The sombre mood permeates through the room as the gathered Masters file out of the Chamber of Judgement; it is a rare and unpleasant task to expel one of their own from the Order

Ki Adi Mundi gently turns his head to the newest Council member, and speaks to him. "We have lost a good Jedi this day, Master Kenobi."

"I disagree, Master Mundi." Obi Wan Kenobi replies, to Master Mundi's surprise. Kenobi's respect and affection for the young togruta is well known amongst the Jedi.

Obi Wan knows how close his former Padawan was to leaving the Order before being assigned Ahsoka. The rage and pain he felt pouring from the young Knight signalled his clear intentions, although it seems that only Obi Wan could see them.

When Ahsoka leaves the Temple for the last time, so would Anakin.

And he would never look back.

"We have lost two."