I am extremely sorry about the delay, I was simply having no luck getting the story from my brain to the file. With that, I hope that everyone enjoys!

Neon Genesis Evangelions is property of Hideaki Anno and Studio Khara. I'm not making any money from this.

Act 5: Of Truths and Memories

"Hmmm..." Yuria half-moaned as she opened her eyes. Her body ached everywhere. And she realized she was sleeping in the sofa, and there were a few party remains littered around. Slowly, her brain worked to piece together last night.

Right, Angel. Being used as a 60 meter tall drumstick. Rei getting stabbed in the shoulder, and her own face almost having been burned off. Coming back to the apartment with Katsuragi and Ayanami, all three exhausted, and being coaxed by Misato into drinking at least wine.

The Third looked down near the sofa and saw an empty bottle of wine carefully placed right next to her. If her screaming tastebuds were any indication, mixing cake and wine and then sleeping on it was not one of her brightest ideas ever.

Looking over at the kitchen and seeing the empty vodka bottle in the counter, however, made her think that Misato was probably having it worse. When she woke up. Eventually.

Unpocketing her phone and rubbing the sore spot it left thanks to being under her weight all night, the bright screen assaulted her eyes as she saw the time.

'5:30 AM'.

As always. For some reason she couldn't sleep late most days, the nightmares kicked her out of her rest too effectively. Resigning herself to her torment, she started to carefully make her way to the bathroom.

After all, Rei was sleeping in Ikari's bed after blacking out last night having barely touched the wine. She and the Major had to carry her, and Yuria insisted on letting the bluenette have the bed. For some reason, the idea of Ayanami sleeping on a cramped couch unsettled her. She was better than that. The (unbeknownst to her) Nephilim always had a regal, almost ethereal aura about her person.

And then Yuria realized she was staring at said Nephilim sleeping through the crack in the semi-open door, a comforting warmth inside her chest. Blinking herself back to reality, the brunette decided to wait to get her meds after Rei woke up. She'd just take a shower in the meantime, as Katsuragi found out much to her displeasure that Yuria's showers could last a long, long time.

The UN's 3rd fleet smoothly sailed through the Sea of Japan, having been scrambled to take the Eva's the last leg of their journey thanks to a bad thunderstorm that made the long distance air carriers have to land in Old China. Luckily, it seemed the storm wasn't strong enough to bother their ships.

In the room they were given, the slightly shorter one from the pair known as 'The Demons of the Baltic' awoke, feeling her partner's arms wrapped around her protectively, the warmth of a very familiar body pressed against her back. The redhead sighed happily. 6 years ago, she wouldn't have even dreamed of being in another girl's, nay, woman's now, arms like this, let alone one that loved her as much as she needed to be loved.

Then again, the Asuka Langley Sohryu of 6 years ago was a big ball of self-doubt and anger, despite her father's best efforts.

And then this crazy, weird British four-eyes appeared, she fondly remembered, looking at the table near their bed, the red-framed glasses sitting on top of it just like every other morning she woke up to in the last 2 years.

At first, she was excited that there'd be a rival to compete with when she heard the Fourth was being transferred to her branch. And then they met, and she decided she absolutely, positively hated this new girl. She was too physical, too quick to talk and moved too close, and her upbeat attitude made Asuka want to strangle kittens.

And worst of all? She would not leave her alone. No matter what, Mari Makinami would follow her around doing her absolute best to engage in a conversation, like an annoying shadow. Eventually, she just learned to live with it, trying to tone-out the, much to her annoyance, more well endowed girl day by day. And yet, with every battle they fought, every time Asuka's temperament exploded on her, she was there.

Unknowingly, Asuka came to rely on and expect her, at this point, friend, to be at her side always.

Which is why when she went to the mess hall to have dinner one night and did not find Mari there, the Second felt the need to check the girl's bedroom to see if she was alright. For the first time in her life, she had let someone inside the barriers she erected after her mother's death. And if Makinami was always, always there for her, she would do the same. She forced herself to think it was just that, and not also the warm feeling she felt when the other girl hugged her, poked her, or ruffled her hair.

As Asuka went to knock on the door to the British girl's bedroom, the German heard something that she thought she would never associate with Mari.


Worry for someone else was not something the Second Child felt often, but at that moment she felt her chest tighten painfully. Deciding to forego knocking and simply gently opening the door, she saw her friend, sitting on the ground hugging her legs and crying, her head tucked down near her knees. She could see her knuckles damaged from where she had been punching the wall, small blood smears still on it.

Asuka couldn't tell exactly why, but a force, something stronger than anything she'd ever felt before, made her hurry to her friend's side, kneeling besides her and pulling into a hug. At first, the other girl merely continued to cry, until she smelled the faint strawberry aroma that always accompanied Sohryu.

Her brain struggled to process it at first, but it was unmistakable. That was Asuka's smell. That was enough to make her mouth betray her and whisper the name of the girl she's been doing her absolute best to make happy since she arrived. And then she actually noticed the situation. Asuka had seen her breaking down. And come to comfort her.


This was not supposed to happen.

Quickly looking up at her friend and trying desperately to wipe her eyes, she managed to put on a shaky smile and hide her hands.

"Ah...Princess! Hi! I was... I had dropped something and... I... I..." But she just couldn't keep talking, as Asuka pulled her into a hug once again, holding the Fourth's head gently into her chest and caressing Mari's hair, whispering.

"It's okay. I'm here for you."

Just as she had done to Sohryu many, many times in the last few months.

Too much was too much, and Mari broke down in sobs again, holding tightly onto Asuka's shirt, the other girl the only thing keeping her alive since she arrived.

Coming out of her memory, the redheaded German gently took the hand that was over the top of her body, careful to not wake up her wife who was still resting. Bringing it close to her lips, she gently kissed the knuckles. There were no scars, but then again Mari never had any, somehow. Looking at her partner's other hand, it's arm extended under her pillow, she could see the faint glimmer of the ring that matched hers.

Smiling, she whispered their promise one more time.

"Together, always and forever."

Eiael smiled faintly as she left Gendo's office. The commander's meeting with 'Anna Cardoso' had went seemingly without a hitch, but she could easily tell the Lilim... if he could even be called that anymore, was furious inside. She was an unknown. Another 'insignificant' wrench that he'd have to account in his plan.

If only he had any idea how many wrenches there were, Rokobungi would not be so dismissive of IPEA's 'Inspection Agent'.

Going by the rumors that she heard from the base personnel (Mostly the male ones who were very... talkative when near her), the residents of the "Lair of the Hot Eva Babes" weren't the only ones to throw quite a party last night, as Doctor Ritsuko had almost bitten the head off one of the lower engineers when he spoke too loudly near her this morning. It was high time to reward the bottle blonde for her work in benefit of the Society.

As she mulled over the reports coming in from the field science teams scavenging yet another Angel, the chief scientist of project E was currently in a deadly battle with her body to stop the monumental headache she currently had. Painkillers, extra water, IV Drips, nothing seemed to work much.

And she couldn't even lay her head in her lover's lap and let Maya stroke her hair, because for one said tech was doing routine maintenance in the MAGI cores, and for another she had it just as bad if not worse.

Which is why when she glanced at the surveillance system telling her that a Code White had just entered her lab, Akagi didn't even bother to check the actual ID.

"Good afternoon Rei, didn't expect to see you here today. Something you need?" She said hoarsely, not moving her head to not make things worse. What she didn't expect was to hear a low electronic whine from behind her and all recording devices on her room to fizzle out.

Eyes quickly sharpening and deciding to rotate her chair to face the intruder, her hand slipped inside her labcoat near her .38 that she carried since she started working at NERV. As she noticed how instinctive the reaction was, Ritsuko missed the days when she didn't have to carry a gun to work.

Putting her hands up, the dark-skinned beauty merely smiled gently at the Doctor. Sure, she could stop the bullet with her AT Field, and failing that the shot would cause negligible damage anyway thanks to the power of her soul inhabiting this vessel, but the sound might attract unwanted attention.

"You may relax, Akagi-San. I mean you no harm. I merely needed some privacy from prying eyes when talking to you." Noticing the badge the woman was wearing, Ritsuko took her hand away from her holster...mostly.

"IPEA Inspection Agent Anna Cardoso. Assigned to overwatch our usage of Unit Null as per your agency's conditions. How may I help you?" The blonde replied, using her professional tone.

With a smirk, 'Anna' pulled a chair and took seat. "Please, Doctor. In private, you may use my real name." When the Guardian opened her eyes after blinking, they were solid black.

A solid wave of sheer information hit Ritsuko's mind at that moment, leaving the doctor dazed for a second. Gathering her bearings, she now knew.

"Eiael. Guardian of the Springs." At the black eyed woman's nod, Akagi finished processing all that she was told in a split second.

"I'm happily impressed. Now we have a Guardian herself among the top staff. This should make things easier." However, something clicked in her mind.

"Wait... Jet Alone's Self Destruction..."

Knowing where she was going, the black haired woman completed her phrase.

"Was an accident. We would never put a pilot under such risk knowingly. Unit Null was meant to supplant the original Evas, not replace them. Luckily, Zerogoki's core was mostly salvageable, even if the body was not, correct?"

Raising an eyebrow, Ritsuko's interest was piqued on where this conversation was heading. "With a lot of effort, yes. But the point is moot, we cannot both fix the core and create a new body within the time we have."

"Moot or not is for you to decide. However, you should do so with the full information." Getting up from the chair she had pulled, Eiael handed the head of project E a strip of paper.


Easily recognizing that the address meant, "Directory within Balthasar." she stated to herself in curiosity.

"Change the main file's extension from .ast to .bat and it should ask for a password." The Guardian added.


The words blinked on her laptop's screen sitting at the command prompt while Ritsuko gathered the courage to press enter. Just as Eiael had said, within System Bay 27 of Balthasar the directory, and the files, existed.

Checking the connection to the Bay one more time, she took a deep breath and finally confirmed the password.

Naoko Akagi looked into the camera, her monitor showing the recording was running successfully.

"Hello my daughter. If you are seeing this, it means the Society still stands, and you have joined it. I trusted you would." Blinking a few times and taking a deep breath, she had to keep herself strong and not cry. "It also means that we are coming to the most critical points in trying to stop SEELE. In this folder I have sealed every single detail and backdoor into the MAGI, Evangelions, and the Ayanami project that there is."

Looking at the two frames on her desk, one holding a picture of her and Ritsuko and the other of her and Rei I, she continued.

"I am... extremely sorry for being so distant and pushing you away in recent months. It broke my heart to do it, but I simply could not bear with you knowing what I've been doing and am about to do. So I chose to let you know in this message instead, years later. I...am sorry for my cowardice, my child.

You have asked me many times why I was making an effort to befriend and care for Rei when we both know that she will be the soul for Unit 00's control system. The truth is... she's simply not enough."

Leaning back into the chair, she continued.

"Her soul is not developed enough. She hasn't made enough connections with people. And yet, as you are aware, we do not have the time to fix that. So I came up with another fix. My soul will be absorbed into the core as well." Sighing, the leader scientist of Gehirn's Project E rubbed her tired eyes.

"So for the best possible compatibility, I've been doing my best so Rei creates an emotional bond with me. At least... that was the initial intention. I was desperate to push you away so you wouldn't find out that your mother was manipulating the equivalent of a 5 year old girl only to sacrifice her better."

At that, she just couldn't hold it anymore. The next words were coupled with tears.

"As time passed, I... legitimately started to care for Rei. I wanted to make what little time she had better, if I could." Under tears, she chuckled. "She reminds me of you, you know... she's so smart. So curious. Truly a wonderful child like you were... and the sole reason I've created her was to be sacrificed." Propping her elbows on her desk and cupping her face with her hands, the elder Akagi allowed herself a single sob.

"Gods... what have I become..." she mumbled to herself, not caring anymore if she was being recorded.

However, she was interrupted by a soft knock on the door to her lab.

"Mom? Are you there? It's food time, you have to eat too!" A perky, childish voice came through. Quickly clearing her throat, Naoko answered. "Yes, I'm here dear. I'll be coming out in a minute." Turning back to the camera and wiping her tears, her last few sentences were a a faint forlorn whisper.

"She... has taken to calling me Mom recently." A deep sigh.

"The contact experiment is tomorrow. What I am doing is unforgivable, but I pray that... at least I somehow managed to reduce the pain you will go through. Words cannot convey how sorry I am, my daughter. I hope... I hope you find someone that loves you and manage to have a happy life after all this is over. Goodbye, my Shining Star."

Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Naoko Akagi stopped the recording and set everything in place for her last hours.

Maya was surprised when she saw her mentor crawling out of the Magi's storage bays. Even more surprised was what she saw in Ritsuko's eyes. A mix of pain, guilt, pride, calm, maybe even some... hope? It was like a storm raging within the scientist's green eyes, and the young tech was caught within it.

"Sen...pai? Are you alright?" Her voice was as unsure as her expression.

"I... don't know, Maya. Can you come with me to Unit Zero's core holding bay? I have something I need to talk about with you."

A lazy evening was the law at the Katsuragi residence, with said Major having went to work while the First Child was still sleeping and the Third having made her breakfast. The brunette was worried about her friend when she slept until noon, but according to the Nephilim, she just could not get up earlier as much as she tried.

After a light lunch made, as always, by Yuria, she offered to help Ayanami to air out her apartment since the bluenette had stayed in the hospital for quite some time. What both didn't expect was that it'd take the entire afternoon, but in the year and a half that the pilot of Unit Null spent in this new living arrangements, she had gotten a fair amount of furniture and clothing and, much to the longer-haired woman's surprise (and glee), stuffed plushies.

Having ran out of things that they actually had to do, the two ended up in a somewhat awkward, somewhat comfortable silence. Rei had found a nice place in the carpet to read her Ember, and Yuria was browsing the web on her much beloved laptop while sitting in the sofa with her legs crossed. Or rather, it was what she was pretending to do while she actually stole looks at the bluenette. So she decided to actually do something about it.

Putting her computer carefully to the side, she span her body so her legs were against the backrest of the sofa and her head was dangling from the edge of the seating upside down, looking at Ayanami.


"Hm-" She was about to answer, but with her attention stolen by the story she was reading, she hadn't noticed her fellow pilot's... curious current position.

"...Yuria, you are sitting upside down." She knew she was stating the obvious, but right now her brain wasn't really able to put it any other way. Sometimes the slightly older woman just did... weird things. It was amusing, even if she couldn't properly express it.

"I was bored. Anyroad, I don't think I've actually asked you yet: What type of stuff do you like to read?" The brunette asked, stretching her arms, which, in her current position, gave Rei a very generous view of her cleavage.

For as much as Ayanami had learned of social intricacies since she stopped taking the cocktail of meds that Dr Akagi used to give her, a significant amount of tact still was to be learned, and so, she did as her body asked her to, and she stared.


It was odd, she thought, that her friend's body would have the current effect of making her blush and feel like the room temperature had raised a few degrees, considering that her own body didn't make her feel that way. Sure, she was aware of the common male-female attraction, but she was female, and so was Yuria, regardless of what sex she was born as.

Rei Ayanami decided this matter needed further study when possible.

And then she realized that the entire time it took her to think all that she was still staring at the brunette's breasts, and said woman had very much noticed and was blushing furiously...if doing nothing to stop her from looking. Clearing her throat while diverting her eyes, the First Child finally remembered what her friend has asked her.

"I have never thought about it, but I believe..." the bluenette searched through her memories "Mostly mystery and science fiction. Some adventure and history as well." Focusing on her friend's eyes this time, she asked back "What about you? I have seen you reading a few times as well."

Deciding that Rei's sudden recover back to the matter meant she should drop it, Yuria answered without thinking. "Romance." At Ayanami's head tilting to the side, she decided to complement her answer. "Well, and adventure, drama and science fiction, I think. But honestly...as long as there is romance, I will probably read it. If there is lesbian romance, I will definitely read it."

At that, the Nephilim lowered her head slightly. "I have tried reading romance stories before. They are very interesting but... confusing. I have no frame of reference to real life experiences to understand the stories properly." Her eyebrows just barely creased. "It is... annoying."

At that, Yuria experienced many emotions in a very short while. First, surprise. Then, understanding. Followed by sadness, which was then followed by anger. A lot of it. It normally took a lot to make her angry. Hell, she couldn't even be angry at that girl despite what she'd done.

With Gendo however, knowing that he virtually emotionally crippled a wonderful person that was quickly becoming very important to her, that awakened something within her. A beast. Unconsciously balling her hands into fists, her voice wavered as she confirmed what she thought.


It was something that she very rarely used, but an expression of disgust was clearly visible on Rei's face. "Yes. Following the 'commander's orders, I kept any socializing to a minimum. On top of that, he had me take mood and hormonal suppressors to make me more pliable, so I don't have all that much social experience. I've been doing what I can to become more... myself, in the last 3 years, but even with Misato's help it's not always... easy."

Yuria took a deep breath and forced herself to relax. By gods, she would help this woman be happy or die trying. Having decided that, she put on a smile as she answered. "Well, now you have another friend here to help! And I will do everything I can." With a smile of her own that made her friend's heart skip one, perhaps several, beats, Ayanami nodded.

"Thank you, Yuria. I believe you, you've been very kind and attentive to me ever since we met. Although..." With her expression changing to slightly mischievous, she continued. "It'd be difficult for you to help with making me 'normal', because we have had this entire conversation with you sitting upside down."

While that would sound like an insult to some, in the time they've had together, both Misato and Rei learned that Yuria was weird, she was aware she was weird, and if anything, she enjoyed and was proud of it.

Crossing her arms and pouting on mock hurt, the Third Child was having none of it. "Hey, I said I was going to help, not that I'd make you boring. Honestly, you're unique and that makes you even more interesting. Plus, it's fun being weird." She swung her legs back and forth like if she was sitting at the edge of a pier, only she was still upside down on a couch.


The bluenette was genuinely curious at that. No one had ever told her that she was interesting. Sure, some boys back when she went to school tried to lob compliments her way, but she was most definitely not interested then. And thinking about it, not very interested now, or at least it's what she thought before she noticed how she felt...warm inside. Maybe she had changed more than she thought. Or maybe it's because it was coming from someone she genuinely cared about.

Noticing just what she had implied, the entirely human one of the duo decided to just say it like it was. No point beating around the bush or making it complicated.

"Yes, Interesting. You have a very unique look, personality, and even feel about you, so it makes you even more interesting than you'd already be considering you're beautiful, pleasant to talk to, and I enjoy your company." While she did tell it simply, it was still quite hard to suppress a blush and a smile from saying all that to what was, to her, a blue-haired, red-eyed goddess sitting in the carpet.

After a few moments of contemplation, said red-eyed woman hummed. "Hearing that makes me feel... warm. I...enjoy it. You are also very interesting, Yuria."

At that, the black haired pilot raised an eyebrow

"As I've mentioned, you've been nothing but kind and attentive since we met, yet gave me space whenever I needed without me even needing to ask. You blatantly care for me and do everything within your power to help make me happy. Yet at no point did you try anything untoward with me or disrespected me in any way. I very much enjoy your company as well."

At this point, Ikari was very much trying to control her rising heartbeat. This was going somewhere, and she was both scared and excited to find out where.

"I have also seen you acting in very similar ways towards the Major." At hearing that, Yuria's stomach turned to ice. This is where everything went to shit in these situations. "You seem to care for her and enjoy her company, and vice-versa." Rei continued. "As do I. This arrangement is...very agreeable." She finished with a warm smile that caught the Third completely off-guard.

Hold your horsebirds, agreeable? Did she mean it in a friendly way? Did she mean it in a romantic way? Ayanami had said she didn't have any experience regarding love, so... what?

Yuria Ikari was extremely confused.

However, she was not to be able to wallow in her confusion, for the last part of the trio arrived at the apartment just then. "I'm hooome." Katsuragi's voice seemed like she had spent the whole day carrying boulders, and given that both other woman had seen the mountains of paperwork that the poor Major had to file after each Angel battle, that was not too off the mark.

Seeing just two waddling feet up in the air when she arrived however, Misato's interest was very piqued. Putting on her cat smile, she let out in her sultriest voice.

"Oh my, I'm not sure what you two are doing there, but I think I wish to join~~."

This was enough to turn Yuria's face roughly the colour of a certain Eva she hadn't seen yet, shouting her friend's name in protest. What she didn't expect was what her other friend decided to say.

"By all means, you'd be very welcome, Major." At that Ikari just freezed for a second. Did Ayanami just joked about doing a threesome with her and Misato?. Did she just hear Rei's Sexy intonation? However, she didn't have much more time to think about that as the sheer shock had taken her off-balance, promptly making her fall off the couch.

The laughter of two at seeing the Pilot of Evangelion Unit 01 sprawled on the carpet with a bewildered look on her face was soon joined by a third. Yuria knew when she was defeated, so no point in not joining in. She'd try to understand all that happened later. Maybe in the shower.

Probably in the shower.

In the depths of the Sea of Japan, a being awakened. He who ruled the seas. He who was tasked with once and for all divide the duos of Shadows that were trying to converge.

He who was called Gaghiel had awakened, and he would hunt.

Mari stretched as she looked over the sea from the deck of the carrier Over The Rainbow. Today would be the last day of their journey, both their Evas would safely arrive in Japan after being cooped up for 3 days in the bowels of the ship. She enjoyed the sea, but it was starting to get old. Plus, she'd finally meet the Third in person, with whom she'd been exchanging messages with. And as if on cue, the raid sirens started blaring to life on every single ship on the fleet.

As she turned around to head to the command bridge, Asuka was already running towards her with plugsuits in hand.

"Angel coming in fast at bearing 45, straight for us. Seems like it's trying to intercept." She blurted out, quickly throwing her wife the pink and white garment and pulling her by her hand into the lower decks.

"Well, and here I was thinking it was going to be a calm arrival." Tightening her hand on Asuka's for a second, she smiled as her partner looked at her.

"Let's go fishing, love."

So here it is, the very late 5th Chapter! Once again, I am very sorry I took so long to write this, but I've been incredibly blocked recently.

Next chapter should not take nearly as long. I may also release a One-Shot before chapter 6 comes out, and it's about a couple that I like but very rarely see.

Tribicel: Fuyutsuki is very much in this story, he just hasn't had much time to shine yet. But fear not, he very much will.

As always, please review if you can! It helps and motivates me a lot. If you want to be warned whenever I upload a chapter, please follow me or the story!
