Pick Pocket of Love

Summary: Mamoru meets a young thief one night. Feeling sorry for the child, he ends up taking the young thief home to stay with him after he learns the thief is homeless. Unknown to Mamoru but he has just opened the can of worms that will forever change his life, his family's life … for the better.

Okay another story for everyone's enjoyment, something new to read. I wanted something to do and this story popped in my head and flew out my fingers. Sorry for any mistakes I blame them on the "Computer Fairies" that go in and miss with our stories. (Need something to blame! right DarkBloodRose?! hee hee)

At this moment I can't tell you how long this story will be but it's not going to be too long. I'll keep you informed. I hope you enjoy! This story will be Rate T (Yes a shock that it's not M) for bad words and suggested themes later. EvaC

P.S. Remember I do not own Sailor Moon or its wonderful characters. Just using them for our enjoyment.

Chapter ONE

Mamoru Chiba stood outside of the movie theater waiting for his date for the night to show up. He glanced at his watch for what felt like the twentieth time wondering where she was and why she was late. It wasn't like Rei to be late, maybe in the past but not now that they were older and she knew how he hated to wait. He had already missed the previews and he hated to miss those!

Why go to the movies and miss the previews it was a waste Mamoru always said. And it was now too late for him to get his Milk Duds, Whoppers, Sour Patch Kids and let's not forget his Everlasting Gobstoppers! For Mamoru knew the line for snacks would be long and Mamoru hated to wait in any lines. And from the time on his watch the movie was about to start. Mamoru knew that he had to have his candy to enjoy any movie.

(OKAY before you go on I really don't know any snack foods in Tokyo that people there eat at the movies and I don't feel like doing the research, so I went with what I know. Hey use your imagination on the candy our Hero would like! EvaC.)

Mamoru moved his glasses back up since they had slide while his head was bent and looked up the street wondering where Rei was than back to his watch while shaking his head wondering if he should just leave.

But no, Rei would kill him if she did show up and he wasn't there. Heaven forbid he made Rei mad again.

He would give her another ten minutes then leave Mamoru thought.

Unknown to Mamoru, while he stood and debated with himself on just leaving the area, a set of eyes in the shadows watched his every move while he talked quietly to himself. Those eyes glanced down to his pants seeing the bulge in the back pocket showing that the wallet he had was plump making those eyes shine thinking of the money inside. It had been awhile since those eyes had seen a fat wallet.

Mamoru sighed again and watched some cars drive past never noticing the small body sneak up behind him or reach and slowly take the wallet out of his pants. The thief smiled thinking about how the months of not being seen was paying off again.

The thief took a step back and looked up suddenly when Mamoru turned around rapidly as he reached behind him feeling his wallet missing. He looked at the thief who was slowly backing up shocked. Never before had anyone noticed the thief but this guy had.

"Give me my wallet boy." Mamoru said holding out his hand to the young thief who continued to look up holding the wallet tight.

Mamoru looked at the thief who stood in front of him noting that the boy or who he thought was a boy, seemed to come to his chest. He wondered for a second if it was a girl by the eyes, with those long sooty eyelashes, which stared up at him but thought no since the child in front of him was wearing boy clothes and had a hat over his head. No it had to be a young boy around the age of twelve, Mamoru thought.

"Give me my wallet or I'll call the cops son." Mamoru said taking a step closer to the thief thinking that he could grab the boy by the arm. But before he could reach out the thief was gone.

Mamoru stood unmoving for a second thinking to let the child go, he could always replace the items and there wasn't much cash in there, but he remembered that he had the tickets for the final playoff baseball game in his wallet and his friends would kill him if he lost those tickets.


He took off running following the thief who ran with lightening speed.

Mamoru chased the thief several blocks finally having to stop and catch his breath realizing he wasn't that young teen who ran track any more. He felt old and chuckled to himself knowing he was only twenty three. He vowed to start running on the track again and stop having so many beers with his friends as he spotted the thief duck under a broken board in a fence across the street from him.

Mamoru smiled, thanked the luck watching over him and ran over and as quiet as a church mouse watched the thief. It was Mamoru's turn to hide in the shadows and watch. He watched the child duck behind some boxes and moved some others to cover the entrance.

Mamoru silently tip toed over and bent down looking for a hole to look in to where the wallet taker was hiding. He could make out the thief moving around thanks to the street light that was a few feet away. He moved the same boxes and went into the hiding place.

"I told you to give me my wallet!" Mamoru said as he pounced on the thief who yelped and dropped Mamoru's wallet which fell to their feet along with Mamoru's glasses.

Mamoru got the thief down and under him not noticing the bundle of old rags and newspapers that was under them or notice how small and thin the body under him really was. If he would have been paying attention, Mamoru would have noticed something missing between the thief's legs.

"You little shit, you better be glad that I'm not going to the cops but I will if I catch you again!" Mamoru exclaimed as he let the thief go and sat back while reaching for his wallet. He wasn't in the mood to deal with the cops that night.

Mamoru looked being glad the tickets were safe. He placed his wallet back in his pocket while he kept one eye on the thief who didn't move and watched him with eyes open wide.

"Stop stealing and go home." Mamoru said picking up his glasses and putting it in his coat pocket before he crawled out and started to walk away after he wiped his knees of dirt.

"I am home." The young thief said to herself as she sat up and grabbed her bent legs and rested her head on her knees.

She crawled over and moved the boxes back so no one would see in. She reached over and grabbed a stuffed black toy cat and held it to her chest while hearing her stomach growl wishing she had stopped and gotten some food before going home first.

She thought she had lost that man sometime back and started to wonder how he found her so fast. She laid back and started to fall asleep hoping that the handsome man who had just left wouldn't tell the cops where she was.

Mamoru walked home totally forgetting all about his sister Rei who never did show up to meet him at the movies that night. As he walked Mamoru thought about the young thief still believing she was male. Mamoru shook his head while sighing as he hailed a taxi to take him home to his penthouse where he lived alone.

The next morning on his way to work, Mamoru walked along the busy street stopping long enough to pick up a cup of coffee and his morning paper. He smiled as he felt the sun shining and was glad that he had decided to walk to work that day. It was a nice day with the sky clear and no signs of rain that the weather forecaster had been promising for the last two days.

Mamoru took his change from the vender and put his paper in his brief case knowing he would read it later in his office. He suddenly looked up and around hearing some high school kids walking and some running past as they went to their school. Mamoru smiled thinking of his own school days being thankful they were over. He started walking again only to stop when he spotted the child, his little thief from the night before, not too far in front of him.

Mamoru stood there watching, noticing that the child wasn't in a school uniform like the other kids. She was in the same, too large for her body frame, clothes from the night before, even had the same old black bowler hat on.

Mamoru raised an eyebrow and started to follow the thief as she followed some girls. Mamoru still believed the thief was a boy and if he had known the thief was really female, he would have gone running in the opposite direction.

Mamoru didn't have time for females and only dealt with his own mother and sister and his sister's three friends only and only those three since a couple were with his friends and they were his sister's friends.

Mamoru couldn't stand many women not after his girlfriend, his high school sweetheart, who he had loved with all his heart and wanted to marry, left him at the alter. Less than two years ago did that happen. She had run off with a man who Mamoru thought was going to be a great business partner and best friend. After that happened to him, Mamoru vowed not to let any woman close to him again. His heart couldn't take it.

But his sister and her friends and even his mother wanted him to start dating trying to get him to realize that not all women were like his ex-fiancee but Mamoru wouldn't have anything to do with it. The women stopped trying to set him up on blind dates and meeting strange women after Mamoru left the area for a few months and his father told them to give Mamoru time.

But Rei and her three best friends vowed to find the perfect girl for Mamoru and wouldn't stop until they had him married to that girl. The four eased back on trying to fix him up because they knew that in time the right one would come along. Mamoru was after all well off, had a good solid job and was very handsome, each of them knowing dozens of females that wanted him as their own. It was only a matter of picking out the right one for him.

Mamoru turned away swiftly after his little thief turned in his direction. Mamoru watched out the corner of his eyes, as his thief sighed and turned back and watched the other kids walking across the street to the school building. She watched the girls, Mamoru noticed while he smiled thinking of his own days of hiding and watching the girls in school when he was younger.

He chuckled and looked at his watch feeling his eyes widen before he took off running knowing he was late for work. His little thief continued to watch the others wishing she could go to school also. She liked that school the most since the girls wore such pretty uniforms and she loved pretty things.

Mamoru ran to his office being glad as he noticed that the meeting he was suppose to be in fifteen minutes ago, hadn't started. He placed his briefcase down on his desk and ran over to the board room walking in and over to his sister who pointed to her wristwatch, the one that he had given at Christmas, while smiling her, oh I'm going to pick on you look, in her eyes.

"You're late brother I'm going to tell your boss to deduct some money from your pay." Rei said as she watched Mamoru sit down beside her.

"Shut up I know!" Mamoru said sitting back and relaxing vowing once again to start jogging again.

"Lucky for you the bosses aren't ready. Too bad they weren't ready on time. I would have loved to see you, of all people, running in late to the meeting. That would have been funny seeing everyone turning toward you and looking at you! "Mr." I'm never late for anything in my life!" Rei said before chuckling to herself.

"Shut up!" Mamoru answered while rolling his eyes making Rei smile even more.

Rei had been a little surprised when she had shown up and Mamoru hadn't been in his office already or even in the building. That had been the first time he was ever late to work. He had always been the one who was on time and ready. It drove her crazy while they were growing up since he would always make sure she was up early for school. Rei wondered for a second what had delayed him.

"What happened to you last night?" Mamoru asked while picking up his coffee cup.

"Sorry about last night I got busy with….. Well I was busy." Rei said watching Mamoru close his eyes and smile. He had noticed her voice getting a little softer while talking.

"Let me guess…Jadeite is back and he came over didn't he? I don't know why you just don't let him move in with you." Mamoru answered with his voice a little softer.

"What! And have mother shoot me for not being married first!"

"Does she know you are totally dating him and only him now?"

"Hell No! And don't you tell her. The wedding bells will be ringing for sure if she knew! You and I both know Jadeite is her favorite. I can't let her know yet that she was right about him being the best man for me! I would never hear the end of it with her!"

Mamoru chuckled as he rolled his head toward his sister seeing her looking at her nails. He rolled his head back and let his eyes closed. He was glad she was there for the meeting also. They really only got to see each other lately once a month at their outings and only then if they weren't busy. He was busy helping their father there in the main office while Rei lived in a neighboring suburb managing in one of the smaller ones.

"You stood me up last night." Mamoru's voice rang out.

"I'm sorry let me make it up to you tonight. Dinner my treat. We can go to that new French restaurant that opened. I heard it was good."

"You better show up or you will owe me big. That was the third time this month. And we didn't go out at all last month. I just might slip to Mother about you and your "not" boyfriend. Hint to her about you liking Jadeite and how you said she was right. NO better - I'll tell her you are talking about a wedding."

"I'll pick you up at seven!" Rei announced saying it fast as she gave his arm a playful hit hoping he was joking.

Mamoru chuckled as he opened his eyes after the bosses, one being his and Rei's Father came in and the meeting got underway.

That evening Mamoru stood by his front door once again looking at his watch while watching the time and shaking his head.

"I am so telling Mother about you and Jadeite." Mamoru mumbled to himself noticing it was a quarter after seven. He smiled and pulled the door open after he heard the bell ring.

"You're late I was just about to call mother."

"Ten minutes!"

"A quarter past!"

"Stop crying so much and let's go. I got stuck in traffic." Rei said as she pulled Mamoru by the arm. He closed his door and walked with her to the elevator.

"And you live on the top floor! Takes fifty years to get up here to the top! Get something lower damn it!" Rei said as they waited.

"I like being high up away from the traffic and noise."

"Move to the country."

"Shut up and move yourself."

"Boy don't tell me to shut up! I'll take you over my knee."

Mamoru smiled as he held his hands up in front of him and ran backwards onto the elevator getting away from his sister who was really only a year older than him not even a year more like nine months. They both always liked to pick on their parents about that fact.

Rei smiled and followed Mamoru on.

"Why do you have those hideous "birth control" glasses tonight? You don't need to wear glasses. Your eyes are perfect? Better than mine even!" Rei asked after noticing Mamoru taking the glasses out of a pocket on his jacket.

"Hey these are not birth control glasses! I like how smart they make me look!" Mamoru said putting the glasses on.

"Mamoru you don't need glasses to look smart. You are smart, the smartest man I know. Damn it! Even back in school! - Damn I thought I threw that revolting thing away also. - Lose the glasses it makes you look unattractive!"


"You only do it to keep the women away but guess what buddy you will need more than that to keep them away. You are handsome and I quote "One hot piece of meat that is worth all of my savings for just one night of loving!" unquote. Do you know how many women even some men who have said that to me? Don't think that those glasses will work. You will need to start dressing like you did in school if you don't want any attention now."

Mamoru who had rolled his eyes while Rei had been talking looked at her and smiled big.

"Hey that gives me an idea!"

"No forget I said anything! Don't do it again! I hated how you dressed then and don't you start or I will disown you for sure this time! And guess what buddy boy I have the guys on my side when it comes to your clothes. They each promised me that they would make sure I could find you and take you shopping again and I will!"

Mamoru only started to chuckle at his sister who was shaking her head as they both remembered their school days and when Mamoru went to school every day in a suit and tie with his pocket protector filled with pens and his favorite calculator in the front pocket of his shirt. And his pants that looked like he was always ready for Noah to show up in his Ark. The only time he was out of those suits at school was during track.

He stopped dressing that way after school was over but had started up again. It had taken Rei a good year, after the ex episode, to get Mamoru to change his wardrobe for good. And only then because she and her friends threw all of his old clothes away forcing him to buy new clothes.

One of the worst days of his life, when he was dragged to the stores by Rei and the three, who each picked out his new clothes. The girls made Mamoru try on each and every item of clothing, so that they could scrutinize, even the underwear. Making sure the whole outfit in the end matched and looked good, right down to his shoes. The four guys still to that day loved to pick on him about that shopping trip.

Rei still wondered how Mamoru had a girlfriend back in school but she always thought that his ex was stupid even more after she dumped her brother. Rei hoped that the woman would show up one day so she could give the bitch a piece of her mind for hurting Mamoru so bad and that guy she ran off with, Rei hoped he would show up so she could hurt him also. Taking the money that Mamoru had given so trusting, for a business that the guy talked Mamoru into investing in only to find out the business was a fake. The two took off that day that changed Mamoru into something Rei didn't like and she would never forgive the two ever.

Rei shook her head to clear it as they walked to her car hoping she really hadn't given Mamoru any ideas on keeping women away from him. She was trying to drag him out of his shell again. She didn't want him going back in it and never finding someone to love. Rei didn't like to see him alone.

They rode to the restaurant in silence both enjoying the quietness in the car and the soft music playing on the radio.

During dinner they talked about work and their friends each catching the other up on the latest gossip with Rei talking the most since she knew more than him. She was after all the social butterfly while Mamoru was more the wall flower.

They left the restaurant together making plans for next month for their monthly outings together when Mamoru stopped walking after someone bumped into him making him have to catch his breath after the person's head hit his chest.

"Hold him for me kind sir. Little bugger stole my wallet almost didn't see him. Thank goodness you showed up when you did and stopped him!" An older man said walking toward Mamoru who was looking at him than down at his little thief from the night before who he was holding onto tight and who was looking up into his eyes.

"YOU!" They both screamed at the same time as they become aware of the other.

To be continued.

Well there you go the first chapter. I can't promise to update as fast since I'm just now starting this but I will update when I can! I'll try to not make you all wait! EvaC