Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Just my OC.

The next day I woke up and felt totally reenergized. The sun felt great against my skin and the breeze felt wonderful blowing through my hair. The flowers looked to be in full bloom now and it looks like spring has definitely sprung. I breath in the new smells and the wonderful aroma of the growing plants and trees around me. I never knew spring would smell so nice! I just want to bury my nose in a pile of flowers and leaves and inhale deeply.

I look towards the tree where Sesshomaru fell asleep last night, but he is nowhere to be found. In fact, I take a scan of our small campsite, he is not here at all. I hear the sound of splashing water and figure everyone has gone to the stream to bathe. So I gather up my supplies and head down to do the same. I think the smell of spring distracted me from the smell of myself. A bath is a very good idea.

When I get to the stream I only find Jaken sitting on a rock and Rin splashing in the water. Still no Sesshomaru. He never leaves this early. Where did he go? Where does he ever go? I set my supplies by Jaken and start to strip my outer layer of clothes.

"Krista come join me!"

"Alright be right there!" I call to Rin. I turn to Jaken. "Where is Sesshomaru?"

"He left early in the morning."

"Well yeah I can see that, but where."

Jaken turns to me. "It is none of your AHH! Why are you undressing in front of me?"

"What? I still have these undergarments on. It's not like you can see anything anyways. Besides, back at home when I would go swimming, I used to wear way less than this in public."

"I am starting to think your people had no respect for personal space and no sense of dignity." Jaken says as he covers his eyes and turns away while a blush blows across his face. Jaken is attracted to humans? I find it so weird how a toad like thing can be attracted to a human body.

"Hah, maybe we didn't. Okay though, don't look now because I am taking it off. See, I was going to warn you."

I strip off the last of my clothes and jump into the water with Rin. I do not think I will ever get used to just bathing out in the open naked. It still feels a little weird.

Rin and I wash each other's hair and then spend the rest of our time splashing and playing around. We get out, dry off and get dressed. We tell Jaken he can finally turn around and he complains how we always take too long and how much of a pain it is to sit there and keep guard. Blah, blah, blah. I start to drone him out and Rin just laughs and thanks him for watching out for us.

We get back to the camp and after I braid my hair Rin ask if I could do that to hers. So we sit there while do a french braid and put little flowers in it. She squeals when I am finished and talks about how she would love it if Kohaku could see her like this.

"Ahh Kohaku." I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she blushes. "I am sure he already thinks you are beautiful no matter what."

"You mean that boy who used to travel with us?" Jaken ask.

"He used to travel with you guys?"

"Yes," Rin informs me, "but that was almost 4 years ago. Now he goes around slaying all the bad demons and protecting villages."

"And when he is not gone, he is spending all his time with you." I send a smirk towards Rin which causes her to blush even more.

"What?" Jaken exclaims. "You and the demon slayer? When did this happen? Did you tell Lord Sesshomaru? He may not like this!"

"Well it happened a year after being in Lord Inuyasha's village. I haven't told Lord Sesshomaru about it yet, but-"

"But who cares!" I interrupt Rin. "they are in love so let them be in love and get married and have a good life together if they want too. It's Rin's life, she should do with it as she wants."

"She is Lord Sesshomaru's ward! It is his job to decide a good husband for her, and he saved her life and took care of her! She is practically his child! He should make that important decision for her! And why should she marry a demon slayer when she is a ward to a demon!"

"Ugh, I forgot we lived in this backwards time where men choose who we can't and can marry! That's stupid! Rin is old enough and wise enough to make her own choice! And okay, some of you demons are pretty nasty. I mean, Sesshomaru kills demons, so why can't Kohaku? He is protecting people! And it shows how good he would be at protecting Rin."

"But she can't choose her own husband! That is not how it is done! Woman cannot make that choice for themselves!"

"Oh yes we can and she will!"

"No she can't"



"Would you both stop it!" Rin yells over our voices. This is the first time I ever heard her raise her voice. Jaken and I send each other one last sharp look and the turn away. "I am going to tell Lord Sesshomaru with Kohaku! We already talked it over with each other. Kohaku will ask and honor Lord Sesshomaru decision. I am going to send him a letter as soon as I can and ask him to come to the castle to talk it over." Rin looks all flustered and I cannot help but to think how grown up she is for only being 11, but I guess in this time, that is pretty normal.

"But what if Sesshomaru says no?" I ask. Will she not fight for Kohaku?

"Then he says no and I marry someone else." She says with determination.

"But Rin, why?"

"Because Krista, Jaken is right. Maybe your time is different, but that it how it is usually done here. I respect and love Lord Sesshomaru, and I know he will do what is best for me."

"Okay Rin." I come up and tuck a few strands of stray hair behind her ear. "Then if you're happy, I'm happy. But you just let me know, and maybe I could knock some sense into Sesshomaru."

"Hah! You beat him? Now that's funny!" Jaken burst out.

I shoot him an annoyed look. "But really Rin, just let me know."

She nods and smiles up at me. "I know if anyone could change Lord Sesshomaru mind, it would be you."

"Why do you say that?" Jaken ask.

"Because Master Jaken, "Rin says exasperate, "they are in love!"

"We are not! We barely even know each other!" I interject.

"You just don't see it yet." Rin says.

"Look is he attractive? Yes, super attractive. Most beautiful man I have ever seen! He is perfect! Do I like being around him? Sort of, he's okay, he could be better." Jaken scoffs. "But I have only known him for a week and I don't really know him, ya know? I mean sure kind of, but not really. So maybe I like him, maybe, but love? No." I could maybe, maybe, maybe like him. I really want to stress that maybe part.

"Well you will!" Rin sings.

"Lord Sesshomaru will never fall in love with her! I already said it once and I will say it again and again. HE is not looking for love. He wants a strong and capable mate that will help him rule better."

"Oh and you don't think I could do that." I know I said I probably did not want to marry him, or mate him, but I still do not like being insulted. "I fought pretty well against him."

"He was going easy on you! Besides, you are not royalty, and have no clue how to run a kingdom or be a proper lady."

"Okay well, I am a pretty good fighter! And yeah I may not be royalty, but I am a strange and unique creature. That counts for rarity. And I have no clue about running a kingdom, so you're right about that, but I could totally be a lady if I wanted to be. I just don't really want to be."

"See incompatible." Jaken scoffs.

"That doesn't mean love couldn't form." I add.

"So you want to be with him?" Rin starts to get excited.

"I didn't say that!"

"It's not going to happen." Jaken finished flatly.

"Whatever. Why are we even talking about this anyways?" I ask

"Because you two are meant to be together I just know it!" Rin pushes.

"I don't Rin. Maybe, maybe not. Anyways, how about we stop talking about this and do something fun, like finish the story!"

"Yay! C'mon Master Jaken! Let's finish the story." Rin jumps up and grabs onto Jaken.

"Okay okay! Just let go of me!" Jaken says.

Thankfully the subject finally changed and my love life is out of the spotlight. Does Rin really think he likes me? I'll have to pay more attention, but he seems to treat me like everyone else. Cold and indifferent. And I am okay with that. He talks to me sometimes and he does recognize me, and for now that is good enough for me. I am not looking for love at the moment. I am just looking for stability, and a place to be. Losing my family and my home changed something in me. I do not think about love as much as I used to, and maybe just being in this place changed that. I do not know who will love what I have become. I am not human, nor am I demon. Where do I belong? Who do I belong with? Right now all I know, is that I like where I am, and I am not going to ruin that.

We wrap up the end of the princess and prince with the dragon being slayed and the prince and the princess returning home to get married. Rin and I have a grand wedding scene where I carry her off into the sunset afterwards. Jaken said the end was too predictable but Rin said it was perfect. I like Rin's thinking much better.

We sit around camp for a bit longer just talking when Sesshomaru finally shows up and gets us moving again.

This time as we walk I take note if he pays any special attention to me. None. He never talks to me or steals glances my way. Not even once, and honestly, it makes me a little mad. Of course I want to be wanted, even if I do not want him back. It would make me feel really good about myself if someone who looked like him liked me. I do not know why I feel this need to be wanted, but I do. God, I am a selfish person.

I put aside my feelings of self-pity and decide that I'll start up a conversation with him. I match my pace beside him and he looks over at me and raises one eyebrow. I smile up at him and he turns forward again. No tinting of the cheeks at all.


He looks towards me again as if to acknowledge my greeting and then faces forward again. While I did just say hi, usually I need more than that to start a conversation with him. I have to practically pry the words out of his mouth.

"What is your home like?"

I hear him sigh, but he says, "My castle is one that resides in the clouds. We will have to fly to get up there."

"Whoa really? That's so cool! Did you hear that Rin! It's in the sky!" I am so easily amused; I practically act like a child.

"Yes, I have been there before! It is very beautiful and big!"

"What else?" I turn towards Sesshomaru.

"There isn't much more to say. It's just a castle." He brushes off my question and tries to end our conversation. Mmph. What a stupid jerk.

"Well I have never seen nor been to a castle. So tell me more!"

I am answered by his silence. So, I step closer to him my best puppy-dog eyes.

"Oh please, oh please, oh please!" I say.

He lets out a soft sigh.

"My castle is assembled of many various floors and building. There is a grand set of stairs that lead up to the main building where my mother and I live. We have servant quarters, a kitchen, dining areas, a ballroom, a war room, a throne room, a garden, bedrooms, bathrooms, and many hundreds of more rooms that would take too long to name. Does that give you an idea?"

"Sort of." I answer back. Yup he is totally being a stupid jerk right now. "So your mother, what's she like?"

"She's… interesting." That's all he gives me. Okay then, touchy subject I guess.

"So… do you have any friends there?"

He turns his head and lifts his eyebrow again.

"Look I am just trying to make a conversation with you. We travel together but I know nothing about you. So I'm trying to learn."

"Why do you want to know so much about this Sesshomaru?"

Ugh, I cringe as I hear himself refer to himself in the third person. So annoying.

"I just want to. Do I really need a reason?"

He continues to stare at me.

"I already told you, we travel together, and I know nothing about you. Why can't I know more?" I challenge back. He always responds to a challenge.

He gives a slight nod and returns his gaze forward. "I have a few friends who remain at my castle. The leader of my armies, Katsu, he is a dog demon like myself. I have known him since we were young pups. Sora, he is one my soldiers that I trained with, I have also known him for a long time as well. He is a dog demon too. Then I have one of advisors, Yasu, he is a wolf demon."

"Whoa so you do have friends!"

He gives me a very un-amused look.

"Just kidding! I can't wait to meet them." I say as a flash him a row full of teeth.

"Yes, I haven't seen them in a long time."

Look at us, finally holding a good conversation. I smile to myself. Okay, he is not that bad, but this does not mean that I am falling in love with him! No, this is just me holding a pleasant conversation with a very, very attractive man

"Why is that? Do you not visit your home?"

This time I notice the smallest bit of a smile form on his lips. Whoa, I wonder what a full smile would look like. It would probably blow me away.

"You sure are curious today Krista." Krista. He said my name. He rarely uses my name. I feel a slight blush creep onto my face.

"Well, like I said, I want to get to know you. I practically spilled my entire guts out to you yesterday, so I thought this would make us even."

After my admittance, we continue talking. Eventually Rin and Jaken join in on the conversation. It was nice, having us all talk in a group. True, once Rin and Jaken joined, Sesshomaru did not talk as much, but that was okay. I finally got him to say more than 10 sentences!

We walked until nightfall and got up at the crack of dawn. This is how are days went for a week and a half. During that time, we stopped by a few villages where Rin and I would buy food and clothes. Sesshomaru rarely left us this time and we traveled almost all day. Rin got tired quickly so Ah-Un and I would take turns carrying her. It was actually quite enjoyable and I liked most of our time spent together on the road. Now I kind of understand why Rin was happy to do this again. You just feel so free. Even though Sesshomaru never told me why he never visited home often, I think that is also his reason. He does not wished to be completely tied down by his responsibilities yet. I can understand and totally relate to that.

I can see that through this past week we have all gotten closer. Sesshomaru still seems a little distant from me, but the distance is nowhere as great as it used to be. He talks to me easier and once he even started a conversation! He asked why there are no demons in my time. Of course, I did not have the answer and our discussion ended at that, but at least he talked to me first! I felt like I accomplished something really big that day.

Our destination is now four days away and I literally cannot wait to get there! I love going to new places and seeing new things, and a castle in the sky! Well, that is definitely something very new to me.

We set up camp early tonight and Sesshomaru goes off to do whatever he goes off to do. Later Rin excuses herself to use the restroom and that leaves just me and Jaken.

"Hey Jaken did you know that I have flown before?"

He looks at me baffled. "Nonsense!"

"No it's true! You see humans have created these things called airplanes that ride on the wind and take you to faraway places really fast! Some can hold only two people, while others can hold up to nine hundred! I have been on one that had three hundred other passengers, it was enormous!"

"You are lying to me! You always tell us these crazy stories and how humans are so smart. I don't believe you!"

"Ha-ha, we are very smart!" I laugh sarcastically. "Here I will draw you a picture."

I find a stick and set it into the dirt and start my drawing of a plane.

"Here are the wings, the turbines, they help the plane fly, and here is where the pilot sits… and all of these little windows are where we sit! You see, I am not lying, this is a plane."

"I don't know; you are very good at making up stories…"

"So you do like my stories! I knew it!"

"I didn't say that!" He jumps to defend himself.

"It's okay, it's okay. Just trust me on the planes, though, they are very much real. Just like spaceships."


"Yup! Things that take us into space. We have been on the moon!"

"Baa! Tell your outrageous stories to Rin! By the way, she is taking a while."

"Yeah, you're right." I stand up and brush the dirt off my skirt. I go over and pick up my naginata. "I'll go see where she is."

As soon as I walk into the forest Rin runs right into me.

"Whoa there girl." I steady her and she pulls back and straightens herself.

"Krista! What are you doing out here?"

"Looking for you silly. You were taking a long time to go to the bathroom. I thought maybe something happened."

"Oh well I'm fine! I just ran into Lord Sesshomaru and he said he wanted to see you, that's why I took so long."

"Oh, um, okay. Where is he?" I ask.

"Just a little further that way." She points me deeper into the woods.

"Alright, what does he need?" Why can he not just tell me when he gets back?

"I don't know, but you should go see him now." She says.

I start walking into the woods. "Well if you say so."

I find a small clearing and notice a hot spring. Oh my god! I will so have to get in later! I scan the area some more and finally notice a half dressed Sesshomaru standing just off onto the edge of the clearing.

"Oh my god!" I scream out as I hurriedly cover my eyes. He whips around. "Why didn't you just tell me to wait back at the camp for you or something?" I peek through my fingers. Nothing wrong with a little look at that perfectly toned body. And perfectly toned and muscled it is. His skin lays perfectly smoothed over all the bumps and bulges of his muscles. He was not finished tying his pants up so they hang loosely on his hips and show that perfect v-shape. God, he looks amazing... and I am getting flustered… and have been staring without saying anything.

"I'm sorry!" I start to step back but even all the grace that the witch gave me could not save me from stumbling over my own two feet and falling flat onto my butt.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me calmly as he hurriedly throws his clothes on and walks over to help me get up.

He outstretches his hand to me and now I can see that I am the only one embarrassed by all of this. Stupid Krista, get it together. I take his outstretched hand and he uses it to pull me up.

I am not sure what came over me, but the next thing I know my lips are on his. Maybe it was seeing him half naked, or maybe it was he used to much force to pull me up. All I know is that this was my first kiss, and it was with the hottest guy ever. He quickly backed up and I stumbled back. We locked eyes. My face was burning so it probably looked extremely red. His face was shocked. An emotion I seem to give him.

He pulled his face back to his neutral position and very calmly asked, "Why are you here?"

"You said you wanted to see me." I almost shout! God, I am so embarrassed right now! I did not mean to do that!

"No I didn't." He sends me a questioning look as he straightens his clothes. I watch him while he finishes and his hand immediately roam the inside of his shirt. He looks at me. "It's gone."

"What's gone?"

"The dagger."

"What?! Where is it?" I walk over to where he was getting dressed and get down on my hand and knees and search through the grass. Suddenly forgetting the embarrassing scene that just occurred. "It has to be around here right?"

"Calm down. I think I know where it is."

I look over to him as it dawns on me. The reason why I so easily walked into the woods to meet with him, and the reason why a second ago, my lips were on his.

"Rin." We say in unison.

We march back to the camp, determined to find out why this happened. Well, I actually have a good idea why it happened, but Sesshomaru is totally clueless to Rin's fantasy. I figure it would be better to hear it from her then for me to explain it and get all flustered… again.

As we enter camp Rin's eyes latch onto us and a big smile is plastered on her face. If I was not mad at her, I would think she looked like a little angel. Apparently this little angel has a bad side.

"Rin." Sesshomaru says to her, and her face suddenly falls at the serious tone he uses. How she can tell it's more serious than his normal voce, I will never know.

"Yes." She answers with her eyes cast to the ground. I will let him take care of this one, I simply cannot get mad at little kids. I could never yell at Milo. He would just start crying a little and I would melt and say it's okay.

"Why did you take the dagger?"

She sighs and pulls it out from behind her back. Jaken squawks.

"Rin! Why do you have Krista's dagger?" Jaken ask.

"I'm sorry Lord Sesshomaru, but I just wanted you two to be together." She says as she hands the dagger back to Sesshomaru. He takes it and pockets it back into his shirt.

"I already have my mother trying to be matchmaker, I don't need my ward to be one too." Maybe that's why he does not like his mother, she is forcing marriages on him. Maybe that is why he does not go home often!

"I'm sorry." She says again as her head falls even further and her voice gets even quieter.

"Hey, hey." I step around Sesshomaru and say as I rest my hands on her shoulders. She looks up to me with a very sad expression. "It's okay."

"But I took your dagger, and used it."

"Yeah, but you didn't make me do anything bad, or something that I didn't want to do like the witch did. You are much kinder."

Jaken coughed, Rin gasped and suddenly a smile was back on her face, and I was just confused. I looked up to Sesshomaru for help, but he seemed to find something interesting in the sky and could not be bothered to look my way.

"What? Was it something I said?" I replayed my word in my head. Oh no. My face lit up like the Fourth of July. "No! That's not what I meant! I did not want to kiss you! Wait, that sounds really mean. I mean," I looked towards Sesshomaru, "its wasn't totally unenjoyable, but I didn't want to! I mean, I wasn't planning on it! I mean," I looked back towards Rin, "don't start getting any ideas! I just meant it wasn't something that bad! You know something… Ugh! Just never mind!" I stopped myself before I could embarrass myself even further.

I run off to my sleeping area and bury myself in my cover. Maybe I can just keep sleeping until we get to Sesshomaru's home. If only I could be that lucky.

Author's Note: Yay, another update! I am trying to keep a schedule, but school is making it hard. Anyways, tell me what you think. Leave a review with comments or suggestions or whatever you want! I love to get reviews and reading them really brightens up my day and makes me write faster. Shout out to all the people who have left the wonderful reviews for me to read, seriously you guys are great and make make me know that people actually like my writing! I hope I am getting better. See you next time!