If any of you don't know I ship Soriel but won't push it in this fanfic, due to possible wars coming in towards me in waves :)

I finally have a profile so if you want to learn stuff about me, go right ahead.

Thanks for all these follows, favorites, and reviews! All of you make my heart feel all warm and fuzzy inside haha!



"As you all may know, the history between us and monsters has always been rather, well, shaky." Our new history teacher was of all people, the man who had a grudge against the monsters.

"As you all know, the monstrosity that I saw that day, holding one of our own, lifeless in it's arms, made us furious." He continued on.

Frisk made a face, but hid it behind their hand.

Everyone seemed to glance at them every two seconds, worried that they would grow another eye or something.

The teacher looked right at me, as he said, "And someone brought them back to torture humanity all over again."

The whole class turned to look Frisk's way, as they glared daggers towards him. Standing up in their seat, they looked bravely towards the teacher, practically whispering something.

"What did you say?" He snorted and gave them a questioning look.

"I said, that's not true, you… Idiot!" The bell rang signaling the end of the day, as they ran outside to where Sans was standing, surprised at the sudden jolt of energy Frisk usually didn't have after school.

"Woah, kid. You alright there?" They whispered that they'd explain on the way, and put their hand in his, and walked towards home.

A few minutes had passed, and quietly telling the skeleton everything, he just grinned more proudly.

"Yeesh, didn't know you had that in ya, kiddo." Frisk just smiled back at him, as they came across the same old purple colored door, where Papyrus and Toriel were waiting.

Toriel had taken the day off today, for some reason, and Papyrus was always home unless he was cooking with Undyne, or watching anime with Alphys.

"My child, you are home already?" She was wearing her normal purple and white attire, but had an apron covered over it.

She picked Frisk up, and held them in her arms, as they giggled quietly.

No matter how old they would grow to be, being close to Toriel made them feel happy, and warm inside.

"Since I am home today, I decided to make your favorite… Butterscotch pie! I know how much you all like it, and I made enough for multiple people! Dinner is cooking as well, if you want to call some others to have them for a meal first too. Tell them we have special pie, and some lasagna."

Toriel brought out the huge pie, and they decided to call up almost everyone, even Asgore - without telling Toriel of course - and ask them to come over.

Frisk got their cell phone out in their room, and called everyone over.

Alphys and Undyne of course were always free, and Mettaton and Napstablook were bored out of their minds for something to do.

They finally called Asgore, and he seemed reluctant at first, but ended up happily agreeing, with some of their great persuasion.

Ever since everyone came up from the underground to the surface, Asgore had isolated himself away from anyone, but ended up putting Flowey in a pot, and bringing him too.

Frisk was the only one who knew this, though they wouldn't be surprised if even the former king couldn't keep a secret for too long.

Conveniently, everyone piled in at once, except for Asgore. They were pleased with this, and sat on the couch by the door, waiting for someone nobody knew was coming.

Mettaton did all the talking while they waited, and everyone had a good laugh.

Sans had some pie puns ready, and made Papyrus almost spill his lasagna he made with Toriel onto himself.

"Hey kid, you gonna come over and eat with us, or are you going to keep waiting for your invisible friend to walk through the-" All of a sudden there was knocking, and Frisk opened the door, grinning with a small wave.

"Door…" The skeleton continued, whipping around to see Toriel's expression change dramatically.

"H-howdy, everyone!" The retired king walked in, holding a sleeping Flowey in a small pot in his hand.

"King Asgore!" Undyne shot up from her seat, and then sat back down in awe, sitting straighter than usual.

"Dreemurr." Toriel said, a blank expression on her face.

"Oh, hello there, T-Toriel…" He stuttered, and smiled, looking away from her.

She sighed, and looked around at everyone at the table.

"Did any of you here invite him? Or did you just show up here, smelling pie?" She looked up at Asgore again, who just looked down at Frisk, who was already at the table, a sort of happy, but guilty facial expression.

"Well, this one here called me, and convinced me to come over. I thought… I thought you had forgiven me." Asgore sighed loudly, sitting down at the far end of the table, away from his ex-wife. "I guess I was mistaken."

She sighed again, and looked back at Frisk, who shrugged back. "My child, you are too kind sometimes."

Sans snorted, and Undyne scratched her arm, for some odd reason.

Everyone dug in, after the few moments of silence, and devoured the whole dish in only a few minutes.

"Man, Papyrus, you've gotten better! Nice job Toriel!" Undyne seemed proud of her apprentice for learning to actually make something edible.

"Yes, she is right, darling! It must've tasted exquisite!" Mettaton said, like he had just eaten some too.

Napstablook just nodded their head, and would've agreed too, but just didn't say anything. It wasn't like he could eat physical things anyways.

"U-Undyne is right! It d-did taste great! Better than l-last time!"

"I knew it wouldn't be long before my amazing cooking talent would pay off! Nothing can get past the great Papyrus! Nyeh heh heh!" He was blushing somehow, but no one questioned it, and Sans seemed to be grinning more than usual.

"I always knew you could do it in thyme, bro." His brother scolded him again, as Toriel went out to grab a knife to cut her homemade pie.

She cut it carefully, and she was right, there was enough for everyone who could eat, to get a good sized slice.

Everyone thanked her for the meal, and sat down and ate their slices slowly, savoring the sweet taste of her pie.

They all finished soon enough though, full, but happy.

Undyne and Alphys left first, claiming they had some sort of Japanese clock to build.

Mettaton and Napsta left soon after, thanking everyone for inviting the two of them over.

Sans fell asleep on the couch, and Papyrus told everyone he would leave them alone.

Frisk stayed put, and tried to make simple conversation, succeeding as they slowly let the two of them talk amongst themselves.

Hopefully Toriel would at least forgive the poor guy, as they left the room to go check on Flowey, who was assumed to be still sleeping.

He still was for some reason, and was quietly breathing in and out.

They gently patted him, and left the room, with the lights turned off behind them.