Summary: A new woman shows up and the club house and stirs things up. Why is she here, what's her connection to Chibs, and why can't Jax get her out of his mind?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All of SOA belongs to Kurt Sutter, I'm just playing with the plot.

Chapter 1

The sun was setting as Riley Flanagan drove passed the 'Welcome to Charming' sign. It had taken her three days to drive to the small town in California from Boston. Three days of dealing with her two very unhappy passengers. Looking into the mirror Riley smiled, Devon her two year old daughter and Mars, her giant mastiff. They were both asleep in the backseat, it was a good thing. The both of them had been too hyper and cranky, the long trip had kept them confined and Riley couldn't wait till they reached the new house and they could stop driving.

Riley made a stop at the gas station to fill up and grab a few groceries to hold her over till tomorrow, before heading to the new house. Reaching the street Riley slowed the car to a near crawl so she could get a good look at her neighbors and find her house. Spotting her house she pulled into the driveway and cracked the windows before opening her door. Mars lifted his head from Devon's lap and turned to his door.

"Guard," Riley snapped out the familiar command and watched as Mars instantly sat down and turned to look out the windows.

Riley made her way to the house unlocking the front door and shutting off the alarm. Pulling the 9 mm from under her shirt Riley quickly but thoroughly went through the house making sure it was empty before heading back out to the car. Opening the door for Mars she let him out of the car so he could stretch and shake before opening Devon's and gently waking the little girl up.

"Momma?" Devon rubbed her little fists over her big blue eyes.

"What baby girl?" Riley started unbuckling the little girl and helped her out of the car before grabbing their bags and shutting the doors.

"Where?" Devon grabbed Mars collar and looked up at her mother.

"Our new home."

Devon turned to look at the house and the yard out front. Having lived her whole life in an apartment it was a big change and she let her mother know it. "Big."

Riley chuckled and nodded her head before lead Mars and Devon to the front door, but the sound of a motorcycle made her freeze and look down the street. Moving in front of Devon and Mars Riley reached for her gun and watched the blond man on the bike drive right past them and pull into the drive across the street. Riley let out a breath as he went directly into the house ignoring them. Letting out a breath Riley finished getting everyone in the house and put down the bags.

Riley let Mars into the fenced in backyard and showed Devon to her room, the little girl squealed with delight at her purple room with its fairy lights and big girl bed. Riley let Devon play in her new room while she put away the few groceries and checked out her own room. Light brown walls and queen sized sleigh bed, her own hunter green comforter was stretched across the bed, her mothers hope chest was at the foot of the bed, and her bathroom was decorated in blues, greens, and yellows.

Finished looking Riley headed to the kitchen to get Devon and Mars fed, along with herself. Putting some juice in Devon's cup and a plate of fruit with a sandwich on the table she went to grab Devon. Getting the little girl to put down her toys and go wash her hands Riley let Mars in and waited for Devon to come out of the bathroom. Getting Devon in her booster seat Riley sat down and started eating.

Dinner was an experience as Devon kept tossing Mars pieces of bread and laughing when he caught them in the air. By the time Riley was done Devon had fruit juice all over her and in her hair. Mars had gone back outside as Riley picked up the sticky toddler and took her her to the bathroom.

The twenty minute bath ended with another laugh fest and a soaked floor. Mars had jumped in the tub with Devon and helped the girl soak her mom and everything in the room. Settling the dry toddler and damp dog in Riley's room, she went to take her own shower as the two played on the bed.

Stripping Riley let her high pressure shower relax her travel stiff muscles and went through her mental list of things to do. Between getting more groceries, unpacking, and making a stop at the hardware store Riley had a full week a head. After scrubbing her hair and skin Riley rinse off before using her in shower hair remover to take care of her legs and underarms. Once she was done Riley shut off the water and grabbed a towel.

Once she was dried she threw on the tank and yoga pants she'd grabbed before taking a shower. Dressed she turned to leave the bathroom and noticed the quietness. Grabbing the gun she'd left on the high counter Riley moved into the bedroom and saw that Mars was standing on the bed growling as Devon cried under the blankets. Riley grabbed the little girl and settled her on her hip, giving her kisses as she told Mars to search. Mars raved back into the room and started growling looking back out the door.

Placing Devon back on the bed, Riley covered the girl before heading out the door. Riley hugged the hallway wall as she moved into the living room and saw Mars at the french doors. Mars growls were louder and his posture was stiff as he looked into the backyard. Riley moved to the small wall next to the doors and looked out she saw a shadow moving in the yard. Letting out a breath she grabbed the handle closest to her and cracked the door. "Catch," she told Mars and watched as he raced across the yard.

Riley grabbed her phone off the coffee table and quickly dialed 9-1-1 before she flipped the switch to flood her backyard with light and ran back into her room to throw on some yoga pant and a tank. Riley smiled as she heard someone yell and raced back to the living room to the doors leading to the backyard. Following the growls and cursing she stood over the guy sneaking through her yard as she explained to the operator what her emergency was.

"Yes my name is Riley Flanagan and I just moved into 1703 Cypress St and my dog just caught someone who was in my backyard. I need an officer and maybe an ambulance." She flipped the phone shut and aimed her gun at the guy. "Move and I'll shoot, try to hit the dog and I'll shoot you in the balls."

The guy nodded and laid still on the ground as she gave Mars another command. 'Hold.' Riley waited until she heard sirens and saw lights before she even considered moving from the youngish Hispanic guy that Mars had pinned under him. Walking back through the house and to the front door Riley heard the cops knocking loudly. Shoving her gun into the back of her pants and pulling her tank over it she opened the door. The officer that greeted her was an older balding white man who identified himself as Sheriff Wayne Unser.

"If you'll follow me I'll lead you to him," Riley turned and made her way into the living room before she heard Devon crying for her. "Crap, wait here I have to grab my daughter."

"We can lead ourselves out to the back ma'am." The other officer named Hale said trying to sound professional.

"No you can't. Just wait one second," Riley spat as she ran into her room to grab Devon and placed her gun on the bedside table before heading back out to the officers. "Follow me."

Once they reached the backyard Riley laughed when the two officers cursed when they saw the situation. Mars standing over the guy with his, extremely large, teeth bared and poised over his face. Mars looked huge and menacing, the size of a small horse with bulky muscles and a black coat, unless you knew him and his cuddly self.

"If you had gone out here without me Mars would have attacked you next." Riley said as she walked over to Mars and waited for the officers to join her. Once they were standing beside her she gave Mars another command. "Release, heel."

Both officers watched amazed as the beast immediately followed her commands and moved to her left side and sat down. Hale moved in first with his cuffs out to restrain him. Once he was cuffed Hale dragged him to his feet and started pulling him towards the house ignoring his rambling in Spanish.

"Don't take him through my house officer," Riley called out as she followed Hale and Unser back. Luckily Devon had calmed down and was starting to doze off now that the excitement was over.

Riley showed them to the side gate and listened as the guy being arrested kept muttering curses about the 'crazy white bitch and her dog from hell,' laughing quietly to herself. As they all moved into the front yard Riley looked around at all the people gathered outside their houses, watching as the police exited their newest neighbors' house.

Riley moved her hair to shield Devon from the people and bright lights from the cruisers, trying to let her sleep. Riley looked around at some of her neighbors and saw the biker from earlier standing just outside his door, with his cut. Riley saw his gaze sweep over her more than once and sighed before reaching out her free hand to rest on Mars' head as he stood next to her sniffing Devon's feet.

Unser came back over to her after Hale had shoved the guy into his cruiser and drove away. "So what happened Mrs. Flanagan?"

"Its Ms. Flanagan and I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard Mars here growling on the bed." She said as she scratched the giant's ears. "I made sure that Devon was safe and followed him to the back door. I cracked it open and Mars raced out, then I heard the guy cry out. I flipped the lights on for the back yard and grabbed my phone and called 9-1-1 before walking outside to see Mars holding the guys leg in his mouth. I gave Mars the order to pin him and waited with them until I heard the sirens. You know the rest."

"So you walked into the yard not knowing what was going on? What if he'd been armed?"

"I had my gun but when I went to let you in I put it away. I didn't fire it."

"I'll need to take a look at your gun ma'am," Unser said before making his way back towards the house.

"Whatever," Riley said as she followed him in. "I'm going to put my daughter to bed. The gun is on the table next to the bed in the master bedroom."

Riley moved into Devon's room and quickly got her settled and made sure she was asleep. Grabbing the monitor she clipped it to her pants and left the room. Looking into her bedroom she didn't see Unser so she walked into the living room and spotted him moving to the front door that was still open. Riley spotted her gun in his gloved hand and raised a brow in question.

"Why are you taking my gun?" Unser started at her question.

"I have to take it down to the station as evidence." He answered as he moved out of the house and towards his car as Riley followed him.

"Why? I didn't fire it." Riley watched him put it into an evidence bag sealing it in.

Unser sighed as he saw Jax walking towards him and the newest member of their community. Riley spotted the biker coming her way and tensed slightly, especially since her gun was not on her. Luckily Mars was standing next to her that kept her from getting to anxious, so she rested her hand on his head and waited. For what she didn't know.

"Unser what's going on?" Jax asked once he was next to him. He looked over at the woman and started, she was hot, long blond hair, big gray/blue pewter eyes, and a nice rack. "Hi darlin', I'm Jax your new neighbor." He extended his hand and waited for her to shake it.

"Riley," was all she said as she took his hand.

"Jax, Riley had someone in her backyard and she did the right the thing calling the police to handle it." Unser answered him looking back at the new face. "Even if she did have the situation handled with the help of that beast." He said pointing to Mars standing at her other side.

Jax nearly jumped back at the sight of the enormous dog that had been hidden from him by the side of the cruiser. "Damn," Jax backed up a step from the dog and looked at the woman who owned him. "That things huge."

"Yeah," Riley let out a chuckle as she watched Jax's reaction to Mars. "But that's what I was aiming for when I got him. Large and intimidating but good with kids and even tempered." She patted Mars on his head as he yawned. "Go guard Devon." She commanded and watched as Mars raced into the house.

"Wow he's well trained," Unser said as he also watched the giant race into the house.

"Yeah with a dog that big you gotta start early or else. I started the day I got him and everything stuck." Riley answered as she turned back to Unser not really paying attention to Jax. "Now I want to know why you feel its necessary to take my gun. I have told you multiple times that I never shot it, if I had the guy would have been dead not calling me a crazy white bitch with Satan's dog."


Jax chuckled but was surprised by her admission. Would a woman like her really have had it in her to kill a man? And why did he think that it was kinda hot? Jax shook his head to clear it and went back to listening to her talk to Unser. His phone ringing snapped him out of his head. Flipping it open he saw it was Chibs. Stepping back he answered it and told Chibs it wasn't him the cops were after but his new neighbor. The next part of Unser's and Riley's conversation caught his attention, again, and he told Chibs to hush and put him on speaker.

"I told you I have to its part of the process," Unser sounded frustrated. "Now are you licensed to carry in the state of California?"

"Sheriff I'm licensed for a lot of shit. Conceal and carry in all fifty states is just one of them."

"Now about you threatening to kill him," Riley cut him off quickly and clearly angry.

"If that asshole had gotten into my home, where my daughter is do you think I would have hesitated." Riley clenched her fists and reminded herself not to hit a cop, that being sent to jail, even over night would not be a good idea. "Ni bheadh an chead uair oiread."(1)

Jax heard Chibs yelling at him over the phone and took it off speaker to figure out what he was saying. He was distracted by Riley again as she gave a frustrated sigh and rubbed her hands over her face before throwing her hands up.

"Fine take it," she told Unser before growling out. "Ta me neart nios mo ar aon nos."(2) Before walking back into her house and closing the door.

Chibs yelling brought Jax's attention back to him. "What Chibs?"

"Lad the girl was speaking Gaelic," Chibs repeated. "Now what was she so pissed about?"

"Unser was confiscating her gun as evidence. Even though she said she hadn't used it."

"Well that makes some sense of what she was saying. I'm coming over be there in a minute." Chibs paused for a minute. "Lad you better ask Unser to puller up her information."

"Will do," Jax closed his phone and turned to Unser. "What was all that about?"

"Gotta call about an intruder. When we arrived she met us at the door and told us to wait while she grabbed her kid who was crying and led us out to her backyard. We arrested the perp and learned that she'd pulled a gun on him. Now I'm just following standard procedure by taking the gun for evidence."

"Okay," Jax moved closer to Unser and looked him dead in the eye. "Now pull up her info and let me see it."

Unser didn't argue just did as ordered and entered her name into his on board computer and spun the screen around for Jax to see. As the information pulled up Jax and Unser both read through what came up and saw that it was nothing bad. No warrants or flags, just a bunch of boringly normal information and life of Riley Brianag Flanagan, age 29, from Boston, MA.

"When you get back to the station I want you print that off and bring it to the club tomorrow." Jax said before letting Unser closed his door and took off. Looking back at Riley's house Jax went back over to his house and sat on the stoop to wait for Chibs.

A few minutes later Jax heard the sound of a bike and looked to the end of the street to see Chibs coming. Standing Jax waited for the other man to get off his bike and meet up with him. The two of them shared a man hug and both of them sat on the stoop pulling out smokes.

"So what's got you all in a roar because the girl was speaking Gaelic?" Jax asked after he had a pull from his cigarette.

"Just not something you hear in Charming my boy," Chibs chuckled as he stared at the house across the street. "So why did I get a call from your mother about the cops being called to your street?"

"Ma called?" At Chibs nod he sighed. "For once it wasn't me. It was because of Riley, my new neighbor. She caught someone in her backyard." Jax went on to explain everything he'd learned from Unser. When he explained about Unser taking her gun he told him about them arguing. "That's when she started speaking in Gaelic."

"Well that make since about what she said. When she said she something about hesitating she followed it by (1) Wouldn't have been the first time either. Means the girls shot someone before and probably more than once too." Chibs looked at Jax and watched as what he said set in.

"And the other thing she said?" Jax flicked his finished cigarette into the street.

"When she I'm assuming she stopped fighting about the gun?" When Jax nodded, Chibs nodded as well. "She said (2) I've got plenty more anyway. Meaning she has more guns than the pistol you were telling me about. I don't know brother but that girl sounds like she is armed and dangerous."

"Then why in the hell is she in Charming?"

"Now that Jackie boy is the million dollar question," Chibs answered as the two of them finished their smokes staring at the house across the street.