It's finally here...the very last chapter of my very first story...

It is one of the shortest, but I like to think it's a short and sweet conclusion! ;)

I REALLY appreciate all of your support and reviews through it all!

Without further ado...

Kanan paced anxiously, waiting for his Padawan. Hera watched him, an amused expression lain on her face.

The entire crew had gathered in Sabine's room, on Hera's orders, and were awaiting their youngest member.

Sabine had questioned why they had to meet in her room. She hated them to see her broken portrait. And she might of forgotten to fill the gaping hole in her wall; she hoped they wouldn't notice.

"He'll be here soon," Hera answered the question no one dared voice.

"What's taking 'im so long, he's 'nly a room away!" Zeb growled, trying to get comfortable. These rooms weren't small, but five people and a droid was pushing the limit.

"Give him time," Hera urged.

"How much longer can we give him, we have things to do," Kanan sighed. Hera looked up, mocking a shocked expression.

"Really, even you don't want to wait for him?" she snarked, giving a sly grin. "You agreed to come, and he's your Padawan," She pointed out.

Karabast, Kanan hated when she talked that, getting in his face, she was so…confusing.

He didn't answer Hera, instead noticed the hole in Sabine's wall, "What is that?"

Sabine's eyes widened, she had meant to fix it before Hera had seen it. "Look, Hera, I can explain…"

Hera didn't answer. She studied the portrait; it was beautiful, of course, but a huge chunk had been carved out. Not just any piece, Ezra's piece. It had been a portrait, and a gorgeous one, until it had been dismantled.

The rest of the crew followed Hera's gaze and pieced together the very same puzzle Hera had just. Sabine, tired of so many emotions, gave a frustrated sigh.

"The piece you gave Ezra, it was out of this painting, wasn't it?" Kanan spoke slowly, his eyes never leaving the artist. "This is what kept Ezra from leaving, wasn't it," he continued.

Sabine didn't respond, and finally dropped her eyes.

"Yes, it is," a voice spoke softly in the doorway.

The crews eyes left the painting in surprise and saw the boy they awaited standing in the doorway. Kanan's eyes searched over him, looking for any emotion, then he saw the back-pack clutched in his arms.

"You're not—thinking of leaving, are you?" Kanan almost looked scared.

Ezra's eyes widened as he realized he had his pack with him. Last time he had his pack, he had tried to leave. "This time, you couldn't make me," Ezra replied with an easy smile.

Kanan let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Sabine, tired of standing, and ready for answers, asked, "What's in the bag?"

Ezra didn't look down this time. This time, he was ready. He defiantly blew a lock of raven hair out of his face. "You are always alone on the street. When you get hurt, you have to suck it up," He paused to take a shaky breath. "When I met you guys, it was almost too good to be true," Ezra's eyes met his encouraging master's, loyal lasat's, vibrant artist's, compassionate captain's, and even the trusty droid's.

"I didn't want to lose that. Ever."

The crew didn't move, didn't barely breathe, as not to disrupt.

"When Sabine gave me that piece," Ezra frowned slightly, "It made me remember that I am, and always will be, part of the crew."

"But, I have something I need to fix, for me, for Sabine, for everyone," He didn't meet anyone's eyes, but stared at the wall above them; the broken painting.

His crew exchanged glances as he reached in his pack and took out a fragment of something wrapped in cloth.

"Is that—?" Sabine began, almost excited.

Without another word, Ezra jumped, using his cane for support, onto a nearby paint can, and unwrapped a large his large parcel, a large piece of metal He carefully put his fragment back into the picture, biting his lip in concentration, Sabine noticed.

He stood back to admire his work.

"Thanks," Ezra spoke through wet eyes. "Again" he added with a smile, still looking at the painting.

"We're more than a crew. We're family," Hera pulled the boy close.

The family stood together in that room, no thought of leaving.

Ezra realized, though he might never walk normally again, he had the backing of an amazing crew, an amazing family. Life was tough, but he'd be able to get through it.

He was used to going nowhere fast, but with this family, his family, that would never happen again.

So this is how it ends...

What did you think of the final chapter?

Ready for another story? PM or review!

I have two is another hurt/family story, with some separation involved...and the other is not exactly a romance story, with a new, unexpected villain...

Which one would you like?

I want to thank you again, this has been an amazing, exhilarating experience, and I am grateful for all of my readers!

Please Review!

Until Next Time,
