A/N: This was my second story (although my first story I wrote like three years ago). It is a story I had to do for school but I know I did an Olicity fic based off of this. I try to make my stories have God in some way. Just a thing I have to do to repay God for the mind and ideas He gave me. So yeah, please Read and Review, but most of all ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Even though it's a school story it's still God's.

Chaos, overwhelming chaos surrounds me. Flashing lights illuminate the eerie darkness like a strobe light, screaming sirens echoed all around me, people are running back and forth yelling like it's the end of the world. Maybe it is. I, I can't tell. Everything hurts, my head is on fire, and all I see are blurs that make me nauseous. It's too much, I can't move, I can't focus, I can't br-

Then I see her. I can breathe again. Just seconds ago I was drowning in chaos and now the relief, is so sweet, so her. It doesn't last long, because the more I stare at her the more I notice what's completely and horribly, wrong. The woman who

was so full of life, my life, resembled a victim of death. Her hair that flowed like rivers of shining copper was now rusted strands covered in blood, her blood. The deep scarlet of her blood appeared to mix into her skin as it ran down her face. Making her skin similar to a dry red barren plain, dry and lifeless. Her eyes that used to be my beautiful dark solid brown were now seas of murky mud. I had to touch her. I had to make sure this was only a nightmare, because it was. This was only a nightmare.

It wasn't. When I touch her reality falls upon me. The broken glass and the asphalt of the road made an appearance. The chaos started to make sense, there was a car accident. I don't remember anything about it though. Not the how or the why. But the fear of losing her right now was suffocating me. The warmth of her blood immensely contrasted with the continuing coolness of her skin. She was dying. I was going to lose her. I was going to lose the comfortable silences, the passionate arguments, the cute rambles, the security of her eyes, the gentle touches, the savory kisses, the promises of happiness, everything. My breath increases exponentially with this revelation. My sight becomes fuzzy and I didn't know if it was because of the tears falling or the shortness of breath. I don't care. I would rather die than lose her.

"God, please!" I gasp as my head fell to her chest. Then I hear it. A slow steady heart beat, the lullaby I had listened to for the past month after our wedding had become my beacon of hope."Catherine! Catherine! Please hold on, please." I beg her as I hold her porcelain head in my hands. "Someone help please, someone!" No one was paying attention to us, to her. I can't help but think how she could easily capture a room of people with her glistening smile, but right now, she's not smiling. "I'm going to get someone, I promise." I was going to get up but something told me if I left her I would never see her again. I can't lose her, not now. "Someone HELP!" I scream, and yell over and over. Finally a paramedic comes. I move out of the paramedics way, still touching Catherine, so he could examine her.

He tells the people, who start coming towards us like frantic bees, some medical gibberish and other things. The only thing I hear and understand between these frantic bees is "Lost lots of blood…...low pulse…...might not make it." Everything becomes unbearably slow and fast all at the same time. People move like blurs but they aren't going anywhere, they aren't helping her. Every second that passes her chest seems to move less and less. In a way it was like riding a carousel. Everything is moving so fast until that one person is visible, and every cycle of the carousel is a game to find that one person. Yet the carousel moves so fast that a rider gets dizzy and time is all jumbled until they see that one person again. Catherine is my focal point. If I lose sight of her, I lose myself. She's dying, but I need her now more than I ever did before.

I can't remember how we got to the hospital, but by the time I realize we are there the doctors were already rolling her to the ER. We are bathed in a pale light. The pale light made her look like a beauty that was tainted by the harsh blood red world. "Hold on Catherine. Just hold on." I plead. I was next to her, watching her breathe, praying that each one she took wasn't the last one. I catch sight of her sister screaming Catherine's name and chasing us as we went to the ER, but I am too focused on the doctor's frantic looks and serious faces as they discuss my Catherine's life. I know if Catherine was conscious she would joke about how doctors were just life businessmen. Every life was a customer and every life lost was a lost customer, but now the joke isn't that funny. Now the customer isn't just a random life, it's hers.

I follow her the best I can, always touching her. If I don't touch her she looks dead. When I am touching her I can feel her life. Her small spark of life gives me hope when all I hear from the doctors is that there's a slim chance, extensive surgery, and worst of all, the word fatal. Nurses start to block me from her. I want to fight and scream at them. I can't leave her side. Then I see her face, bruised and covered in blood. With medical equipment in and on her face. She looks so frail. I realize I'm completely useless. When I need her and she needs me we're both completely useless to each other.

I solemnly walk into the waiting room. I hate that word: wait. Wait for what, the satisfaction of her being alive or the depression of her death? The waiting room is supposed to give off this cozy, calm atmosphere, but all I feel is hopelessness, helplessness, anger, and alone. I start pacing around the room. Catherine always did say that I paced chasms when I was worried. I see her sister on the phone sobbing talking to their parents probably. I know I should do something but, I can't focus on what's going on. All I see is Catherine. I see her stumbling into the coffee shop last year, a clumsy angel, hair escaping a loose ponytail, glasses halfway off her face, white and green floral pink dress. She was rambling how her publisher couldn't understand what kids was so caught up in her rambling that she almost spilled the coffee I was serving to her. That was the day I decided to start something with her. That something eventually turned into a life with her, forever, but forever seemed to be shorten now. I can't help but think that even when her face is a picture death that she still looks just as much of an angel now as she did back then. Angel, Catherine believes in a higher power, maybe just maybe.

"God, please, please save her. Please..."

The hospital was a bright pastel green with blue chairs and cream colored blinds. In one of those chairs sat Catherine's sister waiting for Catherine to wake up. Catherine's light brown hair is shining in the light as it's strewn across her pillow. Her mocha skin full of life. Catherine starts to stir. Her sister rushes to her aid excitedly. Catherine awoke in pain but she oddly felt at peace.

"What happened?" She wonders.

"Do you remember anything?" Her sister asks softly. Catherine scrunches her forehead in a vain effort. She realizes that she only remembers hazy visions since talking to her new husband in the car.

"The last thing I remember clearly was talking to Sean in the car. We, we were returning from our honeymoon" Catherine's sister sighs sadly.

"There was a car accident. A drunk driver was the on the highway and you guys were hit. You suffered a concussion, a spinal injury, and possibly whiplash. You barely survived. In the surgery to fix your spinal injury you were touch and go. But the doctors did find some good news." Catherine's sister gives a small smile.

"What news?" Catherine asked curiously.

"You're pregnant." Her sister exclaims as Catherine gasps.

"You're just a couple of weeks in. The doctors said was a miracle that both you and the child survived. They theorized that it was because you were only in the beginning term but they were clearly baffled." Catherine and her sister's faces began to light up with a smile.

"This, that, oh my! Sean is going to be ecstatic. Or he probably already is. Speaking of, where is he? Did he get so excited that he went to get everything in the apartment ready? That's something he would do. I mean when we first met he told me the whole menu of the coffee shop, Always the over preparer. I'm kind of upset that he's not here especially since we just finished our honeymoon-"

"Catherine, what are you talking about?" Her sister asks incredulously.

"I think I have these hazy memories of coming in the hospital. Which was weird because I don't remember the pain, I just remember faces. Anyway, Sean was following me and he looked so broken. But now I know he's fine. Right? Where is Sean?" Catherine fearfully rambles. Her sister castes her eyes downwards. "What's the matter? Where's Sean?" Catherine asks warily.

"Catherine, you couldn't have seen Sean. When the police arrived at the scene, he was already dead."