This is my first fanfic so please be nice when you criticize me and tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is always welcome and share your thoughts! And I swear I will finish this story if it kills me, I hate it when people discontinue, it makes me many good stories gone to waste*dies a little inside*





Wally sighed.

The team decided to go on a 'Team Bonding vacation' in Florida. It was all Megan's idea really, and she was too sweet and innocent to say no to. Especially when she had tears in her eyes.

He had thought he was safe at first but nooo, of all people Artemis saw his discomfort and readily agreed, swaying the rest of the team. Which lead him to the predicament he currently found himself in.

He sighed again and looked at his arms in the mirror. They were awfully scarred up. Sometimes he wished he wasn't so tan because they wouldn't stick out so much, but what can you do? They stuck out like a crying child at a circus.

The pale lines raced up and down his arms, sure he wasn't proud of them but at least he accepted them and moved on.

He healed, he didn't do that anymore and he didn't need people treating him like at any moment he could snap. He didn't need them to take anything sharp from the rooms or mind their words around him. He just wanted to be treated normally.

The scars were from a dark time, when his father would beat him and his mother would turn away completely brainwashed.

But then Barry saved him. Helped him build his confidence and become a hero. If someone were to ask Wally why he became a hero he would probably say something like "It's in the family business!" or "I couldn't stay away from the damsels in distress." But that wasn't true. It was just so much lighter than the truth.

He wanted to be like Barry, his father, the only person who heard his silent cries for help, the man who saved him when no one else would. When no one else could.

He wanted to give others the same chance.

And that was the truth.

He sighed – yet again – and continued getting lost in his thoughts until he heard a shrill voice from the, now open, bathroom door.



"Let me be clear. You failed. Miserably. It seems that even though you share a mind link you still cannot coordinate your attacks. You need to improve on teamwork. And to be a team you must have trust."

They had just gotten back from a mission, and a rather rough one at that. The team was only supposed to do a quick observe and report on a drug ring and somehow managed to screw it up and the bad guys got away, something that seemed to be happening a lot lately. And that's what led to them getting lectured on teamwork by Batman!

Wally was internally cracking up. He was sooo incredibly happy that he was not Kaldur right now. That would suck. Speaking of…

"We apologize, Batman. But how can we improve?"

Before Batman could open his grouchy mouth a voice squealed way too high to be humanly possible.

"OOOHH! What about a team vacation? We could go to the beach and sight see and shop and –"

"Alright Megan," Robin interrupted, "how about we put it to a team vote?"

Wally began to squirm, of course he loved the beach – who didn't?- but that meant rolling up his sleeves. Robin knew of his other scars and so did Flash and Batman…but…nobody knew of the scars on his arms. I mean nobody.

"I think it's a great idea." Artemis said in her usual scrubby voice after seeing Wally's discomfort.


"I, too, believe that this could be beneficial to our team."

Superboy just let out a grunt so I guess he was in.

"Alright, looks like we're going to the beach!" Robin started doing whatever he does on his little wrist computer, probably starting to plan the 'vacation'. The only thing Wally would be doing is worrying that the concealer on his arms will wash off.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice a voice yelling his name until he got slapped upside the head, "HEY KID OBLIVIOUS! I'M TALKING TO YOU!"

"Huh, what?" Wally started, and turned around to face a sassy looking Robin.

"I said what do you think about the trip?"

"Oh – uh…" Wally looked around, "I think it's great! Yeah, team bonding! Always ready for some bonding with you…Megalicious!"

Artemis sighed while the others just put their heads in their hands. But the truth is, he didn't really care for dating Megan…or Artemis…or Zatanna for that matter, he only had eyes for a Boy Wonder who was, GOD HELP US, currently narrowing his eyes at him. Crap. He must've been reacting worse than he thought.

Megan ran off to start planning their oh so perfect family vacation and the others followed her into the kitchen and living room area.

Wally slightly smiled in relief, "Hey, wait up! You have to save so-oomph!"

"We will be talking about this later." His current crush whispered in his ear. Even though he was nervous out of his mind, Wally couldn't fight back the blush dusting his cheeks at Robin being so close.

Wally held up his hands in a hopingly placating manner, Dick didn't like Wally lying…to him at least, he couldn't care less about the others. "Y-yeah! Sure bro, anything for you!"

Robin watched Wally speed off into the kitchen, something was up with his Wally. And he was going to find out what.

But for now he'd let him eat.

Might as well try and scare him, too. Robin let out his signature laugh as he disappeared into the shadows.


"Whatever Arty Farty you're just jealous that sweet cheeks over there has a first-class pass to the Wall-man." Man, Wally hated having to act like a mindless flirt. He was pretty sure that Dick and Roy figured that out but…they didn't quite know the extent of what he was hiding.

"Shut it, Kid Worthless. You're no help to the team anyways, you aren't even in the same RANGE of speed as The Flash! We don't need you on this team so why don't you just go to your room where you belong instead of flirting with the niece of a founding member of the league?"

Robin stiffened in the shafts at the look of remembrance that flashed through Wally's eyes, he knew that the archer had a crush on the speedster but this was taking it too far.

But he stopped dead cold at the speedsters next words, "I guess I'm not much of a help, am I?" and sped off to his room while Artemis and the others stared in shock. Then Robin lost his temper, a rare thing for a member of the bat family but hey, she insulted his sensitive, caring, loving, and brave speedster.

"Artemis, perhaps that was taking it too far. You should go apologize, we leave soon for the team building vacation and having this incident looming over our heads will defeat the purpose." But, however professional he sounded, Kaldur couldn't mask the concern in his voice for the heart of the team…the Flash Family just had that effect on people.

Artemis shook off the shock and growing guilt off her actions, "No. He needs to get that he has to be more serious on missions! Do you not remember how many missions were failed because OF HIM!?"

Robin had had enough of her constant comments at Wally's sake. Sure they were just born out of masking a crush but he was sick of it, for someone who was trained by her crazy assassin father she had no idea how to read people.

The others had an excuse, they were either not from earth or born last year, literally! But it was easy for others to see that this façade was just that, a façade! He would've expected someone who was trained to see through masks to notice the obvious one Kid Flash wore, but whatever. He was still UNBELIEVABLY pissed.

Artemis chocked back a surprised cry as she face planted onto the floor, courtesy of a kick to the lower back.

Before she could get angry a very menacing voice whispered a few choice words into her ear, "You know, for someone who was trained by her family of assassins you suck at reading people. If you keep treating the team like this, do you honestly think they will keep you as a teammate much less a friend? You can't just say things like that to hide a crush."

"I d-"

"Yes, you do. Watch your mouth and try to stay whelmed."

The team watched in unveiled shock as Robin dropped her and walked towards Kid Flash's room. Megan was so scared that the kitchen utensils she was levitating dropped to the floor.

Then silence reigned over the remaining members of Young Justice.

"We really need that team bonding trip, don't we?"


Robin was slightly calmer than before as he walked to Wally's room. He knew of the past that his best friend had, but he didn't care about it. In fact, he thought he should be proud of himself for staying so carefree and laid-back as he is today. Still so loving and caring.

Nobody knew that Wally and his dads were very similar, well…more similar to one than the other.

Yeah, that's right, dads.

It started a week or so after Robin told Kid Flash his identity, they were both so young at the time – 8 and 10 actually, though they were in the same grade…geniuses here.

You know how best friends will call each other's parents Mom or Dad or whatever their best friend calls them? Yeah, they were that close. In fact, Batman even thought of Wally as his own son – as well as Dick…and Roy. The same goes for the other mentors of the "Troublesome Trio" as the league called them.

Robin was honestly surprised that nobody on the Team realized just how close the three boys were.

Snapping out of his reverie, Robin grasped the door handle leading to Wally's room and walked in and was rather surprised to find no one there.


When there was no reply Robin locked the door behind him and took off his mask, "Wally must be more shaken up than I thought if he's not answering."

With this thought in mind he caught the door handle to the bathroom and mumbled through the door, "KF, you in there? Look I'm sure that Artemis didn't mean it, she didn't know. Let's just go back out there and let her apologize, okay?'

Dick started to worry when Wally didn't answer, it took them such a long time to build up Wally's confidence and self-esteem and he'll be damned if some bitchy blonde ruins it because she can't keep her mouth shut over a crush.

Feeling the tide of anger Dick forced open the door to be met with a sight he had never thought possible, he looked at Wally's arms in the mirror and was horrified to see the white scar tissue lines that ran up and down them.

So Dick did the logical thing. Dick screamed.



Thanks for reading (for those of you who did) even though I can almost guarantee that I am now going to hell. I love cliffhangers as long as they are ya babes and review!