"It hurts," Laddie whimpered, holding his stomach, "Star, it hurts, make it stop!" He cried and Star could only look at him with pain in her eyes. "Laddie, I'm so sorry," she whispered, holding him close. He had only been turned for a few weeks, but he was younger, so his hunger would be more potent. She hadn't experienced the pain of not feeding until nearly three months of holding back, and each day it became increasingly harder. But she stayed strong, for her humanity and for Laddie's as well.

"He'll have to feed eventually, Star." David's voice rang from the entrance to the cave, flanked by Marko to his left and Paul to his right, Dwayne lingering behind as they entered. "And I know it's not very appealing to you, but sweetheart, you do too." He added, plopping down in his usual chair in the center of the room. Paul and Marko walked around with a torch, lighting the room up with trash bins in place of candles.

Dwayne walked over to Laddie. He looked to him as a brother, and he hated seeing someone so young going through so much pain. He knew that pain, he could sympathize with him, everyone could. Star tightened her grip around Laddie, a fair warning to Dwayne to step off. But that didn't stop him from trying to comfort his companion, his little brother.

"How you hangin' in, bud?" Dwayne asked, wiping a few tears from the young boy's face. Laddie sniffled, "D-Dwayne, it h-hurts so bad..." He hiccuped, pulling himself from Star's grip to launch himself into Dwayne's arms. Dwayne hugged him tight, "I know, little buddy, I know. I'm gonna make sure it'll all stop hurting, ok?" He promised Laddie, and he pulled away to give him a reassuring smile, "cheer up, it'll all be ok." Dwayne stated.

"I thought I told you I didn't want him feeding, David!" Star snapped, "he's too young!" She added and Paul rolled his eyes. "Last I checked, princess, you weren't in charge of his choices." He noted and Star glared. "Forever stuck at the age of eight? That's not a life for anyone!" Star argued and David sighed, standing up. "Star, Star, Star," he huffed, walking over, "he will be forever stuck at the age of eight anyways. But it is his choice as to whether or not it's living in content happiness, or with hunger pains every five minutes for all of eternity."

David stepped closer, only a few inches away. "You may have come to terms with that, Star, but I will not just sit idly by while a young boy is being deprived of what he really needs." He paused, turning to Laddie who was sitting on the couch between Marko and Dwayne. "Laddie, I have a question to ask you."

He walked over to the boy, and sat on top of the ledge in front of him. "I understand that you're hurting, yes?" He asked and Laddie nodded. "I know of something that will make the pain go away. But it won't be very fun... at first." He grinned so wide it rivaled the Cheshire Cat. Laddie winced as another wave of pain hit him hard in the stomach and he yelped, holding his stomach as he nearly doubled over.

"Make it stop! Please!" Laddie all but screamed and Dwayne sighed, rubbing Laddie's back in small circles. David kneeled in front of him, sitting Laddie up to look at him. "Tomorrow night, we will find someone for you to feed from-" Star interjected, jumping forward, "no!" Paul pushed her back, not hard enough to hurt her too bad, but enough for her to stumble backwards into a chair. "I will make the pain stop, Laddie." David told him, ignoring Star's protests.

"I promise."