Chapter 7

The sounds of their alarm on Dean's phone brought them out of their dreamless sleep, wrapped up in each other. It was 05:00 – the plane would be taking off in three hours. The plane that would take them home, and away from this strange place where everything in Castiel's world had changed. It was bittersweet in a sappy way that he would never speak aloud to Dean.

"I'm going to get in the shower." Dean was the first to move away from the embrace, leaving Cas slightly colder. Despite his love for him being close, he was glad for the lack of body heat – it was impossibly hot. "Want to join me?"

"Dean, I don't think we have time…"

"I know, it's ok. Just – come with me." Dean's attitude was a little coy and it was different, but not unwelcome. He followed the hunter into the bathroom – turning on the shower, he stripped his shirt and boxers off. He faced Cas and pulled his sticky clothing off gently, trying to avoid his wounds from the previous day. Dean was remarkably comfortable being naked, and his face was a vision – a sweet smile crossing his lips. It was at once not at all him and very him; clearly the sex had torn down his inhibitions about showing affection privately.

Wordlessly he pulled him into the shower behind him, and they both hissed as the cold jets hit their skin. Dean grabbed the soap from the edge of the shower and worked it into a lather as their bodies grew used to the temperature. It was actually a welcome relief from the heat they had slept in, and Cas relaxed, watching him.

"You know yesterday, when I left and took a shower," He started, putting his lathered hands on Castiel's shoulders, and working his way down. "I thought about you – doing that to me."

"Mmm…" Cas closed his eyes to Dean's touch as he washed his body down with pressured hands. It almost felt a massage. His body still ached slightly from yesterday's events, but he was in much better shape. "Doing what?"

"What you did to me last night. Which holy shit you're a natural at…" Dean crouched and leaned forward to wash his legs, water hitting his head. There was something so humble about his actions – it reminded Cas of when people used to wash each other's feet in a symbol of worship. He looked down quickly to watch him in wonder – Dean paused to look straight on at Castiel's dick, and it began to harden under his gaze. He looked like he was contemplating something, then he grabbed Castiel's thighs to steady himself as he took just the head into his mouth.

"Ahhh!" Cas's cry was guttural, rumbling from the bottom of his chest and he threw his head back. Dean drew back immediately but replaced his mouth with his hand, clutching hard.

"Sorry…" he kissed the underside of Castiel's jaw as he stood. The bastard had a smug smile on his face – what a tease. "All this dude stuff is new to me – couldn't help myself…"

"I don't think – we…" Castiel's words were garbled, disconnected. That had felt amazing – a brief moment of pure lightening. He wanted to feel that again right fucking now. No amount of reasonable thought came into his brain at that moment – just desire to feel those lips wrapped around him again. He reached out and pulled Dean into a sharp kiss.


"Hey Cas, are you in there?" Sam called from outside the door.

"Shit!" Dean hissed but he was smiling slightly, almost like he enjoyed getting caught. He probably did a little.

"Oh, uh, no Castiel here, sir! Just housekeeping!" Dean called out, in a high pitched voice like a lady. He winked at Cas.

"Oh – oh seriously Dean?! Did you let him sleep at all? We need to go!"

Dean laughed out loud, then lowered his voice. "Are you all rinsed off?"

Castiel was still frozen in place, rock hard. He was far too inexperienced with his body to easily transition from pure lust to oh yea, let's go about our busy day. He nodded, but looked strained.

"I know – Don't worry, we'll finish this at home, I promise." He shut off the water, standing to kiss him softly. Castiel moved then, pressing his wet body against Deans'. Why wasn't he paralyzed with lust too? This was maddening.

They dried themselves off and left the bathroom – evidentially Sam had decided to wait for them elsewhere. Dean popped off to his room to get dressed and gather his things – Cas was left alone for a few minutes. He threw the rest of his things in his duffle and turned to look at the room that had changed so much for the two of them. Silently, he said a prayer of thanks for the events that transpired here – never in his wildest dreams did he think confessing his feelings would have led to all this. The future, for once, actually seemed to have some brightness to it. Or at least, lots of sex.

The trip home was uneventful. Castiel was able to calm Dean down in a matter of moments as they took off. They enjoyed the free food and drink again, laughing about their dangerous trip. Somehow their returning flight felt shorter – and they were home in no time at all, driving back to the bunker, listening to Pink Floyd blasting from the cassette deck. It was dark when they arrived, but they were all wired from the trip – they ordered pizza, opened some beers and put on another "classic" Dean insisted on, The Drunken Master.

Castiel assumed that Sam had quietly stashed the crown somewhere – from the moment he grabbed it they all sort of quietly agreed that he should be in charge of it. Dean was too obvious of a choice to be holding it – and anyone coming in to grab it would assume it was with him. It was far too important of an object to take any chances with.

Eventually they all kind of drifted off, tired from the travel and the jet lag, Jackie Chan still kicking ass in the back ground. Cas was resting his head comfortably on Dean's shoulder – Dean had his hand on his thigh. Sam snored softly in the armchair.

"Well isn't this a picture perfect scene?" Crowley's voice pierced the silence, and all three of them jumped at the sound.

"Fuck, Crowley! Can you maybe show up when we're awake for once?!" Dean growled, standing abruptly.

"And miss catching this heartwarming cuddle-fest? Not a chance!" He glanced around the room. "I assume because you're all home and taking a nap you fetched my trinket?"

"It's safe." Sam said from behind Crowley, standing defensively. He was preparing to fight, Castiel realized, and so was Dean. Good – he wanted to hit the bastard in his smug face.

"You'll understand if I want visual proof." He turned to face Sam, with a sly smile. "I mean, I can't just go around trusting you gents at your word – bad for the reputation."

"I guess that's exactly what you're going to have to do." Dean shot back. "Because it's staying hidden. From you and her."

Crowley looked around at the three of them briefly – he's not one to back down from a fight, but the Winchesters seemed like they had an extra something to prove tonight, and he wasn't interested in slaughtering them just now – he still had plans for them. He made a huge show of sighing, rolling his eyes.

"Fine boys, have it your way." He raised his hand to snap his fingers. "Just keep it the hell away from her."

With a snap he was gone, the mood in the room extra sour. The movie was over and the room was lightened only by the home screen of the movie. Sam let out a breath.

"He always has a way of making an entrance…." He picked his cell phone off the table, shoving it in his pocket. "But I think he'll leave us alone."

"For now." Dean grumbled. "I fucking hate feeling like his pawn."

Cas turned to calm him, but Sam spoke first. "Forget him Dean. He's too in love with you to try anything with us for now."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Great. Just what I needed."

Sam chuckled. "I'm going to bed guys. I know the bunker is pretty big, but it's not sound proof. Just keep that in mind…"

Dean smirked and Cas hid his eyes. They watched in silence as Sam left the room, and then turned to each other. Even in the dark Castiel could feel the mood between them change – he heard Dean's breath hitch as he came closer to him.

"Shall we – go to bed too?" Castiel's voice was low. All of this was so new to him – he didn't know how to slowly ease into foreplay. He just wanted him – now.

Without a word, Dean grabbed his hand and pulled him swiftly until they reached his room. Once inside, he closed and locked the door quietly, turning on a small bedside light that filled the room with a pale yellow glow. As sweet as the anticipation of more sex was they both slowed down in unison. Their lips met in soft, pulling kisses as they took their time stripping each other of all clothing until they were both bare, shivering a bit against the cold of the bunker. Dean sat on the edge of his bed and pulled Castiel on top of him.

"Talk to me Dean." Castiel growled and nuzzled against his neck. "Tell me what you want."

"I want to feel you." His words were breathless, honest. Almost too naked. Castiel wanted to smother him with his body until he cried out and their connection felt like a current between them. He placed his hand on the handprint on Dean's shoulder, gripping it tightly. He yelped at the feeling, and something in Cas's belly stirred. He wanted to be in him – inside of him. The mechanics of that – he didn't know how to make that happen. He felt frustrated by his own inexperience.

"Dean, I – " his voice choked on the words as he spoke into Dean's neck. "I want to be in you. I don't know – how – "

The hunter gripped him tightly at his confession in response. Their actions now were so different from their trip. Castiel wondered if this is what love making really is – each movement's only purpose was to make the other understand how they felt. He wasn't worried about Dean running now; the look on his face was determined as he sat up to look at him.

Castiel swooped and moved his way slowly down his skin – goosebumps springing from where he placed hot kisses. He lingered near his hip bones, nipping so slightly at where they jutted out. Dean was far from silent – each movement enticed another moan or sigh from his lips. The angel reached down and cupped his balls gently, reveling in the look as Dean threw his head back, arching his back. Smiling, he quietly took just the head of his dick into his mouth, rounding it with his tongue. Simple, slow movements, but they made Dean squirm underneath him. He smiled and moaned a little himself, letting the vibrations push Dean further towards breaking.

"Cas!" He burst, then grabbed the angels hand where it rested on his hip bone and brought it to his lips. He took two fingers into his mouth, sucking erotically, and Cas released Dean's erection to stare up at him, half lidded eyes filled with lust.

"What are you-?"

"I need to be – put your fingers in me." He ordered as the mood shifted a bit to one of more urgency.

Cas nodded – Dean must know what he is doing. He took his slick fingers and pushed between his cheeks until he found what his entrance. Excited, he pushed a single finger in swiftly, and Dean buckled and gasped.

"Slow down, man! I've never done this before!" His voice was irritated – Cas had hurt him. He removed his finger and pulled his body away – the sudden loss caused Dean to open his eyes.

"I'm – I'm sorry…." Cas looked at his hands – he didn't know what to do. Things had been going so well…

"No, I'm sorry." Dean sat up, and put his hands on either side of Castiel's face, forcing their eyes to meet. His green eyes were calm, much to Castiel's surprise. "I've never done this with another man before, just to myself…I'm just nervous, but I want this. I want you."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"I want you to hurt me a little, Cas." His face turned into a wicked smile, and he pulled him in for a hot kiss. "Try it again, really slowly. I'll try to relax more…"

Relax? Is that what he needed? Well, Cas could make that happen. He quietly pushed Dean back onto the bed. "I can help you relax Dean."

He placed his hands on either side of his hips, the hunter spread out before him. Taking a deep breath, he turned inward, fighting to find that echo of his grace – the echo that connected with Dean. Locating it, he used the rest of his grace to push a calm feeling through his fingers and into Dean's body. The hunter moaned from the sensation as his body relaxed.

"Oh God, I don't think I'll ever get tired of that…"

Castiel licked his own fingers and tried again, this time slowly. His reaction was much different – instead of reacting in pain, he pushed his head to one side with a sigh and wriggled against the single digit. He backed out and tried another – the reaction was stronger. Dean moaned his angel's name as Cas pushed over and over.

"Lube – Cas, I need you in. Please." Dean flailed – very un-Dean like, but he was so lost in his pleasure his limbs were slightly uncoordinated. He grabbed at a small bottle next to his bed, throwing it at Cas. For his part, Castiel had pretty much figured out by now how this was going to work – he coated himself, then reached out with the excess on his hands and pushed three fingers in, easily. He wanted to be inside of him so badly, but he wanted Dean to be ready.

Dean however, seemed to have hit a breaking point with the slow ease of their love making – he wanted action. He sat up and pulled Cas down for a rough kiss, his fingers still inside of him. The kiss was sloppy, heated on both parts. They were both lost in a haze of pleasure as Dean reached down and wrapped his hand around Castiel's slick length, tugging it sharply. "Put it in, Cas. I want you to fuck me."

Castiel felt himself come uncoiled at his words, and he let his vessel's instinct take over. Grabbing himself, he pushed just his head into Dean and they both cried out, Dean leaning back and pulling his knees towards his chest. The feeling was so much at once and yet not enough. He pulled out and then pushed in again, and then again, going deeper with every thrust. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas and grabbed his ass firmly. He steadied himself on either side of Dean and started pumping steadily, raising his head to look at him.

"Holy shit…" Dean cursed under his breath, his face twisted, his mouth slack. He opened his green eyes to look into Castiel's blue ones intensely. They stared at each other as each one moaned, cried out with each push. The feeling of Dean surrounding him entirely was visceral – their connection hummed between them like a bell. This was the heaven he was seeking – found deep within Dean. Beyond the sex, beyond the pleasure – his ragged grace and Dean's damaged soul meeting somewhere in the middle.

He reached down between them and took Dean's dick into his hand – he wanted them to finish together. Dean cried out as he did and his muscles tightened around him. He felt the plateau coming and he pumped harder inside of him and outside, edging towards a release. Dean came first, the moment tensing up his whole body as he buried his head into the crook of Castiel's neck, choking on his name. Cas tumbled shortly afterward, losing rhythm in his orgasm as he continued to push into him like aftershocks, then slowly stilled. He fell against the hunter in a sweaty mess – the two of them coated in lube, sweat and cum. It would be disgusting if it weren't so fucking beautiful.

He pulled out of Dean breathlessly and crawled into his outstretched arms, resting his head on his chest.

"Did you feel that?" Dean asked, his voice dry.


"That was- wow." Dean's breathing was still heavy, and Cas could hear his heart thundering in his chest. Was there anything really more to say about the connection they had? It was something that was never supposed to be able to happen between an angel and a human, let alone a rouge angel with stolen grace and an archangel's true vessel that's died and been resurrected more than a few times.

"You know all of this makes very little sense." Cas's voice was just above a whisper, despite how loud they had just been. "And we're both cursed when it comes to, well, life – this isn't really going to be easy."

"How is that different from anything else in our lives?" Dean chuckled lightly, and clutched the angel tighter in his embrace. The lie silent for a few minutes until the chill of the room got the better of them, and Dean sat up, reaching to the foot of the bed and pulled a blanket down on top of them.

"Besides," he said, echoing something he had told Cas long ago as he cuddled up against his angel, "I'd rather have you, cursed or not."

A/N - Thanks all for reading! This story started out as just a desire to write about Dean catching Castiel pray and it sort of spiraled from there. I'm not sure if I'll write a sequel - I have a few ideas but something needs to really inspire me. Please let me know what you thought of the story!