'GINNY! Get down those stairs at once, come on girl we'll be late and I doubt that you want to miss the portkey.' Ginny Weasly peered over the banister and saw a pair of horned rimed glasses staring up at her. 'Coming Percy.' She said to her older brother. Fred, George, Ginny and Percy headed out the door and were driven by cars that the ministry lent them to Stoatshed hill, where Percy waited for them to find the portkey. 'Hey Ginny I think I got it!' Fred shouted at her, the red haired girl ran towards her brother- she found it interesting to see what they used for a portkey last time she use one it had been and old boot. This time it was an old tire swing with one hand one the swing and one on her luggage and with a last word from Percy to "Be good" they were off. They were going to camp, not like any other camp; there was no program or leaders and once they were in they couldn't leave for one and a half, there was a qudditch pitch, a potions lab and everything you had the days to your self. There was still 2 months until school started again. When Ginny arrived she went and put her trunk up in the dorm for some reason she had one to herself and it was well furnished. ~*~ Draco Malfoy was sitting in his room for at camp it of course was the best room money could by his parents were still away helping the Dark Lord over the first month of the holidays Draco had realised that he Ginny Weasly was close to Potter he told his father that and his father had mad a bet with him if he got Ginny to hate Potter and turn to the dark side in the time camp was running he would get to have any thing that he wanted. ANYTHING But how?