*cut to news reporter*

"This is a tragedy. Simply put. Eight thousand nine hundred and seventy two people dead. Countless others injured. Just three weeks ago the city of Brumsmada was bombed in a heinous terrorist attack. A league of arsonists getting their revenge when a group of bounty hunters turned one of their men into police custody.

No news has been released about the whereabouts of these arsonists, or the bounty hunters that sparked this travesty.

But a new video has come forward. As cleanup crews found a recording still intact from an ATM machine professionals believe was used as a weapon during the attack.

*cut to image of street. Felix is seen fighting and shooting four arsonists in the background. Before five shots go off. One falls to the ground. Suddenly Californias face is clearly seen. Her eyes narrow at the camera and suddenly the background view turns and falls as the machine is lifted and moved.

Then the world around spins as the ATM flies through the sky. For a brief moment, an arsonists face briefly flashed before a spurt of blood covers the camera and everything fizzes out.*

This is the only clue authorities have of what actually took place the day of the attack. As all other evidence was destroyed immediately in the ensuing flames. This is Dylan Andrews, saying-" "Sirus will you turn that crap off?" Locus grumbles.

I turn an look at him. His foot was up in a cast. He'd fractured his ankle in the bombing.

Mason nods, "sure thing. Man they just keep beating that one Clip into the dirt dont they?"

I nod and stand. "They need to stop. Because if my face gets back to Freelancer, they might come looking for me."

Everyone goes quiet in the room. Megan And Mason were sitting together on a couch. Locus was resting alone on a love seat, Tank was in the floor with the two kids. Felix was out getting food.

"Fuck you're right." Mason grumbles.

Megan elbows him in the stomach and points to the kids. He laughs halfheartedly. "Sorry."

"I'M HOOOMMEE"! Felix announces happily. Kicking open the door. I blush and escape the room before I have to look at him.

Things were- awkward.

With Locus. We just fucked. That was it. No emotional connection. It was just stress relief. When Felix had kissed me- okay.. When I'd kissed him. It scared me.

Because I meant it.

It terrified me, because I realized I was capable of loving someone other Than Washington. I felt dirty. Ashamed. I felt as though I had betrayed his memory with that kiss.

But most of all. I was scared it would go farther than just a kiss with Felix. And that I'd just get hurt again.

I walked to the bathroom and shut the door.

I know its futile. That I can't avoid Him forever. I'm going to have to face him eventually.

My hand goes up to my right collar bone. Where Washington was tattooed elegantly across the surface. "What do I do David?" I whisper in vain.

Hoping that some kindof answer would suddenly come to me.

But no. I was still standing here, still clueless an scared.

three knocks suddenly rapped on the door. I jump and let out a shriek.

So deep in thought, I totally missed the footsteps. "Hey California? You okay? I brought Chinese takeout."

"Oh uh- okay! Thanks! I'll be out in a few."

"Great! We're watching indiana Jones!"

I let my head thump back into the door as I hear his footsteps retreat.





1 week. Later




I was seated at the bar in the kitchen. Drinking a glass of troomoo chocolate milk. Sirus was arguing on the phone with Megan.

"I know I know! -Babe please!- I understand. I didn't know she'd cancel!- well I certainly didn't plan on it!- Meg, honey of course I want to!- Do not accuse me of that- I'll forgive you because you're pregnant and hormonal.- Yeah yeah later!- look I'll try to figure something out.-I know you have, I've been looking forward to it too. -I love you.-mmmmm I love you more- mm mm no you don't. Alright go- go away you dork. X o x o."

He clicks his phone screen an groans. "Ugh". he face plants into the counter and grumbles a long loud fuck.

"Everything Alright Mason?" I ask softly. Licking a milk mustache off my lips.

"No. Meg and I have been planning a date for the past month, and because of the bombing our usual sitter canceled. And the reservation was over 500 bucks and ughhhhh she's gonna kill me."

"Sitter? What's that?" I ask. Sirus makes a face. "A babysitter?"

My face drops to one of horror. "Why would you want someone to sit on your kids?!"

Sirus starts laughing, making me more confused than before. "No no no! That's just the name! Like hot dogs aren't actually made with dogs!"

"You don't know that."

We both turn and see Felix in the room. Sitting on the back of the couch. "They put all kinds of crazy shit in hotdogs man. All kinds of shit."

Sirus rolls his eyes. "Anyway! Its just a person who is paid to watch your kids while you're gone."

My eyes widen an I let out an 'oh'. "Well you dont need someone for that I'll do it."

Sirus immediately perks Up. "Really! Oh my god Alexis you're a life saver!" He started jumping around happily. "YES YES YES!" His happiness made me smile. Felix made a noise and rolled backwards onto the couch.

"Ugh. lame. I was going to hang out with her."

My face immediately flushed bright red. Sirus spoke before I could. "Well you could always help. That way the when the kids ask for Dino nuggets Cal doesn't think they actually want Nuggets made of dinosaurs."

He jeered playfully at me. I shrunk lightly and groaned. "That only happened once!"

They both laughed. Felix purred, "Or how about the time when you thought football was a game played with an actual foot?"

"How about the time she thought a firefly was a fly made on fire?"

The two started laughing loudly. Me frowning all the while. Sirus laughed deeply an hugged me from the side. "oh its fine Cali. We're just giving you shit. So what do you say Felix?"

"Maybe. I might be busy that night." he says with a smirk an. glance at me. I make a confused face but before I can question it Sirus voice chimes, "Megan! Baby, guess who volunteered to babysit for us!"




I stood awkwardly outside the door as Megan and Mason shouted instructions at me.

He was dressed nicely in a suit with a purple striped tie. she wore a long blue dress with a red purse clutched in her hand. I don't believe they were shouting intentionally. But in their hurry they were.

"Alright, Ian needs to take his medication before bed. Make sure you check his mouth to make sure he swallowed it. And Elaine likes to fall asleep in the bathtub so you have to watch her. No sodas after 8:30. And they have to split one. Make sure that they both eat all their dinner. If they fight send them to the box of shame. And-"

The instructions went on an on for a good five minutes. Before Masons eyes widened and he dragged Megan to the car. "Honey we gotta go!"

"Bye California! Take good care! Call me if anything goes wrong at all!"

I smile and wave. "Certainly!"

As I look back at the threshold Ian an Elaine stand there. Heads slightly tilted looking at me with evil glares.

"Hey Tiger lady."

"Ready to have some fun?"




I was a soldier.

I am a highly trained killer.

I follow orders to a tee.

I have endless patience.

I am the perfect soldier.

I will not murder Masons children.

I will not murder Masons children.


At the moment they were screaming inconsolably. Ian ripped out some of Elaine's hair, and now they both want me to go get soda an candy.







The children froze and ran screaming from the room at the sound of the door bell.

I groan an stand to get it. My hair falling into my face from when Elaine decided she should rip mine out to fix hers.

I peer through the peep hole and see Felix standing there holding some bags. Whistling.

Awkwardness forgotten I open the door. "Oh thank god. You have to help me! I've killed over 200 people but I can't deal with these children!"

I cry out as I open the door.

He chuckles and reaches out to my face. Brushing a strand of hair from my eyes. "Shhh its okay. You're night in shining orange an black armor is here."

Suddenly screams of children reappear as the two kids run back into the living room.

"Make them stop." I wine to him.


He bellows loudly. His voice dropping so low, I couldn't help but stare in shock.

It was sexy.

They both plop down into the floor sitting nicely. "No Sir Felix." They chime.

He smiles. "Good. now who wants ice cream?!" Pulling out two small tubs of strawberry ice cream.

Their faces light up in happiness.




We're all sitting on the couch. Elaine Passed out lying on my lap. Ian by Felixs booted feet. Felix scrolling through the stuff on TV.

I glance down at my phone. It read 10:23.

"Hey Isaac? Its late. I think I should put the kids to bed."

He looks up. "Oh shit. Let's just tell Sirus we put em up at nine thirty. Kay?"

I giggle lightly at his tone. He purses his lips. "What?" He asks amused.

I shake my head. "Nothing, nothing."

Rolling his eyes he stands and lifts The little eight year old boy from his feet. Carrying him into his bedroom.

I lift The little five year old girl from my lap and carry her to her own.

I have to step carefully over the assorted items littering the floor. Toys Felix had told me.

I lay her in her bed carefully and cover her up.

As I turn to leave I spot Felix watching from the doorway.

"Hey." I greet quietly.

"Well hey." He responds smirking. I roll my eyes and shut the door gently.

When I turn back around I jump slightly, seeing as Isaac is painfully close to me.

"So are we ever going to talk about it, or are you going to keep ignoring me?" he asks firmly.

I swallow. "Um, talk about what?" I ask. My mind races to think of anything to get us off this topic.

"Uh hey are you hungry? Because I'm starving.. Wanna order pizza?"

He makes a face. His eyebrows narrowing. "Yeah. Sure. I'll go get some."

He turns and walks down the hall to grab his coat.

I swallow lightly. Feeling bad for dodging him. And feeling worse-because I really wanted to kiss him again.




It started raining soon after he left. And only got worse as time progressed.

Soon it was a full fledged thunder storm. Rain coming down in sheets.

I watched the lightning from the window. Absolutely enthralled by it, mesmerized. When a rapid knocking at the door stole my attention.

I rush to open it. And stifle a giggle at the sight before me. Felix, drenched in water, his coat wrapped around the pizza boxes to protect them

The freezing winter air blowing past him and striking me in the face.

"Jesus Felix! Get inside!" I shout. Dragging him in by his collar.

"Heh bowchikabowow." He mumbles.

I make a face and take the pizza from him but stop as his ice cold hand touches mine.

"Oh my God, you're gonna get sick. Come here!"

I lay the pizza on the living room table and drag him into the laundry room.

He was trying to hide it but he was shivering. "Give me your clothes." I demand, opening the dryer. Megan had recently shown me how to use it.

He nods. Shaking. I notice the tip of his nose is a light blue color. I frown and watch as he undresses.

Had it not been for my worry of his wellbeing I wouldve been checking him out.

He was well WELL built. Let's leave it at that.

"Alright go lay on the couch. And grab a blanket." I order. As I throw his clothes in the dryer.

His arms were wrapped tightly around his frame as he walked away.

I did however check out his tight ass.

With his clothes in the dryer I walked back to him on the couch.

I knew from the freelancer school what to do for frost bite.

I crawled under the blankets with him. Even though he was naked I tried putting it out of my mind. Pressing my hot skin to his ice skin.

I did run at a couple degrees hotter than most.

He gasps at the contact and brings himself closer to me.

"Holy shit you're warm!" He Chitters. I smile lightly. "I know."




Two hours later

We were watching a movie. Eating pizza. And still wrapped up together.

He was back to his full warmth. And his clothes were dry. But we'd just forgotten at this point.

"Oh Romeo! Why must it be this way! I love you!"

"I know Juliet. But- its our families. They keep us apart."

"But- Romeo. I'm here. Now. Touching you. What is to keep us apart but for our own thoughts and minds."

"Juliet i-"

"No! Take me romeo! Take me here, and now. Make me a Montegue! And let nothing keep us apart!"

*moaning and kissing noises*

I blush as I watch the quickly growing more heated scene. Becoming more and more aware of Felix pressed close beside me.

Suddenly the TV goes silent. He paused it.

I gulp. Knowing what's coming.

"What is to keep US apart California? Hmm?"

"Felix please I-" I started to make an excuse but he cut me off.

"No Alexis! What? What is it? You kissed me! Okay? It was mutual we made out! And now you're avoiding me! So what is it?! Is It Locus?"

"No." I whisper quietly. He makes a face an pushes away from me slightly. "What is it then? Tell me! Because I deserve to know."

I look up at his burning green eyes. Filled to the brim with emotion. "There isn't anything... I'm just scared Isaac."

His face drops. "What? Scared- i- Alexis. What are you scared of? Are you scared of me? I promise! I'll never EVER hurt you-" I cut him off. "No Felix. Its not that." I look down an suddenly find the pizza box very interesting.

He pauses. And suddenly his fingers close around my chin an lift my face up.

I look away.

"Please California. Look at me. What are you scared of."

I feel a tear well in my eye as I look up at him.

"I'm scared- of letting go of Wash." I finally admit.

He pauses and suddenly his cool lips are pressed to mine. Unmoving. Just held there. I could feel every peice an inch of them. They say the world melts away. In reality, it zooms in. It zooms in on everything. On the feel of his breath lightly ghosting over my face. My heart hammering away in my chest. Of the slow pulse of the blood in his lips.

Slowly they begin moving on mine. Pulling and sucking on my lips sandwiched between his. Before he pulls away.

"Was that scary?" He asks after s monent. His voice hoarse.

I look down an shake my head.

He chuckles. "You dont have to let him go. All I'm asking is that you let me in too."

I look up shocked. That- that was almost exactly what I needed to hear.

And in seconds I had lunged forward and pressed our lips together again.

He let's out a surprised grunt as he tried to match my eagerness. My hands fell to his chest. His rose to my hair to dig in and grab on tight.

Before suddenly he had me pushed down into the couch. His lean body held over mine as we both rushed to get my shirt off.

Finally it was gone, tossed away to land on an empty pizza box. He looked down at my body with a smirk. And look of lust in his eyes.

"try not to wake up the kids." He muttered as his face fell towards my crotch.