
Kim Won takes a step back and glares at her. He knows it is not her fault the company underestimated the requirements necessary to make the security upgrades. However, meeting Stella Cha set him off almost immediately when she points this out.

Standing at 6'1", he towers over her 5'4" frame easily. He knows he has to apologize for his outburst but there is something about her that convinces him to argue with her.

You're just upset because you've had another argument with Rachel, he argues with himself.

He watches her pinch the bridge of her nose. He knows she's tired. He ordered her to come directly from the airport after a 12-plus hour flight to discuss the security roll-out rather than having her rest at the short term residence provided by Jeguk Holdings.

"Fine," he capitulates. "I'll give your director a call and discuss this issue."

"Then what would you like me to do?" she asks, resting a hand on her hip. She is not the type of girl he is usually attracted to but her sass is something he can't help but admire.

"Go to the cafeteria on the ground floor," he instructs, handing her a key card. "If I get this straightened out in the next 2 hours, I'll give you a directive and then I'll send someone to collect your things and move you to your temporary residence."

"How gracious," she says sarcastically before writing down her phone number. "I'll need a local number if I'm going to be here for more than the allotted two weeks."

"I'll have Information Systems provide you a company phone by the end of today," he says dismissively. His personal mobile rings against his breast pocket. He smiles as he sees Cha Eun Sang's name flash against the screen.

The project manager exits the room before he can answer his phone call.

Cha Eun Sang sips the tea Kim Won's secretary served. "You look tired, oppa."

"I am," he says, chuckling before sipping his coffee. "I need a vacation."

"What's stopping you?"

He takes his time putting his coffee cup on his table. "Where do I start?"

It's been a while since they've been together. The last time Cha Eun Sang talked to Kim Won was when he visited the hospital the day after she and Choi Young Do were kidnapped. He was upset and worried because he wasn't able to prevent the accident.

Since then, Kim Won has been putting out fires.

Because the security group involved in the scandal worked at the company, Jeguk Holdings started a major restructuring of leadership, ousting many former top managers and directors. The chairwoman herself was instructed to vacate her position because of her involvement in hiring the security detail. Shortly after that, she was charged with several financial infarctions. She was also indicted on charges of aiding KBR in possible attempts in overthrowing Kim Won from being the head of Jeguk group.

"How's the chairman?" Cha Eun Sang asks.

"He's okay," he says, sighing. "He's lonely. He should've thought better about letting the Chairwoman influence his decision of keeping Madame away."

"Are you going to convince Madame to come back to the mansion?" Eun Sang fishes.

"Aniyo," he says firmly. "Abeoji made his bed. He should've made the decision when it mattered the most."

"Seems like oppa has done a lot of growing this past year!" Eun Sang teases. "This may be a first."

"Are you judging me, Cha Eun Sang-ssi?" he asks playfully.

"I may not be one of Rachel Yoo's fans, but it seems like you've been more open about relationships since you started dating her," Eun Sang points out.

"Oh don't even get me started there," he groans before sipping his coffee. "She refuses to admit we are in a relationship," he says, sighing. "I thought things would change now that she's established in Gangnam. It seems like things have gotten worse!"

"Hmm, if I were to suspect, you're just realizing there's much to be said about experience based on age," Eun Sang teases.

"You seem to be mature for your age," Kim Won answers back. "If it weren't for all the signs Choi Young Do posted around you screaming DON'T TOUCH, I won't hesitate courting you."

"But I would," Eun Sang says before winking at him. "And on that note, I have to go."

"So soon?" Kim Won stands up as she collects her purse.

"Uhm," she says. "I'm packing before meeting Choi Young Do for movie tonight."

"Packing?" Kim Won asked. "Ah, you're moving back to your place now that your sling is off."

Eun Sang realizes her mistake. "Yes! Yes, I'm moving back to my apartment."

"Once your settled and you can't find a job, let me know," he says like a big brother. "You know I can use you here at the PR department."

"Ne, oppa. Kumowoyo," she says on her way out.

As she rides the elevator down to the ground floor, Eun Sang realizes how fortunate she is to be back in Seoul. No one would allow her be an island. She walks out into the cold, but bright, sunshine. All of a sudden, her eyes are diverted to a face she hasn't seen in a while. The woman is quickly crushing a cigarette butt with her heel. She lets out a long stream of smoke before she faces her woman's eyes meets hers and is caught in surprise.

"Eun Sang-i?" Cha Eun Seok replies in disbelief.

"Eonnie?" Cha Eun Sang responds in return.

The impromptu reunion suddenly pushes away all thoughts of running away, albeit for a few hours. She can deal with the consequences later.

Choi Young Do's afternoon isn't going the way he expected. At noon, he gets a call from an overseas reporter asking for an official statement from the main branch of Zeus Hotel about a failed contract negotiation between the hotel and its staff in Tokyo. Although he does not deal with personnel, this was the first he's heard of the matter.

By six o'clock, the cuffs to his once-crisp white shirt is rolled and wrinkled. Documents upon documents about the impending strike and the union contract expiring in hours stack high on his desk.

He looks at the clock one more time, staring down the minutes ticking by.

He should've left an hour ago. Instead, he is in the middle of it all, telling Secretary Park to call the union representative to explain to him why the offer made a month ago was turned down.

Secretary Park looks at him and sighs. "Shouldn't you let legal handle this issue?"

"If legal handled this correctly the first time around, we wouldn't have this problem," he says in annoyance. "How I wasn't made aware this was an issue is more frustrating."

"I think Woo Min Soo thought this issue would've been resolved without your supervision," Secretary Park hypothesizes.

"I think she made the issue worse by not bringing it to our attention during last month's staff meeting," he mutters. "Call her and the head of HR. I want this resolved before our stocks drop."

Secretary Park stands in the middle of the office and stares at him with pity. "Sajangniym, would it be better if you pass this issue on to someone else? I thought you had plans for the evening?"

Choi Young Do stares at the clock again, not bothering to respond to the older man's question. He'll text Eun Sang back in a little bit.

She stares at the dress one last time. It is an outfit picked by Young Do himself.

"Consider it a donation," he said sarcastically. "I'm tired of seeing you in clothes that have seen better days."

She stares at her watch. It's half past six. Secretary Park called her earlier to say Choi Young Do is running late because of work. He suggested she bring coffee and comfort food. The old man is hoping this would somehow help the president.

The secretary has long since taken her suitcase and parked it next to his desk and out of prying eyes. All she's carrying is a bag of jajjangmeyon and cafe Americano in a tray.

She knocks on the door firmly before she hears him acknowledge her to enter.

He doesn't look up as she enters.

"Bisoniym, may I please have… ."

"A break," she says from the door.

He looks up from the papers he's shuffling. The stern look on his face relaxes into a smile the moment he sees her. "Oh, waseo?"

"Uhm," she says, putting a drink on his desk. Then, she sets the bag of food on the coffee table several steps away. "Secretary Park told me you're inundated. Anything I can help with?"

He sighs before reaching for the drink. "I don't know. I can't make heads or tails with some of these papers. Some are translated but I'm not sure what it means."

"Would you mind if I take a look at it?" she asks before encroaching his space.

Although acting professionally, she is caught off-guard by Choi Young Do pulling her on his lap and pinning her against his chest. She can feel his heat radiate on her back.

"Yeogi," he says, as he hands her a stapled set of papers.

She clears her throat and thumbs through the document. She scans the content quickly, acting like his touch isn't distracting her.

After a few moments of silence, Young Do asks. "How does it feel to have the sling off?"

She looks at him. His face is inches away from hers. "Fine," she says breathlessly. "Fine… may I write on this paper?"

"By all means," he says.

She stands up and secures a pen from his pen holder and starts scribbling away.

Hours and cold cups of coffee later, she and Choi Young Do have gathered up information that needs to be forwarded to the Human Resource and legal team to take to the union. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it can prevent the strike from happening. They've gotten the papers together, two hours earlier than the midnight deadline.

Both Choi Young Do and Cha Eun Sang sit on the soft leather couch. Both look haggard and tired.

"I expect to be given some kind of incentive for jumping into this mess," Cha Eun Sang teases, looking at him.

"I have a bank card with your name on it," he promises. He looks at her and smiles. "Kumapta. You didn't have to do this."

"But I was willing," she said. "Plus, it's the most exhilarating thing I've done in weeks. I've forgotten why I love this job."

"You mean you didn't do it for me?" he teases.

"Ani. I did it for the paper cuts," she says sarcastically as she wiggles her fingers at him. "Oh, we didn't even touch this. Are you hungry?"

"Let's go to the kitchen," he suggests. He holds out his hand for her to take.

She hesitates for a moment before taking his hand. With the other, she takes the bag from the table. They ride the elevator without saying a word. The elevator operator has long since taken off for the day.

The moment they reach the lobby, Cha Eun Sang lets go of his hand. He looks at her strangely before he tries to snatch her hand back.

"No," she whispers. "I don't want anyone scandalizing you."

"Why should I hide the fact I like spending time with you?" he queries. She can hear from his voice he is a little hurt.

"Hanbeonman, hmmm?" Just this once, she begs.

He rolls his eyes before walking a few steps in front of her. He's still coming down from the adrenaline rush. They working so well. Why is she all of a sudden so… professional? Before he realized what was happening, he finds himself pulling an apron from a metal locker.

The resident chef comes running into the kitchen to see what the commotion is about. "Sajangniym!"

Young Do holds a hand out indicating him to stop.

"I can cook for you," the chef offered, wringing his hands nervously.

"It's okay," he says to the chef. "I'd prefer doing this myself. Besides, I'm just heating up food."

The chef nods and walks backwards and away from the kitchen. Cha Eun Sang bites the inside of her cheek to prevent the smile from breaking on her lips.

He snatches the bag of food from her as he heats up the pan. He expertly puts a light coat of olive oil in the pan before heating the noodles. Without talking, he heats up the soup and the side vegetables in separate containers.

Then, he breaks out the china and plates the dishes. He pulls out silverware from a drawer and slams it next to her.

"Meokda," Eat, he instructs her.

"Please tell me you're not angry with me," Eun Sang says, her humor is quickly dissipating.

"I'm not," he says, as he plays with the noodles on his plate.

She reaches across the table to hold his hand. He pulls away before she gets to him.

Despite eating in silence, the chef walks in quietly, pushing a cart over to them. He pauses before them and leaves without saying a word. Wine in a bucket of ice, two goblets, and two servings of tiramisu lay on top of the crisp linen.

Cha Eun Sang's appetite is all but gone. Tonight was supposed to be the last night they're supposed to be together. She wanted to give him something of herself she never trusted to give to Kim Tan. But now… she's probably better off not continuing down that path.

"Noodles," he says all of a sudden.

"Hmm?" she replies in return.

"They always remind me of goodbyes," he states. He recalls the last meal they had before she left all those years ago.

Her utensils clink on the china. "I'm tired. I'm heading home."

"You're not going to have dessert? You didn't even eat your dinner."

"It's fine," she says, getting up. "Don't work too long, okay?"

"Eun Sang-i," he pleads. "Mianhada."

"Don't," she says. She's definitely ready to say her goodbyes. "Eat well."

He says nothing as she walks away. Maybe he was tired. Maybe he thought he was just really rushing this whole relationship thing. There was nothing wrong with her trying to make sure he's not going to be inundated with tabloid drama. She's had enough of that when she was with the Tans and she probably wouldn't like to be part of another circus act.

He picks up the dishes and discards the uneaten meal in the trash. Then, he washes the pots, pans, and dishes despite the chef telling him not to do it.

He needed to do the manual labor. He needs to clear his mind.

He just allowed her to walk away without even saying thank you. He didn't even see her off properly. He promises himself to make it up to her after tonight's debacle.

Once he gets back to his office, he notices a light blinking on his landline. Messages. He listens to them and responds to them accordingly. Before he realizes it, the morning sun is trying to break through the horizon.

Feeling accomplished, he snatches his suit jacket. 6:03. He should go home and apologize to Cha Eun Sang.

He drives home with a whistle on his lips. He'll take her out to breakfast and get her something nice for last night's help.

"Eun Sang-i!" he says in a sing-song voice as he enters the house. "Are you up?"

Silence greets him.

A smile breaks on his face as he closes the door behind him. He knocks on her bedroom door before turning the knob. "Cha Eun Sang? Are you still asleep?"

His heart drops when he looks at the kept bed. The sheets, freshly washed and folded, sit at the corner of the mattress. He runs into the adjoining bathroom. It's like she never stayed in the room!

His heart drops and cold sweat breaks on his forehead. No!

She said she's tired and is going home. This is home… or is it?

As his heart pounds against his ribs, he runs out to his car and drives the empty streets of Seoul like a madman escaping hell. He reaches his mother's cafe in less than twenty minutes.

"Eun Sang! Eun Sang!" he calls out the moment he enters the doors. The barista behind the counter is surprised.

He bounds the steps two at a time. He reaches her apartment and bangs against her door. "Open up, Cha Eun Sang, open up!"

The incessant rapping on the door is finally answered. He was about to scold her until he realizes the person who opened the door is a stranger.

"Where's Cha Eun Sang?" he demands.

"She left," the girl replies groggily. "Her flight left two hours ago."

He's already down the steps before she could close the door at him.

"Adeul, it's so early. Why are you yelling?" his mother asks as she emerges from the kitchen doors.

"Eomma, Cha Eun Sang left," he says, trying to control the anger raging inside of him. "I don't understand… I don't understand!"

As she sees a tear escape from the corner of his eye, his mother broke down crying. "Mianheyo, adeul. Mian. This is all my fault… ."