Hello dear readers! Here comes the last part of Hide and Seek! I hope you liked it, let me know what you thought about it, keep in mind it's Uni work at first. If you like it, I might rewrite it one day to do something longer and more faithful to the show :)


Melody - x.

"Mr. Black, how long have you been in charge of this orphanage?" the Doctor asked the man.

"Oh, about twenty-five years I suppose." he said. His voice sounded weak, tired. "After a while, you lose count." he added, trying to make a joke.

Looking around the room, the Time Lord noticed the dust on the shelves, the papers that had become brown as time went by. It was only five in the afternoon, but the sky filled with cloud was already painted in dark grey hues, threatening.

Mr. Black lit up his lamp and sat at his desk as the Doctor spoke up again:

"Do you have any file concerning Miss River Ravenwood? She grew up here."

"Yes, most certainly, i-it must be in the cupboard, just right here." the man answered, pointing his finger toward the cupboard the Doctor was leaning against.

"You don't remember her?" he asked as he knelt to the drawer at the bottom classing the files from "R" to "U".

"No I…" he stopped, his mind seeming to wander. "So many children grew up here, I don't remember them."

Weird… the Doctor thought as he skipped the front - more recent - files, knowing he had to go more than twenty years back. After a few minutes, he finally found her file and opened it: everything seemed to be in order, except… Except for her mental health report.

"Night terrors."

He randomly took another file within the same period: "Night terrors."

Another: "Night terrors."

He took the most recent file of the drawer: "Night terrors."

Suddenly, as he was comparing it with a file from another drawer, something caught his eyes.

The dates.

According to the most recent files, all the children left the orphanage… five years ago.

She gasped.

She looked at her left and her right, but she couldn't see any foot hanging from above. Turning her eyes towards the door, they widened. The door was still closed and it was an old door, it creaked when she opened it, no one could have entered without making it creak and certainly not a child.

After staying under the bed for while, thinking, fear making her heart race in her chest, she decided to slip out of under the bed. Maybe she did not pay attention, maybe it was just a child after all.

Stepping back, she saw the shape of someone or something sitting on the bed, hiding under a red crochet cover.

"Hello?" she said, trying to sound nice as it seemed like it was a child.

No answer.

"Sorry, I didn't know that was your bed, I was just looking at something. You know, I grew up here too." she said, stepping closer from the shape. "Pulling a prank on me eh?" she continued, stretching her hand toward the cover to try and pull it away to see who was hiding underneath.

But as she was inches away only, the shape grew, becoming taller and taller, only stopping when the cover was about to not touch the mattress anymore.

River, her eyes wide, backed away, her heart pounding in her chest: this was not a child.

She ran to the door. She had to go and warn the Doctor that there was something else here with them. As she reached the door, she managed to open it… to face a wall.


She touched it, hit it but no matter how impossible this was, there was a wall behind the door she had come in by that was not there before.

"Doctor! Doctor!" she shouted as she was hitting the wall, fear crawling under her skin. She dared to look behind her at the shape on the bed.


The was nothing, the red crochet cover was just on the grey mattress, nothing hiding under it, and no one else to be seen in the dormitory.

As she looked round the room, she noticed curtains.

River ran towards them and pulled them away, maybe she would be able to go out by the window.

No window.

Just a wall.

Trying desperately to find a way out in this place that used to be her home, she looked up at the ceiling and her eyes widened. She was about to scream but suddenly a creaking cut her off.

She blinked as she looked at the door at the other end of the room, slowly opening… to a dark corridor only lit by the lightnings that were tearing the skies apart.

River slowly stepped out of the dormitory and walked down the corridor. As she came across another door, she opened it to reveal a single-bedded room, the ones that were given to the eldest children.

This room… old and dusty…

She looked at the cupboard on which was resting a few black and white pictures in metal frames, turning her back from the bed. On them, a little girl in the orphanage backyard, on the front steps… and another one, with a young female, smiling and holding a newborn baby.

With a trembling hand, she took the frame and looked at the picture.

"But that's… That's me…" she stammered out, not understanding. It was as though this place had not changed since she left, as if no other child got this room after her. It was still, like frozen in time since she left. "Why…?" she whimpered, panic making her voice crack and her breath shorten.

A shadow growing on the floor coming from behind her made her jump around and the most frightened scream escaped her lips, from the bottom of her lungs, from the bottom of her primal fear.

A terrible scream echoed in the corridor up to Mr. Black's office, making him and the Doctor turn their heads toward the door and their hair rise on their necks.

"River…!" the Doctor let out as he rushed out of the office toward the source of the scream.

He stopped in front of the door, tried to open it but it was locked down. He took out his sonic screwdriver to unlock it as he was calling her name.

"Doctor!" she screamed, her voice filled with terror. And after that, the silence.

"River?" he called.

But silence fell when the question was asked.

The door opened, creaking, to let him see inside.

A room with its window opened to the thundering night, rain pouring down as the storm raged on.

A figure was standing on the rim of the window, facing him: River, her skin as pale as the snow.

"River… What are you doing? Please come down and talk, please…" he pleaded her, offering his hand so she could come down.

Not her, please not her.

"We should never have come here." she said, her green eyes lost in the vague, contained tears making them glimmer in the darkness of the room.

"What happened? Tell me, talk to me."

"It's here. It's in my head. It's everywhere…" she said painfully. "It has me, it'll let you go. Get out."

"I'm not leaving you! What is in your head, tell me, I can help you River but you've got to tell me…" the Doctor insisted, his voice starting to tremble.

"Stop looking for it. It doesn't want to be seen." she said, her voice sounding dull and her eyes still lost. "I am saving you. Get out, don't go looking for it and it'll leave you."


"Because once you've seen it, it's not safe."

"Seen what?" he asked, trying desperately to know more to try and find a way to bring her back.


As she said the word, his blood froze in his veins.

"Death awaits for those who have seen it. And you have no other choice but to face the Raven."

"Let me save you. Please, let me save you." he said, making a step toward her.

Suddenly, her eyes moved. Not lost in the vague anymore, they laid upon him, the contained tears rolling down on her cheeks and shining at the light of a lightning, like diamonds.

"Run you clever boy…" she started in a trembling whisper. "And remember me…"

"I can save you, let me save you! Please!" he begged, his voice cracking and his hearts racing.

"Let me be brave…" she whispered as she looked back in the vague, as though she could see something that no one else could see. "Let me be brave…"

And suddenly, a strong and ice-cold wind coming from behind him hit her, and she fell.

River fell. She fell just as silence fell in the Doctor's ears. A deafening silence, the silence of death.

The world was still running around him, rain now pouring over the orphanage, the drops hitting the windows before rolling down, just like tears. But for him, at this very moment, everything slowed down, everything stopped, just like his hearts, just like her heart.

He shouted, yelled and fought, thunder and lightnings tearing the skies apart but nothing would get to his ears and tears streaming down his face. But it was as though nothing was coming out of his lips.

She hit the ground, her body lifeless.

He wanted to run to her, to take her away from the chaos around her, he wanted to bring her back, by all and any means.

Maybe she was still… If he could take her inside and… It was not that high… Maybe… With the Tardis… Maybe she was not tough enough.

Reality destroyed his illusions as a lightning bolt pierced the thick clouds, the cracking thunder making the windows vibrate. He ran down to her and carried her inside and stayed there on the dusty ground, holding her tight against him and cradling her.

If she was still alive, she would have moved by now.

The soaked windows only let him see the storm rumble high in the clouds, leaving the domain and its forest in a pitch black and dreadful darkness.

Mr. Black was nowhere to be seen. And the Doctor did not care.

She was so young. She needed him to understand, he needed her to solve the mystery, but in the end, "it" won.

Was there something under the bed? Was there something at all? Or did this place drove her mad?

He looked around him, at the grey and dirty walls dripping with red paint that were telling him to get out.

"Get out." he remembered her saying with her crystalline voice.

A flashing light that lit the wall before him revealed a new marking.


She had night terrors.

She was so young…

The storm had calmed down now. Only the rain was softly running down the windows, just as though the skies were crying, mourning her loss. His hearts were wrenched, bleeding, pierced from one side to the other, torn apart... Broken.

He was broken.

How many tears did he cry?

A river.

In the darkness of his office only lit by the moonlight, the Doctor, sat in a seat, was sipping a cup of tea.

He looked up at the blackboard in front of him.


She said he had to stop looking for a proof of the existence of an invisible creature. He could have done as he was told, if she was still there.

But she was not.


What if there was something hiding in the shadows? In your own shadow? What if there were creatures, waiting for us to make a mistake, the mistake to see them, to feed on us. On our fear.

Creatures that would push you, lead you by the hand to your own death.

Despite the darkness shrouding the room, a dark aura was emanating from him as he was deep in his thoughts, looking down at his glass.

Suddenly, a rattle was heard on the wooden floor.

He looked up, his dark green eyes meeting the blackboard.


"I blew into this world on a raven quill… I'm still blowing… "

The End.

Let me know what you thought about it :) Remember it's Uni work