"Isn't it a beautiful day, Plue?" A pretty, blonde celestial wizard asked the adorable celestial spirit. The 'dog' replied with a simple nod and danced behind Lucy Heartfilia. She smiled brightly, on her way to Fairy Tail, she is always happy.
Lucy has been with Fairy Tail for almost two years now, she has become one of the most popular wizards in all of Fiore. She loves the guild, and everyone in it. From the powerful Gildarts to shy Wendy to annoying Happy. They loved her too in return, but not in this case...
Approaching the guildhall, Lucy's smile grew. She couldn't wait to see Natsu, probably stuffing his face, Gray, probably looking fro his clothes, and Erza, probably eating her cake. She sighed at the familiarities of her friends, she knew them like the back of her hand! Pushing open the doors, Lucy knew that today wasn't like any of the others. Everyone was giving her a glare that could make a lion whimper in fear.
"u-um, Hey guys!" Lucy said nervously to everyone. Their glares just became colder,she was thoroughly confused.
Suddenly Natsu was visible among them, he was walking toward her with a warm smile on his face. Oh thank goodness, I was beginning everyone around here was cursed, the relieved mage thought.
"Hey, what's the big idea? Why is everyone looking at me like that?" Lucy asked the powerful, salmon-haired mage.
"Everyone hates you, what else is new? They've always hated you," Natsu explained with a huge grin. It hit her like a hammer, but he wasn't done.
"But I hate you more, in fact I want you to leave the guild," he added laughing.
"N-natsu? w-w-what do you m-mean?"
His smile disappeared and was replaced with a wicked scowl. Erza and Gray joined him by his side.
"You are so weak and pathetic, how are you even in this guild?" Erza asked her.
"Don't forget ugly, I'm tired of seeing your horrible face around here," Gray finished with Erza. Natsu silenced both of them with a wave of his hand. He began to step closer towards the already broken Lucy.
"Get out, you don't belong with people like us."
"B-but Natsu! I love this Guild, I love every-."
"NO!" Natsu interrupted while hitting Lucy, hard across her tear-stricken face. Everyone around them cheered, Cana laughed as she poured a mug of beer over her blonde hair. Lucy was shaking with sobs, Natsu hit her. Natsu hit HER. Soon the guild members around her began to throw food at her. In the distance, Lucy can hear Natsu laughing her pain. This couldn't be real. Soon those laughs turned into yells of her name.
"Lucy! Lucy! Lucy wake up!" Natsu yelled frantically while shaking the poor girl's shoulders. Her chestnut brown eyes opened to see Natsu sitting on her bed in front of her with a worried look on his face. Lucy dove into his arms and began to break down crying.