So this is my new story. I'll try to update as regularly as I can. This story will have a supernatural theme, inspired by different mythologies and a few TV shows. It's going to be a Kogan story. I hope you will like it.

Part One

Chapter One

»Kendall! Katie! Come on! I don't want to be late! «

Jennifer Knight was standing at the bottom of the stairs shouting for her two children. They were invited to a barbecue party to celebrate the 17th birthday of Kendall's best friend James. A few moments later, Kendall was walking down the stairs. He wore a wide, plaid button down shirt, shorts and sneakers. He kissed his mother's cheek and said:

»You look good mom. «

Jennifer smiled at her son. She liked to see how relaxed and happy he was and almost regretted what she would have to do in a few hours later. But she knew she had no choice. And she knew Kendall would fulfill his new role very well.

When Katie was still not ready a few minutes later, Jennifer went upstairs and into Katie's room. Her daughter was sitting on her bed in her summer dress and was staring at Jennifer's laptop.

»Katie! «

The young girl was startled and quickly shut down the laptop. She jumped from her bed and said:

»I am ready. We can go. «

»Not so fast young lady. «

Jennifer grabbed the laptop and opened it. When she saw what Katie was doing she glared at her daughter.

»Online poker? Again? I told you to stop doing it. «

»But mom! I was winning! «

»I don't care. Now let's go. I don't want to be late. «

Jennifer ushered her daughter downstairs. Together with her children she stepped outside into the hot, burning summer sun and climbed into her car. When all of them were inside and buckled up, Jennifer started the car and drove towards Diamond Manor.

At the same time, Joanna Mitchell was knocking at her son's door.

»Logan, sweetie, are you ready? «

She smiled when she saw her son sitting at his desk captivated by a book. Joanna gently touched his shoulder.

When Logan looked up, he blushed and smiled embarrassed.

»Sorry, mom. I didn't mean to read this long. «

Joanna's smile widened.

»Don't worry about it. Let me look at you. «

Her son stood up. Logan wore a simple shirt and black trousers. Joanna smoothed out some creases out of her son's clothes.

»You look so handsome, Logan. «

He blushed again and mumbled:

»Thanks. «

After she sent her son to wait at the car, Joanna looked at the book he was reading. It was a book about cytology. She smiled sadly. Logan was so much like his father, not only in his looks but also in his curiosity and interest for sciences.

'Logan will have the hardest time to accept the truth. His rational mind will not believe. And when he finally believes, he will hate his new life…But he will do his duty. He always does.'

Joanna closed the book and followed her son outside feeling glad that her son would have his best friends as support.

»Mijo! ¡Date prisa! Hurry up, Carlos! «

Sylvia Garcia was standing in front of a mirror, putting some earrings on.

»I'm coming! « Carlos yelled back.

Then his mother heard a loud crash and shook her head smiling. Her eldest had so much energy, but was also clumsy and was always bumping against something. She couldn't count how often Carlos came home with bruises or scratches, because he was away with his friends running through the woods.

»I'm here! «

Sylvia chuckled.

»Mijo, how do you look? «

Carlos looked down at himself and frowned.

»What do you mean? «

His clothes were completely disarrayed and his mom tugged at them until they were sitting perfectly. Then she brushed some crumbs from his trousers and straightened her son's helmet.

»Are you ready to go? «

Carlos nodded eagerly. They said goodbye to Carlos' dad and siblings and went to the car. While Carlos was telling her a story, Sylvia was smiling to herself. She knew Carlos would love what would happen. He always looked for adventures. And now he would get the biggest adventure possible.

James walked out of his closet with a towel around his head. When he saw that his friends would come in 30 minutes, he cursed loudly and hurried into the bathroom.

Brooke Diamond was walking into the bathroom too.

»James, are you okay? I heard you curse. «

»Sorry mom. It's just that I don't have much time to do my hair. «

»Don't worry. You'll make it. Besides, I can always distract our guests until you are ready. «

James grinned at his mother.

»You are the best. «

Coincidentally, the three families arrived at the same time at Diamond Manor. To his relief, James was able to do his hair just in time. James was tackled by Carlos, who jumped at him and gave him a big hug.

»Happy birthday, best friend. « the bubbly teenager said cheerfully.

James chuckled.

»Thank you, Carlitos. «

Then he got tamer hugs from Kendall and Logan as well as from the moms. While the young ones took off to find a cool place, the moms went into the kitchen.

»I assume, everything is ready? « Jennifer asked.

Brooke nodded.

»We just need to prepare their drinks. «

Sylvia prepared some lemonade and poured it into a carafe made from crystal. When she opened the freezer, she sighed.

»Brooke, you have no ice cubes anymore. «

»They are gone again? «

Brooke filled an ice cube pan with water. Then she moved her hand over the pan, effectively freezing the water. She added the freshly made ice cubes to the carafe, before Joanna added a handful of black powder. It dissolved in the lemonade and couldn't be seen soon.

The four moms nodded at each other, before Jennifer grabbed the tray with the carafe and some glasses on it, and carried into the garden to their kids.

A few hours later the party was in full swing. The Diamonds and their guests were sitting at one round table, eating and chatting happily. After dinner, James received his presents: a huge package of costly hair products from his mom, a big package of CUDA products from Carlos and a leather jacket from Kendall and Logan. Sylvia, Jennifer and Joanna gave him a thick package. James unwrapped it and revealed an ancient looking book.

As soon as the boys saw the book, they couldn't stop looking. Their attention was drawn to the book. James' hand started to stroke the book and like in a trance the other boys did the same. When they all touched the book at the same time, it started to glow. Clouds were covering the sky, hiding the full moon from the view and a cool wind breezed through the garden.

The teenager's eyes widened in awe as a golden light filled the garden. The light grew stronger and stronger, until there was a flash of light, which blinded them. They jerked back, momentarily only seeing darkness. The next thing they saw was a soft, silver light falling onto their faces. It filled them with warmth and an euphoric feeling.

The wind intensified, swirling around and herding the four boys together. They were pressed together, so everyone was touching everyone. Suddenly, a biting coldness spread through them, making them hiss, before it passed and the four best friends collapsed.

They were lying on the ground, unable to move and stared into the sky. Light swirled over them, until it was touching their faces. They felt how a strange energy settled into their bodies. It made them feel airily for a moment.

After a few minutes, they were able to move again. Carefully, they got up, to see their mothers standing in a circle around them. They wore robes in different colors and carried purple candles.

»What…« James started.

»The time has come. « Brooke said.

»You are ready to take your rightful place. « Jennifer added.

»What the hell does that mean? « Kendall asked.

The four moms walked towards their sons. Then they put down their candles.

»You are part of a powerful coven of witches. You've inherited magical abilities from our ancestor. Just like us. «

»Witches? « Logan asked amused.

Joanna waved her hand dismissively.

»Semantics. Technically, witch is a gender neutral term. «

Logan and James laughed insecurely. They didn't believe what was said. But on the other hand it explained that weird phenomenon that just happened moments ago.

Logan shook his head to get rid of the ridiculous thought that magic is real.

»I don't know what kind of prank this is supposed to be, but you can't honestly think that we would believe that nonsense. « the smart guy finally said.

The faces of the four women hardened. Jennifer's hand moved and suddenly the candle's flames were amplified and shot up into the air.

The boys jerked back, gasping surprised.

»We understand that you are shocked. But you'll have to accept the truth. « Joanna said.

With one glance at each other, James and Logan took simultaneously off and ran into the direction of the small wood close to them.

Kendall glanced at the four women, feeling hurt, while Carlos looked apologetically and they followed their two friends.

So, please review. Tell me how it was.

I do not speak Spanish, so I hope I used the right words. Tell me if I made a mistake.

You should also check my AO3 account out. I'm posting BTR smut there. And soon I will start publishing my new series 'Big Time Pornstars' there. I used the same username on there.