I find something about this pairing fascinating. Maybe because they're so different. I don't own The Flash or these characters. Inspired by the song "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri.

"Who do you think you are?"

Caitlin glared up into the blue eyes of Leonard Snart and tugged at her restraints to no avail.

"You know very well who I am love" at this he smirked "I think Cisco dubbed me Captain Cold, but I prefer just Cold for the simplicity".

"Why me?" Despite herself she could hear her voice wavering slightly.

"Two reasons actually. One, I don't know what your relationship with the flash is, exactly. Two" Now he leaned closer, close enough so that she could feel his breath hitting her face "You think that your better than me".

Her eyes widened, both at his nearness and the words. "I don't-"

He laughed "Oh yes you do. You sit there on your high horse looking down at me, a simple thief right? Well I am a thief, but there's nothing simple about it honey. Your attitude is actually somewhat annoying, and let's be clear. I'm good at what I do, and as I've now proven, I'm better than your boyfriend, the hero".

"Barry's not my boyfriend, and you have nothing on him" Anger was making her reckless, her normal calm composure vanishing quickly. "Anything you can do, he can do better" Here she sharpened her glare, staring defiantly into his blue gaze.

"You sure about that?" His voice was a cold whisper against her lips, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that made her heart beat faster and her spine tingle. With fear, or something else, she wasn't entirely sure.

She forced herself to swallow soundlessly, trying to work her suddenly dry mouth. "Your not?" She mocked him, and for a few seconds his eyes looked like blue eyes, then he laughed.

"I know I'm better" He straightened up and pushed the hood of his jacket back from his head.

"What makes you so sure?" Now it her voice that was dripping with ice.

He laughed again and then met her eyes, a small smile playing at his lips. "I have you here, don't I?"

Damn him.