand on the top of Honey's head letting his forehead rest comfortably against his stomach and Mori whispered, "If you wanna talk to me about it... Just let me know..."

"We didn't do what you're thinking we did..." Honey said frowning without looking up.

"And what am I thinking you did?"


"Never mind," he said softly, almost immediately. "You don't have to tell me, if you don't wish to," he ruffled Honey's hair lightly. "I'll have a new phone before today is over. I'll text you when I get it. Until then try and get some sleep, and make sure you eat more than just sweets for dinner tonight. Despite what you think, you can't live off candy."

Honey sighed when they broke apart and Mori began to walk away. You're the one who is hurt and yet you're trying to take care of me, he thought frowning.

Honey headed back, sneaking into his home and entering his bedroom window after disabling the alarm on it. He reinstalled it once he was safely inside. The mirror on the back of his door showed him his image for the first time since the night before. He did look in a state. His clothes were disheveled, and his hair was a mess. His eyes did indeed reveal he hadn't slept. Sighing, he unbuttoned his shirt to change surveying the marks that had been left on his body. He did feel ashamed by them. Mori had injuries, wounds to show for his sacrifice to the club. All Honey had were these, and they were certainly far less heroic. He put on his pajamas, and climbed into bed. He definitely didn't want Mori to see... How long did it take hickey's to go away anyway?

When their servants came to wake him up, he pretended to not be feeling well so he could get a few hours of sleep before having to start his day.

Come Monday, Kyoya had called an emergency meeting and asked them all to arrive early. By this point the twins had indeed heard the story, and Haruhi was surprised when they both ran up to her upon her arrival. They each through an arm around her shoulders grinning.

"Well done Haruhi!" Kaoru said smiling.

"Let me take your bag hero," Hikaru teased grabbing her bag from her.

"What are you guys doing?" she frowned. They didn't usually acknowledge her this much outside of the club room.

"The Boss told us what you did," Hikaru said steering her towards the school. Their weren't too many students at this point because they had had to arrive so early.

"Yeah, it was amazing. It's like you were a real spy!" Kaoru praised grinning.

Then their voices fell so that if their were any onlookers around they would not be able to hear. Hikaru whispered to her without looking at her. "But in all seriousness, that was reckless..."

"Extremely," Kaoru agreed as he waived at one of their customers from a far.

"So, if you're going to do something stupid..." Hikaru continued.

"Call us next time," Kaoru finished. "That way if you fail..."

"You won't fail alone," Hikaru explained.

"I figured you guys would stop me if I told any of you."

"Oh we would have," Kaoru nodded in agreement when they arrived at the club room doors.

"But if you're going regardless of what we say, at least let us help you. If you hadn't of tripped the silent alarm Kyoya would never have been alerted to what you were doing and it really would have been bad if he hadn't thought quickly had Renge call... He could have told you they were having a party that day if you had asked."

Kaoru pulled open the club room doors at that moment and they froze at the sound of a very stern voice.

"Exactly what did you do? How did you kill him?"

The three of them glanced up in surprise. A man in a business suit was sitting in one of the Host Club's fanciest armchairs. He had a mustache and a small beard. His face looked very upset. On his right Tamaki was standing looking upset. On his left Kyoya stood with a clip board, his expression as blank as ever.

Takashi was kneeling on the floor before him, like a servant bowing before a King.

"Get inside," said a thick voice at Haruhi's right and she turned to see some men in black looking characters standing on either side of the club room doors when they came in. They took a step or two in further so these guys could close the doors behind him. She glanced back at the scene. Honey was standing off to the right of all of them looking upset and Renge was in a seat near the fireplace watching the others actions with a frown.

"C'mon," Hikaru said nervously grabbing Haruhi's arm and they lined up behind Honey-senpai.

"I did not kill him," Takashi answered.

"You really expect me to believe that..." the man snapped, and Haruhi suddenly realized who he was. This had to be Kyoya's father. "One of the Haninozuka's trained assassins escapes the manor and the head of that household just happens to turn up dead the very night he escapes."

"I did not kill him," Takashi repeated. "I don't know what happened."

"You are just lucky that I now have what you were sent in to acquire," he frowned. "But if I find out you are killing my associates without my permission like I know you did to Ayanokoji-san I will personally have you executed. I have no use for servants who do not obey me!"

Honey and the twins were standing very still lined up and listening to his being berated. None of them were saying anything. But... Ayanokoji... That was that guy...

Haruhi frowned taking a step forward. "Excuse me Sir..." she said sternly.

The twins flinched slightly when she moved. Honey glanced in her direction without turning his head. Tamaki's looked thoroughly worried. Kyoya glanced up from his clipboard and Renge who had been sitting a ways away with her head in her hands looked up. She noticed then some more men in black looking people by the windows, and they shifted as through wanting to be able to quickly grab their guns if need be. She didn't care though this needed to be said, especially if they were threatening Takashi's life!

"Did I say you could speak?" he snapped. "Who are you anyway."

"Fujioka Haruhi," Kyoya said introducing her. "She is the exemplary commoner student that you mentioned would be joining our club Father."

"Ah yes, that's right..." he frowned. "I do not commonly allow those I'm not directly speaking to to interrupt me. I'll over look it this time since you did not know."

"I apologize Sir," she snapped frowning. "But I was with Mori-senpai when he escaped. I don't know what happened either, but I do know that when we left that manor, Ayanokoji-san was alive."

"Is that so..." Mr. Ootori frowned. "Re-take your place in line Fujioka."

"But Sir..."

Hikaru reached forward grabbing her arm and pulling her back in line. "Just be quiet..." Hikaru whispered. "He'll go down the line, wait your turn..."

"Miss Fujioka would gain nothing by lying to me. You realize this Takashi..."


"I have no choice I suppose, but to believe her. Should I find out otherwise, you will both be punished. But until then, you're dismissed."

"Yes Ootori-sama," Takashi inclined his head further before getting to his feet and standing off to the opposite side of the line Haruhi and the others had formed.


Honey handed his bunny to Kaoru before stepping forward and bowing in front of Ootori-san in the same manner Takashi had done.

"You have but two uses in my eyes Mitsukuni. Your martial arts skills are second to none, even to Takashi. Your small stature and childish nature make you appear to be the youngest club member here when in fact you are the oldest. Until you actually become the head of your family your childish appearance and your fighting skills are the only ways in which you are of any use to me. So imagine my surprise when I kept being informed of how rude you were being to my colleague Haroh-sama."

"My apologies Ootori-sa—."

"I didn't say you could speak!," he snapped frowning. He fixed his glasses in the same manner Kyoya usually would, and then he continued. "If you no longer wish to supply me with these advantages, then I won't have any use for you, and I do not keep things around that are not useful to me. Are you going to do as I command or no?"

Honey sighed, "Yes Ootori-sama."

"Good. I will tell you that I was pleased when I was told you took it upon yourself to offer an apology to Haroh-sama. But I warn you. Do not get on his bad side again. I will not forgive your insolence a second time. If you quit being of use to me in this manner then your little brother will just have to take your place not only in this club when he graduates from elementary school, but as head of your family as well... You'll be lucky if I deem you worthy enough to sell for parts..."

Haruhi frowned. Sell for parts? Isn't that something they do to cars? She didn't understand what he meant by that.

"Your dismissed."

"Yes Ootori-sama," Honey inclined his head further before getting to his feet and standing off to the opposite side of the line beside Takashi.

"Hitachiin brothers..."

They stepped forward, but unlike Takashi and Honey-senpai they did not bow. Two of the guys in black rushed forward bringing up chairs so they could sit across from Ootori-san.

"Hello Sir," the twins said in unison smiling.

They seemed to be a bit less formal with Ootori-san than Takashi and Honey. She frowned wondering why.

"How are you two doing? My Kyoya tells me you have certainly won the hearts of many of the female students at Ouran."

"Yeah, they really like the incest taboo angel that we play up at the club and we've already received orders for easily removable garments that I advertised with the adults," Hikaru explained.

"And the girls almost always fall for my tears," Kaoru pointed out.

"Make sure your Mother orders more costumes to be made. Our student clients greatly enjoy them, and we got positive reviews from their parents and the associates that I try to impress."

"Yes Sir," Hikaru nodded.

"Consider it done," Kaoru answered.

"Lastly... I have overseas clients who have been discussing coming here to financially back the school and a few of my endeavors. They haven't officially decided on if they will come or not. Kaoru, I think you would be the best candidate to convince them."

"We'll leave as soon as you wish," Hikaru said smiling.

"There is no we this time. While you guys are a great pair I don't think Hikaru's toned up demeanor will win these associates over. They need someone fun, someone who holds the energy high in a room but without going overboard. You Kaoru would be best for convincing them to come. Hikaru will remain here."

"But, we've never been apart before..." Hikaru said frowning.

"It's okay," Kaoru said taking his brother's hand to assure him. "When will I be leaving?"


He blinked. Why so soon...

"Two of my bodyguards will escort you to the airport. A packed luggage has already been sent from your home. Now, you two are dismissed."

Through his brother another (not entirely convincing smile) he headed to the exit.

Haruhi blinked. Just like that he sending one of them oversees?! How much power did Ootori-san really have?


Haruhi turned back and walked before him. She wondered if she had to sit or if she should bow like Honey and Takashi did. One of the men in black removed one of the chairs as Hikaru went to stand next to Honey-senpai so assuming she was meant to sit, she did so.

"Now... you my dear have a very special role in this club. Mitsukuni and the other members can only attract a small range of male clientele with their attributes. You, like Renge..."

He paused. "Renge get over here," he demanded and she jumped to her feet. The man who had removed the chair earlier replaced it beside Haruhi and Renge sat down in it not meeting Ootori-san's eyes, but rather she looked down at the floor. Haruhi however did not tear her gaze away.

"You like Renge being females can attract far more men to this club then the boys could do on their own, and frankly. Much of societies secrets are not purely held within the minds and hearts of the women within it. That makes both your roles essential. Renge, I believe I was told you were going to work with Haruhi on her acting abilities. But more than that she needs to know how to be more feminine and delicate and—"

Haruhi frowned, "I don't see how my—"

"And QUIET," he said more sternly and catching Kyoya's small shake of his head she fell back in her seat.

"Yes Sir, we will begin working on it straight away."

"Next time I see her I expect her to be the absolute embodiment of femininity."

"She will be Ootori-san," Renge responded.

"Also, Fujioka. Do not pull a stunt like the one you pulled the other night. You are not to do a single thing that you have not run by Kyoya first. Understood?"


"I asked you if you understood," Ootori-san stated more sternly.

"Yes, but I don't understand why—"

"Well, then with that said. I will be off," he explained getting to his feet. His body guards immediately rushed forward to be nearer to him. "Kyoya, continue to keep me updated."

"Yes Father," Kyoya nodded.

With that he and his guards departed.

Haruhi sat their blinking. The tension in the room seemed to have departed with him. Everyone began to relax more, though no one looked particularly happy.

"Wha... What the HELL!" Haruhi snapped jumping to her feet. "How can he get away with talking to everyone like that, and then he just sends Kaoru away without so much as a warning?"

"That, is how my Father is," Kyoya said sighing as he took the chair his Father had just vacated. The other host club members sat around Kyoya and sensing that they were going to discuss this together she took her seat again too. "We are the pawns in his game, he can move and discard us however he sees fit..."

"That's ridiculous!" Haruhi frowned. "Why do you let him get away with this?"

"Well, it's because we have no choice. Financially, and mentally. He is more powerful than any one of us..." Kyoya explained.

"That's no reason to let him do as he pleases. He has to learn he can't treat people like this just because he has money."

"Haruhi, overthrowing him is what we're trying to do," Kyoya explained. "He may be more powerful than any one of us individually, but he cannot beat us together. We're going to outsmart him. But doing so takes time. Especially when we must all play up the roles of perfect and obedient pawns who never stepped off their assigned squares."

"How do you plan to do it?" she asked seriously.

"The exact how is something we don't discuss. If my Father ever grew very suspicious I would not put interrogation past him. The less everyone knows about how, the better. Let's just say, I am currently working on destabilizing his foundation one pebble at a time."

Haruhi sighed, but she had more questions, "Why did he make you two bow when everyone else got to sit in chairs to address him?" she asked turning to Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai.

"Bowing is a way of showing respect in fighting families like ours," Honey explained. "So he expects that from us when we speak to him."

"Okay, but I also got the feeling he was much harsher on you two than the rest of us..."

"That's because my Father is friends with the other members of the Host Club's families. Except for the Haninozuka branch, which he has basically blackmailed and manipulated into getting what he wants. Thus he does not feel the need to show as much kindness to them as the rest of us."

"He didn't show kindness to any of you..." Haruhi said frowning. Then remembering the guys in the dark suits she added. "And why were their so many body guards here? Isn't that suspicious to other people who see him walking around the campus like that?"

"Well yes I suppose," Kyoya agreed. "But would you visit a nuclear plant without a hazmat suit?"


"He had that many guards here because of us," Honey explained.

"For you two?"

"Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai are basically living breathing weapons. My father isn't about to visit either of them without protection against them. He brought sixteen highly trained guards along with him today and I wouldn't be surprised if he had had two snipers on the clock tower," Kyoya pointed out the window to their right. The clock tower had a perfect view into the clubroom window.

"He doesn't honestly think you two would kill him... I mean. You guys are students."

"I would kill him if I had the chance," Honey pointed out without so much as a pause of hesitation, and Takashi nodded in agreement.

"You... you would..." Haruhi stared at them a bit in disbelief.

"But Kyo-chan has told us not to. So we won't..." Honey added, and Takashi nodded again too.

"But, as I have pointed out to them," Kyoya explained calmly as though they weren't talking about murdering his father. "Killing him would achieve very little, as my two brothers would take his place if he lost his throne and they are if it were possible, worse than him. Not to mention I have a number of uncles ready to pounce in a heartbeat should my family slip up in the slightest. They are like a bee hive. We would either have to end the lot of them in one shot or, destroy the source of their power. The hive... Or in the literal sense. We have to get rid of their money..."

"Ootori-san comes around every now and then when he feels we're straying too far from his... vision," Tamaki explained. "The best thing we can do now is get back to our jobs."

"Not just yet," Kyoya interrupted. "Mori-senpai, Haruhi. You say Ayanokoji-san was alive when you left."

Takashi nodded.

Haruhi explained, "I mean, Takashi had subdued him, but he was definitely alive."

Kyoya frowned evidently thinking hard.

"Then that other guy let us go without even trying to stop us."

"Other guy?" Kyoya's eyes shot up at this news. "What other guy?"

"Uh..." Haruhi frowned trying to remember his name. "Tsu..."

"Tsushiro-san," Takashi finished for her.

"That is Daisuke's father..." Kyoya took out his notes shifting through some papers.

"Who is Daisuke?" Haruhi asked.

"You really have to start remembering your clients Haruhi, he's that guy I had you were speaking with the other day when I got all those boys to come into the club. Remember?" Renge pointed out.

"Uh, yeah. I think I do..."

"His father owns a number of museums both in and out of the country with items from all over the world. That is something my father would be interested in. So that guy at the very least would know what happened to him," he frowned. "It's not likely that he would simply tell me if I asked. You see, Ayanokoji's death was ruled accidental by the coroner. Alcohol poisoning, but... I know that's not true, because his body never even made it to the coroners office. I examined the security cameras outside the building. He was cremated before an actual examination could be done. Which tells me their was a cover up."

"Haruhi, see what you can get from Daisuke when he comes in, but don't ask him direct questions that would seem suspicious. See perhaps if you might be able to go over his house some evening."

"Uh... alright," Haruhi felt strange. Wasn't this stuff kind of confidential? Then she realized, she was sitting in one of those meetings that Kyoya would usually send her away for. Feeling a bit pleased about this she listened to the rest of the meeting intently.

Kaoru stepped off the Ootori jet in a country called Monale where he was greeted by servants of the royal family. They escorted him to the palace where he was introduced to their Princess. A girl named Michelle. She had long blonde hair and wore a beautiful dress. A familiarly styled dress.

"Your Mother has been telling me so much about you," Michelle said smiling.

"My Mother?" he frowned. She stopped at the entrance to a room and the servants standing on either side of the doors opened them. The room beyond it was a large dining hall, but the long and fancy table had only one person seated there.

"Uh... Mother, what are you..."

"Hi baby!" she squealed getting to her feet, she ran over hugging her son tightly.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh, did Ootori-sama not explain? I've been hired to design a brand new wardrobe for Princess Michelle of Monale, she's holding a ball tonight so I would like your help in deciding which one of my new dresses will suit the Princess best."

This was strange, their was no reason why his mother should need his help with that.

"Did I really get flown out all this way just to choose a dress."

"How rude, don't question Ootori-sama's decision, besides..." she leaned in closer speaking low so the Princess couldn't hear. "That isn't the only reason why you were sent out here."

She lifted a camera from around her neck. "You're here for a little photo-shoot. Ootori-sama entrusted me for this task, but alas I had to be here for the Princess. So rather than me coming to you, he had one of mine come to me."

"Photoshoot?" Kaoru questioned.

"That will be later," she pointed out. Then she allowed her tone to return to a normal range. "For now, you can help me with picking out Princess Michelle's outfit. I've made her a wide variety of outfits for her wardrobe, but I think something sleeker will work better for a ball where she'll be doing a lot of dancing. Don't you?"

He was dragged off to view her wardrobe and look over all his Mother's designs for her. In the end, she didn't end up picking the one he thought would be best.

After they had gotten the Princess ready, she waved her off with a smile and Kaoru proceeded to clean up all the fabric supplies his Mother had strewn about. "She looked gorgeous didn't she. I am absolutely amazing."

With that said she spun around. "Well now... it's time for the photo-shoot. You ready sweetie?"

Frowning he got to his feet. "What do I have to do exactly?"

She walked over to a set of doors and opened them, two rather creepy looking men in suits walked in. One of them took off his tie.

"Is this the kid?" One asked.

"Yes, this is my son Kaoru, be gentle with him now..." she explained as she started fiddling with the dials on her camera evidently trying to choose the best lighting setting for the room.

"Mom..." Kaoru cautiously backed up only to be stopped when one of the guys put a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh calm down Kaoru, it's all staged. They're not really going to do anything. But do make sure to cry the same way you do at the host club when Hikaru pretends to pick on you," she explained before disappearing behind her camera once again.

"Hello ladies and of course you gentlemen as well!" Tamaki exclaimed to the room at large. "I do hope you enjoy this tropical setting. Our flowers are authentic, and were flown in just for this event."

"Oh wow," fawned the girls looking around happily.

"It's all so beautiful!"

"I feel like I'm on vacation!"

"And we do hope it feels like a vacation for you lovely ladies," Kyoya said grinning. "Feel free to relax and be waited on diligently by our host club."

"Man this is cool," said one of the new male regulars looking around. "How on earth can they change the entire design of the Host Club room in a single night..."

"Look over there, they flew in some real tropical birds. You gotta be kidding this is really cool!"

"I don't know about cool," Renge said frowning. "I actually find it rather hot..."

She untied the robe she was wearing letting it drop so the guys could see her bikini. Then she laid down on one of the long chairs they had set out.

"If your hot, I'd be happy to fan you Miss. Renge," one of the boys said happily.

"Oh gosh, aren't you sweet," Renge said smiling brightly. "Thank you so much!"

Over by the windows Daisuke had called Haruhi over to him, she stood with him frowning. "How come you're not dressed for the occasion Haruhi. All the other members are in summer attire."

"I was a little late getting here," Haruhi lied. "So I didn't really have time to change."

But that wasn't true, she had refused to wear the bikini Renge had picked out for her.

"Well you can go ahead and change right now," Daisuke urged. "I'll wait."

"Haruhi," Kyoya's voice chimed in her ear. "Repeat after me alright."

She was about to answer but then remembered she wasn't supposed to.

"The truth is..." Kyoya said.

"Uh," Haruhi looked up at him. "The truth is..."

"I just don't feel comfortable in those sort of outfits."

"I just don't feel comfortable in those sort of outfits," she recited.

"Especially when I must be around someone so feminine and beautiful, like Renge."

You've got be kidding, she thought to herself. The longer than average pause prompted Kyoya to speak again. "Say it Haruhi."

"Especially when I must be around someone so feminine and beautiful, like Renge."

Daisuke blinked looking down at her and he smiled. "Nah, are you kidding. I think that you're way hotter than Renge."

"Uh, thank you," she answered awkwardly.

A short ways from here Hikaru was on his phone. "Ugh..."

"Hikaru! You're not tending to your guests!" Tamaki snapped as he walked by. "My apologies ladies."

"Oh don't worry about it Tamaki, he trying to text his brother."

"Yeah, it's so sad that Kaoru had to leave so suddenly..."

"Fear not my ladies, Kaoru will return soon. He had some business that required his immediate attention," Tamaki turned to Hikaru. "Well, were you able to get ahold of him."

"No," Hikaru huffed leaning back in his seat. "His plane should have landed by now..."

"Is this really the first time you two have ever been apart?" asked one of the girls.

"Yeah..." Hikaru answered with rather lack luster acting skills.

Tamaki frowned and eyed Kyoya from afar. Kyoya nodded turning back to his paperwork. Where ever Kaoru was, he was out of their reach... If something had happened, then he would have no choice but to fend for himself. That was something Kyoya didn't like. Unlike his father, he was very protective of his chess pieces. He was after all, playing this little game with so few to begin with, that if he lost even one... It could mean losing the whole match.

Kaoru returned the following afternoon just as their host club activities were ending. He walked in the door and everyone turned. Hikaru looked like he had just won a prize and he rushed forward. "Kaoru!" he shouted hugging him tightly.

Since their were still a few guests in the room Hikaru added. "You're never leaving my side again! It hurts far too much..."

"I'm sorry Hikaru," Kaoru answered and many fans of the twins awed at their brotherly love.

"Thank you very much for coming ladies," Kyoya bowed out the last of their guests and closed the door. The Host Club was alone once again.

"Why didn't you text me Kaoru!" Hikaru suddenly snapped. "I was worried sick!"

"Sorry, but my cell service didn't work in another country."

"Welcome home Kao-chan," Honey said running up to him. "What did Ootori-sama have you do?"

"Actually he had me attend a ball and talk up the Host Club. I even danced with a Princess," he explained. This wasn't a lie. After the horrid photo-shoot, which took a good portion of said ball, his mother had him get cleaned up and go downstairs to the party where he spoke with many of Ootori-san's oversea clients. He talked up the host club just like he said, and he had indeed been one of the last people to dance with Princess Michelle. He just, felt no reason that they had to know the before part.

"Wow!" Honey said smiling. "A real Princess! That's so cool!"

"Exactly what country did you go to anyway?" Kyoya asked frowning.

"Oh, Monale," he answered. Before Kyoya could ask any more about it however Renge and Hikaru suddenly appeared beside him holding out their hands.

"What do you two want?" he asked frowning.

"It's customary," Renge began.

"That when a friend returns from another country," Hikaru continued.

"That said friend bring back some souvenirs," Renge finished.

"Sorry," he said smiling. "I really didn't have time... After the ball I went to sleep and I left for the airport first thing in the morning..."

"You didn't get us anything?" Renge frowned.

"Man, you could have at least gotten me something I am your brother after all."

"Again, I'm really sorry," Kaoru sighed.

Hikaru walked forward placing a hand on top of his head. "Glad your okay..."

Kaoru smiled weakly. "Thanks."

But Haruhi saw something in said smile. It looked strained, forced. She noticed Honey who was not too far away from her looked down in the same instant. His eyes disappearing behind his bangs and she was pretty sure he knew something was up too. Honey reached up tugging on Takashi's sleeve. With one glance at each other Takashi seemed to understand some silent communication that had passed between them, and the monotone frown he typically wore deepened.

No one else seemed to have noticed, though Kaoru was a really good actor so Haruhi wasn't really surprised that no one else had caught it. But she had kinda thought Hikaru would.

"Well everyone, thanks for your hard work today, you may all go home," Kyoya told them and the twins, Renge, and Tamaki all left bombarding him with questions about what the country was like.

Haruhi began heading to the exit at a much slower pace along with Honey and Takashi. When Kyoya was sure the others were out of earshot he said, "You three."

They stopped and turned back to him. Kyoya had set his clipboard down and he turned to them. "If you find out what happened, tell me immediately."

Haruhi frowned. So Kyoya realized too...

They agreed and went on their way. As they were reaching the exit gate to Ouran academy Honey finally spoke up. "I hope whatever happened wasn't too bad..." he said softly clutching Usa-chan too him.

"Aside from his brother Kaoru has always favored you among the Host Club members," Mori said. "See if you can't talk to him tonight."

"Okay," Honey answered. He turned around. "Haru-chan, want me to have my driver take you home? I go by your apartment complex anyway."

"No thanks senpai," she answered. "I like to walk."

"Okay then," he answered.

The moment they walked out of the gate Honey walked one direction and Mori walked in the other without so much as a goodbye to each other. Haruhi blinked at the abrupt departure and sighed. She had a hard time understanding her other Host Club members.

Kaoru's mood improved by the following day, either that or he was just very good at acting normally. By the end of the week he seemed like his same old self, so Kyoya told the three of them not worry about it anymore. So they didn't. That was until...

Honey sat on his knees. He was at a clan meeting with his family members and his father was berating him on his training.

"Your teacher tells me you still can't fight off the injections," he father said frowning.

"I'm trying," Honey answered not looking up.

"Trying isn't good enough. If Ootori-san ever choose to turn on you the only way he could escape alive would be by removing your ability to fight. You have to be able to overcome whatever tranquilizer he may shoot you with. Which is why we're trying to build up your immunity to a number of poisons and drugs. We at least know he doesn't like things messy so if he were to get rid of you he wouldn't use a gun with actual bullets. It would be too bloody for him and too easy to trace back to him. In all likelihood he would use a poison that doesn't show up in the blood stream. Or he may simply choose to paralyze you and then you would really be in trouble because you can't fight that off either, and that point he could take you away and we likely wouldn't have a chance in hell of finding you again. You have to take this seriously! Your being able to overcome this may one day be our only chance of destroying the Ootori family."

"I understand Father," Honey answered.

"Sir, one of our men did recover something concerning..."

"Oh..." his Father answered. "Show me."

His cousin stepped forward removing a small card, he handed it to him.

His Father stared at it and then he looked up. "Mitsukuni. Explain this to me..."

He threw the card towards him as if it were a shuriken. He caught it easily and looked at it. He gasped softly. "Kao-chan..." he whispered.

There was Kaoru his wrists bound with what appeared to be a business tie. Someone (their face was cut off in the picture so he didn't know who) was pulling his head back by his hair. Another someone was grabbing his arms as though pulling him closer. He was wearing a fancy but disheveled robe that was falling off one shoulder. Kaoru had tears in his eyes... he looked scared.

"Isn't that kid one of the other Host Club members?"

"Yes Father."

"What exactly has he been making you kids do?"

In truth, his Father did not know the exact extent of what happened at the Host Club. Honey frowned. "Nothing like this ever happened with me there, if it had. I would have stopped it."

"Pictures of that nature can ruin one's future for years to come. I certainly don't want anything like this turning up with your image. I'll remove you from being the next head of our family if you participate in something like this..."

"I haven't," Honey answered. "And you don't need to worry Father. I won't..."

Honey went to school early the next weekday they had and waited by the entrance. When the twins walked up he put on his best sad face and headed over to them. "Hika-chan I have a problem... Would you mind if I spoke with Kao-chan alone..."

"Sure senpai," Hikaru answered knowing that Honey got along well with Kaoru, and he assumed this problem had something to do with Mori otherwise, he would have spoke to Mori about it. So Hikaru went on ahead.

Honey walked with him to a secluded area of the school.

"So, what's your problem Honey-senpai?" he asked.

"It's not my problem," Honey answered sounding uncharacteristically stern. "It's yours."

"Huh?" he raised an eyebrow looking confused.

"What really happened when you went to Monale?"

"I told you guys what happened. I attended the ball and talked up the Host Club."

"And that's all?"

"Yes," he snapped impatiently. "That's all. I'm going back to class if that's all you—"

Honey threw the photo so it landed directly at Kaoru's feet. He nearly stepped on in as he had turned to walk away.

"Wanna try again?"

Kaoru leaned down and picked up the picture. Honey was looking very serious now. "Did someone hurt you Kao-chan? And if so, I want names..."

"It's not what you think..." Kaoru explained. "It was staged... All of it. Ootori-san wanted photos like these taken to advertise the Host Club to his overseas clients."

"Do you realize the kind of clients these sort of pictures would bring in? It would be like having an entire Host Club event filled with people like Haroh-san."

"I understand that," Kaoru explained feeling rather embarrassed.

"Then why did you pose for these, if they were in fact staged. As you said..." Honey had a pretty good idea that he knew what had occurred, but he wanted Kaoru to admit it.

"I... it was something Ootori-san wanted, and isn't it our job to do what he tells us?"

"They forced you to pose for these photos didn't they?" Honey urged frowning.

"No, I told you—"

"Let me see your wrists..."

"What..." Kaoru blinked.

"Your wrists were bound. When people's wrists are bound and they struggle it often leave a burn mark. If it was staged you wouldn't have been struggling. So, let me see your wrists."

"Honey-senpai it's been a week, even if I had been it would be gone by now..."

"Yet you're still not showing me..." Honey explained. "Which tells me the marks are still there, and if that's the case then you must have been struggling a lot. So show me."

"Ugh, it was over a week ago! What does it matter anyway?" he snapped.

Honey walked over grabbing his arm. "Because," he answered as he forced his sleeve up, indeed their was a light remnant of a rope burn on his wirst. "I need to know how much pain to inflict when I hurt the assholes who did it..."

"Senpai, don't talk like that," Kaoru said yanking his arm away. "I promise, it was staged. I... I struggled to make it look authentic. It's what Mother wanted anyway, so I—"

Honey blinked at him. "Your Mother was there..."

Karou frowned. He hadn't meant to say that. But the damage was done now. "She... took the pictures..."

Honey frowned. "Are you okay Kao-chan?"

"That was over a week ago, it wasn't even on my mind anymore," Kaoru explained.

"I don't mean just physically." Honey was frowning and looking genuinely sad on his behalf and he repeated again, "Are you okay?"

Honey didn't want to think that someone's Mother would let something like that happen to their child, and it had to hurt Kaoru knowing his Mother stood back and let those things happen to him.

"I'm fine," Kaoru answered.

He isn't, Honey thought and he felt his chest tighten.

"Look, Honey-senpai, don't tell anyone okay. Please. Especially my brother."

"I'm not going to tell anyone Kao-chan," he assured him taking a few steps closer to him. "But I think you should..."

Kaoru frowned. "I know, but... Hikaru thinks highly of our Mother, even if she's not around a lot. So I don't want him to view her differently just because—"

"That's not the reason," Honey interrupted and Kaoru stared at him. Genuinely not understanding what he was getting at.

"You have the same face Kao-chan," he explained rather bluntly, and it hit him. Any picture he took, could be assumed to be Hikaru. Kaoru felt like his stomach had just fallen through the floor, and he started to feel a little sick. How had he not thought of that before...

Honey walked over taking the picture from him. "I'll destroy this picture, but you should probably tell him soon. This will get back to him eventually. It's only a matter of time..."

Honey started heading back, but he turned a few steps from the nearest entrance to the school. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me. I'll be with you when you tell him, if you want me to be..."

"I'll... I'll tell the entire Host Club tonight..." Kaoru said. "You're right about that at least. It's only a matter of time, everyone is going to find out eventually, I might as well get it over with..."


"Would you like me to do anything?" Honey asked frowning.

"Just... make sure you don't say anything until I tell them..."


With that Honey headed back into the school and Kaoru sighed. He really had wanted to avoid telling anyone, but Honey was able to get this picture... Who knows who else had these photos.

"Thank you all for coming," Kyoya bowed as the guests for that day left. When he was able to close the door he turned back to them. "As always, great work today. I think I acquired some valuable data. You may all go home."

"Not just yet," Kaoru said speaking up and everyone turned in his direction. "I need to talk to you all, especially you Hikaru."

Hikaru frowned not used to his brother being so serious. "Yeah? What's up?"

Kaoru took a deep breath, and he turned to Honey. "Honey-senpai, did you destroy that photo yet?"

"No not yet," Honey answered.

"Please let me have it."

Honey went over to his bag and pulled the picture out, he brought over to him putting it in his hand.

"Are we going to find out what actually happened in Monale?" Kyoya asked looking serious.

"Hikaru," Kaoru sighed turning to him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you when this first happened. But Honey-senpai made me realize that even though I thought I could handle this alone... that it concerns you too."

"What concerns me?" Hikaru felt a little sad. "Kaoru, you're scaring me a little. What happened?"

Kaoru held the picture out to him without a word, and Hikaru stared at it in silence for a few seconds before looking up. "Who did this? Are you alright, how bad did they hurt you?!"

"It was staged for the photos. Ootori-san wanted them taken to promote the HostClub to overseas clients. I... I know how the photo looks but I wasn't in danger and they didn't hurt me..."

He added that last part to try and soothe the angry look that was coming over his brother's face.

"What the hell Kyoya?" he snapped suddenly spinning around. "Your Father tells you almost everything, don't tell me their is no way you didn't know about this!"

Kyoya stood with his arms folded, "I haven't actually seen the photo yet so I can't be sure what you're—"

"HERE!" Hikaru snapped hitting the photo into his chest so hard that Kyoya did stagger back a little bit. When he regained his composure he looked at the picture, and his eyes widened slightly.

"Kaoru, did you know any of the men in these photos?" he asked.


"How about the photographer?" he added.

"... No."

He looked back down at the picture as though thinking hard.

Haruhi frowned she was standing at such an angle that she couldn't see the photo, but she was pretty sure she could guess what it was of.

"I wish, you would have told me when this first happened... I could have done more then. But I'll do what I can to see that these photos don't circulate."

"What that's it!" Hikaru snapped. "My brother gets send over seas and gets treated like this, and all you can say is you'll do what you can!?"

"What more do you want from me..." Kyoya asked.

"What about your promise! When your Father forced our parents into making us join this stupid club the first thing you promised us was that you would make sure everyone was safe and no one got hurt! That you would be able to talk your father out of any crazy plan that might result in us being hurt! So far since joining this fucking club we have been degraded, insulted, mentally and physcially abused, Mori was literally tortured, Honey is playing the role of a toy to that sadistic... UGH, and now this! Well not MY brother! Not him!"

"Hikaru... I'm fine. Really," Kaoru tried to explain but Hikaru wasn't listening.

"I also believe I mentioned that some sacrifices would have to be made..." he explained. "As my father's power grows, he is starting to feel as though he can get away with more and more. But I told you the consequences, you know what this country will turn into if he succeeds. This is bigger than any one of us, and now we're at a point that some sacrifices will have to be—"

Hikaru leaned back and punched him. Kaoru was taken by surprise so much that he fell back knocking over a platter of china as he did. The cups shattered. The silence that followed the crash was deafening.

"AH! I'm so sick of hearing that! My brother is NOT a sacrifice. If you can't ensure that he's safe then maybe we won't be in this stupid club anymore!"

"Hikaru!" Kaoru frowned as Hikaru hurried over grabbing his wrist.

"We're leaving. C'mon!"

"Hikaru wait!" Kaoru tried to reason with him even as he was dragged out of the room.

Hikaru nearly kicked the doors open as he left. Mori and Tamaki had hurried over to help Kyoya to his feet, and he replaced his glasses up on his nose.

"Do you want us to go after them?" Mori asked.

"No," Kyoya answered. "Hikaru just needed to vent. It was rash, but understandable. He'll be back tomorrow."

"Uh, but he said they were quiting the Host Club," Haruhi pointed out looking worried as she leaned down and picked up the photo that had fallen in the scuffle. She could only look at it for a brief second before she had to turn away.

"He said that out of anger," Kyoya explained. "But he is not allowed to quit. Deep down he knows that. He will be back tomorrow... For now you may all go home."

He turned to Haruhi, "I would like that however."

He indicated the photo in her hands and she gave it to him.

He looked at it again, and sighed. "Damn, how am I going to fix this."

"What exactly does your Father want photos like that for anyway?" Haruhi asked frowning.

"I don't know, he genuinely did not discuss it with me. However, if I had to guess, he would want photos of the Host Club members to entice his overseas clients into coming over. As Kaoru said..."

"Well, why do the photos have to be like that... Couldn't a regular photo-shoot achieve the same thing without it looking so... violent?"

Kyoya stared at her for a moment. "Everyone, wake up early tomorrow and be here by 5am. Consider your classes canceled. I will make sure your excused with your teachers."

"What for?" Tamaki asked frowning.

"What else?" Kyoya turned around smiling. "We're going to have a photo-shoot..."

"I don't care!" Hikaru snapped as their limo pulled up to the school to drop them off.

"Hikaru, we can't just quit. Mother and Father will be furious if they find out."

"What are they going to do? Stay away even longer than they currently do? Tsk... I don't care anymore... That was the last straw Kaoru, I'm not letting that stupid Ootori family ruin our lives anymore. Not Ootori-san or his stupid son Kyoya!"

"Hikaru... please. I promise... It wasn't as bad as your thinking," Kaoru frowned as Hikaru made a beeline for the school.

"We're you scared..."


He stopped walking and Kaoru did too. Hikaru turned back to him. "I'm asking if you were scared."

"...yeah... a little. But—"

"Then that's all I need to hear."

He turned back around and they caught glimpse of a commotion happening in the gardens. Even from afar they knew it was the host club down there.

"What are they up to?" Kaoru asked surveying the scene.

"Who cares, we aren't apart of the Host Club anymore remember..." Hikaru snapped.

"Ah, you're here," Kyoya said smiling. He had gone to get some lighting props for their photography crew.

"We're not joining in whatever stupid thing you planned today so you can forge—" Hikaru began but was cut off when his brother pipped up.

"What are you guys doing anyway?"

"The Host Club members and I are holding a photo-shoot," he explained.

"A photo—" Kaoru frowned.

"You bastard! Just what are you playing at? Making your other lackies undergo a photo-shoot too isn't going to make what Kaoru went through any better!"

"Well, good day you two," Kyoya said bowing slightly before departing.

"AH! And now he's ignoring us!" Hikaru snapped. "HEY! Get over here! Just because you're an Ootori doesn't mean you can keep using people as your pawns!"

Hikaru stormed after him furiously and Kaoru hurried to keep up. He berated Kyoya until they reached the grounds where Kyoya unhooked the latch on a temporary fence and re-hooked it behind him. "My apologies, but only Host Club members are allowed beyond this point. Good day now..."

With that he hurried over to where Tamaki was dressed in a waiter outfit smiling happily for the cameras. It looked like they had hired a professional photography crew, and their were stations set up with a specific theme and costumes were available at each station.

"Kao-chan! Hika-chan!" Honey-senpai called rushing over to them. He was wearing an outfit befitting a Prince of France from the Victorian Era.

"Hi Honey-senpai," Kaoru answered. "What are you guys doing exactly?"

"We're having a photo-shoot," he explained.

"Yes, but why?" Hikaru snapped sounding rather stern.

"Isn't it obvious?" Honey asked grinning. "We're going to present these photos to Kyo-chan's Father, in hopes that he'll use these instead of photos like what Kaoru was forced to take."

"Like he would," Hikaru snapped folding his arms.

"Kyo-chan thinks he will. Renge is really good at Photo planning. She showing each Host's attributes and appeal in a non-violent way while still ensuring that they'll be alluring to customers..."

"You think that will work?" Kaoru asked frowning as he watched the other Host Club members taking their pics.

"Uh-huh, oh and Kao-chan," Honey said happily.

Kaoru looked down at his smiling face.

"Kyo-chan stayed up all night last night. He was able to track down the photos the photographer took, and none of them were dispersed yet. Turns out the photo my family acquired, was a picture of a picture, so that one was the only one floating around and Kyoya burned it last night after he finished analyzing it. The bad news is that his Father currently has the only digital copies of those pictures. Kyo-chan is fairly sure that he can convince him to use these instead."

"Honey-senpai, you're needed," Kyoya called and Honey ran cheerfully over to him.

"You hear that Hikaru?"

"None of this changes the fact that you even had to go through that in the first place..."

"Hikaru!" Kaoru sighed feeling impatient with his brother. "Kyoya-senpai was up all night finding the photos, and he may have found a way that they'll never see the light of day. C'mon, you should apologize..."

"I don't think—"

"C'MON!" Kaoru pushed him forward heading around the barrier and sent him over to Kyoya.

"Senpai, we're sorry," Kaoru said. "Thanks for everything you did."

"It wasn't all me. Renge is the one with the vision right now. I think she's come up with a perfect blend of portraying the things my Father wanted without letting the photos get out of line," he pointed out. "And this whole thing wouldn't have happened without Haruhi in the first place."

"Haruhi?" Hikaru pulled himself out of his sulking stance.

"Yes, she's the one who suggested an alternative photo-shoot, I'll admit. I was so focused on trying to stop the photos that were already taken that I didn't even thinking about counteracting it with new photos. But my Father will agree that this is better. The photos he had taken are the kind that ruin one's futures, and he choose each member of the Host Club specifically for who their families are and what sort of things he could use them for in the future. When I explain to him that he will lose 80% of what makes you all valuable to him, I'm certain he'll change his mind."

"So should we get changed?" Kaoru asked.

"That depends," Kyoya said. "This photo-shoot is for Host Club members only."

Kaoru turned around looking hopeful at his brother.

"I'm... I'm sorry for hitting you," Hikaru said frowning.

Kyoya nodded and then with a serious look he added. "I really didn't know about it. I promise, I would have done something if I had..."


"Great!" Kaoru grinned. "C'mon Hikaru let's go get changed!"

He pulled him over to the first area and they began shuffling through the box of outfits they had to choose from. Hikaru looked over at the booth Haruhi was at. "She came up with this huh?"

"What did you say?" Kaoru glanced up at him.

"Nothing..." Hikaru answered. "I want this one..."

They spent the whole day taking a number of pictures in various costumes as well as their school uniforms. Just before the day concluded however, Kyoya had everyone take a group photo. Everyone was happy with smiling faces. Looking down from the window in Suoh-san's office Kyoya's father frowned at the scene below.

"Well, they seem to be having fun," Suoh-san said smiling.

"They're not supposed to be having fun, they are supposed to be working towards our goal!"

"Now, does it matter if they have a little fun along the way?" Suoh-san asked.

"If they're having fun, then they're getting distracted. I can't have that. When I become Emperor of this new Kingdom I fully intend to make Kyoya my heir, bypassing his brothers since he has shown significantly more promise than his brothers ever did... If he can't keep his eyes on the end goal I may have to rethink who will succeed me..."

"My that's harsh isn't it?" Suoh-san asked.

"It may seem that way to you, but I am raising rulers. You however, seem to be raising a court jester..."

Suoh-san laughed nervously. "I guess that's why you're the brains of the outfit."

"All those children need to start taking their positions more seriously. They could all find themselves in very prestigious roles when I take over. IF and only if, they obey me unconditionally now..." he explained. "If they have not straightened up by the end of this school year I will see no choice but to be harsher with them..."

"I understand," Suoh-san answered.

"They will either be the leaders who assist me in ruling my new world, or they will be the slaves I force to help me build and sustain it. They have no other choice. So, I expect you to make this clear to your son..."

"I will," Suoh-san nodded.

"Well then, let us go to lunch."

The two left the office, Suoh-san flicked off the light just before he closed the door.

Another Chapter! Yea! Hope you all liked! Thanks to everyone who reviewed.