Authors note: So I figure I would do a different take on the femslash front as I have done Cara (Cat x Kara) and Kalex (Kara x Alex) I think that is the name. This time with a third female character I would do a Kara vs James all for the hand of Lucy Lane. Yes James's ex is in town and this will be set in another slightly alternate world where Kara is openly gay and she and James are great friends who have always had the other's best interest at heart. Problem is…Kara is drawn to Lucy and Lucy wants to make things work with her and James…and James wants things to work with Lucy…yikes, talk about a triangle in reverse. Currently in the series James is with his ex-Lucy and Kara wants to be with James and James may have some feelings for Kara but still likes Lucy. May the best girl…er…guy win. Kara's personality will be a tad tweaked giving her a boost of confidence and strength in her newfound sexuality. Think a cross between stiffler and barney (HIMYM). I thought to have some fun with this and all.

Supergirl: Super-sized triangle

CH.1: Swinging for the prize

Kara Danvers was a woman who knew what she wanted. For quite a bit she was fighting with her sexuality, the eternal tug of war that drew her back and forth between men and women. For a bit she thought she was attracted to James Olsen…and then there was the pull that was Cat Grant. Yeah, her boss, older than her but those lips…any close proximity could have her sinking into tomorrow. Winn seemed the odd man out and while she wished she could say she was romantically charged by his presence…somehow he was benched in the friend zone. Her sister Alex was safe from her, but, there were moments where she did dream about her…she was bad she knew.

One day she had to make a decision…and so…well she got bold and decided to kiss Cat Grant, yeah she did it. She waited for just the right time…figured she would do so during a boring annual review of employee and revenue regarding the company's financial success. Each department was under scrutiny for lack of sales or performance. Kara just went for it walking over and kissing her full ont the lips. Yeah that woke people straight up…yeah that was the right word. Cat slapped her flustered and all and she was ordered to see her later. She got a talking to and rather than fire her she just warned her not to do something like that again.

She liked the kiss and she was right on the money about how she felt about kissing her. Next she decided to kiss James. Timing again came into play…however when she kissed him things fell flat, they held the kiss for a bit but when he admitted it lacked that spark that kapow of sorts…they both agreed that they were better off as friends. Now whether she believed him on that or not it was hard to say, seeing how he was torching for her and she for him since she had started working there.

Word of Supergirl had reached far and wide in National City and she had found a home that needed a hero. Superman had Metropolis…she had here. Superman was her cousin, Kal-El from the planet Krypton, no longer in existence but she would always have memories of Krytpon in heart and soul, corny she knew but better then home is where the heart is…yeah good luck with Krytpon being a speck up there.

Arriving at the office she pushes her glasses up and finds herself in the elevator with Cat Grant, her boss. The two stand at opposite sides but she can tell there is this awkwardness that could be suffocating them if the tension didn't leave. "Good morning Ms. Grant…lovely day isn't it-?"

"You keep to your side of the elevator and I keep to mine ok? Last thing I need is for us to be locking lips when the doors part. Do you know the story of our lip lock is still talked about? Tell yourself what you will Kara but that kiss…it meant nothing." She shoots her a stare and Kara gives her a weak smile.

"Sure Ms. Grant…the kiss meant nothing at all…hence why we are still talking about it right now. Tell me…how long have you been working on that speech by the way?" Kara moved over and found Cat reaching into her purse.

"I swear you step any closer and you will be blinded with pepper spray. This could be sexual harassment is what…now…things should return to normal…without any more hindrance of you kissing people…in close spaces." Cat really is worked up and as the elevator doors part open she watches her hurry to her office.

"Wow…I do believe I have gotten under her skin. Maybe coming out has helped my confidence around the work place…I feel like a whole new woman." Kara moves over to where James is working and leans over looking over the rim of her glasses.

"Whatever it is the answer is no," James says without looking up. Now why did he have to go and say something like that?

"You don't even know what I am going to ask, so, why don't you ask and then you can say no." Kara wears a playful smile and James heaves a resigned sigh.

"Fine Kara…what do you want?" James finally looks at her and she looks closely but doesn't see any inkling of lust in there.

"So…I heard you and Abigail broke up…can I have her number?" Kara continues to smile and James closes the folder he is looking at and retreats.

"No." That was all he said. No…seriously…no fair. However Kara was anything but a quitter and followed after him.

"No, what do you mean no? You broke up with her…which means she is emotionally available, needs someone to turn to-."

"Kara she is straight…you have no shot with her and I didn't break up with her…we just were in two different places and I needed to find someone who was compatible with my lifestyle-."

"So in other words you broke up with her to find someone else, got it. And far as her being straight, that is nothing I haven't dealt with before, straight girls are curious and besides…one night with me and they will be seeing things in a whole new light-."

"I do not need the visual…and Kara…you can't go around changing people and messing with them. Ever since you came out you have been in…what, how many relationships now?" James walks over to his desk and sits down putting her on the spot.

"Um…there was that one girl…no she was the one with the devil cat. I know what about…no she was a Wiccan, her candle nearly burned down my apartment. Ok I get your point…my life hasn't exactly been the most ideal…still…like your life has been better. Abigail makes three I believe girls you have dumped. If we had dated would that be something I'd look forward to?"

Kara challenges him and James fell silent. Heaving a sigh she sits down in a chair across from him and runs a hand through her hair. It was clear they were getting nowhere throwing blame at one another for their romantic choices. She thought that once she came out things would be simpler…but…living here in National City it wasn't like people wore their sexuality on their sleeve. Being straight led her nowhere…and if she couldn't get her training wheels off being a lesbian where did that leave her?

"We both haven't led the most ideal dating life Kara, but, maybe if we both put our feet forward and maybe help each other out we can find the one to be with. She is out there for you and I…we just need to think positively on this." James smiles at her and Kara smiles back nodding her head.

And that is when she turned and saw the most beautiful woman she had ever laid her eyes on. She was simply stunning, a 10 out of 10 with a figure that could stop traffic through and through, hugging blue dress that accentuated her curves and dark medium length hair that gave her an exotic look. Hazel eyes peered out looking at her surroundings and she was floored.

"Oh my goddess…who is that lovely vixen who just stole my heart?" Kara rose up and walked out of the office and James followed her curious. When he joined her he shook his head and she caught that.

"Hey James…James over here!" Kara did a double take then looking from James to the woman who knew him.

"Friend of yours? Think you can introduce us…oh and you can forget about Abigail…this girl I like. If I don't call into work tomorrow…you will know where I will be." Kara pushed out her hip feeling her whole body on fire.

"She is not your type Kara…trust me." James gives her an eye roll as the woman approaches them.

"Oh don't tell me, not straight, what have I told you about me huh? For all you know she could be bi or at the very least bi curious to the point where a little dinner and dancing could turn her around." Kara tried to look positively at this rather then look a gift horse in the mouth.

"James…can we talk…alone?" The woman approaches James…not her. Ok that was a clear sign trouble was brewing. Still she could work with this.

"Hi I'm Kara…and what is your name?" She holds out her hand and the woman takes one look before accepting her handshake, firm and quick, huh?

"My name is Lucy Lane…and my business is with my Ex James. It was nice meeting you um…Kara I believe is what James told me about you." She moves off into James's office and Kara feels her jaw drop.

"That is what I meant." James leaves her there as he closes the door behind him. Kara folds her arms but doesn't count herself out just yet. Lucy would learn soon enough she wasn't one to quit so easily.

Authors note: Let the games begin. Kara is hooked and even if it means competing for Lucy's affections against her bestie James, she will do so…no holding back. However with Lucy being straight Kara may find herself in a no win scenario.