Disclaimer: The world of Azeroth belongs entirely to Blizzard Entertainment. I am merely a visitor in the wonderful World of Warcraft.

I'm lying in a fragrant bed of clover. I can feel the sun on my body as I keep my eyes closed. She's on her way, I know she is, and when she finds me, I hope that she'll let go and come to me the way I know she's been wanting to for so long.

I hear her soft steps on the forest floor. Hear the sharp intake of breath as she sees me.

She doesn't say anything. I raise my eyelids to look at her, and see that she's staring at me, her red lips parted slightly. I don't dare move, because I can tell she's excited enough that she'll either jump me, or bolt, and I don't want her to run away. So I simply lock my eyes with hers, willing her to come to me.

Finally, she does, her cloak falling at her feet as she moves. She kneels in front of me. Her eyes leave mine and begin roaming over my body. I'm naked, and I want to shiver, because I know she's going to touch me. She has to. I want her to.

I can't speak. She licks her lips and leans over, hovering just above me. She exhales, and I inhale her breath. If she doesn't kiss me now, I think I might lose my mind.

She pulls away from me just as I'm about to move my head to kiss her. Her hand rests on the buttons of her robes. She makes sure that I watch as she slowly, delicately, unbuttons the material so that it falls open, revealing beautiful creamy skin. Perfect breasts that I ache to touch. A small belly button. Her…


I almost sit up, but her eyes narrow slightly, and I stay put. But she's right there. One flick of my wrist, and I could have her at my mercy, screaming out my name. One move, and I could be hers. I'm already hers. She's already mine.

She crawls away from her clothes, her mouth hovering over me. I can feel the whisper of her breath against my skin, and I struggle not to make a sound. Goosebumps erupt where she breathes, and a tiny smile forms on her features.

There's a thrill echoing between my legs. I grab a handful of clover to keep myself steady, but it's no good. She's going to have to put her hands on me.

But she doesn't. Somehow, she keeps control. I have no idea how, because I'm there. I'm ready for her. She moves, and her face is inches away from where I want her. She's just looking, but her amber eyes are wide. She licks her lips again.

I climax. The pleasure spikes so quickly and so deeply that all I can do for a moment is cry out, ripping the clover from the ground as my body bucks under her gaze.

She seems stunned. I'm breathing heavily, and I want to say something, but for now, I can't. I'm also a little shocked. I never imagined that she would be able to make me climax with just one look. Without even touching me.

Oh, my love.


My eyes open, and my senses return me to the present. I'm lying down, yes, but there's no sun down here.

That, and I'm not alive anymore.

But Faith is. She's looking down at me with concern, because I'm not usually one to lounge in bed. I didn't even do that when I was alive.

I look straight back at her, pulling the sheet aside. She sees my hand, and a blush creeps into her cheeks as she slowly sets her notes down and kneels, resting her hands on the bed.

I'm still looking at her when I work my fingers into myself. Faith's eyes are drawn to the movement, but she keeps glancing at my face. Without a word, she gently pulls on my hand, freeing my fingers from my body. I'm about to protest, but she's there now, and I can't tell whether I'm still daydreaming or whether what's happening now is real.

Neither of us make a sound. Our bodies are acting on their own accord.

A dream. Reality. Passion. Faith. And me.

The End.