(It's cold at Shugazoom right now)
The Hyper Force had received a tip from a citizen that Mandarin had been seen at the old observatory at least a dozen times. So naturally they when to investigate: (there outside the building looking for an entrance other than the front door.) "So you really think Mandarins here?" Sparks asked doubtfully. Gibson answered in his normal logic manor.

"It's hard to say, Sparks. It seems unlikely, but I highly doubt that a citizen would lie, or mistake something for an orange skeletal monkey."

"What would he be doing at the old observatory?" Chiro thinks out loud.

"Looking at the stars?" Otto answered, this caused his teammates to look at him with confusion.

"Anyway….. whatever he's doing it can't be good." Nova added.

"If he is here." Sparks added.

The team snuck in through a dusty old window. As the team entered, they could see it was more than just empty. "Well this was a waste of our time!" Sparks deadpanned.

"Shush, not so loud sparks. He might be nearby." Nova scolded.

"I sense something, is off about this place." Antauri warned.

Gibson walked over to a book case and examined it.

"What seems odd about this book shelf?" He asked the team. They all tilted there head, in slight confusion.

"Uggg, Please keep up." He ran his hand along the side of the shelf,

"First off: the dust is painted on. My hand doesn't leave a trail in the dust. Second off: Dust doesn't collect on the vertical sides of objects like this." He pointed at a electric blue book: "Third: Why would an observatory have a book on astrology." He pulled the book down, and stepped back.

Some clicking sounds can be heard inside the wall. The book case slide to the side, revealing a ladder. It lead downward, into darkness.

"Wow." Chiro said as he looked down into the hole.

The team slid down the poll, into a dark small hallway. The team walked down the hallway; at the end of it they found a small number pad.

"Allow me." Antauri phased one of his ghost claws into the key pad. It fried the circuits of the key pad, sparks flew. (not the monkey)

The door flew up and open, it leads to a lab. The team walked in further. It was a large space filled with many different machines. As they walked around something mechanical, they found mandarin. His back was turned to them; he was building what looked like a metal arm. This wasn't the clone Mandarin they had expected: this was the original: Mandarin felt he wasn't alone. He turned around on his heel, to see the Hyper Force.

"WHAT! HOW DID YOU FIND ME!?" he shouted at them as he go into a defensive position.

Mandarin looked around the room franticly. His eyes landed on a remote with a big red button. Before the Hyper Force could stop him he pressed it. Explosions started to going off around the room.

"TAKE COVER" chiro ordered. Everyone started taking cover. Sparks grabbed Nova's arm and pulled her under a table. –BOOMS-

A few minutes later everyone had been knocked out. Mandarin grabbed his sword and began walking menacingly towards Chiro. He stopped when he noticed Antauri started to reactivate. "Dam it!" He ran off. (Live to fight another day.) Nova started to wake. She awoke to find a table on top of her and Sparks. Nova pushed the table off of her. Antauri started reactivating the other monkeys. Nova was about the reactivate Sparks when a strange (yet somewhat familiar) cry rang trough the lab. Nova and Antauri exchanged concerned glances

"I will activate the others, you go investigate." Antauri stated, Nova nodded.

As she followed the direction of where the sound came from, she came to some broken glass tubes. "These look like the tubes the alchemist created us in" She thought to herself. She noticed one of them at the end of the line dripping with fluid. As she approached it she saw a sight that pulled at her heart strings. A small orange fluff ball: shivering in the cold, surrounded by glass, and some sort of fluid. To be exact: a baby monkey.

Let me know what you think, folks.