A/N: Happy New Year everyone. Sorry for how late this is, I honestly didn't notice how long ago I updated this story. I got so caught up in re-writing this chapter over and over again that it felt like only half a year but then I went to check and noticed it's actually been a full year. Life is flashing before my eyes.

This is the last chapter. Took awhile but it's here. Hope you guys like it!

Thank you so much for those of you who've been following this and reviewing this story. This is not the end of this pairing for me, I guarantee. (Or even the end of this story series, honestly I could make a whole series with all the rewrites I did for this chapter.)

Warnings: Choking, Pain Play, Orgasm Delay, Teeny tiny bit of blood, Teeny tiny bit of Degradation.

Chapter 4

Knuckles was shoved against the door the moment they stumbled into her suite. Pure stubbornness alone must have been keeping those hinges from falling off from at the impact because his collision was enough to make Knuckles hiss in pain; that was quickly forgotten, when not a second after she pulled his head down for a full on kiss. Swallowing his groan and claiming his mouth with her tongue. Leaning him against the door was a smart move because Knuckles was too far gone to even stand on his own feet. Every part of him trembling at the slightest of touches. Heaven knows what being tussled around was doing for him.

Her hand slid up his body from his abdomen and swiftly curled it's fingers around his neck, squeezing down tight. Enough to constrict but not completely cutting off his airwaves. It had him gasping out of their kiss, eyes narrowing suspiciously at the almost gentle hold she had on him. Part of his brain couldn't wrap around on why she was still pretending to play nice. With how worked up she'd been he'd almost prepared for her to choke him till he was on the verge of tears.

Especially after all that work from getting him to make it from the club to the hotel room. It was a long, inappropriate 20-minute taxi ride, that he was sure broke at least 3 laws about public indecency. That poor taxi driver, he heard and seen things he probably didn't sign up to witness tonight. Rouge made sure to give him a very nice tip for being so courteous to her behavior.

"Knuckles." The guardian shivered at the purr of his name, rolling sweetly off her tongue. One could be fooled into believing that she wasn't even angry with the affection she'd laced his name with, but not him. He knew better.

It only took one nervous swallow beneath her grip when, as previously expected, the hand around his neck began to tighten down. "If I'd known you liked showing off, that you liked to play around with me so much, I would've suggested we do this so much sooner. " She purred against his jaw, voice soft and airy. She had no reason to sound so breathless already, not when he was the one on the verge of gasping for air. "Is this the kind of response you wanted to pull from me? Are you getting what you wanted?"

Her smile left no hint of the previous malice he'd seen on the club floor, it looked almost pleased. Sweet, even. Knuckles didn't buy it. "It would be a shame if, after all your efforts this isn't where you planned to be. Oh, the lengths you went for me to bring you here..." Her eyes wandered over his flushed face, drinking him in like a fresh glass of water on a hot simmering day. She couldn't help that possessive part of her that locked onto the velvet collar she'd clamped around his neck. "Darling I must ask, because for something so out of left field, especially coming from you of all people, I have to know, did you like it?"

Knuckles didn't even need to think about what his immediate answer was going to be. He was bent on shaking his head 'no', mouth opening immediately to deny her claim. To tell her that what occurred back at the club was far from what he'd ever imagined himself enjoying... but then, he had to consider just how much of that would actually be a lie?

They were in their roles and Rouge was asking him a serious question. Which meant he had to be absolutely honest with her, even if he couldn't be honest with himself. So he really had to think, did he like it? Ugh, just thinking about that question had his face flushing with a strong wave of overwhelming embarrassment, but not necessarily disgust. He couldn't deny how the other coaxed him from his obvious reluctance in the beginning to nearly wetting his pants at the assertive attention that the, again stranger, had given him.

Plus, Knuckles was to fucked up for his brain to even think of a believable lie. Honesty was always the required route to venture on when she was like this and he wasn't in any shape to entertain the idea of disappointing her. "I didn't... I didn't dislike it." He wasn't sure whether that was the wrong answer or the right one, but whatever it was must have satisfied her because her smile widened.

"There it is." She whispered affectionately. "I love when my men are honest with me Knuckie, especially when it comes to you. If you were to give me any answer close to no, I'd of called you a liar." She said, dragging her lips across his jaw. "And your punishment would have to be worst. After all, you've been such a bad boy." He loudly swallowed the lump in his throat, grunting when her teeth began to invite themselves to the canvas. He knowingly tilted his head back to give her all the access she wanted.

"I watched you the entire time-" Her fingers lightly petted the length of his cock and it sparked a quiet groan to spill from his lips. "-and saw every little thing. You were so far gone, such a treat to look at." She teased. "I loved when you started biting your lip when he pulled you against him, trying to hold on to your dignity. Denying him the access he so desperately wanted. How you blushed so endearingly when he grabbed you by the meat your ass. Not to mention this-"

Knuckles choked out a gasp, unprepared for the almost painful grip she'd tightened around his length."This big boy, my big boy, that you pressed right up against his." Rouge smile grew wicked as her hand moved to stroke along his length, it standing straight up, out of the open button of those jeans. "He was staring at it the entire time, mouth watering like a thirsty dog. You didn't see it, did you? How bad he wanted to eat you alive on that dance floor." Her fingers squeezed tighter, causing a low moan to escape the confines of his throat. "Who could blame him though, I've been dying to get my mouth on you since the second I spotted you. Though unlike him, I have self-control."

'Debatable.' He wanted to say but decided against opening his mouth. Not that it mattered, because the way she smirked at him said she knew exactly what just went through his head. " You doubt me, baby? You think I've not been patient enough?" She coyly asked. "I assure you, if I'd fully given in to my desires, you would've been out of these clothes two whole hours ago. There would have been nothing, stopping me from stripping you on that floor." Knuckles let out a choked gasp, her fingers had dipped down to caress his balls. "I would of had you, right there. With everyone watching."

Knuckles eyelids nearly fluttered closed at the pleasured shivers traveling up his back. Usually, such a thing wouldn't be considered arousing to him at all but Knuckles was beyond morals and modesty at this point. He just wanted Rouge to touch him, keep touching him and do so in any way that got them to where he wanted the fastest. "But like I said, unlike our eager companion for the night, I'm not nearly as desperate. You're mine, I can have you whenever I want. But him, he was so desperate for it wasn't he?" Rouge let out a cruel chuckle. "Too desperate if you ask me. I bet if I gave him the permission to, he would have sucked you off right there on the floor. Drop right down to his knees and run his mouth all over this sweet thing."

"R-Rouge..." He was whimpering now, her imagery not helping his situation in the slightest.

"Was he good with his tongue? You did let him kiss you after all." Now her hand squeezed tighter and twisted, brushing right over the threshold of painful; it had him choking beneath the grip on his throat. Yeah, she wasn't over it in the slightest. "Think of what it could do down here, where all the attention was actually needed." He couldn't answer, there was no right or wrong response at this point. There wasn't much he could do but bite back the whimper that threatened to rise from his throat. "You're so big, more than enough to satisfy that waggling tongue of his, no?" The fingers around his neck were squeezing tighter, it was getting harder to breathe. "Imagine, if he put that mouth of his to better use. He would have worshiped your cock in front of everyone on the floor... and you would of let him."

The smile she gave him was one that could charm an angel.

"-because you're a fucking whore."


Knuckles widened eyes snapped down to meet hers, not even attempting to hide the shock on his face.

Rouge had never called him anything like that before. Not even close to it. Her endearing and almost sweet pillow talk was purposely crafted to contrast with her bully-like nature in bed.

It was in that exact moment when Knuckles realized something... Rouge wasn't angry.

She wasn't saying this shit because she was still mad at him. She was saying it because she was getting off on humiliating him, holy shit-

-of course, it was that exact moment where his dick decided to respond, vigorously; both to his own surprised and hers. The look on Knuckles face was of pure horror, while Rouge had looked as if she'd just been promised a million diamonds. "Oh my."

This was a dream she never even realized she had up until now and it was about to come true.

His gulp was too loud and she definitely heard it. "You like that do you? You like it when I call you that?" He bit into his lip and gave a weak shake of his head, holding back another whimper when her thumb pressed into the slit of his cock. "A whore?"

Another hitched whimper and his whole body shuddered, accompanied by the spread of pre- leaking all over her thumb. 'Oh no.' He was starting to regret awakening whatever carnal desire she had buried in her. This was taking a turn for the worst and it made absolutely no goddamn sense whatsoever. 'What the fuck, what the fuck! Why did he like that!?' Knuckles swore ten-times over to re-evaluate his life after this, these list of hidden kinks were getting too out of control.

Rouge had to take a moment to move back and admire him for what he was. They'd been on a long walk within these boundaries for some time, and now it was paying off beautifully. There was much to be treasured about how Knuckles, bit by bit revealed this kind of intimate submission to her. It never failed to take her breath away, watching him give in to himself... no tough image to uphold, no impenetrable walls to tear down. From the get-go, she knew how precious it was to be trusted with the vulnerability of someone like Knuckles and god, it never ceased to excite her each and every time.

Smiling down his body, her eyes couldn't help but gawk at his girthy prize in her hand. Thick in all the right places, long, the perfect size; for her at least. Her fingers lewdly spread against the tip, rubbing his essence further down his shaft. He trembled and pushed his hips forward to rut into her hand.

"Look at you..." The bat was way past the point of being turned on, loving the unpredictable turn their night had gone too. Her mind eagerly bombarded with things she couldn't wait to do with him, to him. Smiling as she swirled her finger into the translucent substance spurting from Knuckles cock, she anxiously shoved his pants even further down his thighs with a well-placed foot. "Absolutely filthy."

Her own underwear was uselessly dangling around her own thighs, soaked from her excitement. She'd slid them down her thighs while they were making out in the elevator, nearly giving Knuckles a heart attack when she did so. Teasing herself with rubbing the sensitive flesh of her clit onto Knuckles clothed bulge as their elevator car made it's way up the levels. It was a shame since she'd worn them especially for him. A teal laced thong with tied bows on the sides of them. Now they were soaking wet and halfway down her legs, bunching up at where her thighs met her knees.

Just feeling the moisture gathered between her legs had her fighting against her own god damn rules. She wanted to fuck. She wanted Knuckles to throw her down on his floor and tease his cock right over her wetness; for him to slap it right on her soaked lips. Just imagining the thick length being teased into her was enough to make her thighs even slicker than they already were. Patience... patience.

One glance up had her coming to eye level with Knuckles debauched face, pretty eyes shut closed no doubt from the amount of pressure Rouge had on his throat, and yet he was still rutting. Those hips were arched off the door just so they could thrust more of his cock against her hand.

She stroked him once, he bit his lip. She did so again, he thudded his head back with a moan.

God, she was running out of fucking patience.

"You don't deserve this Knuckie, not one single bit... but I've got a craving that I have to sate, and you look too good for me not to get my mouth on you." He barely heard what she was saying to him but the grip around his throat vanished and was followed by a loud thud at his feet. The moment he was allowed to breathe, he inhaled as much air into his lungs as physically possible and peeked open his eyes to look down past his heaving chest.

Rouge sunk down onto her knees, looking up at him with full intent in her teal eyes. The visual of her tongue licking at the underside of his dick almost stopped his heart completely. He didn't know what to focus his eye on more, the glint of a familiar ball of metal protruding from her tongue or the stretched panties that were straining against her thick thighs.

The piercing, however... was that there before? He didn't remember feeling that when she kissed him.

He smiled through his haziness. "You... put it back in. When did you-"

"Leaving the elevator." It probably wasn't a good idea to make her smile back at him, not with those teeth only centimeters away from his dick. When she felt his length pulse in response, she made sure to run her piercing right over the most sensitive parts of his dick.

"But... you hate sucking me off with that in your mouth."

"Mnnnn, I do." Her plump lips pressed against his shaft, laying a soft kiss on the thick head as her hand lined him up in position for her mouth. "But you love it."

"I..." He swallowed. "Are you sure you're supposed to be punishing me batgirl, cuz I'm pretty sure that- AH! Fucking HELL! Rouge-" His snarky mouth had earned him a vicious bite to his inner thigh, far to close to his balls to be safe. Rouges fangs were no joke and had no trouble piercing into the meat of his thigh. Knuckles eyes threatened to roll to the back of his head and his cock dripped more of his essence, only now it was dripping directly onto her face.

She shouldn't look so sexy with his blood staining on her teeth. "I'll be the one deciding when I'm ready to punish you. Get it."

He nodded. "Got it."

"Good." Rouge slurped the tip of his cock into her mouth and Knuckles composure collapsed almost entirely. His head hung low enough for his spines to slip over his shoulders, framing around his face. Thighs trembling at the stimulation of her swirling her tongue around the tip of his cock. There was so much more for her to be sucking on, but this... this is what it took to truly undo him. She knew without a doubt that she could fit Knuckles whole cock into her mouth, she'd done it many times before. However, knowing how to do it doesn't mean she was going too.

Knuckles was so easy to work up once he was at this point. The light bobbing of her head was blissful but it couldn't compare to the sharp, delicious tingle of combined pleasure and pain he got from her dragging her nails down his thighs as she sucked. It was such a sensitive area for him, she loved exploiting it. It was so hard to find a man that would let her touch him anywhere and everywhere and Knuckles truly let her enjoy herself to the fullest.

In return, he enjoyed her reducing him to something nearly unrecognizable. He relished in the warning pricks of pain her nails would bring when he'd rock his hips forward without permission. The sting of her scratches leaving hot trails along his already warm body.

Rouge pulled his cock in deeper and there was nothing to stop the loud ragged moan from leaving his throat. It had her diverting her attention to the face above her. She just couldn't take her eyes off him, his lips were so plump and swollen from all the biting not only he'd been doing, but she as well. His mouth slacked to a small 'O' and his arms trembled from their place on the door.

Not touching her without permission. Such a good fucking boy ugh, how could she possibly deny him anything.

All in one go she sunk her entire mouth down his cock. Knuckles wasn't ready, his legs nearly gave out underneath him. A wet gasp tore straight out of his throat. He was trying so hard not to move his hips, he really was, but Rouge wasn't having any of it.

His eyes snapped open when he felt two hands grabbing his. Her leather clad fingers pulled until his hands were situated on both sides of her head. Confusion swept his gaze and he looked at her with a pinched expression. "R-Rouge.." Knuckles physical felt her tremble around his dick, just by calling out her name. He could smell the heat coming from between her legs all the way up there, no doubt she was wet. So soaking wet that he'd probably have little to no problem at all fucking into her.

Almost as if she sensed what he was thinking, Rouge left his hands where they were and reached down to slide her fingers down her thighs sensually and back up to touch her folds- he could literally hear her squelching around in her own wetness, dear god.

He fully thrust into her mouth unintentionally at the sound, only realizing what he did when she let out a ragged moan. "Rouge.." He got one hard suck on his dick as a response and by then, understood what she was trying to tell him. 'Go ahead.' She was giving him permission to take the lead.

Knuckles entire demeanor changed; looking down at her with hardened eyes, so focused onto her lips wrapped around his cock that she had the actual audacity to blush, as if she wasn't purposely deep-throating him on her knees. The hands around her head gripped tighter, before slowly lifting her back off his length until only the tip remained in her mouth. Plump red lips sucked at the sensitive head, making sure he saw and heard every single slurp she was lacing his dick with.

And then he thrusts back into her mouth, hard.

It took every fiber in her being not to give in to the eye-rolling sensation when Knuckles cock hit the back of her throat. This was another one of the many other things she let Knuckles get away with. She didn't like giving up the reigns of control when deep into a scene... but Knuckles made it easy. All too easy, for her to just let him use her mouth the way he sees fit, if only for a little while.

She had no fear of her echidna and knew that when it was time, he'd give her back the reigns without question. But for now, all she really wanted was for him to fuck her face.

She wasn't the least bit disappointed when he began fucking into her mouth with earnest. Stealing small grunts and whines in between all the gagging his dick was making her do. She loved everything about this, the taste of him, the smell of him, the feeling of his pelvis rubbing against her nose every time he rolled his hips into her mouth. She couldn't get enough of it.

Her eyes gleamed with unshed tears at the relentless force Knuckles was using, it sent trembles all the way down her spine. Her cunt was clenching around nothing, bitterly wet and empty; quivering whenever his sac made contact with her chin. She was so worked up her womanhood had become ridiculously overly sensitive, to the point the slightest twitch against her clit had her juicing more slick down her thighs.

Her hand came back up soaked in her own fluids and she wasted no time wrapping her soaked digits around Knuckles sac. She felt more than heard the air leave his body. His pace began to falter with his heaving chest and Rouge took notice of how different he was grinding into her mouth. His thrusts always became slower and much deeper when he was close to cumming, and if that didn't give it away, the loud thud of him slamming his head back was enough to warn her. She wasn't ready for him to cum yet, having him blow this early was definitely not in her plans... but she was besotted with the way Knuckles was pulling her face on and off his dick. She wanted to prolong this as long as she possibly could... but the second she heard the hitch in his breath, she knew this sweet dream had to end.

Knuckles had felt as if for one moment he was on cloud nine and the next he was left choking on his own air. Rouge's palm slammed down on his abdomen, pushing him back against the door with a force that caught him completely off guard. His eyes opened once again, looking downward he nearly missed the show of her sliding her mouth off his dick as slow as possible. As if she could make the act any lewder than it already was.

Then, she began to stand.

He had to close his eyes, unable keep up with her movements from all the dizziness he was suffering. The price to pay for his heightened state of arousal and intoxication but when her lips pressed against his, he obediently opened his mouth. Her thick thigh slid in between his own and he felt the smooth texture of her clothed belly press flat against his length. He knew better than to grind up into her, much as he wanted too. Rouge had gone back to taking control, so he wasn't surprised when her hands suddenly grabbed at his hips.

"Knuckles." His response was nowhere near coherent, a garbled moan at best but it served as enough to let Rouge know that she had his attention.

"Get on the bed."

Their room was lavish with polished granite floors and one of the largest beds he'd ever laid eyes on. (A California King) That thing was definitely not meant for just two people. Subtle perfumes of hibiscus and lavender filled the air while polished table tops and love seats were distributed in every corner the room supplied. The whole room looked and smelled like money, but he knew Rouge wasn't lacking in that regard in the slightest.

Knuckles didn't even have time to actually take it all in before she shoved him down to the bed. He let out a breathless laugh at her pushiness but fell silent when her weight came crawling on top of him. With those thick thighs spread on each side of his hips, he could finally smell every bit of her... and god, she smelled so ready.

It took him a few seconds to realize she was kissing him again, his brain so flooded by the smell of her arousal that he'd forgotten to kiss her back. Her fingers clutched tightly around his face, tilting his maw up for her to delve into. He tried playing back by beginning to curve his tongue around hers but she was demanding and aggressive. Her kisses left no room for his participation whatsoever. So he laid back and kept his mouth slack for her ravish.

Knuckles would never admit it to her verbally, but he secretly loved when she kissed him like this. When she was too lost into her own game to even consider teasing him; committed to taking whatever had for her, whether he was offering or not. Rouge was relentless in her conquest of him and he gladly played the part as prey to the best of his ability.

"Knuckles." The way she said his name nearly had him foggy eyed but he was quickly grounded by the sudden mesh of her crotch against his own. No warning in the world could have prepared him for the drenched mess that sat right on the length of his cock. He moaned against her lips and pulled back just enough for him to speak. "Rouge, holy shit, you're soaked."

"Mnnn, yes." She moaned lasciviously. "Very, and who's fault is that?" Knuckles gritted his teeth shut, barely being able to handle the squelching sound of her pussy rubbing against the length of his dick. He wasn't going to last very long at this rate and from the looks of it, neither was she.

"How long have you been like this? Since the club...?" Her wordless nod was enough of an answer for him and at that moment he wanted nothing more than to be given the chance to relieve her. He leaned his head up to kiss at her slacked jaw, whines of pleasure sneaking past her lips at every slicked drag of her lower lips against his girth. This wasn't relieving her in the slightest, all she was doing was making a mess of her echidna; her juices dripping all over his cock and down strong red thighs. Her brain was beginning to get hazy, that meant she was getting close. A little more, just a little more. A little longer and she'd cum.

Then Knuckles spoke the magic words and forced her brain back into reality.

"Fuck me."

"Ohh..." The sound that came from her throat was so raw and primal. She began snapping her hips back and forth across his dick even harder. Her sweetheart was begging her to fuck him. She wanted too, she wanted him so bad. "Baby-"

"Please." He was as breathless as she was, his face flushed so beautifully. "I can last another round, two more if you need it. Take what you want, before we both lose our shit."

Rouge's brain short-circuited.

Her hand snapped around his neck again and violently shoved his head back onto the pillow. Knuckles gasp turned into a strangled sounding moan because Rouge decided at that moment to finally, pop him inside of her.

She keened desperately, with her head thrown back into the air. "Knuckles." Her voice was ragged and she snapped the other hand around his throat, choking him as she lowered herself down inch by painful inch. Taking him was never a painless ordeal for her and she absolutely adored the way it made her pussy clench in agonizing pleasured pain. No one could deny her delight, the blissed-out smile spreading across her face said all there was to know. "So perfect." She looked down at Knuckles, unable to see her because of how tight her hands gripped around his throat. "My perfect boy... you're so hard, I can't even take you in me half-way." She whined shamelessly in his lap, rolling her hips around what she managed to fit inside of her. Knuckles gasp was almost unheard, the thighs beneath her began to shake in earnest. His hands struggled trying not to grab at her waist and in retaliation ended up in the pillow behind his head; gripping it for dear life.

"R-Rouge..." Oh her sweetheart, he sounded as if he was on the verge of tears. Her name was practically a sob from his lips and his face was a worrying shade of red.

"Fruit baby. What's your fruit."

"Peach..." His whimper had her squirting around his dick. "Fuck, I can't-"

"Me either. I can't either." Her body rocked harder in his lap. "I can't fit any more of you inside me and there's so much more of you to take." She couldn't believe the loud desperate wail to leave Knuckles throat when she dragged her cunt off his length only to drop back down faster than he was ready for. Her pelvis convulsed in pain, she was almost there. "Fuck, I need you to hurt me. Hurt me Knuckles, straight up into me. I know you can do it, make me take it. I can't do it by myself baby."

"Are..." Knuckles took a moment to swallow and lick his swollen lips, it had Rouge absentmindedly licking over her own teeth. "Are you sure?" There was a shaky hesitance in his voice and that didn't bode well with her.

"Come now, don't be like that." She coo'ed, leaning down to whisper against his jaw, "You know me better, I can take nearly anything I ask you to throw at me handsome. Do as I say Knuckles, get inside of me." Her echidna meekly nodded and shakily placed his heavy hands on her hips, squeezing them in warning. Only when he got her excited wiggle of confirmation did he start to lift her off his cock. Rouge braced herself... and then screamed.

Her scream was an inch from breaking all the windows in her suite. Knuckles eyes shot open in shocked concern. The grip on his neck had tightened so furiously, he had to gasp out his words.

"Color? Rouge, your color?" Knuckles tried his best not to panic but with hearing a yell like that who would really blame him for freaking out a little. He really wasn't the recommended size for her to be doing something like that.

"Green." Her voice pitched high. "Fuck, green! Shit, that burns." Rouge gasped wetly, lip failing victim to her sharp teeth. "It burns so bad, so good. Oh, you're so good Knuckles."

His face was a bright red and he whined beneath her thumbs digging beneath his jaw. Her hands had loosened but he still couldn't see her face, not from how he'd been shoved back into the pillows. He felt every bit of her velvet walls, fluttering around him so dotingly, as if she was trying to suck him in deeper. Despite knowing he could go no further.

"You like being good for me?" She sounded even more wrecked than he was and by the aggressive grinding of her hips, he could tell she was trying her best to stall their orgasm. Then she ground down hard and Knuckles eyes threatened to roll to the back of his head. "Do you?"

"Yes.." It was choked out, barely even a word but Rouge heard it loud and clear.

"You like behaving like a little whore, just for me Knuckles?"

The red body beneath her heaved a gasp and she felt his hips shudder against her inner thighs. Without warning, he thrust up into her and she cried out in shock.

"Shit, sorry. Sorry." Rouge smiled through her heaving breaths and looked down at her prize.

"My gem. I didn't give you permission to fuck me." Knuckles moaned in distress and whispered another teary apology that barely reached her ears. "I need to teach you to have some more restraint. Is that it Knuckles." She leaned down to whisper against his lips. "Do you need to be taught some self-restraint?"

He swallowed down his moan of protest and nodded. Desperate to be good for her, even if he was ready to blow his load. His dick painfully hard inside of her. "Y-yes.."

She smirked and pounced at the opportunity. "Hands above your head. Wrist crossed together. Now." The second her hands left his throat he heaved in a large intake of air, coughing to clear his throat. A tear began to swell in his eyes from all the over-stimulation he was being put through but nonetheless, Knuckles did what he was told.

He raised his hands from her waist to rest right beneath the headboard, looking at her with wet eyes.

Rouges heart swelled in adoration at how soft and debauched he looked, offering his complete submission without even so much of a glare. He was deep into his role, which meant he was absolutely ready for her to actually get to punishing him, but they needed to get through this first. It'd been too long, she needed to fuck him within an inch of his life, till he was teary-eyed and starstruck. After that then she'd be fully prepared to play.

Rouge responded in kind, by using the rope already attached to the headboard to bind his hands. Wrapping the black rope around his wrist before knotting both of them together.

With his hands hanging limply from the bedpost, she couldn't resist dragging her hands down his arms, slowly. Fingers dipping in the curve of his elbow before descending to his shoulders and to his chest. It was so arousing having someone like Knuckles bound and restrained beneath her. Knowing he could easily break out of those restraints... but chose not too.

Rouge trembled around his cock, stealing another whimper from his throat and greedily grabbed at his clothed pectorals. Hooking her hands into the half zipped top, she pulled at it until the zipper gave way with a protesting zrrrrp.

"There you are, my pretty boy." She purred, running her hands across his broad chest. Her sweet-talking had him quirking a small grin back up at her, already beyond feeling any type of embarrassment by being on display for her.

That grin is what drove Rouge to the edge of her self control. Without a word more, she rolled her tight latex dress to her waist and showed him her gleaming pussy. Lips wrapped lovingly around his entire shaft, right to his base. Her own thighs along with his were drenched in her excitement. Just the sight alone, of her gyrating her hips around his cock had his hips jerking violently in protest.

She was so gorgeous, putting on a show just for him. Fingers running up her body until her breast laid heavy in her hands, nipples so hard he could see them from beneath the fabric of the dress itself. He was throbbing and so, so ready. Being driven mad with the need to fuck her... but he hadn't been given permission to move.

"Rouge, please-"

"Shhhhh, shhh shhh." A leather coated hand was placed directly over his mouth, muffling his whining. "I know baby, I know. Let me give you what you need."

He almost expected her to prolong his torture but then Rouge pulled herself back up and dropped so quickly, it momentarily paralyzed him. His legs were quivering as were his arms. She came down so fast that Knuckles managed to muster enough clarity through his bliss to actually be genuinely concerned. But then she did it again, and again... until his entire body was spasming beneath her.

His hands twisted within his restraints in agony, as she muffled his moans with her palm. Rouge was keeping a steady pace, but it didn't stop her from slamming down as hard as she could; her ass making a loud wet slap whenever she dropped back down on his cock.

Knuckles vibrant glazed eyes finally rolled to the back of his head. Rouge smiled down at him. "That's it baby... that's exactly how I like you."

He looked so good, with tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. And fuck he was so big, sliding over every hidden crevice inside her body just by his curved shape alone. She felt his knees bend from behind her and his thighs part from beneath her, giving her more room to drive downward.

With more leverage available to her, she went harder. Knuckles practically choked behind her hand.

"Move baby, you deserve it. Make yourself come inside of me." Almost immediately, his eyes refocused on her. Wet violet orbs meeting her teal ones. There was a ferocity in his eyes that she recognized and she quickly grew excited from what she knew what was coming next. He pulled out of her with great ease and slammed back inside of her.

Her scream this time was euphoric. "OH! Knuckles... again." The next one had her losing grip on his mouth. Her hands scrambled for purchase at his shoulders, but it was barely enough to keep her steady. Knuckles began relentlessly fucking into her, hips bucking upwards and forcing Rouge to cave in and rest her body along his flank to handle the assault on her pussy. She sunk her teeth into his shoulder, crying out around the muscle she was biting on; her arms wrapped securely around his chest. They'd teased each other for too long, it was too easy for her sensitive walls to give in to Knuckles girth. Spasming around every thrust... there was no way she was going to last.

His hips had her whole body jerking upwards, so strong... a vain part of her swooned at how swiftly she'd collared this reserved beast of a lover into her clutches. She was 100% sure her voice was going to break from high pitched whimpers alone. He rubbed against her good spots almost perfectly, effortlessly hiking her pleasure.

Everything felt too raw, too soon. It wasn't long till she herself was reduced to tears. Only instead of resting wetly on her eyes, they pearled down her face. Her mouth was soaking up Knuckles shoulder with drool, unable to keep a grip on him with her teeth. She only even knew she was coming when she started hearing her squelching become louder and sloppier; her intense orgasm sneaking up on her with a vengeance. "Haah! Ahghhha!" Rouges mouth parted into a wide 'O' as she wailed through her climax. Her essence splattering all over the back of her thighs and his.

She came hard, without any warning and drenched Knuckles in her spend.

Her pussy convulsed and she had to bite back a sob as Knuckles fucked her through it. He had her legs tensing at his sides. Now, it was becoming too much and it was so good. Her pussy was so sensitive that it actually began to hurt, but god, the line where pain and pleasure met was so fucking paper thin. She wanted more, wanted him to fuck her until she couldn't take it anymore. Until her cunt was so swollen, it'd ache for days. "Knuckles..." She gasped out his name, fingers clawing at his chest. Her eyes were burning from the onslaught of tears running down her face, and she smiled through it all. It took a second or two for Knuckles to actually hear her, but once he recognized that seething whimper of hers he stopped, painfully so.

"Are..." He gasped a breath of air in, eyes scrunched together in pain. "Are you okay?" She whined and bounced in his lap, not wanting him to stop. Rouge never took any notice to her own limits, but Knuckles had learned over time to look and listen for the signs. It was touching, really. Noone else she'd been with had her gave a shit about where her limits lied. She was a dom after all, but Knuckles was such a special case. This was exactly the reason why he was such an exception to many of her rules, he knew her so fucking well.

But dammit if she wanted him to fuck her till she broke she was going to have him fuck her until she broke.

"Go, go, keep going. I want you to come." Her hands clutched at his pained laced face and pressed their lips back together. Tongues sloppily meshing together as Rouge, with what little energy she'd recovered, continued bouncing in his lap; chasing her lingering high.

Knuckles double-jointed ass actually managed to pull himself up into a semi-sitting position, just to make it easier for her to move. With bound hands and all, that he managed to snap down to his lower back after popping a socket or two. Agility he may not have been blessed with much of but flexibility was a whole different story. Knuckles was flexible, and he knew how much that turned her on. It wasn't fair to her heart how much he was driven to make things easier for her. Just giving her more gifts to take and use.

With the new leverage, her arms balanced themselves on his strong shoulders and she rode him faster, on shaky legs and all. He was trembling beneath her, all of his previous energy giving up beneath her thighs, moving just enough to arch his hips beneath her weight. He was close, she could tell by the hitch of his breath and the slackening of his jaw.

Normally, Rouge would at this point purposely slow down, but they'd been at this foreplay for hours and he was being so good for her. She wanted to make him come and watch every second of it. Her hand fisted into his locs and violently, yanked his dreads back. It was enough to finally, push him to his limit.

His gasp was dry and raw and those fighting tears welled up in his eyes, finally spilled over his cheeks. Knuckles burst within her cunt and Rouge immediately felt it when his first pump filled her. It was thick and warm, and she knew by the second pump that she wasn't going to be able to hold all of it inside of her.

"Yes, pretty thing. Just like that " She was breathless, face stained in tears and lipstick finally ruined and smudged, but her Knuckles was just as wrecked as she. Putty in her hands with fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. Face a feverish red that burned so hotly she felt it through her gloves.

Her cunt swelled at his base, cum squirting out of her and back down to his pelvis. "You're making a mess out of me sweetie." Knuckles heavy pants reached her ears and she looked down to see her sweetheart, staring wetly up at her, trembling.

She couldn't help the fond smile that overtook her face shifted her grip from his spines to softly cup his cheeks. Her thumbs stroked over his half-lidded eyes and in response, they fluttered closed.

Knuckles flopped back against the headboard and she made sure to move with him, keeping his now half-hard girth tight within her body. He went lax and for a few precious moments, she watched him come down from his high. Wet lashes glittering prettily beneath the dimmed bedroom lights. What a handsome meal he made, she didn't know how she managed to neglect herself of him for so long. She kissed both of his eyelids, doting on him with sweet caresses and soft words.

"You were so good for me. Sweet boy, I can't wait to actually get to punish you." Knuckles inhaled sharply, face leaning heavily within her palms, letting her hands support the weight of his head. It was hard to believe they weren't even finished yet. He'd promised her at-least two more rounds and she was determined to take her time with him the second time around. Their night was nowhere near over, and they had a whole nother 6 days at their disposal to do whatever she liked.

But for now... Rouge wanted nothing more than to let him relax so that she could take care of him. He was going to need all the energy he could muster, because this was her being nice. This was her being sated, after this, there wasn't going to be any merciful mind-blowing sex from him looking at her in just the right way. No further convincing was going to deter her from her game. Her resolve will turn back into steel and she was going to make sure he paid the price for his bratty stunt from earlier.

It didn't help that he was the worst kind of exhausted. That sated, drunken, just had the best sex of my life (and then some) kind of exhausted. None of it would matter, she'll make sure to keep him up with her. Rouge was going to be ruthless-

-and he'd be looking forward to it.

But first, a snack break!

"I can't believe you haven't eaten the entire time you've been down here." Rouge was frowning. "It's been 16 hours Knuckles. Do you know how much alcohol I put in you? No wonder it hit you like a freight truck, why didn't you tell me?" Knuckles huffed as he was fed another juicy grape from the bowl of fruit resting near his head, half of its contents already gone. He couldn't feed himself with his hands still bound behind his back as they were, but having Rouge feed him was therapeutic, so in no way was he complaining.

"Well, you didn't ask." He shrugged, to the best of his ability. In all honesty, the only reason he hadn't eaten was because he didn't know how to use Service Robot in the hotel Rouge had placed him in for the day. The place, unfortunately, had no actual staff so Knuckles decided that he'd just wait till they went out.

Yeah, that was a bad idea. They didn't even get to the part where they were supposed to eat, plans very much soiled the minute that drunk bastard decided to barge in on their game.

"You make sure you eat before we go anywhere from now on mister. The last thing I need is you getting alcohol poisoning because you didn't have anything in your stomach."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I'm serious Knuckles." She pulled at his spines. "Do you know how long it can take to get over alcohol poisoning. A whole two days, that's two days that could be spent doing better things."

Knuckles snickered around the second grape he was fed. "So the reason you don't want me to get sick is primarily so that my body can be utilized at it's fullest potential for sex. You're a trip, batgirl."

"Don't act like you wouldn't prefer the latter." She smirked. "I don't know about you, but getting in between my sheets with me sounds much more fun than dry heaving over a toilet for two days, don't you think?"

It was a fair analysis, valid enough to have him agree. "You just want to be right."

"Ah, that's where you're wrong." She popped one into her own mouth. "I am right." The echidna nearly rolled his eyes at her and would have done so if he didn't remember this was only a small break in between their session. He was hungry and wanted to at least finish the grapes in that bowl before accidentally tipping her off. "No but seriously, you had all the time in the world to eat before it was time for you to go. Why didn't you order anything at the hotel I put you in?"

Oh no, he absolutely refused to give her more of a reason to laugh at his incompetence with unfamiliar technology. It was bad enough he spent 10 minutes trying to figure out why talking to the rolling tin pan for a service bot' wasn't working. Another five just to figure out what the hell a Rice Cripsy treat was. Fucking disgusting, that's what.

"I just wasn't hungry, it didn't cross my mind." She was about to scold him again but he quickly intervened. "Rouge relax, relax, I'm fine. I wasn't neglecting myself and even if I was, I've gone without a single meal for way longer than just 16 hours before, batgirl. Literal days. Is it really that hard to believe that I just didn't have an appetite until you practically punched one into me? I mean after all of that, who wouldn't be hungry? You depleted nearly all of my energy."

The innocent pout she gave him was such bullshit, he was annoyed that he found it adorable. "I suppose I can be a bit much."

"A bit much? Yeah okay, sure. Unbelievable." He whispered the last bit of his sentence beneath his breath, making Rouge cackle in amusement.

"Alright, if you insist. I'll let it go." She flicked his nose. "You better be telling me the truth."

"Yes, I promise. 100 times over. I honestly didn't really have the appetite for food when I came down here." Rouge paused in reaching over to pick up another fruit and looked down at the lethargic guardian in her lap. Her brow raised suggestively.


Knuckles blinked up dumbfoundedly at her, questioning the cause of one of her infamous 180's; before he realized in horror, the double meaning of his words. "Did I just say that out loud?" Rouge smirked wickedly. "I just said that out loud. Um, out of context really. Don't read much into it, it really wasn't meant to come across that way."

"If you were hungry for such a thing Knuckles, why didn't you just tell me beforehand. I'd of been more than happy to accommodate to your... cravings."

"Ugh..." He groaned, face returning back to that red flush. "You're not going to do this to me."

"Whatever do you mean. I'm just offering to give you what you want, it'd be cruel for me to deny you such a full course meal-" Her smile was wicked. "-as starving as you are."

"Bury me in quicksand and make it quick so my death is as swift and silent as it can be." He deadpanned.

"I have a better idea." One blink was all it took for Knuckles to go from lying comfortably on her lap to becoming face first with her damp petals, thick and swollen from their previous romp, with her thighs locked securely around his head. Even though he was still hungry, the sight of her lower lips so close to his face had him wetting his own lips in response. "Deliver on your proposal Knuckles and then I promise, I'll feed you all the juicy grapes I can find."

"It wasn't even a proposal! You're taking things out of context!"

"You should know better than to say such vulgar things so carelessly around me, sweetie. It doesn't take much to set me off."

He stared at her cunt, fluttering invitingly in front of him and gleaming beautifully from both her spend and his. He felt his own arousal twitch in response, but then instead of doing what she asked for, he tilted his head up and stared at her. "Or, how about I eat the grapes now?"


"I promise to be 90% more effective if I eat them now."

"I can't believe you're trying to compromise over fruit." There wasn't enough room in her skull for the massive eyeroll she gave him. But then, those bright eyes lit up, as a brilliant idea struck her. "What if I put them here." She smirked, plucking one of the thick purple grapes from its stem and sliding it down her pubic bone to slide between her lips. It tucked all snug beneath her clit that was right in front of Knuckles face. "Would that be sufficient enough for you, you pest." The way Knuckles gaped at her fingers with that wide-eyed expression on his face told her all she needed to know. He liked where she was going with this.

"I really don't do well in win-win situations."

A/N: I was re-writing this nearly every week on the go for the past four months. A lot of my older versions of this chapter are probably going to be distributed into future stories. This honestly wasn't even the final version but I felt it was the best one I had to conclude the story.

Did you guys like it?