The next week and a half went by faster than Topsy once thought. He was completely back to normal and got back to his usual routine by helping run the valley. He no longer had to stay on the sidelines and feel helpless. His mood is also a lot brighter; and he had his friends and family to thank for that. They were all hanging out at the Thundering Falls.

"I'm so glad everything is back to normal; and that Bianca's stunt didn't go unpunished," Topsy claimed.

"We're glad you think so, Dad," Cera told him.

Just then, Alba and Skye walked up to Topsy.

"Do you hate me for what Bianca did to you?" Alba wondered.

"Why would I hate you? It was Bianca who attempted to kill me; you had nothing to do with it," Topsy answered.

Alba smiled.

"See, I told you; there's nothing for you to worry about," Skye responded.

Alba smiled up at her girlfriend and then nuzzled her.

"How's Atticus taking it, Bianca's banishment I mean," Topsy wondered.

"How would you feel if one of your kids committed a crime and got banished?" Skye asked.

Topsy thought about it and sighed.

"He must really be bummed about it," Topsy claimed.

"Yep; on the bright side, at least you're all better," Skye commented.

Topsy smiled at his great-granddaughter's comment; and for the first time in years, he wagged his tail.

"That is the weirdest thing I ever seen; I thought only kids wagged their tails," Alba stated.

"I guess you can say that I'm a kid at heart," Topsy commented.

The herd nodded in agreement.

A while later, Blanche went to visit Atticus at his nest. She hated seeing him look so down.

"Hi Dad; I know that deep down, you miss Bianca; but, banishing her was the right thing to do; attempted murder is serious; however, we all neglected to tell her that the penalty for returning while banished for life is death," Blanche explained.

Atticus sighed; he has barely said a word; however, he still listened to what Blanche was telling him.

"Well; just know that you have memories of Bianca when we were all little kids and with Mom before we became teenagers," Blanche added.

Atticus seemed very annoyed whenever the subject of his ex-wife was brought up in conversation.

"Don't ever talk about her like that; I don't ever want to talk about or even see her again; it's been a year since she was last seen; and I'd like to keep it that way, understand?" Atticus asked.

Blanche was shocked; Atticus wasn't usually the one who loses his temper. Whenever he's about to blow his top, run for the hills because no one wants to see him when he's angry; not even Topsy. Moments later, Atticus felt a bit calmer.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper; but, that's what happens when people start talking about things I don't want to hear about; and I'm still upset that Bianca was banished; even though she was evil," Atticus explained.

Blanche nodded.

"I understand, Dad," Blanche stated.

Atticus smiled for the first time in days. Things were truly back to normal.

A/N: This is the last chapter of part 3. Part 4 will be up soon.