Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. If I did I would want to be the very best, like no one ever was.

Leaf's POV

I was sitting in class with my head down, doodling on the desk while my teacher was discussing what to expect in 'college'.

I kept scribbling little hearts on my desk and mumbled to myself, "So boring…" I had to stop myself from falling asleep because I was that bored.

Ms. Anderson heard me from all the way in the front of the room. Apparently she had ears like a fucking zubat. She placed her chalk down on the board and started to walk towards me and my desk. Her heels clicked against the floor and then she stood by my desk, tapping her foot impatiently.

The clicking nose annoyed the shit out of me, so I looked up, "Who the hell—" and then I stopped my sentence right there when I saw Ms. Anderson in front of me. My eyes widened and suddenly there was a lump in my throat. I managed to barely choke out, "H—hey Ms. A. What's up?" I said stuttering a bit, my eyes scanning across the room. Everyone was staring at me. I really hated when the spotlight was on me and it felt like I was standing in front of everyone in my birthday suit. It's not a very pleasant feeling.

She crossed her arms, her lips pursed and her eyes were glancing at me in annoyance. "Miss Green, are you aware you're vandalizing school property?"

I gave her a strange look, like she was speaking some other language I didn't understand. "How am I vandalizing school property?" I asked, as I unconsciously continued to scribble on the desk.

She narrowed her eyes at me and bent down a bit and pointed to my scribbles on the desk. "This is vandalizing, sweetie. I catch you one more time doodling on this desk and I'll make you stay after school and you'll have to clean all the desks, alright?" She said smiling, but with evil hidden behind her two almond-shaped eyes.

"Yes mam," I groaned and watched her walk back to the front of the class. She continued to talk again and I just let out a big huff of boredom, slumping in my chair. I had doodled on the desk for so long, I would sometimes do it without intention… and soon enough I was writing on the desk again, but this time I wrote in the top corner, 'Hello :D'

And then the bell rang, thank Arceus. I couldn't stand anymore of this college stuff they were dumping on us. I already had the word college haunting me every second of my life, whether I was awake or asleep. It was like a terrible curse.

I was the first one out of class and I headed to my locker. Carefully, I turned the nob entering my locker combination. I threw my calculus book in the locker, taking my AP English literature book out. I slammed my locker shut to find him leaning against the locker beside mine.

"Hey babe. What's up?" he said with a smirk plastered on his face. He thought he was so irresistible. . .

I looked around and then faced him, "OH, are you talking to me? Because I'm not your 'babe'." I cocked my head to the side a little and smirked at him. I gave him a little pat on the shoulder, "Nice try though," I said and with that I walked away.

Then before I knew it he caught up to me and whispered in my ear, "I'll smell ya later," he said laughing to himself while walking away. What a creep. I suddenly felt very annoyed.

As I walked to my next class and took a seat. I muttered under my breath, "Bastard, who the hell does he think I am? Some cheap slut who'll sleep with him?" I growled continuing to seethe in anger.

My best friend, Dawn, who sat right next to me looked over and spoke, "What the hell are you muttering to yourself now?"

I said without even making eye contact with her, "Gary Oak." I gritted through my teeth. My jaw clenched tight.

She chuckled slightly at me, "Oh." She then raised an eyebrow at me, "I thought you liked him," she sang to me, in her usual chipper tone.

I turn to narrow my eyes at her and scoffed, "Hell no! He thinks he's like irresistible or something! And he is always bothering me!"

She rolled her eyes at me, and wrote the date at the top right corner of her notebook. She glanced back at me and said, "Have you ever considered the fact that he might actually be interested in you?"

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Are you insane? Gary Oak doesn't like girls. He manipulates, lies, cheats, and uses girls for his own damn benefit." I spoke, my voice dripping with disgust.

She threw her hands up just above her shoulders and said, "No need to be so fired up about the subject, geez." She turned back to her notebook and started to write down what was on the board.

It honestly didn't even matter to me if Gary Oak liked me, because I would never like him back. He was the complete opposite of everything that I wanted in a guy. He was conceited, cocky, annoying, manipulative, heartless… and such a womanizer. I knew we would never happen.

After school had ended, I realized that I had forgotten my jacket in Ms. Anderson's class, so I made my way over there. It was empty but the door was open. I'd better get out of there before she gives me another stupid lecture. But something caught my eye when I picked up my jacket from the back, passing by my desk. Right next to my 'Hello :D' I had written this morning, was a 'What's up?' Did someone actually respond back?

Gary's POV

I stepped out of my beautiful red convertible, and saw all the girls and guys stare in awe at the steel beauty. My lips curved up in satisfaction. What a great way to return from winter break. I stuck my head back in the car and impatiently spoke to my friend, "Will you hurry your ass up?"

"I'm out, okay?" Paul stepped out of my car, and hung his weightless backpack over one shoulder.

I locked the doors and started to walk, Paul walking right beside me. "Keep up that attitude young man and you'll have to ride the bus." I spoke tauntingly, at him.

He muttered, "I hate you." But then all of a sudden, his eyes softened and got all sentimental.

I looked to see what Paul was staring at, following his eyes, my hazel-green eyes landed on a hot blunette chick. I only knew her at Leaf Green's friend, "Devonne—Diana—," or something like that. I placed my hand on Paul's shoulder and narrowed my eyes. "You got the hots for that chick?" I chuckled at him.

He growled, glaring harshly at me, "Who? Troublesom—I mean, her name is Dawn, not 'that chick'." And then he walked off. I obviously angered him, but I didn't care. I'll just soften him up after school.

That Dawn girl linked arms with Leaf, and headed into the school building. She seemed nice… and I couldn't blame Paul for falling for her. She had that kind of smile where you couldn't help but smile back when you saw it… her dark-sapphire eyes left you mesmerized… and her beautiful dark blue, silky hair fell back into place perfectly when she'd run her fingers through it… but she wasn't the girl I wanted.

The time went by slowly in English, my first class of the day. It was terrible getting stuck with Shakespeare in the morning… no one knew what the hell he was talking about, nor did anyone really care what a dead man's play meant. And after fifty long agonizing minutes the bell rang. I was the first one to run out of class because I couldn't stand Shakespeare anymore. On my way to meet up with a couple of friends, I spotted Leaf at her locker—and the idea of meeting up with my friends left the building…

I walked up to her locker swiftly and leaned against the locker. I waited for her to close her locker for her to notice me. And soon enough she did. I smirked down at her innocently, and spoke smoothly, well at least what I thought was pretty smooth. "Hey babe. What's up?"

She pursed her lips together and looked at me. Of course I didn't show it on my face, but I was absolutely terrified of what witty comeback she was going to throw in my face. Then she said "Oh, are you talking to me? Because I'm not your babe." She smirked and patted my shoulder continuing, "Nice try though." And walked away. Ouch. She was the only girl who wouldn't even look at me—yet she was the only girl who I wanted to see the real me.

I watched her walk away and I didn't want her to leave with the last word. So I caught up with her and whispered in her ear softly, "I'll smell ya later." I laughed but it wasn't one of those 'haha' laughs, it was more of a 'hopefully she can't tell I'm nervous' laugh. I walked away hoping slightly, I didn't piss her off. I don't know why but I couldn't help but act like a jerk to her—and I hated myself for that. But a guy has to keep up with the image he has.

I waked into Ms. Anderson's class and took my seat immediately dropping my head on the desk, because I knew today was going to be boring… like every other day in her class.

She was standing in front of the class, and started speaking, "Today, we're going to discuss about college—you guys are getting very close to graduating and it's very important that you guys make the right choices for you, which is—Gary! Head up please, we don't need you sleeping in class."

I groaned internally and faked a smile at her, "Yes mam," I said sitting up a bit, lifting my head reluctantly. Ms. Anderson smiled at me and continued to babble. I rolled my eyes and rested my cheek against my hand which was sadly on the cold wooden desk. I looked at the desk curiously and saw little hearts doodled on it. I kept staring at different doodles until I spotted something at the top corner. It said, 'Hello :D' I chuckled to myself. It was probably another girl who likes to doodle.

I studied that one word scribbled on the desk for a while—and I thought, why the hell not? So I scribbled back on the desk, 'What's up?'

I wasn't really expecting anything in the back of my mind. I just thought whoever sat in this seat before me would just ignore my little greeting—but little did I know that this stupid scribble would get me the one girl I wanted…


Hi. So I posted this story a long time ago, but never finished it. So I deleted it not wanting to keep anyone hanging, because I never knew when I was going to finish it. But I actually finished it! So I'm pretty stoked to post it. There is probably a ton of mistakes but whatever. Anyways this story is going to be about 10 chapters. Since this a prologue might as well have an epilogue right? Anyways leave a review please and thank you :)
