Hey guys! I finally finish the new chapter. I wrote this chapter in Clara's POV, how she lived through this challenge.

Chapter 28: Life & Tears

~Clara… if you can hear me, please, be strong! You have to be strong. You shouldn't give up the fight. If you do, think about the people who are around you and care about you. Please Clara… don't do this to me! I don't want to lose you again. The first two time was painful enough but now… Please Clara, if you hear me… wake up! Please! I don't want to lose you…~

I felt that someone is beside me, but I don't know who it is. His voice was familiar and his presence warmed my heart. Or maybe it's a hallucination because of the fever? Fever? I have a fever? Am I sick? The problem is that, I don't know what's going on. I don't know why am I in the darkness and what's happening to me. What could have happened? Why do I feel so bad? It doesn't feel good. Not knowing is bad. I wish I knew why am I here! I wish I knew who talked to me! But this kind voice stopped after a while. Again, silence reigned in the darkness. After a while a voice spoke up but it was different than the other. The other voice made me feel calm and I almost melted but this voice made me feel safe.

~Clara, it's me. I don't know if you can hear what I say, but Mels said I should talk to you because probably you can hear it. It's not an easy situation. I'm pretty sure you have a lot of questions in your head, wherever you are right now.~

How does he know that? How does the voice know this?

~But however confused you are right now, you need to know that we're here for you. You have me, Mels, Amy and you have the Doctor too.~

The Doctor? This is the name of the other voice?

~Whatever you have to fight against, we're here for you. Everyone is worried about you, Clara. Everyone. Maybe you don't know now, but it's true. Everyone is worrying about you because we care about you. Even gran would be worried and dad too if they were here. What I want to say is that you need to be confident like I taught you and don't doubt yourself. If you feel weak don't break. You're not like this. The one who break is the Doctor if he loses someone. But you stay strong and you are yourself. You are Clara Oswald who can do anything.~

I can't do anything. It's not me…

~Wake up soon! Complete that damn challenge as soon as you can. Everyone is worrying. You are strong. I know you are because you are my only little sister.~

This is my brother? I have a brother? But what is he talking about? What challenge is he talking about? There isn't any challenge here just the darkness and the silence. The long, fearful silence. Nothing is here. It's like dying slowly. It's like someone is torturing me with silence and darkness. It's a torture.

~Hey Clara! It's me… Amy. I'm not really sure what you are going through but I know that you are a very strong girl who don't give up the fight so easily. Don't give up! Whatever will happen, don't give up! Don't give up the hope!~

If only she knew what I'm going through. It's like someone is prick me with needle. It tears my body apart from the inside. I don't know if it's the silence or the darkness but I feel I'm going crazy. What hope shouldn't I give up? Is there any hope in this world?

~Okay, if everyone talked to you I don't want to be the only person who didn't do it. You don't know why are you in this world. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what's happening. Not before time. All I can say is that what Amy and Jack told you. Fight! Fight for your life, Clara! You can't give up the fight. You have to be strong. Very strong.~

Why is everyone saying that I have to be strong? How can I be strong when something is tearing me apart from the inside? I don't know what, but something is tearing me apart and makes me cry. It's like my skin tears apart, my bones slowly break and my muscles are stretching. This pain is so unbearable that I wish I would die right now. I don't have a reason to live, do I? But it's like my heart saying otherwise. It tells me that I'm wrong. That I have a reason to live because around me there are people who care about me. But who? - my mind asks my heart, the only answer it gave me is: The ones who spoke up. The voices who care about you and want you to live. I really don't understand my heart thoughts. I don't even know these people… or do I know them? Their voices are nice and friendly. I didn't feel antipathy, only trust. But who are they? Who are Jack, Amy and Mels? I don't understand this, all I know is that I want to die right now.

~It's okay! Calm down, Clara! I'm here. Whatever you are going through, I know you will beat it. You are my impossible girl who can do anything, because she's strong even if you can't see it on her. I know you are, Clara. You can do anything, so don't give up! I trust in you so don't give up!~

I don't get it. I immediately calmed down hearing his voice and the pain disappeared a little. But who is he? Who is that person who can relieve my pain what almost teared my body apart? Who is this man?

~He is the Doctor.~ a voice spoke up.

~Who are you?~ I asked.

~You know me, Clara. You know me very well because I'm you. I'm your heart, your conscience.~

~My heart? Why are you talking to me? How is it possible?~

~Everything is possible, sweet Clara. Everything.~

~But why are you here? Why?~

~You will get the answers to your questions, my dear. The first thing you need to know is that this is all a dream.~

~A dream?~

~Yes, my dear. This is all a challenge.~

~But why? Tell me! Why?~

~You need to complete this challenge because of something that I can't tell you. It's part of your future and it challenges you now.~


~Dear Clara! You know, the voices who spoke up a minute ago are a part of your life. They are really important to you. Your brother Jack, Amy, River and the Doctor. The Doctor who are really important to you, even if you don't see it right now. You would do anything to him. You love him very much.~

~How do I love him if I don't know him?~

~You know him, my dear. You know him very well. He's a part of your life for a very long time. And you love him but you don't see it now. Everyone who are around you in the real world worry about you. They are very worried and waiting for you to wake up. To complete this challenge.~

~But I'm not… There's no reason to be alive…~

~Don't say that! You have a reason to live. For those people who loves you and waiting for you.~

~But I'm not… Mom is not here, so why should I live?~

~You have your father, grandmother and a big brother beside you. They are a part of your family.~

~But…~ I felt the pain intensifies. It burnt my body and wanted to tear it apart. It's like death come to me.

~You shouldn't give up the fight, my dear! You need to be strong! Please, Clara! BE STRONG!~ the pain made it impossible to me. I can't be strong if this kind of pain tortures me. I cried. I cried because of the pain. ~Clara!~ in front of my eyes a man appeared. He wore a bow tie and he was sitting on a swing bed.

~You were a mystery to me for a long time. I really care about you, Clara. It would hurt me if I lose you. You become a part of my family. You're very important to me, Clara Oswald. So don't disappear!~

I don't understand. Is it a memory?

~Yes, it's a memory Clara. Please, remember!~ the pain started to fade but I couldn't stop crying. Another memory appeared in front of me. The same man was there.

~When you were Oswin you told me that you've always wanted to see the stars. The stars are connecting you and all your echoes with me. This is why you're special. You're shining like the stars on the sky. You are my light who holds my dark side back.~

I was crying. I don't why I'm crying but I did. All those memories what I lived through appeared in front of me. And that man was always there.

~What is the meaning of your life, Clara? Tell me!~ the meaning of my life? I didn't know it, but I do now.

~That man… He is the meaning of my life.~ as I said it the darkness disappeared and instead of it, that man appeared. I stepped closer to him and put my hand on his cheek. He just smiled and wiped away my tears.

~Hello Clara!~ his voice was so soft and so kind that made me cry. Now I get it. Now I know who is he.

~Doctor…~ suddenly he disappeared and I was falling down…


Clara immediately opened her eyes. She was breathing heavily and cried.

"It was a dream. It was just a dream." she tried to sit up but she felt a heavy weight on her body. She lifted her head and saw the Doctor sleeping on her. "Doctor?" he slowly opened his eyes. Their eyes met. They stared at each other for a while then the Doctor sat up.

"Clara! Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

"Yes. I just got scared a little." he saw tears on her cheek. He grabbed her hand and pulled her in a warm hug.

"I'm so sorry!"

"Don't say that! It's not your fault. You can't control sickness. It's a part of the human life, like tears." she couldn't stop crying. This dream terrified her.

"I'm sorry Clara!"

"I told you not to be! I just…" she couldn't handle it anymore. She put her arms around his waist and hugged him tight. Her tears soaked his shirt but he didn't care about it. All he cared about is that she was alive. He was really happy that she completed the challenge and didn't lose her. He put his hand on her cheek and looked into her tearful eyes. He didn't like when she was crying or when she is sad.

"Clara…" he leaned closer to her lips and kissed it. Clara immediately closed her eyes and kissed back. She put his arms around his neck and opened her mouth to let his tongue in. The Doctor put his arms around her waist and pulled her close. He didn't know why he kissed her but he felt like it. They didn't want to part but they needed because of air. They looked into each other eyes and didn't say a word. He wiped away her tears and hugged her. "Thank you, for not giving up."

"I almost give up. But then, you showed up and gave me hope." he looked into her eyes, stroked her cheek and stood up.

"Are you strong enough to come outside? Everyone was worried about you." Clara nodded, got out of bed and went to the living room where everyone was. Jack immediately stood up when he saw his sister and hugged her.

"I'm so glad you woke up. I was so worried."

"I'm sorry for making you all worried. But I'm okay now." Jack looked at her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm okay. What happened in that dream was far worse than how I feel right now."

"Then you should rest!"

"No, I'm okay." Jack put his arm around her shoulder and lead her to the couch. He sat her down even if she didn't want to.

"You need rest! You've been through a lot of stuffs and you need resting." he put a blanket on his sister. She didn't protest anymore. She knew that he's doing this for her sake. Everyone was worried about her but she saw relief on their faces now. Now she understands what happened in that dream. Life and tears. You can't live without these two. It is not good to live with them, but it's part of everyone's life. Tears reflects pain, life reflects happiness and all happy moments. These two completes the human life and now Clara knows that too…