A/N: I don't know why, but Stockholm Syndrome is one of my favourite plot bunnies to play with. And what is the first story I think of when I hear that word? Beauty and the Beast, of course! And the most fun version to play with when I have these dozens of characters is the version that Walt Disney brought to us in 1991! Although, this isn't so much "once upon a time" as..well, now! Yeah, it's modernised to fit the characters. Also, while most of the important characters are from TDI, there will be several mentions of characters from every generation and The Ridonculous Race.

I'm sure I don't have to give you the details. How many of you don't know the story Disney told? This will NOT have the original dialogue of the movie, apart from maybe a few lines sprinkled here and there. The curse will not be the same – in fact, there's actually no Beast, except the inner one. But it's a killer – for real!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Total Drama. I do not own Beauty and The Beast. I however, do own this story, so enjoy it!

Once upon a time, in a faraway land...

"Meaning last year in Canada." A purple-haired girl chipped in. "OMG, I can't wait to hear this!"

"Can it, Sierra!" the narrator snapped. "You've heard the story a billion times, but the readers haven't! Anyway, as I was saying..."

..there was a forest surrounding a castle. In it lived a young lord alone. His parents passed away when he was two years old, and he was raised by the servants. But at the age of five, he decided that all old servants were not "cool" enough, and dismissed everyone over thirty, eager to give their jobs to people as young as ten or eleven. He was given everything he desired, and grew up selfish, and often ruthlessly cruel to everyone.

One night when he was nine, a little girl named Beth came to the castle, shivering in a ragged cloak and begging for one night's shelter, offering a single white rose as payment. The lord refused to oblige her, even when she gave him a warning that things were not always the way they seemed. When he laughed at her for the second time, she threw off her cloak, revealing herself to be a young enchantress, much prettier than she had first appeared. The lord tried to backtrack, but it was too late.

"Lord Duncan, you have been mean and spoilt all your life!" Beth said, glaring at him. She was much smaller than him, but somehow, she was still intimidating. "You have never cared about anyone, and there's no way you'll change unless someone does something major! Therefore, I place a curse upon you, and all who live in the castle!"

Beth's curse confined every servant and Lord Duncan himself to the castle grounds, making it dark and spooky. The servants were all suspended in time similar to ghosts, none of them older than sixteen, and never aging, although Duncan still did. None of them could tell any outsider about the curse – their voice wouldn't work if they tried to.

Duncan's only window to the outside world was a magical mirror, something Beth decided to leave, because for all her anger at the way Duncan had treated her, she couldn't stand to leave him completely cut off from the world.

She left her rose, but left the warning of what would happen if it wilted. When the last petal browned and fell, all the servants would disappear, and Duncan would be frozen in place, aware of everything, but a statue, for all eternity. There was only one way to break the curse. If Duncan learned to show care and concern, placing someone else's needs above his own, and earn their love in return, he would break the curse. he was on time constraints. He had to get it done before the magical white rose wilted. But as seven years passed and he became a teenager, he gave up hope, for who would ever come to the castle, much less love him? He couldn't love the servants – he'd known all of them for years! And besides, he didn't want anyone from the outside to come there. He would hate for anyone else to see him stuck like that.

In a small town called Wawanakwa where everyone knew everyone else, there lived two sisters on the outskirts. Both were very pretty, but the gossipy town thought of them as weirdos. The younger, fourteen-year-old Bridgette, was clumsy on land, but a talented surfer. The town didn't understand why she'd rather be at the beach when she could be doing what all other girls of her age were doing – flirting with boys and building up her housekeeping skills. After all, in their town, all the women left the work to the men and the women to be homemakers. Lord forbid a woman should ever have her own talents! And with someone so beautiful who could attract the attention of several guys, why would she want to spend all her time in the water?

The elder sister, sixteen-year-old Courtney, was even more of an oddity. While every other girl flirted and swooned, planning to get married the minute they were old enough, Courtney spent most of her life reading up on law and order, claimed she would never get married, and wanted to go to law school when she turned eighteen in two years' time, the time when most women had been engaged for one or two years, and were making wedding plans. Courtney was even prettier than Bridgette, and people often thought she was even stranger, going against everything every other girl in town wanted.

On this particular summer weekend, Bridgette was at the beach an hour away, practising for the national surfing contest she was participating in the following Monday. She was due to catch the flight to the beach city that evening. Courtney was in town, heading for the library.

"Good morning, Courtney!" called the man from the bakery as she walked by.

Courtney smiled politely. "Good morning."

"Where are you going today?"

"The library." she answered. "I have a couple of books to bring back, and I want to renew-"

"That's nice." muttered the baker, turning his attention back to his business.

Courtney wasn't aware of the looks that followed her.

"Ugh, she is so weird!" Heather muttered to her friends, Amy and Taylor.

"At least she's not nuts like her sister." Amy whispered. "I can kind of understand why Courtney wants to work for something that pays loads, but surfing? Seawater in the hair? So not a good look."

"Bridgette is totally a fashion failure, anyway." Taylor sniffed. "I mean, jean shorts? They are so out of fashion. Not that Courtney's exactly a fashion statement herself."

"But it's not fair!" Amy whined. "Courtney actually looks good in whatever she wears! I mean, that gross grey thing is disgusting, and it still looks good on her!"

But on Courtney's way back from the library, she caught the eye of a young man.

Justin was the resident model, famous for his smile, his eyes, his abs...everything. He was followed by countless girls, but only kept one by his side – Izzy, who was a year older than him and already engaged, but wasn't attracted to the model and acted as his friend and supporter. No one knew that he paid her to be supportive, but she played her role well.

"No girl is good enough for you!" she was saying now.

"True." Justin said arrogantly. "But if I have to marry someone, I think she would be the right one." He was pointing at Courtney.

"Her?" squeaked Izzy.

"Yes, she is the lucky one. The one I'm going to marry."

"But she says she's not-" Izzy attempted to say.

"She's the prettiest girl in Wawanakwa!"

"She doesn't want to-" Izzy tried again.

"That means she's the only one who is anywhere close to my looks." Justin said. "And that also makes her the best. I'll go and talk to her now."

However, two girls dressed alike jumped in front before he could follow Courtney. "Justin!" squealed Sadie, the chubby one. "Did you hear about the new musical in town? Wicked is here for two weeks!"

"I've got two tickets!" Sadie's best friend Katie (the thin one) gushed. "Do you think it might be fun to go? You know, just as friends?"

"Katie, you said you'dgive me one of those tickets!" Sadie exclaimed.

"But if Justin wants to go, then he overrides it, Sadie." Katie replied. "We agreed on that – hotties before BFFFLs!"

Justin was glad to inch away from them. "Courtney!" he called.

Courtney turned. "Oh, hi, Justin." she said pleasantly. "Izzy." she added, seeing the redhead trailing behind.

Justin spotted the book in Courtney's hands and took it. Courtney folded her arms. "Justin, give that back." she said in her sternest voice.

"How can you read this?" Justin asked, opening it. "I don't understand a word!"

"That's because it's law jargon." Courtney said brusquely. "Now give it back!"

Katie and Sadie were staring. They couldn't believe that Courtney would care more about a book than about the fact that the town's hottest single man was interested in her.

"She's nuts!" Sadie whispered to Katie.

"I know, right?" Katie whispered back.

Justin handed it back, but said "Courtney, it's time you got that silly idea of law school out of your head and paid attention to more important things, like me! The whole town thinks it's strange for a woman to want a career! It's not good for them."

"How dare you!" gasped Courtney. "I can't believe you – this conversation is over." She started walking off.

"Wait!" Justin called after her. "I didn't mean...can't we talk?"

"No." Courtney said, her voice hard. "I have to get home, anyway. I have to give Bridgette a lift to the airport."

"That nutcase?" Izzy called out. "She needs more than a lift! Where's she flying, the psych ward?" She and Justin started laughing.

"Don't you dare talk about my sister that way!" Courtney cried, clenching her fists. "Do you want me to punch your lights out?"

Justin stopped laughing and glared at Izzy. "She's right! Don't talk about her sister that way."

Courtney wasn't fooled. "Bridge isn't a nutcase. She's a truly lovely person who is going to win thousands this weekend, if you must know." she said, nose in the air. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving."

Yeah, yeah, I know, Duncney is never going to happen. But look, a girl can dream, and to be honest, I can't see anyone else on the show who are jerks with golden hearts to a higher degree than these two. I hope Courtney's in character (I feel that she's a little too tolerant and nonviolent)...and I know Duncan's a little bit OOC right now, but his history is different, so I had to make him a brat as well as a tough jerk.

On that note, just so I get reviews, post your favourite Duncney moment! Mine is in "The Sucky Outdoors" when they wake up cuddled up together.