Lisanna rocked the young cat in her arms but couldn't take her attention from the boy lying in bed asleep. Natsu had been feeling ill for what felt like eternity to the girl. She hadn't left his bedside since he began mentioning his severe pain that mainly resided in his stomach but wasn't confined to the particular organ.

It hadn't been easy for her to get the young dragon slayer to admit his illness and rest. Happy seemed to have known the second Natsu felt the slightest bit different and wanted nothing more than to be close to him.

"Natsu, you have to get better soon, you're scaring us."Lisanna said to the sleeping boy.

"Aye" Happy sniffled looking up at the girl through sad eyes.

"Everything's going to be fine Happy, he's gonna be getting better and then everything will be back the way it was." She assured him. The little cat was soon asleep and was placed on the bed wrapped in a blanket.

Lisanna stood from her chair and began placing a cool compress on Natsu's forehead. Natsu moaned softly when the cloth made contact with his skin.

"Natsu, are you feeling any better?" His friend asked worriedly. The salamander opened his eyes and smiled faintly.

"I'm okay,you don't have to be so worried about me." He said weakly.

"How can I not be, you, me and Happy are a family. We need you to be okay."

"I told you I will be. It's just a little stomach ache that's all, it's nothing to -" Natsu squeezed his eyes shut as a sudden and particularly strong pain hit his abdomen.

"Natsu!" Lisanna cried out taking his hand.

"It's okay,it's better now." Natsu said after several minutes of silence. Lisanna sighed heavily.

Your pain's getting worse isn't it?"

"No, it's -"

"Don't try to hide this from me. You don't need to protect me from seeing how sick you are , you don't have to be strong all the time." She stroked Natsu's hair lovingly.

"You don't have to -"

"Just rest, I'll be right here." Lisanna promised.

"You don't have to stay, I'm sure you'd be more comfortable if you weren't sitting in the chair all day. Happy should -"

"Shh,just rest like I said. It's important and we need you back, remember your the dad,Happy needs you and so do I."

"Then,if you need me, I should be there,I guess I'm not good at -"

"Of course you are, even dads have tummy aches sometimes but it's not good to push yourself too much you always take care of us, this time we'll take care of you.