Erica's POV

After the war with Phantom Lord ended and everything had died down, our victory was short lived.

The guild hall had been completely demolished during the battle. So there was the matter of repairing it which would take weeks to rebuild.

And then there was the magic council who were none too pleased about the conflict between guilds.

Luckily, there was no evidence against Fairy Tail. But we were still charged for property damage.

To be fair, though, Phantom Lord destroyed our guild first.

A few days later, we began reconstructing the guild hall.

Everyone chipped in. Including Makarov.

Lucy, however, had to stay home because she was still recovering from her injuries.

I was still sore myself.

There was a mysterious pain in my chest, which was most likely from Jose's 'Dream of Death' spell. I had thought that it would have been gone by now,but it just kept getting worse.

But I quickly shoved it aside and worked on the guild like everyone else.

I didn't tell anyone about the pain, though.

Not even Gray.

I didn't want to have anybody worried. Especially after the incident with Phantom.

"hey, Erica." Said Natsu coming up to me.

I put down the saw I was using to cut a wooden plank.


"You know that Iron Dragon Slayer, Gajeel?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

If Natsu was going to brag one more time about beating Gajeel, I'd punch him in the face.


"He was raised by a dragon too!"

"I figured as much."

Since me and Natsu were raised by dragons, I'd figured that Gajeel was trained by one as well.

I guess I was right.

"That's not all. His dragon left on the same day Igneel and Freena left."

This piqued my interest.

Me,Natsu, and Gajeel were trained by dragons, and they all left on the exact same day.

July 7 X777.

There was no way that could be a coincidence.

There had to be a clue as to why they all left, right?

"Really?Did Gajeel say where his dragon went?"


"OW! What the hell?!"

We were suddenly interrupted by Gray.

"What is it?" I asked walking over to Gray who was rubbing his head.

"ah...something just hit me in the head."

I looked down and saw a pink lunch box that smelled like tap water.


Gray noticed it too and picked it up.

"What's this?"

He opened the lid revealing 3 rice balls in the shape of a heart.

"Did you make this?" He asked turning to me.

I shook my head.

Gray shrugged his shoulders and was about to take a bite.

"Don't eat that!"

I immediately kicked the lunch box out of his hands and into the air.

I'm the only one who gets to make Gray's lunches around here.

Not Juvia!

There was a Splat!


The rice balls landed behind a pile of wood, and I was pretty sure that scream was Juvia's

Erica 2.

Juvia 0.

"What did you do that for?" Said Gray.

"You can't eat food off of the ground."

"It was in a box."

Natsu began rolling on the ground laughing.

"Aw man! I'd hate to be the sucker that got hit with that!


Erza appeared behind him. Arms crossed.

Natsu began trembling and sweating.

"Y-yes ma'am?"

"No more lollygagging. Get back to work!"

"Y-yes ma'am!" And he scrambled away.

A few days later, Fairy Tail began taking jobs again as soon as the first floor was done.

Apparently, they were going for a whole new design.

"How about this one?" Said Lucy holding up a job flyer for catching a group of bandits.

"Yeah," I said. "Easy enough."

"And it's 600,000J." Said Gray. "Not bad for a bandit job."

"Or how about this one?" Said Erza holding up another flyer.

Natsu read it out loud.

"I have no actors for my play. My play is ruined. thank you so very much. For 300,000J."

"I don't know,Erza." I said. "An acting job?The bandit job is just as easy, and it pays more."

Erza's eyes began to water and she pouted her lips.

"Crap!" Said Gray. "Not the puppy dog face!"

"Since when does she use the puppy dog face?" Said Lucy.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess if she really wants the job."

There was a poof.

Erza had requiped…...into a dog costume.

She, then, started wagging her tail.

Just how weird could she get?

"Nope!" Said Natsu. "We're taking the bandit job."

Erza quit wagging her tail and she requiped back into her armour.

"We are taking this job whether you like it or not!"


"That was a quick change of mood." Said Lucy.

"Natsu," Said Gray. "Let's just take the acting job so Erza won't kill us."

"A-aye." Said Natsu shaking.

Erza took the bandit flyer from Lucy's hands and taped it back onto the request board.

Nab, who was standing by the request board took the bandit flyer.

"hey! Cool!" He said. "A bandit job! Thanks Erza!" And he ran off with the flyer.

"Well that's new." Said Gray.

"Yeah no kidding," I said. "He never takes a job."

"Hey!You get back here with that!" Cried Natsu running after Nab. "That's our 600,000J!"

"Natsu!" Erza grabbed onto the back of Natsu's scarf. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"N-nothing…. m-ma'am!"

Erza released Natsu.

"We leave in 10 minutes." And she walked off with the flyer singing, "Kah-Kay-Eee-oo-ah-oo!"

Natsu ran behind Lucy and watched Erza walk away.

"She's the devil!" He whispered.

"Natsu," Said Lucy. "What are you doing?"

"That's not very manly, Natsu!Hiding behind a girl!" Said Elfman.

"Shut up!"Cried Natsu from behind Lucy.

"Natsu, if this is your way of asking her out, it's not working." Said Macao.

"They're in loooove!" Teased Happy.

"Shut up! Happy!" Said Natsu and Lucy in unison.

"Stop copying me!" They said.

"We are not together!"

"I'm not going out with you." Said Lucy.

"Good. 'cause, neither am I." Replied Natsu.

There was a moment's pause.

"Wanna go out?"

"No!" Lucy kicked him in the face.

Natsu lay on ground twitching.

"I was…..only joking."

"Geeze. Talk about harsh." Said Macao.

"Poor Natsu." Said Wakaba. "Rejected and a kick in the face."

"You didn't have to be so mean about it." Said Happy.

"Who asked your opinion?" Said Lucy.

Erza came back a couple of minutes later. "All right, let's get going."

We took the train to Onibas where our client was.

I didn't enjoy the train ride at all.

I layed on Gray's lap trying not puke as he gently stroked my hair.

"Ugh!...Did we really have to take the train?" I said.

"I'm with Erica on this one…...Blergh!...couldn't we have just walked or something?" Said Natsu who was hanging out the open window.

"It's faster this way." Said Erza.

"I know…." I said. "I just…..really hate trains…"

When we reached Onibas station, we made our way to the theater house a few blocks away.

It had been a while since we'd been to Onibas, during the whole Lullaby flute fiasco.

"This place sure does bring back memories." Said Erza lugging her giant wagon of...junk behind her.

"Those Eisenwald guys sure gave us a heck of a lot of trouble." Said Gray.

"Um, Erza?" Said Lucy. "Do we really need all of this stuff?"

"Of course." She replied. "You never know what you'll need."

"It's just a play Erza." I said. "We don't need….. a bull whip?"

I pulled out a bull whip from the carriage.

"It's a prop." Erza took the whip out of my hands and threw it back into the pile.

When we reached the theatre house,a short man with purple hair and a mustache greeted us.

"Are you wizards from Fairy Tail?" He asked in a small voice.

I nodded my head. "We're here for the acting job."

The short man looked at me as if studying me.

"Yes!" He said suddenly. "You'll be perfect for the leading role! The hair! The eyes! Simply perfect!Thank you so very much!"

"The lead what now?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Come with me." He said grabbing me by the arm.

"hey!" Said Gray. "Keep your hands to yourself, buddy!"

The client released my arm and walked over to Gray and stared at him.

There was a long, awkward, silence.

This guy was seriously creepy.

"You'd be perfect for the leading male! A young prince willing to save his princess by any means necessary! Thank you so very much!"

The color drained from everybody's face.

"Is this guy for real?" Said Lucy.

"No more idling by!" Said the client. "We must start the rehearsals immediately!"

"Um, excuse me, sir?" Said Erza. "What part will I play?"

The client looked at her with disinterest.

"Hmmmm…...You'll be her understudy."

Erza turned to me. Her eyes were like burning flames.

Great. Now she's mad at me.

I really hope she wouldn't try to kill me. She wouldn't do anything like that.


The client lead us inside the theater house and we were brought to a dressing room.

"And here is the dressing room. This is Juvia. She'll be your co-star." He said to me.

And there was Juvia sitting in the room.

Her eyes lit up at the sight of Gray, but her expression quickly changed to contempt when she noticed me.

"Erica." She said with bitter distaste.

"Juvia." I said coldly.

"Um, do you two know each other?" Said Lucy.

"Unfortunately." I growled.

The client began backing away slowly. "I'll just leave you guys alone now…"

And he was gone in a flash.

"hey. Said Gray. "Aren't you that Phantom Lord girl?"

Juvia nodded her head, her cheeks red.

"I was, until the guild got disbanded because Someone destroyed our guild." She stared at me as she said this.

"Only after You demolished ours!" I said back.

"You looking for a fight? Ice brains?" Juvia stood up facing me.

"Bring it on, wet head!"

Me and Juvia butted heads.

"Those two remind me of someone else I know." Said Lucy looking at Natsu and Gray.

"Why are you looking at me?!" Said Natsu. "They haven't even started throwing punches yet!"

"It took me three days to wash out my hair thanks to you!" Said Juvia.

"I'm not the one trying to steal someone else's boyfriend!"

"Why you…!"

Juvia began clawing at me and I clawed back.

"Bimbo!" Juvia cried.

"Tramp!" I cried back.

"You spoke too soon." Said Gray.

"break it up you two!" Said Erza pulling us apart.

"Shut up!"

Me and Juvia punched Erza in the face and we continued to claw and scratch at each other.


Erza bopped us on the head.

"She started it!" I said pointing to Juvia.

"no. You started it!" Said Juvia pointing to me.


"That's enough you two!We've got a lot of work to do so no more wasting time!Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now, let's get to work."

We spent the rest of the day preparing for the show.

Since Erza was my understudy, she was in charge of set and costume design.

The rest of us rehearsed our lines.

Natsu played the role of King Ferdinand, prince Stephen's father, who would be played by Gray. And Lucy would be playing the role of Queen Caroline, the mother of Princess rose, my character.

And Juvia was supposed to be playing the role of the evil witch. A role that I think suited her quite well.

When it came time for the play, several people from the guild came by to watch the performance. As well as some of the people from the now-disbanded-guild Phantom Lord.

The play itself wasn't very good.

The whole script and the entire plot was terrible.

I could see why the client's actors walked out on him.

The whole audience was half asleep until the fight scene with me, Gray, and Juvia.

"your reign of terror ends now witch!" Cried Gray holding a foam sword.

"Or is it?" Said Juvia, holding a fake wand.

She pointed the wand at me.

"Be a shame if something were to happen to your dear princess, Prince Stephen."

"Finally, this play's getting good." Said Gajeel from the audience.


"Alright,alright! Sheesh!"

"Run prince Stephen!" I said. " Save yourself!"

"No! I will not leave you!" Said Gray as he made his way towards me.

"Don't move! Or else!" Said Juvia.

"Or else,what?"


Juvia waved her fake wand at me.

That was supposed to be my cue to dodge, but that all too familiar pain in my chest returned. And it was much stronger this time.

I doubled over,clutching my chest, trying not to scream.

Gray and Juvia stood there for a moment, eyes wide. Unsure what to do.

Should they continue the play?

Or help me?

Or had I simply forgotten what to do?

Improvising, Gray said, "What did you do?!"

Dumbstruck, Juvia held her wand as if she was afraid of it.

"I….uh….I poisoned her. Yeah! that's it!...I poisoned your dear Rose!"

Gray ran over to me and knelt down beside me and muttered under his breath for only me to hear.

'Are you alright?'

Just then, the pain left as quickly as it came. But I quickly played it off.

'I'm fine.' I whispered back. 'I forgot what to do.'

Gray's face turned red in embarrassment.


He then stood up and helped me to my feet.

The crowd muttered in confusion.

"Wasn't she just poisoned?!"

"Why is she standing?!"

"How do you poison someone with a wand?!"

Me and Gray faced Juvia.

I quickly made an ice sword.

"This ends now witch!"

"When did she get ice powers?!" Said someone from the crowd.

"This makes no sense!"

"Why is the damsel in distress fighting?!"

Me and Gray ran towards Juvia with our swords raised.

"Nooooooo!" Juvia cried falling over.

There was more confusion amongst the crowd.

"They didn't even hit her!"

"It must be telekinesis!"

I stood over Juvia.

'Little too early.' I whispered to her.

'The swords made me nervous!' Said Juvia.

I turned to Gray.

"You saved me."

"Uhh?You saved yourself!" Said Gajeel.

"c'est tres confusing!" Said Sol.

"Not yet." Said Gray leaning in for a kiss.

"What do you mean?! You defeated the witch!" Said Makarov.

"Aw! How cute!" Said Mirajane.

Just when our noses were inches apart….

"Gray belongs to me!" Said Juvia jumping in between me and Gray as her lips touched his.

I pulled Juvia away from Gray by the collar of her dress.

Gray stood there wiping off his lips.

"Bleh,bleh,bleh! What the heck?! Bleh, bleh,bleh."

"You kissed my boyfriend! You're gonna pay water witch!"

"Gray doesn't like my kiss!" Bawled Juvia.

"I'll give you something to cry about!" I said punching her in the face.

Juvia punched back and we began pummeling each other.

"Bleh!Bleh!Bleh!" Gray kept wiping off his lips.

Natsu came on stage laughing. "Ha ha ha! You look like an idiot!"

"Shut up! Like you're one to talk!" Said Gray.

"You can't tell me what to do! I'm the king!"

"You're not the king,Natsu! It's just a play!"

"oh,yeah? Tell that to the crown!" Natsu pointed to the crown on his head.

"Looks more like a tiara to me!" Said Gray.


Natsu and Gray began fighting as well.

Lucy came on stage. "Stop it you guys!" She said trying to pull me and Juvia, and Gray and Natsu apart.

"Why does everything have to end in fighting?"

Suddenly, a sandbag dropped from the ceiling, landing just inches from me.

I stopped still holding onto Juvia's hair.

"Ow!Ow!Ow!Ow!Ow!" Said Juvia trying to pull my hand away.

"Dang it!" Said Erza coming over to me. "It didn't work!"

I released my grip on Juvia's hair.

"You tried to drop a sandbag on me?!" I yelled.

Erza had an evil glint in her eyes. "I must be the star of this show!"

She had clearly lost her mind.

"And it would have worked too, had you not been fighting!"

"oh you want a fight?!" I said. "Bring it on!"

"It'd be my pleasure!" Said Erza reqipping into her Heaven's Wheel armour.

"Ice Dragon…...Transform!"

My skin was replaced by icy dragon scales and silver horns appeared behind my ears.

"Oh no!Please don't fight! The council is already mad at me as is!"

"just like when me and Erza used to fight!" Said Mirajane.

"Waaaaaaa!" Cried Makarov.

"Master! Get ahold of yourself!" Said Elfman.

"Hey,no fair! I want to fight too!" Said Natsu running over to me and Erza, lighting his fists in flames.

"This show is mine!" Shouted Erza, sending 10 swords at both me and Natsu.

I sucked in the air around me.

"Ice Dragon…."

"Fire Dragon….."


Our spells collided and made a huge explosion.

When the dust cleared, all that was left was the audience and half the stage.

We all stopped. There was a long pause.

In the audience was Makarov looking dazed as a little white spirit came out of him.

"Oh look. Something came out of him." Said Elfman.

He grabbed it and put it back in Gramps.

"WAAAAAAAAAAA!" Makarov began crying again.

There was another long silence.

Then, the crowd burst into applause.

"Best play ever!" Said Gajeel.

Everyone cheered in agreement.

"They loved it!" Said the client, amazed. "They actually loved it! Thank you so very much!"

"I can't believe it." I said dumbfounded.

"they actually Liked it!" Added Gray.

"these guys must really like violence." Said Lucy.

The client turned to us. "Come along now! We still have 29 more shows to do!"

"UUUGGGHHH!" We all said in unison.