They were wrong about him. He wouldn't do this, not my Inuyasha. Not my big brother. He wanted to become human, he told me that. These thoughts raced through a small blue haired girl as she raced through a very recently destroyed town. The villagers of the town were gathered near the forest, she fought through the crowd. Only to discover, the near lifeless body of the high priestess, Kikyo, mortally wounded it would seem. The blue haired girl gasped, their she was, one of the very few, few who accepted her and her big brother. Lying motionless on the floor. The blue haired girl kneeled beside her and placed her hands to the wound, however just as a soft glow emitted from her hands "Loreley, stop. Don't waste your energy." it was Kikyo,her voice was barely a whisper. The blue haired girl, now identified as Loreley, looked at the teen with teary eyes "B-but if i don't you'll...Die" Loreley stuttered, before pausing, almost chocking on her words . "I know that, but you'll see this is for the best." Kikyou said to the sobbing girl. "HOW?! HOW IS YOU DYING FOR THE BEST?!" Loreley shouted, surprising everyone the crowd parted to let the priestess's little sister through. "Levy,"Kikyo started, calling the blue haired child by her seldom referred to nickname, said girl looked up from her hands. "I want you to know that I don't blame you or your brother. I'm positive he did not intend to harm me this way, I know that Inuyasha has some good hidden deep down." The dying priestess said to both, Levy and her sister. "See that this is burned with my body." Kikyo held up the sacred Jewel Of Four Souls, in her shaking hand, it was then she took her final breath. And with a thud, she fell. Kaede screamed for her sister before she turned Levy, she was fuming mad and ready to shout at her, then she noticed the tears. Flowing in a constant river, which seemed to have no end, surprising everyone in the crowd Kaede hugged Levy. For she realised, that she had lost more than just Kikyou.

She packed her small bag, preparing to leave, when she heard the door slide open. She knew it was Kaede just by her scent, "Levy, don't go."Kaede's voice was small and sad, choking back tears, "I have to leave Kaede,so that you may have time to grieve without the presence of the sister, who, intentional or not, killed your sister" although Levy's voice was sad, she spoke with a smile. Kaede, who had known Levy since they both were toddlers, knew there was no changing her mind. "Alright, Two mouths then I want you right back here. The temple's to quiet without you." Kaede aid with a great sigh, she suddenly grabbed a sword from wall, and held it to het neck "And you better come backā€¦. Or else" Kaede's voice was dangerously quiet, Levy glupped. And with that she headed out of the temple.

Unknown to Kaede, Levy had a plan. A plan that so that she like Inuyasha, would not age. And that way she still would be his little sister. Kaede had informed Levy many times, that Inuyasha was not dead but merely sleeping, and that was what she intended to do, sleep, until Inuyasha was awakened.

Levy implemented her plan two weeks before she was to return to Kaede, for she knew that she would not have the courage after she returned. On the last night of the two mouths, Levy wrapped her dog ears up in a bright orange wrap, so they wouldn't get dusty, and drank the potion that she herself had concocted. As she slumped against the cave that she and her brother called home, she saw the autumn leaves fall, with a smile on her face she drifted into a deep sleep.

50 years later

As Sesshomaru wandered threw the eternal denseness of the forest, a familiar scent caught his attention. The scent kept nagging at him, begging him to investigate, eventually he returned to the source of the smell. He let out a small giggle as he saw the weakest of the three of them laying seemingly dead against a rock. He sighed as he lifted her up and made his way to Kaede. At first she glared at him, as did the villagers, however eventually Kaede and Sesshomaru both decided to send Levy's body down the Bone Eater Well, but this was in a different location than the original. Were as the original well laid just yards behind Inuyasha's tree, this well laid high atop a mountain, with a gorgeous view of the village and the mountains beyond. They choose this spot because, well this was the village Levy grew up in, that and she loved to see the sunset. With heavy hearts Kaede buried herself in her duties as high priestess, and Sesshomaru disappeared.

Levy awoke in a strange place with an elder man looking over her, his face was serious but then it changed on a dime, to a smiling face. He helped Levy to her feet, and much to levy's surprise she was taller than him. The the old man stuck out his hand, in a friendly manner "I'm Makarov Dreyar. and who might you be, young lady?" Levy racked her brain for a moment, "Levy, I'm Levy." she shook his hand, "Levy. Levy What?" Makarov said. "Nothing else that it." she said to him, Makarov looked around in thought "How about Levy Mcgarden?" he said after a moment. Levy smiled and shook her head. "Great," Makarov said, "It appears to me that you don't have anywhere to go, considering I found you in that well over there." Makarov pointed to the well behind them, Levy sadly nodded her head. "Well then, why don't you come join my Guild? Makarov said, Levy looked at him confused. "What's a Guild?" she asked with curious eyes. Makarov's eyes widened, " I'll explain on the way." he said as started out of the clearing, Levy followed close behind, not wanting to get lost in the strange place.

And that's how Loreley became Levy Mcgarden.