
Chapter Text

It had been almost six months since Bucky's epiphany and things were looking up. With Pietro's help Bucky had developed a system to help with his healthy eating. He, Steve, and Nat sat down each week before going grocery shopping and wrote out two options for dinner each night. Depending on Bucky's mood, he would pick which option suited him that day.

Bucky was busy cleaning the kitchen for Nat. Tonight was spaghetti and meatballs. A good day. He had gained almost twenty pounds and didn't feel bad about it. He'd even gone down to purging once every other week. Steve came in moments after he started, looking happier than a lark. He swept Bucky off his feet, spinning him in the air. He kissed him deeply.

"Hello my sweet Bucky Bear"

"Hi darling, why are you so happy?"

"You'll never believe what happened"


"Tony's new girlfriend, Pepper Potts, she owns an art gallery and she wants me to show my work. She even bought some of my paintings. Look"

He handed Bucky a check. Bucky's jaw dropped.

"$35,000?! That's incredible!"

"I know. We can get our own place. And even better"

He pulled a black box out of his pocket. Bucky stared at him dumbfounded. Steve got down on his knee and opened it, revealing a beautiful silver ring.

"James Barnes, will you marry me?"

Bucky's eyes welled with tears. He didn't trust his voice. He nodded, feeling overjoyed. Steve got up, wrapping his arms around Bucky's neck and kissing him deeply. He slipped the ring on Bucky's finger. He held it to the light, marveling at its weight. He let out a happy sob. In the past year he went from a sickly, bulimic loser with nothing to live for to a healthy, happy man. He had learned so much from Steve. He learned how to live again.

"Steve, I-I'm so happy" he cried.

"Me too, baby. I love you so much"

"I love you more. You've helped me grow so much. I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for you"

"It wasn't just me babe. You had a hand in it too"

"I know but, you helped me learn and grow"

"It was always in you darling"

It had been a long, bumpy road and it wasn't over yet. But, Bucky knew as long as he had Steve and his friends in his corner he could take everything life threw at him.