Hi! So this is my first POTO fanfic and this is basically what would happen if I landed in the POTO universe. I'm really excited to start writing this series. I hope you all enjoy it! All characters are owned by Andrew Lloyd Webber. O/C is mine. *Rated M for language*

Current Day 2015

"Yes mother, yes I did, yes I will do it when I get home. Yes, yes, ok bye."

The young woman hung up her phone and continued her drive home. The drive from her mom's house to her house was a short 20-minute drive. She goes to her mom's house twice a week to make sure all is well since she is an only child. Once the young woman arrived home, she got out of her truck and walked to the barn. The barn was home to 3 of her personal horses; it was 7:00 o clock at night in Texas. Which meant it was time to feed the horses. She gave each of the horses their designated feed, water, and hay. Once she was done, she walked back to her house. Once inside the house, she took off her boots and went to her room to change into a clean pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a regular hoodie. She then put on her socks and her turquoise pair of converses. Her feet get cold very easily so she always wears her shoes inside. She went into the living room and grabbed her laptop and phone charger. She opened her computer and plugged her phone into the laptop to charge it. She then went into iTunes and went to her movies tab. She clicked on the movie "The Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary Special" This was one of her favorite movies and she always watched it. Since getting out of college, she's had no free time, so on nights like these; she takes full advantage and binge watches all the movies she loves. She bundled up in a blanket and pressed play. She watched up to "Music of the Night" until something weird was happening. The screen went black and then it was like a strong magnetic force pulling her in. She grabbed her phone and she soon fell into the computer screen. She then fell onto rock hard ground with a loud thud. Just as quickly as she fell to the ground, she was picked up and slammed up against the wall. She felt a strong hand around her neck and she felt force being applied. Still dazed from her fall, she couldn't see that entirely well. From what she could tell there were candles, a large object against the wall, and water; then in front of her, a tall dark figure and a white mask. She, herself, was 6 foot, but from what she could tell of this figure it was at least 6'2.

"Who are you and how did you come into my home?"

"Well that's definitely not the warm welcome I was expecting. Could you please take your hand off of my neck and put me on the ground? I kind of can't breathe and I'm still hurting from when I fell onto the floor.

"I said, who are you and how did you come into my home mademoiselle?"

"Your guess is as good as mine pal. I don't even know where your home is. Seriously though, can you put me down?"

"You're trying my patience, now tell me!" The hand around her neck got tighter.

"Well you're trying my patience as well! If you put me down, I can tell you what you want to know and you can tell me what I need to know. Deal?"

"The Opera Ghost does not make deals."

"Opera Ghost? Holy shit. I'm in the Phantom of the Opera. Ha, talk about a plot twist!"

Soon the young women's eyesight cleared and she could see 100's of candelabras, a lake, an organ in the center of his home, and a man with a white mask covering half of his face. The opera ghost soon getting frustrated, started tightening his grip until it got to the point to where she couldn't breathe.

"I will not ask again mademoiselle, who are you? And how did you get in here?"

"I. Can't. Tell. You. Because. I. Can't. Breathe!"

The Opera Ghost then dropped her on the floor and she was gasping for breath on the ground on all fours. The Opera Ghost let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hand through his hair. Once the women could breathe again, she got up and brushed off the dirt that was on her clothes.

"Ok well for starters, next time you grab me like that, I will not hesitate to clock you square in the face. Now then, my name is Annabelle Fowler. I'm from Texas, in America."

The Ghost then observed the girl. She had long brown hair that went down to her back, she was wearing some sort of pants for men. He wasn't sure why she would be wearing men's pants and weird looking shoes that were a vibrant color. She had brown eyes and she was very tall for a women. She was not that much shorter than him but her height made her seem standoffish. She was thin, but not too thin to where she was emaciated. The Opera Ghost then realizing he was getting distracted rushed up to her and looked at her in the eyes.

"How did you get in my home, mademoiselle Fowler?" He asked in an angry and frustrated tone

"I was honestly hoping you could tell me. Because I really have no clue how I got here… Just out of curiosity, what year is it and what country am I in?"

"It is 1881 and we're in Paris, France."

Her face then paled. Annabelle came to sudden realization that she actually was in the Phantom of the Opera universe. She was in the Phantom's underground home, which meant she was in the Opera Populaire. Her thoughts then became interrupted when the Phantom started to walk around her very slowly.

"As much as this visit has been very interesting mademoiselle, I'm afraid I cannot let you live. You have seen my home and know I exist, my privacy is of much importance to me and I cannot have anyone else know it's here."

As soon as he said those words, he grabbed his Punjab lasso and put it over her neck. But she knew what was coming and was too quick. She put her hand at the level of her eyes and was able to take it off the rope around her neck. He was taken by surprise and she used his shock to her advantage. She then turned around and swung her leg under his feet and knocked him to the ground. She then climbed on top of him and held him below her.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Monsieur Phantom, I don't think you want to get rid of me just yet."

"And why would that be mademoiselle?" He spat.

"Because I can help you win over Christine Daae's heart." His eyes shot open and he instantly became curious.

"Ah, I see I've gotten your attention."

She then got off of him and helped him up. Expecting him to attack her again she took a couple steps back and raised her hand to level of her eye.

"How do you know of Miss Daae? Never the less, how do you know of my involvement with the girl?" He asked still angry, his eyes blazing with fury.

"I know things that you would never dream of knowing. Aren't you interested how I knew you were going to try and kill me and I avoided the attack?"

"Very much so, but I would rather you tell me how you know of my involvement with Miss Daae. " He said now crossing his arms over his chest.

"You see, I come from the future, 2015 to be exact. I am a fan of your story. In fact there have been many versions of it. I have read and seen all of it. I was watching a movie based on your story-"

"A movie? What is a movie?"

"Moving pictures. I was actually watching the musical version of your story and somehow I ended up to land in your home. Never the less, I know what will exactly happen to you and what will happen to Miss Daae. You see monsieur Phantom, I always felt pity for you at the end of each rendition of your story. Actually, I don't even think I should be telling you this. From all the Doctor Who episodes I watch, I know I shouldn't even be here or actually talking to you! Anyway, I'm here to help you win over the heart of Christine Daae. Hopefully without changing the story too much, I really don't know how this whole time traveling thing works. Well, as long as I don't start seeing Bad Wolf everywhere, I'm sure I'll be fine. So, have I intrigued you with my offer?"

She said with a smirk on her face. She had her arms crossed over her chest and she had her head cocked to the side in a teasing manner.

"Very much so miss Fowler, but I am ever so curious on how this arrangement will work."

He said while walking toward her. Annabelle held her ground and stood up straight to make sure he saw no fear in her eyes or body language.

"Well, I'll give you some very helpful tips to win Miss Daae's heart. Whether you choose to take my advice or not is your choice but I can guarantee it will be ever most helpful to you. "

The Phantom was now face to face with Annabelle and he too, stood up straight looking ever so slightly down on her and looked her in the eyes. The tension in the room was building and both figures were not standing down.

"How will I know this isn't some sort of trick to stay alive and you will run screaming into Paris telling all where I live?"

"Do I look like I belong in 1881? Much less act like it? I have no where to go and I have no knowledge on what to do during this time."

The Phantom then looked at her attire once again listening to her reasoning with great interest. He saw her point with her clothes that she was wearing and listened to the way she spoke. To his disappointment, he could tell she was telling the truth.

"Do we have a deal monsieur Phantom?"

The Phantom then thought about this arrangement for a few moments and then came to his decision.

"We have a deal mademoiselle Fowler."

She then extended her arm and he took her hand and shook it.

"It's Anna, or Annabelle if you prefer calling me by my full name. I don't like the whole formal thing. It's not my style. Since I'll probably be here for a while, might as well be casual. What would you like me to call you?"

"Opera Ghost or Phantom would be fine."

"Uh uh, the whole Ghost and Phantom thing ain't gonna fly. I can call you by your first name or stay formal with your last name. It's up to you, but I will not call you Opera Ghost or Phantom like some scared ballet rat."

"Erik. Erik Destler."

"Alright Mr. Destler. Let's get down to business."

Well, that's the end to chapter 1! I hope you all liked it and will continue to read as I continue to add on to the story. I really enjoyed writing this and I am looking forward to writing more. Reviews and favorites are appreciated! Until next time!


P.S – FUTURE ME TYPING. I have the first 5 chapters prewritten! So if this chapter gets 5+ reviews, I will upload the next chapter! Ok that's it!
