A/N: Hello again! A certain green-haired Koopaling has given me some advice, so if you want to know what happens in this chapter you gonna have to read! Also, more KoopaCards!

Ludwig: Lemmy, it's going to. Try to use grammar correct- AH! Why did you just hit me with your ball?"

Because you're ruining my author's note. Read and enjoy, Koopa Kingdom!

Ludwig raced down the stairs, only one thing on his mind. If he failed and couldn't get outside the castle doors in time, he would be too late and lose a sibling.

Spotting Kyle in a nearby hallway, Ludwig gestured for Kyle to come after him and thankfully, Kyle understood. Kyle got into his shell form and skidded right up to the doors about three times faster than Ludwig could. Ludwig facepalmed. Why didn't I think of that?

Kyle got out of his Shell and opened the gates. Fifty feet away from them, Kyle spotted Lemmy impaled on a rock in water.

"GREAT STAR KOOPA! LUDWIG, GET KAMMY AND KAMEK RIGHT NOW!" Kyle looked at Ludwig, his eyes full of purple blazes.

Ludwig, not one to stick around when Kyle went Koopa****, ran off to get Kamek and the Magikoopa's sister.

Kyle ran over to Lemmy. His eyes were glazed over and lifeless.

"Why did he do this…" Kyle's mind worked overtime when he thought of one possible solution… well, actually he had fifteen, but only one made sense.

Kyle growled and ran off to find Junior and Roy and give them the beating of a lifetime.

Wendy sat still stuck in her shell. "IGGY! LET ME OUT OF HERE!"

Iggy walked down a hallway and poured a sticky substance onto Wendy. Instantly she unfroze and popped out of her shell.

"IGGY!" Wendy growled and pinned him against the wall.

Iggy held up a vial of what he called Iggy Serum, and Wendy instantly backed away.

Iggy smirked and then noticed the sigh from Wendy. His brotherly instinct kicked in. "Wendy? Is something wrong?" Iggy asked.

Wendy sighed again. "It's nothing Iggy." Wendy turned away.

Something clicked in Iggy's head, and a smile as wide as Lemmy's at the chocolate store came across his face. "Is this about Kyle?" Iggy teased.

Wendy's face turned three shades of red. "No… no, this is not about Kyle!" Wendy turned away as a fourth shade of red came across her face.

Iggy put on some mock glasses and picked up a book labeled "The Five Stages of Love."

Iggy said the name out loud. Wendy gasped. "Iggy, for the last time this is not about Kyle!"

Iggy smirked. "Stage 1. Denial!"

Wendy gasped again. In her mind, she had a mental debate with her self-conscience.

"Is it true? Do I really like Kyle?" Wendy asked herself.

"It's surely possible. Just try to get closer to him."

Iggy sighed. "So Wendy, I'll ask one more time. Is this about Kyle?"

Wendy let out an 'eep', turned into her shell, and skidded off.

Iggy had a confused look on his face. "Wendy the brat turns into Wendy the Shy Girl? I have to talk with Ludwig about this." Iggy walked off.

Roy, Morton, and Junior were playing KoopaCards in Junior's room.

"HAH! Larry of Fire beats Lemmy of Grass! I win!" Junior cheered.

Roy and Morton groaned and pushed five more coins each towards a large stack of coins right by Junior. Roy and Morton had smaller, tinier stacks next to them.

"I swear this game is rigged!" Morton shouted.

Roy and Junior looked at Morton. They each got an idea and grinned.

Kyle was off in the Koopa Castle, skidding around like a Koopa on drugs trying to find Roy and Junior.

Morton was launched at him. "WHOA!" Morton screamed like a girl as he rocketed down a hallway. Kyle ducked.

"Jeez, they threw Morton just to stop me?" Kyle wondered aloud. Then more purple flames appeared in his eyes, his purple hair going spiked.

Kyle got out of his shell and ran into Junior and Roy's room, ripping the door down.

Junior screamed. "EVERY KOOPA FOR THEMSELF!" Junior got in his Clown Car and flew off.

Roy groaned and shook a fist at the sky. "JUNIOR!" Roy then spotted the approaching Kyle with grit teeth and pulled back fists.

Kyle grabbed Roy by the neck of his shell and held him in the air. "Hello Roy. Care to explain why I found Lemmy outside the castle walls impaled on a ROCK?" Flames flickered on Kyle's hair.

Roy trembled in fear, remembering what the Koopa family referred to as the 'incident'. "U-um… what do you mean-"


Then a banana peel hit Kyle in the face, separating his focus enough for the flames in his eyes to die down. "What the…" Kyle started to say as a mountain of banana peels buried him in Junior's room.

Roy took the opportunity and ran out of the room just as the banana peels were scorched into ashes as Kyle, engulfed in purple flames, emerged from the ashes. "ROY!" Kyle growled an unearthly roar and ran off, almost levitating with the energy he was emitting.

Elsewhere in the castle, Kamek was relaxing when he felt an unearthly roar breach the atmosphere. "Oh no…" Kamek whimpered.

Mario had just come back from another adventure in the Mushroom Kingdom when an unearthly roar echoed through the kingdom and shattered a stained glass painting of Mario marrying Peach.

"NO!" A nearby carpenter Toad screamed as he looked at the shattered glass. "WE JUST FINISHED THAT LAST WEEK!" The Toad cried out.

Boom-Boom and Pom-Pom had just finished a business deal with some Cheep Cheeps when the water rippled with an unearthly roar. A Cheep-Cheep fell to the ocean floor.

Iggy was practicing with some chemicals in his laboratory when all the empty beakers suddenly shattered and all the chemicals went down safety drains on the floor.

Iggy facepalmed.

Kammy arrived at the Magikoopa Wing of the Koopa Castle when Ludwig ran in, out of breath. "Kamek… Kammy… Lemmy… rock… need help!" Ludwig wheezed.

Kamek stopped whimpering and got up. "Wait… Lemmy on a rock?" Kamek scratched his head, confused.

Ludwig caught his breath. "Lemmy is on a rock and I need you two to heal him!" Ludwig exclaimed vaguely and pointed outside the castle walls.

Kammy and Kamek shrugged and ran outside with Ludwig.

Lemmy floated around in a black, dark, space-like area.

"What the? I thought I killed myself!" Lemmy cried out, putting his hands on his face. If death itself couldn't help him, then what could?

Lemmy, lemmy. You are here because something inside you doesn't want you to die.

A deep voice resonated from inside the Space Area. Lemmy shivered from the coldness. "W-who are you? W-what are you doing here?"

I am your subconscious.

Lemmy looked confused. "What's a subconscious?"

Oh stars. It's something inside your mind that separates the difference between right and wrong.

Lemmy looked even more confused. "But… I wanted to kill myself! Is that so wrong? My entire family hates me!" Lemmy threw his hands up in the air.

Um… you do realize Roy was lying right?

Lemmy stood in shock. His shock turned to anger, then back to shock as he realized what had happened.

Lemmy banged on the imaginary walls inside the Space Area. "NO, I NEED A SECOND CHANCE! LET ME LIVE!"

Relax Lemmy. Even Rosalina doesn't know how you are living; you are on a very tiny thread.

Lemmy looked at the imaginary walls of the Space Area. "Who's Rosalina?"

Um… oh, look at the time! Goodbye Lemmy!

The deep coldness inside the Space Area disappeared and Lemmy sighed. "Well, as long as I'm stuck in here, I might as well take a nap." Lemmy dozed off to sleep.

Kammy and Kamek ran after Ludwig, who was panting to get outside. The castle gate opened and Kamek and Kammy exited the castle. They saw Lemmy on the rock.

"GREAT STARS!" Kamek and Kammy screeched as they floated over at inhuman speed to the rock. Kamek waved his wand. "MAGICUS FORTICUS!" Kamek shouted. The wand levitated and a green ball of fire floated out of the wand and into Lemmy's heart. Lemmy levitated as blood from the ground trickled into his body as dirt fell from it midair.

Ludwig barfed. "Oh stars, I can't watch this!" Ludwig barfed even more as he ran behind a bush.

Junior suddenly floated down in his Clown Car, with Bowser and Morton already in it. "EVERYBODY IN! Kyle's gone Koopa**** and Roy is distracting him! Leave Lemmy!"

Something in Ludwig snapped.

Ludwig stared hard at Junior, his hair slowly being engulfed with blue flames. "YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE? LEMMY IS ON THE VERGE OF DEATH AND YOU WANT TO LEAVE HIM IN THIS STATE?"

Junior backed away in fear. "Um… I'm not answering that. Fine, let the weakling in! We just need to get in as fast as possible!" Junior exclaimed.

Morton nodded. "It's true! Does anyone remember the last time this happened?"

Kamek, Kammy, Ludwig, Junior, Morton, and Bowser shivered as they remembered what was referred to as 'the incident'. They all climbed in the Clown Car.

Morton suddenly gasped. "Wait… Larry, Wendy, and Iggy are still in the castle!"

A purple fireball the size of Bowser came out of the castle and Larry, Wendy, and Iggy were tossed out of the castle by a giant claw. Junior swerved down, catching the three Koopalings in the Clown Car.

The Royal Circle of the Koopa Castle gasped as the Koopa Castle was engulfed in purple flames and levitated, centuries of dirt and grime under it disappearing.

Kyle stood before Roy about three times the size of Bowser. He was engulfed in purple flames, his eyes flickering dangerously and his purple hair spiked up.

Kyle held Roy in his hand and drop kicked him out of the castle.

"AHHHH!" Roy screamed as he was hit out of DarkLands.

Kyle shrunk down, the purple flames over him disappearing, his purple blazing eyes returning to their normal form, his spiked hair turning to normal. "Ah, that was the stuff." Kyle then realized the castle was floating in midair and groaned.

Kyle crossed his legs and levitated, chanting under his breath.

The Koopa Castle's Royal Circle gasped as the Koopa Castle slowly levitated back to the ground.

Bowser was in amazement. "Did… did he actually learn to control it?"

Ludwig wiped a tear of joy from his eye. "He did it. The demon is at peace at last."

Kamek, Kammy, Bowser, Junior, and the Koopalings minus Lemmy and Roy cheered.

Yeah… weird stuff. Don't worry, you guys aren't missing out on some sort of prequel story. All of this demon Kyle backstory will be revealed next chapter.

Read, and please review!