
Of course my soulmate's name had to be incredibly uncommon. You're probably wondering what's going on. I'm Link and I live in Skyloft. Here everyone is born knowing the name of their soulmate. Most of the time people have really common names and have to go through life figuring out which person with that name is their soulmate. My soulmate's name is Ghirahim. I mean, what kind of a name is that?! I know no one by that name. So therein lies the problem.

1) I live on a giant floating island in the sky so everyone knows each other.

2) Everybody knows each other's names!

There is no one on the island named Ghirahim, so sucks for me I guess...

~Third Person POV~

Link decides to go flying on his scarlet loftwing. He jumps off the nearest ledge and whistles for his bird to catch him. Together the pair lazily glides through the air, basking in the warm sun and simply enjoying being in the other's company.

"LINK!" Someone on Skyloft calls out to the loftwing.

Link whips his head in the direction the voice came from, taking his attention away from the direction he is going.

His bird runs into a smaller floating island and Link, distracted as he is, falls off his bird down towards the cloud layer. His loftwing is frantically trying to catch Link again, but is too slow and Link falls through the clouds towards the Surface below.

~Ghirahim's POV~

Hello, I''m Ghirahim. I currently reside on the Surface beneath the clouds. Don't ask why, I just like it more than the insufferable island filled with those chatty Hylians. However, I assume that my soulmate is one of them. No one on the Surface is named Link. It's also a slightly unique name that of which I approve. I mean there is no one with my name so I'll need an equally uncommonly named person to be my soulmate. Hopefully, my soulmate is not as irritating as the rest of the islanders. I couldn't stand it if my soulmate was in any way similar to them. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait until my soulmate figures out I'm not on the island with him.

~Third Person POV~

Almost as if his prayers had been answered, Ghirahim hears a loud squawking sound. Looking towards the source of the racket, he sees a small speck falling from the sky. Sighing, Ghirahim snaps his fingers to slow Link's fall and starts walking in the direction of the falling Link.

Link, confused as to why he is now floating to the ground instead of free-falling, surveys the Surface below. He spots a white and red figure walking in his direction.

Ghirahim arrives at the area that Link will land and watches as the bewildered Link touches his feet to the ground. "Why, hello there," he purrs softly towards the blond in front of him.

"W-who are you?" Link questions curiously. "Why are you on the Surface and not on Skyloft?"

"I'm Ghirahim. I live down here because I cannot stand the residents of that infernal island. Too chatty." he winks cheekily. Link stiffens, a million thoughts running through his mind.

~Link's POV~

His name is Ghirahim! He's my soulmate. Oh goddesses, what do I do?! I guess I just introduce myself and hope for the best.

~Third Person POV~

Ghirahim watches Link, curious as to why a blush is forming on the boy's face. He thinks, "What happened? Hmm, this is curious." He walks closer to the frozen boy and asks, "What is your name, handsome?" shooting Link another wink.

"I-I'm L-link." Great! I stuttered. I'm gonna look like an idiot.

"Hmm... That's my soulmate's name. You wouldn't happen to have a soulmate named Ghirahim, would you?" Ghirahim smirks happily knowing he just found his soulmate.

Link looks down, face a bright scarlet. "I do..." Link mumbles, blushing further (if you can believe it) at the reminiscence of wedding vows.

"I didn't quite catch that." Ghirahim stated, smirking triumphantly at Link.

"I do have a soulmate named Ghirahim." Link says louder.

"Ah. Just as I thought. I've been waiting for you, sky child."

"Me too, Ghira." Link smiles, blue eyes sparkling.

"Ghira? Hmm, I like it." Ghirahim smiles at his nickname.

Ghirahim quickly grabs Link's hand and starts walking in the direction of his house. After a few minutes, Link asks, "Where are we going, Ghira?"

"My house. Did you think we'd be living in the clearing where you fell?"

"Well, I hadn't thought about it..." Link sheepishly replies. Ghirahim snorts, having expected that to be the answer.

A large house rises in the distance, smoke gently curling from the chimney. Ghirahim walks over to open the door for Link, inviting him to go in first. The first thing Link sees is a lavish living area mostly decorated in shades of purple, white, and red. He is led over to a grey loveseat. Ghirahim gestures for Link to sit down before doing so himself. Link hesitates before leaning lightly against Ghirahim's side. Ghirahim firmly wraps his arm around Link's waist before gently pressing a kiss into Link's hair, smiling faintly.

Link blushes deeply, looking shyly into Ghirahim's onyx eyes. He finds himself frozen, captivated by those vibrant orbs. Ghirahim leans forward and Link finds himself doing the same. Link's eyes slip shut before their lips touch.

~Link's POV~

This is everything I expected it to be and more. Everybody talks of that first kiss between soulmates. Fireworks don't even begin to describe the electricity connecting us. I feel Ghirahim comb his fingers through my hair, adding to the sensations. After a moment, but too soon for my liking, we separate, panting softly. I find myself wrapped in his arms and his face in my hair.

"That was amazing." I whisper, snuggling into his embrace.

I feel him nod and hear him take a deep breath. "I'm glad we found each other, sky child." Ghirahim mumbles.

"Me too, Ghira~" I say back.

Now we're not the most conventional couple. But I know I've found the place my heart belongs.

~Ghirahim's POV~

I don't know what the future may hold, but I'm glad I currently have my soulmate, my sky child, my Link.