Brief update on the current situation, appologies this is not a chapter. There might not be a chapter in a long while yet.

As I stated in my previous Notice I am currently staying at home to look after my mother, who (as far as the doctors told us at that time) had suffered a stroke and was having difficulty going on with her daily life.

Last month that diagnosis was proven wrong.

My mother did not suffer a stroke.

She has been diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) which causes the premature death of neurons that control voluntary muscles, in her case it's affecting her throat and mouth. My mother will need a ventilator at night to help her breathe and at some point in the near future she will have a feeding tube put in because she can no longer swallow or chew properly.

She has also been diagnosed with dementia, which isn't uncommon with ALS.

Those are the three main concerns the doctors have with her right now, but they pose a very simple and heartbreaking result:

ALS does not have a cure. ALS will continue to progress/advance and get worse. ALS ends in death.

The doctor has informed me, 12th of March 2019, that by December this year my mother might very well be unrecognisable. If she's still with us at all.

Despite my hopes for a good long while before I was faced with the prospect of such an end (which was from 3 to, in the best of circumstances, 10 years) I am now faced with months.

As I am writing this today I am 19 years old.

I hoped the day I faced this situation would only come when I was old and 'grown-up' myself. That is not to be.

I thank all of the follows and favorites you have given this story and I thank all of the reviews you have sent, I may not reply but know I read every single one. Unfortunately CRT has once again been put in the back burner while my family and I work through this matter.

Rest assured, CRT and my other stories will not be abandoned.

I just cannot find the strength in me to write much of anything right now.

Best of wishes and prayers for you and your families, hold them true and dear,

- LadyCroft