Disclaimer I don't own Batman. I only own Tessa, George, and Clea

Chapter 3


I woke up to smell of food the next day. I lied frozen in my bed, wondering who in the hell would be in my kitchen. I sat up slowly and got out of bed. I grabbed a baseball bat that was near my closet. I tip toed quietly down the hall and peeked out only to see a tall figure in my kitchen.

My shoulders relaxed slightly when I saw it was Bruce.

"How did you get in here?" I asked, making him jump slightly.

"I have my ways," he replied. I raised my eyebrows.

"Why I'm not surprised?"

I placed my bat on the coffee table and walked towards the kitchen. I took a seat on the stool that was by the counter and watched him placed breakfast on two plates.

"I didn't know you cooked," I said.

"I didn't but consider this a peace offering from last night," Bruce said. "You know I'm sorry for what happened at dinner."

"It's fine," I said. "And...I do believe you, you know."

Bruce smiled at me and then we ate in comfortable silence. it was nice just the two of us for a while. I only have work today since I don't have classes until next week and with the weekend coming up, I wasn't sure what plans were happening this weekend but I know something is going to happen.

"Any meetings you got at the office?" I asked.

"I'd figure I do work at home and to see how the city is doing," he replied. "There wasn't any signs from the joker has there?"

"Not while you were gone no," I replied.

I got up to clear the plates but a knock on my door stopped me from doing so. I placed the plates on the counter and went to answer it; which to my surprise it was Clea on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I couldn't wait to tell you at work but..." she said, walking in and stopping short to see Bruce in my kitchen. "Oh sorry I didn't see you had company."

"Hello Clea," Bruce said.

"Hi," she said. "Look I know I was going to see you at work but you need to see this."

She walked quickly over towards the TV and put it on. I looked over at Bruce anxiously before we followed her into my living room. I saw the news channel on and watched in our horror on it.

"The joker once again strikes back now that the Batman hasn't been spotted in a while. Reports are coming in now that the judge and his wife have been getting death threats and security has been beefed up at Gotham courthouse and their residence. Police have advised once again to be on the lookout for anything suspicious and to notify authorities immediately."

Bruce and I looked at one another and in between silence we knew what was going to happen.

"What's the plan of action now?" I asked Bruce after Clea left my apartment.

"We need to see what the joker is planning next. He may've made his threats but when he'll act on them is critical," he replied.

"And what are we supposed to do in the meantime?"

"You mean me? I want you far away from wherever the joker is," Bruce corrected.

"Excuse me, don't you think I'm going to be away from all of this. I still want to help in someway I can," I said. "I may not like what you're about to do but I'm going to help and you can't stop me."

Bruce let out a light laugh and shook his head. "Have I've ever told you how stubborn you can be?"

"Maybe once or twice," I replied. I reached over for my keys and bag.

"Where are you off to?" Bruce asked.

"I need to get supplies for work and the supplier is on the other side of town," I replied. "I'll be perfectly fine."

"I know. Just call and let me know you're safe," he replied.

I put my jacket on and kissed him on the lips. "I will," I said, leaving my apartment.

The drive down to the supplier store was long. I didn't think it would be on the other side of town. By the time I got there, it was already mid afternoon. I went in and picked up the stuff that was needed for the restaurant.

When I was heading to my car, I looked over and saw two big SUVs parked on the other side of the street. Something was telling me that it definitely looked suspicious but I wasn't a cop so I couldn't really go barge in and investigate.

I got in my car and waited a few minutes before anything happened. When I saw one of the SUVs leave, I thought the hell with it. I turned the keys and my car roared to life and I started to follow the SUV.

Thankfully, this trip didn't involve getting food otherwise, my car wouldn't have smelt nice.

I because discreet while following them; praying that I didn't get caught. I wounded up in an old abandoned building that was down by the pier. I parked far away so I wouldn't be seen. I saw the two men get out of the front seat and then another pair of men from the back seat. I saw them going to the trunk and getting something out.

I waited a while before they went inside. As soon as they went inside, I got out and locked my car up and headed inside. I sent a text to my boss letting her know I was going to be a bit late coming back.

The less she knows, the better off.

I silenced my phone and went in the building. I was met with silence and I didn't know where to go next. All of a sudden, I started to hear voices. I immediately headed down the hallway and the voices were coming from the end of the hallway.

I crept slowly by the time I reached the room and stood outside listening.

"You think he would approve of this?"

"Come on what are you chicken now? He has to I mean, we went all the way in the middle of town to get this done."

I silently overheard their conversation. A part of me wanted to know and then there's the other part that was beyond terrified to know what just went down.

Suddenly, I heard someone coming down the hall. I saw a few stacks of boxes behind me and I ran behind them to hide. I saw out of the crack three men coming down the hall. The one man in the middle was slightly hunched over between the two. As they got closer, I almost let out a gasp as to who it was.

The Joker was only a few feet away from me before they went into the room and closed the door.

A/n Hi guys. I know it felt like forever but for some strange reason, I'm having writer's block with this story. I don't know why but I seriously hope this passes.

I'm going to try my best to update again soon. I'm working on a new story currently and trying to update my old ones and get those squared and out of the way. Also RL has been occupying my time too so let's hope for the best.

Leave me some love! Thank you so much once again for your patience and support!

Until next time,