Hi guys, this is my first fanfic in quite a while and I'm pretty rusty! I've had it sitting in my drafts for a long time and recently decided to bring it back to life. :) This is set in season 3 in the prison, after Lori's death but before they encounter the Governor. Oh, and the title is from Emily Kinney's song "Last Chance". Yeah, hope you like it - feel free to leave some reviews if you feel inclined! Thanks.

He didn't know what it was about her, but she was magnetic. There was something captivating in her sweet little smile tucked behind golden hair, her lilting voice that sang softly when she thought no one was around to hear, the way her hips moved as she paced back and forth through, rocking Judy to sleep. She commanded his attention without realizing it.

She's fucking seventeen, for Christ's sake.

Rick had just recently started to come back to his senses, shake off the ghosts that had been plaguing him after Lori's death. Although they were already estranged, her sudden death had been devastating to him. He couldn't even look at Judith for weeks without breaking down. If Beth hadn't been there to pick up the pieces and take over in the midst of the chaos, Rick didn't know how any of them would have made it.

Beth Greene. The sweet, dreamy farmer's daughter full of unyielding hope and optimism. She haunted his thoughts more than he cared to admit. During the day, it was easy for him to busy himself with whatever needed to be done to maintain the prison - and there was always something. But at night, alone in his cell, he closed his eyes and thoughts of her often crept in - the sound of her laughter, the color of her bright eyes, the scent of her lavender shampoo ...

Since his group had first met the Greene family, he'd always regarded her and her sister Maggie fondly, but innocuously. Despite his separation from Lori, it had never crossed his mind to look at another woman in the same way - not that he'd even had time to stop and think about finding romance. But one day, after things started settling down, she'd caught his attention as she sat alone on the prison stairs, holding a sleeping Judith tenderly and leaning down to plant a kiss on her forehead. He stood there watching the two thoughtfully, and she looked up and smiled, locking eyes with him. Rick's heart swelled for the first time in a very long time, and right then, it was like he'd seen Beth for the first time. Since that moment, she hadn't quite left his mind, no matter how much he tried to shut down the thoughts and treat her as a kid, as just another member of the group.

Rick was sitting by himself in the prison cafeteria, pensively staring at his bowl of cereal with powdered milk, gripping a plastic spoon in his calloused hands and absentmindedly stirring his cornflakes. His thoughts wandered, and he didn't notice the clicking of boots behind him.


Startled, Rick turned around to see Beth approaching him with a shy smile, Judith gurgling in her arms. He didn't quite know what to say back, suddenly dumbstruck.

"Good…. good morning," he finally mumbled in return. He stroked Judith's cheek with his thumb, still finding it difficult to fully embrace her. It was too soon, too painful, the way he could see Lori's features mimicked perfectly in her tiny face.

"Little girl here is an early riser. Guess she wanted to see what was goin' on. I fed her already, now I guess we're gonna take a walk and go sight-seeing." Beth chuckled and patted Judith's back. "Just wanted to let her see her daddy for a bit, and make sure you were okay."

He gave a noncommittal shrug in response. "I'm alright."

It suddenly dawned on Rick that Beth had been his daughter's main caretaker (and yes, she was his daughter, no matter what) from the time she was born. The others fawned over her and helped feed and change her, but they all simply seemed to have more pressing matters at hand. Yet she'd been a constant presence. "Beth," he asked carefully, "did anyone ask you to look after Judy?"

She looked a bit surprised by the question. "Well, no, but I… I love kids, I'm good with 'em, I figured this is how I could help out the most." She paused. "Why, do you… not want me to?"

"No!" he replied instantly, regretting the question. "No, that's not what I meant, I just… wanted to thank you. You didn't have to do all this, is all. It's awful selfless of you."

Beth peered at him curiously. "Rick, you saved my daddy's life. You've kept my family going, you've done so much for us. Let me return the favor." She reached out and touched his shoulder, a fond gesture that send a shock down his arm and made him flinch in surprise. She let it linger there for a second, and his heart pounded as he stared at her small, pale hand.

What the fuck are you thinking?!

He was a fucking cop! Not that anyone would be around to take away his badge, obviously - and seventeen was still legal in Georgia. But the glaring fact of her age, and the tarnished wedding band he still wore, made Rick feel shameful in the pit of his stomach. Not to mention that he was sure her father could still kick his ass with his one good leg. He felt guilt wash over him, and tried to think of anything else.

"Yeah, well," he grunted, shrugging her hand off and avoiding eye contact. "It's fine. Just think a seventeen year old shouldn't have to care for a fussy baby all day, that's all. I'm sure there are others who could take her off your hands sometimes."

"We've all got jobs to do, and this is mine. This is the best place for me."

Beth paused as a thought crossed her mind. "You know, Rick," she began, taking a step closer to him, and he looked up at her. She leaned in slightly, mouth close to his ear, and he felt his face quickly grow hot. "I'll be eighteen soon. My birthday's just a couple weeks away, if that calendar I've kept is right."

The way she said it wasn't entirely suggestive, but her husky tone implied that it wasn't entirely innocent either, at least not how he interpreted it. His breath caught in his throat and he just stammered in response like a fucking kid. She just grinned and walked away, humming and bouncing Judith on her hip. He just watched her until she disappeared from view, unable to avert his eyes, finally exhaling through his teeth and feeling his blood rush to his head. Goddammit.

Rick Grimes was one hundred percent sure that he was officially going to hell.