AN: So, we got a bit bored, and decided to start another story. After finishing Undertale in like a week.


Very long ago, there were two races who ruled over the earth. These were the humans, and the monsters. One day, however, a horrible war broke out between the two races. After a long battle between the two, the humans were victorious, and they sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell that was to never be broken. Monsters were never to be seen on the surface again.

Many, many years later after the event, in the year of 21xx at Mt. Ebott, a young, small child by the name of Frisk climbed the treacherous slopes. The child was no older than five, and was struggling to climb the sheer edges and cliffs, filled with DETERMINATION to reach the top.

Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return.


Frisk sniffled, slowly sitting up. Owowowow, she hurt so much. The five-year-old curled up in the small bed of flowers, tears starting to trickle down her cheeks as she rested her chin on her knees. She didn't want to fall, she only wanted to climb the mountain and explore and maybe even find...

Looking around and seeing nothing but darkness and cheery golden flowers, Frisk's shoulders started shaking as she buried her face in her knees, sobs racking out of her. After a few moments, there was the sound of moving vines from the next room over, and a gentle, cooing voice that sounded like a friend. "Hello? Is someone there?" Still sniffing and rubbing at her cheeks, Frisk slowly stood, a sense of DETERMINATION filling her as she toddled over towards where she had heard the voice.

The room was as small as the last one she had fallen into, but in the center of it, there was a smiling golden flower looking at her from a mound of grass. "Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!" The golden petals gave a small ruffle in greeting, the smile wide and welcoming. Blinking, Frisk walked over to the flower. She didn't know flowers could talk! "Hmmm... You're new to the Underground, aren'tcha?" Slowly, she gave a small nod and huh. Was that the name of this place? How did she get un-Underground? Because she wanted to...not be here.

"Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do." The flower ruffled again, smile widening. "Ready? Here we go!" Frisk blinked as a bright, glowing red heart appeared in front of her. She gave it a small poke, and then turned around quickly felt like she was poked, just now... Weird... With the heart in front of her, as well, it...seemed to fill her with an overwhelming sense of DETERMINATION. Flowey gave another ruffle of his petals, drawing her attention back to him.

"See that heart? That is your soul, the very culmination of your being!" At the strange word she didn't know, Frisk tilted her head at him, looking utterly dumbfounded. Flowey paused, strange expression on his face before he was laughing it off. "It means it's who you are! Your soul starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV."

At the last word, Frisk tilted her head, curious as she looked up from where she was still examining her 'soul'. "...Love?"

"Ye- Yes! That's what it stands for! LV stands for LOVE. Of course!" The grin grew a bit twisted, eyes looking dark on the flower as a chuckle escaped. And it was nothing...good. "You want some LOVE, don't you? Don't worry, I'll share some with you!" The voice was peppy and cheery as it had been, expression darker, however, as multiple beads of white appeared in the air above him. Frisk took a step back, her soul cupped in her hands and held against her chest. Those looked...bad. And they appeared really quickly. She didn't like that- It was really surprising.

"Down here, LOVE is shared through... Little white...'friendliness pellets.'" Flowey offered her another smile, petals waving in a happy little manner reminiscent of a dance. Frisk mouthed the words to herself with a frown, looking up at Flowey as she slowly let her soul show a bit more. Those sounded...nice. She liked friends. And he was acting like he was her friend. "Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!"

With that, the pellets were shooting towards her at a pace that wasn't too fast, but still a bit startling. Frisk didn't seem to notice it as she'd looked down and ooh, that flower looked a little blue and pretty. She bent down to grab it, her soul following her and dodging the small 'friendliness pellets.' There was a silence from Flowey, a disbelieving and slightly annoyed expression on his face - although his tone stayed cheery. "Hey buddy, you missed them. Let's try again, okay?" Frisk stood up again, looking up at him and nodding. Right. Right. Friend stuffs. She wouldn't miss, this time.

This time, when the multiple pellets hit her soul, she was jerking back with a sudden, sharp scream, feeling as if- As if- She didn't even know what if but it hurt. It hurt so badly and she wasn't used to this- She wasn't used to this pain, she had only known warmth and love and she knew pain and loss but it had never hurt this bad before.

Flowey was only laughing as the sobbing child fell to the ground, soul trembling in front of her and shaking fiercely. "You idiot." There was nothing kind about his expression anymore, it was distorted and horrifying, and looked like something belonging to a nightmare more than this silent, peaceful place. "In this world, it's kill or be killed. Why would anyone pass up an opportunity like this?!" Frisk was only curled up on the ground, watching as more pellets gathered in a circle around her and her soul, surrounding them and preventing escape. She gave another sob, curling into a tight ball, unwilling to watch.

"Die." There was a laughter above her that could never be mistaken as anything human- As anything good. The pellets closed in on her bit by bit, trapping her and her soul further to the ground and leaving less and less chance of escape, Flowey laughing even more. Suddenly, the pain was completely gone, and Frisk was feeling much better - better than when she had woken up on the ground, even.

Flowey seemed to have noticed the increase in the child's health as he paused, looking disgusted and enraged. "What." Frisk looked up in time to see a small ball of...something (black fire?) knock the flower away and disperse the pellets.

"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth..." A large, strange creature stood in front of the small child, looking nothing like she had ever seen. For one, she was much taller than most people she saw, and was covered in fur. And was wearing a very strange dress... "Ah, do not be afraid, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins."

The creature - Toriel - was gently and carefully reaching over, picking Frisk up gently and setting her back down so she could stand on her feet. Frisk blinked at how easily Toriel picked her up. As she was set down, she stared up at her, tilting her head. "...Are you a goat?"

Toriel blinked at that, looking a little startled before she laughed. "No, my child. I am a monster of the Underground. We all look quite different, this is merely how I look." Frisk nodded, looking back to where Flowey had been and curling up a bit.

"Did you kill him?"

"Oh, no, no, young one. I would never kill a creature." Toriel looked startled at even the implication of killing someone. "He was merely...chased off. I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. You are the first human to come here in a long time." Frisk looked down at herself a bit before looking back up, just barely seeing a hole with bright shining blue, and light filtering down from it.

"Come!" Toriel turned towards the archway a few feet away and walked a bit towards it, a bright smile on her face as she kept her voice soft, even with the excitement. "I will guide you through the catacombs." Frisk watched as her soul disappeared in front of her. She didn't feel any different, except now she felt a lot...safer. She hurried after Toriel, grabbing onto the back of her dress with one hand and...that doorway was creepy.

There was a startled pause from Toriel before she was smiling softly, nudging the small child along as she started walking, voice soft and warm. "This way." In the next room, there were leaves arranged into a square shape in the center with a beam of light falling down, another pile of them sitting between the two stone staircases that led upwards. In the middle of the pile, something almost shiny could be seen.

Wandering away from Toriel, Frisk tried to move the leaves aside to try to see whatever it was that was shining, only for there to be...nothing. Looking up, she noticed the area she stood in was darker, cast into a shadow by the ruins above her. Her expression setting into a small pout, she followed after Toriel, filled with a sense of DETERMINATION.

She may not have known exactly where she was, but she knew she would get home, and find her family again. She knew it.

After all, she was DETERMINED!